## test ODE parsing for syntax errors
# Test Parsing of models
badParse <- function(desc, code) {
test_that(desc, {
tmp <- normalizePath(tempfile(), mustWork = FALSE)
.rxWithSinkBoth(tmp, {
goodParse <- function(desc, code) {
test_that(desc, {
tmp <- normalizePath(tempfile(), mustWork = FALSE)
.rxWithSinkBoth(tmp, {
rx <- rxode2(code)
expect_s3_class(rx, "rxode2")
equivSyntax <- function(desc, code1, code2) {
test_that(desc, {
tmp <- normalizePath(tempfile(), mustWork = FALSE)
.rxWithSinkBoth(tmp, {
rx1 <- rxode2(code1)
rx2 <- rxode2(code2)
expect_equal(rxMd5(rx1)["parsed_md5"], rxMd5(rx2)["parsed_md5"])
badParse("incorrect d/dt operator", "d/dt(y = 1);")
## Statements don't require ; now.
"comments must be outside statements #1",
"d/dt(y) = 1 # bad comment;")
'missing end of statement ";" dosen\'t cause errors',
sep = "\n",
"d/dt(depot) = -ka * depot",
"d/dt(centr) = ka * depot - kout * centr;"))
"arithmetic syntax error",
sep = "\n",
"# comment, just to show error in line 3",
"d/dt(y) = -ka;",
"C1 = /y;"
## added ** operator
goodParse("existing operator **",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"d/dt(y) = -ka;",
"C1 = ka * y**2;"))
badParse("unexistent operator %",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"remainder = 4 % 3;",
"d/dt(y) = -ka;",
"C1 = ka * y;"))
desc = 'incorrect "if" statement',
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
" F = 1.0;",
"else {", # missing "}"'
" F = 0.75;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"))
desc = "illegal variable name (starting w. a digit)",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"F = 0.75;",
"12foo_bar = 1.0/2.0;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"))
desc = "dot in variable name (ini0)",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"F = 0.75;",
"foo.bar = 1.0/2.0;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"
desc = "dot in variable name in d/dt()",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"d/dt(y_1) = F * y;", # okay
"d/dt(y.1) = F * y;"
) # not okay
desc = "leading dot in variable name",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"F = 0.75;",
".foo.bar = 0.5;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"
desc = "leading dot in variable name (ini0)",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"F = 0.75;",
".foo.bar = 1.0/2.0;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"
desc = "leading dot in variable name in d/dt()",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"d/dt(y_1) = F * y;", # okay
"d/dt(.y.1) = F * y;"
) # not okay
desc = "leading dot in variable name",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"F = 0.75;",
".foo.bar = 0.5;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"))
desc = "Assignment with <<- not supported",
"d/dt(y_1) <<- F*y")
desc = "Assignment with <- supported #1",
"d/dt(y_1) <- F*y")
desc = "Assignment with <- supported #2",
"y_1(0) <- 1;d/dt(y_1) = F*y_1")
desc = "Assignment with <- supported #3",
"y_2 <- 1;d/dt(y_1) = F*y"
desc = "Assignment with <- supported #4",
"y_2 <- 1+7;d/dt(y_1) = F*y"
desc = "Assignment with <- supported #7",
"d/dt(y_1) = F*y; df(y_1)/dy(y_1) <- 0"
desc = "Defining df(var1)/dy(var2) where var1 is not a state variable.",
d/dt(y) = dy
d/dt(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)*dy - y
## Jacobian
df(y)/dy(dy) = 1
df(dy)/dy(y) = -2*dy*mu*y - 1
df(dy)/dy(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)
## Initial conditions
y(0) = 2
dy(0) = 0
## mu
mu = 1 ## nonstiff; 10 moderately stiff; 1000 stiff
desc = "Defining df(var1)/dy(var2) where var1 is not a state variable.",
d/dt(y) = dy
d/dt(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)*dy - y
## Jacobian
df(y)/dy(dy) = 1
df(dy)/dy(y) = -2*dy*mu*y - 1
df(dy)/dy(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)
## Initial conditions
y(0) = 2
dy(0) = 0
## mu
mu = 1 ## nonstiff; 10 moderately stiff; 1000 stiff
desc = "Defining df(var1)/dy(var2) where var1 is a state variable.",
d/dt(y) = dy
d/dt(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)*dy - y
## Jacobian
df(y)/dy(dy) = 1
df(dy)/dy(y) = -2*dy*mu*y - 1
df(dy)/dy(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)
## Initial conditions
y(0) = 2
dy(0) = 0
## mu
mu = 1 ## nonstiff; 10 moderately stiff; 1000 stiff
desc = "Defining df(var1)/dy(var2) where var2 is a variable.",
d/dt(y) = dy
d/dt(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)*dy - y
## Jacobian
df(y)/dy(dy) = 1
df(dy)/dy(y) = -2*dy*mu*y - 1
df(dy)/dy(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)
df(dy)/dy(mu) = (1-y^2)*dy
## Initial conditions
y(0) = 2
dy(0) = 0
## mu
mu = 1 ## nonstiff; 10 moderately stiff; 1000 stiff
desc = "Defining df(var1)/dy(var2) where var2 is a calculated value.",
d/dt(y) = dy
d/dt(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)*dy - y
## Jacobian
df(y)/dy(dy) = 1
df(dy)/dy(y) = -2*dy*mu*y - 1
df(dy)/dy(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)
df(dy)/dy(mu) = (1-y^2)*dy
## Initial conditions
y(0) = 2
dy(0) = 0
## mu
mu = 1+bad ## nonstiff; 10 moderately stiff; 1000 stiff
desc = "a*b/c^2",
desc = "a*b/c^2/d",
desc = "Transit as a compartment",
"d/dt(transit) = -(1/mtt) * transit
d/dt(depot) = (1/mtt) * transit - ka * depot
d/dt(center) = ka * depot - (cl/v1) * center - (q/v1) * center + (q/v2) * periph
d/dt(periph) = (q / v1) * center - (q / v2) * periph
cp = center / v1"
desc = "=+ parsing",
"C2 = +centr/V2;
C3 = peri/V3;
d/dt(depot) =-KA*depot;
d/dt(centr) = +KA*depot - CL*C2 - Q*C2 + Q*C3;
d/dt(peri) = Q*C2 - Q*C3;
d/dt(eff) = Kin - Kout*(1-C2/(EC50+C2))*eff;"
for (v in c("ii", "evid")) {
desc = sprintf("bad variables: %s", v),
sprintf("var=%s", v)
for (v in "tlast") {
desc = sprintf("good variables: %s", v),
sprintf("var=%s", v)
for (v in "abs") {
desc = sprintf("good functions: %s", v),
sprintf("var=%s(x)", v)
badParse(desc = "No duplicate dvid()", "a=b;dvid(1,2,3);dvid(3,4,5)")
badParse(desc = "Bad dvid(0)", "a=b;dvid(0);")
badParse(desc = "Bad dvid(0, 1)", "a=b;dvid(1,0);")
goodParse(desc = "THETA/ETA parsing", "a=THETA[1]+ETA[2];")
goodParse(desc = "Duplicate d/dt(x)", "d/dt(depot) = -depot*ka;\nd/dt(depot) = d/dt(depot)+0")
goodParse(desc = "Duplicate d/dt(x)", "d/dt(depot) ~ -depot*ka;\nd/dt(depot) = d/dt(depot)+0")
goodParse(desc = "Duplicate d/dt(x)", "d/dt(depot) = -depot*ka;\nd/dt(depot) ~ d/dt(depot)+0")
goodParse(desc = "pi Parse", "a = pi+e2")
for (v in c("f", "F", "alag", "lag", "rate", "dur")) {
sprintf("%s cannot depend on d/dt(state)", v),
sprintf("d/dt(depot)=-depot*ka;\nd/dt(central)=ka*depot-kel*central\n%s(depot)=d/dt(central)+3", v)
badParse(desc = "Using d/dt(x) before defined", "y=d/dt(x)+3")
desc = "Jacobain with theta and eta",
"d/dt(x)=(THETA[1]+ETA[1])*x\ndf(x)/dy(THETA[1]) = 1\ndf(x)/dy(ETA[1]) = 1\n"
for (v in c("f", "F", "alag", "lag", "rate", "dur")) {
sprintf("%s cannot depend on jacobain info", v),
sprintf("d/dt(x)=(THETA[1]+ETA[1])*x\ndf(x)/dy(THETA[1]) = 1\ndf(x)/dy(ETA[1]) = 1\n%s(x)=df(x)/dt(ETA[1])+3", v)
"mtime cannot depend on df(x)/dt(ETA[1])",
"d/dt(x)=(THETA[1]+ETA[1])*x\ndf(x)/dy(THETA[1]) = 1\ndf(x)/dy(ETA[1]) = 1\nmtime(z)=df(x)/dt(ETA[1])+3"
"mtime cannot depend on d/dt(x)",
"d/dt(x)=(THETA[1]+ETA[1])*x\ndf(x)/dy(THETA[1]) = 1\ndf(x)/dy(ETA[1]) = 1\nmtime(z)=d/dt(x)+3"
withr::with_options(list("rxode2.syntax.require.ode.first" = FALSE), {
"verbose output",
"d/dt(x) = -k*x"
"functional initialization ok",
"x(0) = y + 3\nd/dt(x) =-3*z"
## 'rate' and 'dur' can be data items, so they cannot be variables
## in an rxode2 model
for (var in c("alag", "f", "F")) {
sprintf("Parsing of %s as a variable and function work.", var),
sprintf("d/dt(x) = -k*x;%s(x) = %s;", var, var)
goodParse("x=ifelse(!matt,0,1)", "x=ifelse(!matt,0,1)")
goodParse("x=ifelse(!(matt),0,1)", "x=ifelse(!(matt),0,1)")
goodParse("x=ifelse((!matt),0,1)", "x=ifelse((!matt),0,1)")
goodParse("mix lincmt with lags etc", "popCl <- 1
popV <- 20
popKa <- 1
popVp <- 10
popQ <- 2
bsvCl <-0
bsvV <- 0
bsvKa <-0
bsvVp <- 0
bsvQ <-0
popKeo <- 1.4
bsvKeo <- 0
popE0 <- 0
popEmax <- 1
popEC50 <- 5
popGamma <- 1
bsvE0 <- 0
bsvEmax <- 0
bsvEC50 <- 0
cl ~ popCl * exp(bsvCl)
v ~ popV * exp(bsvV)
ka ~ popKa * exp(bsvKa)
q ~ popQ * exp(bsvQ)
vp ~ popVp * exp(bsvVp)
keo ~ popKeo * exp(bsvKeo)
popLagDepot <- 0
popLagCentral <- 0
popRateCentral <- 0
popDurCentral <- 0
bsvLagDepot <- 0
bsvLagCentral <- 0
bsvRateCentral <- 0
bsvDurCentral <- 0
alag(depot) <- popLagDepot * exp(bsvLagDepot)
alag(central) <- popLagCentral * exp(bsvLagCentral)
rate(central) <- popRateCentral * exp(bsvRateCentral)
dur(central) <- popDurCentral * exp(bsvDurCentral)
cp <- linCmt()
d/dt(ce) = keo*(cp-ce)
effect = E0 - Emax*(Ce^gamma)/((Ce^gamma)+(Ec50^gamma));")
withr::with_options(list("rxode2.syntax.require.ode.first" = TRUE), {
"Still cannot take undefined compartments",
"popCl <- 1
popV <- 20
popKa <- 1
popVp <- 10
popQ <- 2
bsvCl <-0
bsvV <- 0
bsvKa <-0
bsvVp <- 0
bsvQ <-0
popKeo <- 1.4
bsvKeo <- 0
popE0 <- 0
popEmax <- 1
popEC50 <- 5
popGamma <- 1
bsvE0 <- 0
bsvEmax <- 0
bsvEC50 <- 0
cl ~ popCl * exp(bsvCl)
v ~ popV * exp(bsvV)
ka ~ popKa * exp(bsvKa)
q ~ popQ * exp(bsvQ)
vp ~ popVp * exp(bsvVp)
keo ~ popKeo * exp(bsvKeo)
popLagDepot <- 0
popLagCentral <- 0
popRateCentral <- 0
popDurCentral <- 0
bsvLagDepot <- 0
bsvLagCentral <- 0
bsvRateCentral <- 0
bsvDurCentral <- 0
alag(depot) <- popLagDepot * exp(bsvLagDepot)
alag(central) <- popLagCentral * exp(bsvLagCentral)
rate(central) <- popRateCentral * exp(bsvRateCentral)
dur(central) <- popDurCentral * exp(bsvDurCentral)
dur(matt) <- 3
cp <- linCmt()
d/dt(ce) = keo*(cp-ce)
effect = E0 - Emax*(Ce^gamma)/((Ce^gamma)+(Ec50^gamma));"
badParse("cmt(depot) doesn't work with linCmt()", "popCl <- 1
popV <- 20
popKa <- 1
popVp <- 10
popQ <- 2
bsvCl <-0
bsvV <- 0
bsvKa <-0
bsvVp <- 0
bsvQ <-0
popKeo <- 1.4
bsvKeo <- 0
popE0 <- 0
popEmax <- 1
popEC50 <- 5
popGamma <- 1
bsvE0 <- 0
bsvEmax <- 0
bsvEC50 <- 0
cl ~ popCl * exp(bsvCl)
v ~ popV * exp(bsvV)
ka ~ popKa * exp(bsvKa)
q ~ popQ * exp(bsvQ)
vp ~ popVp * exp(bsvVp)
keo ~ popKeo * exp(bsvKeo)
popLagDepot <- 0
popLagCentral <- 0
popRateCentral <- 0
popDurCentral <- 0
bsvLagDepot <- 0
bsvLagCentral <- 0
bsvRateCentral <- 0
bsvDurCentral <- 0
alag(depot) <- popLagDepot * exp(bsvLagDepot)
alag(central) <- popLagCentral * exp(bsvLagCentral)
rate(central) <- popRateCentral * exp(bsvRateCentral)
dur(central) <- popDurCentral * exp(bsvDurCentral)
cp <- linCmt()
d/dt(ce) = keo*(cp-ce)
effect = E0 - Emax*(Ce^gamma)/((Ce^gamma)+(Ec50^gamma));")
badParse("cmt(central) doesn't work with linCmt()", "popCl <- 1
popV <- 20
popKa <- 1
popVp <- 10
popQ <- 2
bsvCl <-0
bsvV <- 0
bsvKa <-0
bsvVp <- 0
bsvQ <-0
popKeo <- 1.4
bsvKeo <- 0
popE0 <- 0
popEmax <- 1
popEC50 <- 5
popGamma <- 1
bsvE0 <- 0
bsvEmax <- 0
bsvEC50 <- 0
cl ~ popCl * exp(bsvCl)
v ~ popV * exp(bsvV)
ka ~ popKa * exp(bsvKa)
q ~ popQ * exp(bsvQ)
vp ~ popVp * exp(bsvVp)
keo ~ popKeo * exp(bsvKeo)
popLagDepot <- 0
popLagCentral <- 0
popRateCentral <- 0
popDurCentral <- 0
bsvLagDepot <- 0
bsvLagCentral <- 0
bsvRateCentral <- 0
bsvDurCentral <- 0
alag(depot) <- popLagDepot * exp(bsvLagDepot)
alag(central) <- popLagCentral * exp(bsvLagCentral)
rate(central) <- popRateCentral * exp(bsvRateCentral)
dur(central) <- popDurCentral * exp(bsvDurCentral)
cp <- linCmt()
d/dt(ce) = keo*(cp-ce)
effect = E0 - Emax*(Ce^gamma)/((Ce^gamma)+(Ec50^gamma));")
badParse("theta0", "a = theta[0]")
badParse("eta0", "a = eta[0]")
goodParse("theta1", "a = theta[1]")
goodParse("eta1", "a = eta[1]")
badParse("matt1", "a = matt[1]")
badParse("ifelse1", "ifelse=3")
badParse("ifelse2", "a=ifelse+3")
badParse("ifelse3", "d/dt(ifelse)=matt")
badParse("if1", "if=3")
badParse("if2", "a=if+3")
badParse("if3", "d/dt(if)=matt")
badParse("cmt1", "cmt=3")
goodParse("cmt2", "a=cmt+3")
badParse("cmt3", "d/dt(cmt)=matt")
badParse("dvid1", "dvid=3")
goodParse("dvid2", "a=dvid+3")
badParse("dvid3", "d/dt(dvid)=matt")
badParse("addl1", "addl=3")
goodParse("addl2", "a=addl+3")
badParse("addl3", "d/dt(addl)=matt")
badParse("ss1", "ss=3")
goodParse("ss2", "a=ss+3")
badParse("ss3", "d/dt(ss)=matt")
badParse("amt1", "amt=3")
goodParse("amt2", "a=amt+3")
badParse("amt3", "d/dt(amt)=matt")
badParse("rate1", "rate=3")
goodParse("rate2", "a=rate+3")
badParse("rate3", "d/dt(rate)=matt")
badParse("printf1", "printf=3")
badParse("printf2", "a=printf+3")
badParse("printf3", "d/dt(printf)=matt")
badParse("Rprintf1", "Rprintf=3")
badParse("Rprintf2", "a=Rprintf+3")
badParse("Rprintf3", "d/dt(Rprintf)=matt")
badParse("print1", "print=3")
badParse("print2", "a=print+3")
badParse("print3", "d/dt(print)=matt")
goodParse("sum1", "a=sum(1,2,3,a,b,c)")
goodParse("sum2", "a=lag(b, 1)")
goodParse("transit1", "a=transit(n, mtt, bio)")
goodParse("transit2", "a=transit(n, mtt)")
badParse("transit3", "a=transit(n, mtt, bio,ack)")
goodParse("fun1", "a=is.nan(x)")
badParse("fun2", "a=is.nan(x,b)")
badParse("fun3", "a=is.nan()")
goodParse("fun4", "a=is.finite(x)")
badParse("fun5", "a=is.finite(x,a)")
badParse("fun6", "a=is.finite()")
goodParse("fun7", "a=is.infinite(x)")
badParse("fun8", "a=is.infinite(x,a)")
badParse("fun9", "a=is.infinite()")
badParse("fun10", "t=tinf")
badParse("fun11", "time=tinf")
badParse("while/else", "a=1;while(1){a=a+3} else { a=3}")
goodParse("while", "a=1;while(1){a=a+3}")
goodParse("while-break", "a=1;while(1){a=a+3; break;}")
badParse("while-break-bad", "a=1;while(1){a=a+3;}; break;")
goodParse("Dotted initial conditions",
paste(c("d/dt(C.A) = - 1",
"C.A(0) = A"), collapse="\n"))
# From rxode2parse
badParse <- function(desc, code) {
test_that(desc, {
goodParse <- function(desc, code) {
test_that(desc, {
expect_s3_class(rxode2parse(code), "rxModelVars")
badParse("incorrect d/dt operator", "d/dt(y = 1);")
## Statements don't require ; now.
"comments must be outside statements #1",
"d/dt(y) = 1 # bad comment;")
'missing end of statement ";" dosen\'t cause errors',
sep = "\n",
"d/dt(depot) = -ka * depot",
"d/dt(centr) = ka * depot - kout * centr;"))
"arithmetic syntax error",
sep = "\n",
"# comment, just to show error in line 3",
"d/dt(y) = -ka;",
"C1 = /y;"
## added ** operator
goodParse("existing operator **",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"d/dt(y) = -ka;",
"C1 = ka * y**2;"))
badParse("unexistent operator %",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"remainder = 4 % 3;",
"d/dt(y) = -ka;",
"C1 = ka * y;"))
desc = 'incorrect "if" statement',
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
" F = 1.0;",
"else {", # missing "}"'
" F = 0.75;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"))
desc = "illegal variable name (starting w. a digit)",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"F = 0.75;",
"12foo_bar = 1.0/2.0;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"))
desc = "dot in variable name (ini0)",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"F = 0.75;",
"foo.bar = 1.0/2.0;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"
desc = "dot in variable name in d/dt()",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"d/dt(y_1) = F * y;", # okay
"d/dt(y.1) = F * y;"
) # not okay
desc = "leading dot in variable name",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"F = 0.75;",
".foo.bar = 0.5;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"
desc = "leading dot in variable name (ini0)",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"F = 0.75;",
".foo.bar = 1.0/2.0;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"
desc = "leading dot in variable name in d/dt()",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"d/dt(y_1) = F * y;", # okay
"d/dt(.y.1) = F * y;"
) # not okay
desc = "leading dot in variable name",
code = paste(
sep = "\n",
"F = 0.75;",
".foo.bar = 0.5;",
"d/dt(y) = F * y;"))
desc = "Assignment with <<- not supported",
"d/dt(y_1) <<- F*y")
desc = "Assignment with <- supported #1",
"d/dt(y_1) <- F*y")
desc = "Assignment with <- supported #2",
"y_1(0) <- 1;d/dt(y_1) = F*y_1")
desc = "Assignment with <- supported #3",
"y_2 <- 1;d/dt(y_1) = F*y"
desc = "Assignment with <- supported #4",
"y_2 <- 1+7;d/dt(y_1) = F*y"
desc = "Assignment with <- supported #7",
"d/dt(y_1) = F*y; df(y_1)/dy(y_1) <- 0"
desc = "Defining df(var1)/dy(var2) where var1 is not a state variable.",
d/dt(y) = dy
d/dt(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)*dy - y
## Jacobian
df(y)/dy(dy) = 1
df(dy)/dy(y) = -2*dy*mu*y - 1
df(dy)/dy(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)
## Initial conditions
y(0) = 2
dy(0) = 0
## mu
mu = 1 ## nonstiff; 10 moderately stiff; 1000 stiff
desc = "Defining df(var1)/dy(var2) where var1 is not a state variable.",
d/dt(y) = dy
d/dt(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)*dy - y
## Jacobian
df(y)/dy(dy) = 1
df(dy)/dy(y) = -2*dy*mu*y - 1
df(dy)/dy(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)
## Initial conditions
y(0) = 2
dy(0) = 0
## mu
mu = 1 ## nonstiff; 10 moderately stiff; 1000 stiff
desc = "Defining df(var1)/dy(var2) where var1 is a state variable.",
d/dt(y) = dy
d/dt(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)*dy - y
## Jacobian
df(y)/dy(dy) = 1
df(dy)/dy(y) = -2*dy*mu*y - 1
df(dy)/dy(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)
## Initial conditions
y(0) = 2
dy(0) = 0
## mu
mu = 1 ## nonstiff; 10 moderately stiff; 1000 stiff
desc = "Defining df(var1)/dy(var2) where var2 is a variable.",
d/dt(y) = dy
d/dt(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)*dy - y
## Jacobian
df(y)/dy(dy) = 1
df(dy)/dy(y) = -2*dy*mu*y - 1
df(dy)/dy(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)
df(dy)/dy(mu) = (1-y^2)*dy
## Initial conditions
y(0) = 2
dy(0) = 0
## mu
mu = 1 ## nonstiff; 10 moderately stiff; 1000 stiff
desc = "Defining df(var1)/dy(var2) where var2 is a calculated value.",
d/dt(y) = dy
d/dt(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)*dy - y
## Jacobian
df(y)/dy(dy) = 1
df(dy)/dy(y) = -2*dy*mu*y - 1
df(dy)/dy(dy) = mu*(1-y^2)
df(dy)/dy(mu) = (1-y^2)*dy
## Initial conditions
y(0) = 2
dy(0) = 0
## mu
mu = 1+bad ## nonstiff; 10 moderately stiff; 1000 stiff
desc = "a*b/c^2",
desc = "a*b/c^2/d",
desc = "Transit as a compartment",
"d/dt(transit) = -(1/mtt) * transit
d/dt(depot) = (1/mtt) * transit - ka * depot
d/dt(center) = ka * depot - (cl/v1) * center - (q/v1) * center + (q/v2) * periph
d/dt(periph) = (q / v1) * center - (q / v2) * periph
cp = center / v1"
desc = "=+ parsing",
"C2 = +centr/V2;
C3 = peri/V3;
d/dt(depot) =-KA*depot;
d/dt(centr) = +KA*depot - CL*C2 - Q*C2 + Q*C3;
d/dt(peri) = Q*C2 - Q*C3;
d/dt(eff) = Kin - Kout*(1-C2/(EC50+C2))*eff;"
for (v in c("ii", "evid")) {
desc = sprintf("bad variables: %s", v),
sprintf("var=%s", v)
for (v in "tlast") {
desc = sprintf("good variables: %s", v),
sprintf("var=%s", v)
for (v in "abs") {
desc = sprintf("good functions: %s", v),
sprintf("var=%s(x)", v)
badParse(desc = "No duplicate dvid()", "a=b;dvid(1,2,3);dvid(3,4,5)")
badParse(desc = "Bad dvid(0)", "a=b;dvid(0);")
badParse(desc = "Bad dvid(0, 1)", "a=b;dvid(1,0);")
goodParse(desc = "THETA/ETA parsing", "a=THETA[1]+ETA[2];")
goodParse(desc = "Duplicate d/dt(x)", "d/dt(depot) = -depot*ka;\nd/dt(depot) = d/dt(depot)+0")
goodParse(desc = "Duplicate d/dt(x)", "d/dt(depot) ~ -depot*ka;\nd/dt(depot) = d/dt(depot)+0")
goodParse(desc = "Duplicate d/dt(x)", "d/dt(depot) = -depot*ka;\nd/dt(depot) ~ d/dt(depot)+0")
goodParse(desc = "pi Parse", "a = pi+e2")
for (v in c("f", "F", "alag", "lag", "rate", "dur")) {
sprintf("%s cannot depend on d/dt(state)", v),
sprintf("d/dt(depot)=-depot*ka;\nd/dt(central)=ka*depot-kel*central\n%s(depot)=d/dt(central)+3", v)
badParse(desc = "Using d/dt(x) before defined", "y=d/dt(x)+3")
desc = "Jacobain with theta and eta",
"d/dt(x)=(THETA[1]+ETA[1])*x\ndf(x)/dy(THETA[1]) = 1\ndf(x)/dy(ETA[1]) = 1\n"
for (v in c("f", "F", "alag", "lag", "rate", "dur")) {
sprintf("%s cannot depend on jacobain info", v),
sprintf("d/dt(x)=(THETA[1]+ETA[1])*x\ndf(x)/dy(THETA[1]) = 1\ndf(x)/dy(ETA[1]) = 1\n%s(x)=df(x)/dt(ETA[1])+3", v)
"mtime cannot depend on df(x)/dt(ETA[1])",
"d/dt(x)=(THETA[1]+ETA[1])*x\ndf(x)/dy(THETA[1]) = 1\ndf(x)/dy(ETA[1]) = 1\nmtime(z)=df(x)/dt(ETA[1])+3"
"mtime cannot depend on d/dt(x)",
"d/dt(x)=(THETA[1]+ETA[1])*x\ndf(x)/dy(THETA[1]) = 1\ndf(x)/dy(ETA[1]) = 1\nmtime(z)=d/dt(x)+3"
"functional initialization ok",
"x(0) = y + 3\nd/dt(x) =-3*z"
## 'rate' and 'dur' can be data items, so they cannot be variables
## in an rxode2 model
for (var in c("alag", "f", "F")) {
sprintf("Parsing of %s as a variable and function work.", var),
sprintf("d/dt(x) = -k*x;%s(x) = %s;", var, var)
goodParse("x=ifelse(!matt,0,1)", "x=ifelse(!matt,0,1)")
goodParse("x=ifelse(!(matt),0,1)", "x=ifelse(!(matt),0,1)")
goodParse("x=ifelse((!matt),0,1)", "x=ifelse((!matt),0,1)")
goodParse("mix lincmt with lags etc", "popCl <- 1
popV <- 20
popKa <- 1
popVp <- 10
popQ <- 2
bsvCl <-0
bsvV <- 0
bsvKa <-0
bsvVp <- 0
bsvQ <-0
popKeo <- 1.4
bsvKeo <- 0
popE0 <- 0
popEmax <- 1
popEC50 <- 5
popGamma <- 1
bsvE0 <- 0
bsvEmax <- 0
bsvEC50 <- 0
cl ~ popCl * exp(bsvCl)
v ~ popV * exp(bsvV)
ka ~ popKa * exp(bsvKa)
q ~ popQ * exp(bsvQ)
vp ~ popVp * exp(bsvVp)
keo ~ popKeo * exp(bsvKeo)
popLagDepot <- 0
popLagCentral <- 0
popRateCentral <- 0
popDurCentral <- 0
bsvLagDepot <- 0
bsvLagCentral <- 0
bsvRateCentral <- 0
bsvDurCentral <- 0
alag(depot) <- popLagDepot * exp(bsvLagDepot)
alag(central) <- popLagCentral * exp(bsvLagCentral)
rate(central) <- popRateCentral * exp(bsvRateCentral)
dur(central) <- popDurCentral * exp(bsvDurCentral)
cp <- linCmt()
d/dt(ce) = keo*(cp-ce)
effect = E0 - Emax*(Ce^gamma)/((Ce^gamma)+(Ec50^gamma));")
withr::with_options(list("rxode2.syntax.require.ode.first" = TRUE), {
"Still cannot take undefined compartments",
"popCl <- 1
popV <- 20
popKa <- 1
popVp <- 10
popQ <- 2
bsvCl <-0
bsvV <- 0
bsvKa <-0
bsvVp <- 0
bsvQ <-0
popKeo <- 1.4
bsvKeo <- 0
popE0 <- 0
popEmax <- 1
popEC50 <- 5
popGamma <- 1
bsvE0 <- 0
bsvEmax <- 0
bsvEC50 <- 0
cl ~ popCl * exp(bsvCl)
v ~ popV * exp(bsvV)
ka ~ popKa * exp(bsvKa)
q ~ popQ * exp(bsvQ)
vp ~ popVp * exp(bsvVp)
keo ~ popKeo * exp(bsvKeo)
popLagDepot <- 0
popLagCentral <- 0
popRateCentral <- 0
popDurCentral <- 0
bsvLagDepot <- 0
bsvLagCentral <- 0
bsvRateCentral <- 0
bsvDurCentral <- 0
alag(depot) <- popLagDepot * exp(bsvLagDepot)
alag(central) <- popLagCentral * exp(bsvLagCentral)
rate(central) <- popRateCentral * exp(bsvRateCentral)
dur(central) <- popDurCentral * exp(bsvDurCentral)
dur(matta) <- 3 # undefined compartment
cp <- linCmt()
d/dt(ce) = keo*(cp-ce)
effect = E0 - Emax*(Ce^gamma)/((Ce^gamma)+(Ec50^gamma));"
badParse("cmt(depot) doesn't work with linCmt()", "popCl <- 1
popV <- 20
popKa <- 1
popVp <- 10
popQ <- 2
bsvCl <-0
bsvV <- 0
bsvKa <-0
bsvVp <- 0
bsvQ <-0
popKeo <- 1.4
bsvKeo <- 0
popE0 <- 0
popEmax <- 1
popEC50 <- 5
popGamma <- 1
bsvE0 <- 0
bsvEmax <- 0
bsvEC50 <- 0
cl ~ popCl * exp(bsvCl)
v ~ popV * exp(bsvV)
ka ~ popKa * exp(bsvKa)
q ~ popQ * exp(bsvQ)
vp ~ popVp * exp(bsvVp)
keo ~ popKeo * exp(bsvKeo)
popLagDepot <- 0
popLagCentral <- 0
popRateCentral <- 0
popDurCentral <- 0
bsvLagDepot <- 0
bsvLagCentral <- 0
bsvRateCentral <- 0
bsvDurCentral <- 0
alag(depot) <- popLagDepot * exp(bsvLagDepot)
alag(central) <- popLagCentral * exp(bsvLagCentral)
rate(central) <- popRateCentral * exp(bsvRateCentral)
dur(central) <- popDurCentral * exp(bsvDurCentral)
cp <- linCmt()
d/dt(ce) = keo*(cp-ce)
effect = E0 - Emax*(Ce^gamma)/((Ce^gamma)+(Ec50^gamma));")
badParse("cmt(central) doesn't work with linCmt()", "popCl <- 1
popV <- 20
popKa <- 1
popVp <- 10
popQ <- 2
bsvCl <-0
bsvV <- 0
bsvKa <-0
bsvVp <- 0
bsvQ <-0
popKeo <- 1.4
bsvKeo <- 0
popE0 <- 0
popEmax <- 1
popEC50 <- 5
popGamma <- 1
bsvE0 <- 0
bsvEmax <- 0
bsvEC50 <- 0
cl ~ popCl * exp(bsvCl)
v ~ popV * exp(bsvV)
ka ~ popKa * exp(bsvKa)
q ~ popQ * exp(bsvQ)
vp ~ popVp * exp(bsvVp)
keo ~ popKeo * exp(bsvKeo)
popLagDepot <- 0
popLagCentral <- 0
popRateCentral <- 0
popDurCentral <- 0
bsvLagDepot <- 0
bsvLagCentral <- 0
bsvRateCentral <- 0
bsvDurCentral <- 0
alag(depot) <- popLagDepot * exp(bsvLagDepot)
alag(central) <- popLagCentral * exp(bsvLagCentral)
rate(central) <- popRateCentral * exp(bsvRateCentral)
dur(central) <- popDurCentral * exp(bsvDurCentral)
cp <- linCmt()
d/dt(ce) = keo*(cp-ce)
effect = E0 - Emax*(Ce^gamma)/((Ce^gamma)+(Ec50^gamma));")
badParse("theta0", "a = theta[0]")
badParse("eta0", "a = eta[0]")
goodParse("theta1", "a = theta[1]")
goodParse("eta1", "a = eta[1]")
badParse("matt1", "a = matt[1]")
badParse("ifelse1", "ifelse=3")
badParse("ifelse2", "a=ifelse+3")
badParse("ifelse3", "d/dt(ifelse)=matt")
badParse("if1", "if=3")
badParse("if2", "a=if+3")
badParse("if3", "d/dt(if)=matt")
badParse("cmt1", "cmt=3")
goodParse("cmt2", "a=cmt+3")
badParse("cmt3", "d/dt(cmt)=matt")
badParse("dvid1", "dvid=3")
goodParse("dvid2", "a=dvid+3")
badParse("dvid3", "d/dt(dvid)=matt")
badParse("addl1", "addl=3")
goodParse("addl2", "a=addl+3")
badParse("addl3", "d/dt(addl)=matt")
badParse("ss1", "ss=3")
goodParse("ss2", "a=ss+3")
badParse("ss3", "d/dt(ss)=matt")
badParse("amt1", "amt=3")
goodParse("amt2", "a=amt+3")
badParse("amt3", "d/dt(amt)=matt")
badParse("rate1", "rate=3")
goodParse("rate2", "a=rate+3")
badParse("rate3", "d/dt(rate)=matt")
badParse("printf1", "printf=3")
badParse("printf2", "a=printf+3")
badParse("printf3", "d/dt(printf)=matt")
badParse("Rprintf1", "Rprintf=3")
badParse("Rprintf2", "a=Rprintf+3")
badParse("Rprintf3", "d/dt(Rprintf)=matt")
badParse("print1", "print=3")
badParse("print2", "a=print+3")
badParse("print3", "d/dt(print)=matt")
goodParse("sum1", "a=sum(1,2,3,a,b,c)")
goodParse("sum2", "a=lag(b, 1)")
goodParse("transit1", "a=transit(n, mtt, bio)")
goodParse("transit2", "a=transit(n, mtt)")
badParse("transit3", "a=transit(n, mtt, bio,ack)")
goodParse("fun1", "a=is.nan(x)")
badParse("fun2", "a=is.nan(x,b)")
badParse("fun3", "a=is.nan()")
goodParse("fun4", "a=is.finite(x)")
badParse("fun5", "a=is.finite(x,a)")
badParse("fun6", "a=is.finite()")
goodParse("fun7", "a=is.infinite(x)")
badParse("fun8", "a=is.infinite(x,a)")
badParse("fun9", "a=is.infinite()")
badParse("fun10", "t=tinf")
badParse("fun11", "time=tinf")
badParse("while/else", "a=1;while(1){a=a+3} else { a=3}")
goodParse("while", "a=1;while(1){a=a+3}")
goodParse("while-break", "a=1;while(1){a=a+3; break;}")
badParse("while-break-bad", "a=1;while(1){a=a+3;}; break;")
goodParse("Dotted initial conditions",
paste(c("d/dt(C.A) = - 1",
"C.A(0) = A"), collapse="\n"))
goodParse("Less than expression",
"a <- 3 < -1")
badParse("Double assignment",
"a <- 3 <- 1")
badParse("Double assignment#2",
"a = 3 = 1")
badParse("Double assignment #3",
"a <- 3 -> b")
test_that("after isn't shown or garbled", {
t <-try(rxode2parse("a+b<-fun+fun + fun"))
expect_true(inherits(t, "try-error"))
expect_true(regexpr("after", attr(t,"condition")$message)==-1)
test_that("throws parsing error with wrong number of arguments", {
.trans <- rxode2parseGetTranslation()
expect_error(rxode2parse("a= llikNorm(a, b, c, d, f)"))
.trans2 <- .trans
.w <- which(.trans2$rxFun=="llikNorm")
.trans2$argMax[.w] <- 4L
expect_error(rxode2parse("a= llikNorm(a, b, c, d, f)"))
.trans2$argMax[.w] <- 2L
expect_error(rxode2parse("a= llikNorm(a, b, c, d, f)"))
.trans2 <- .trans
expect_true(rxode2parse("a=llikNorm(a, b, c)")$flags["thread"] == 1L)
# pretend that llikNorm is not thread safe
.trans2$threadSafe[.w] <- 0L
expect_true(rxode2parse("a=llikNorm(a, b, c)")$flags["thread"] == 0L)
expect_error(rxode2parse("a=cos(b, c, d, e, f)"))
test_that("linear compartmental error", {
expect_error(rxode2parse('f(central) <- 1 + f_study1 * (STUDYID == "Study 1")\nka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)\ncl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)\nv <- exp(tv + eta.v)\ncp <- linCmt()', linear=TRUE), NA)
expect_error(rxode2parse("params(THETA[1],THETA[2],THETA[3],THETA[4],THETA[5],THETA[6],ETA[1],ETA[2],ETA[3])\nrx_yj_~2\nrx_lambda_~1\nrx_hi_~1\nrx_low_~0\nrx_pred_=linCmtB(rx__PTR__, t, 0, 1, 1, 0, exp(ETA[2]+THETA[2]), exp(ETA[3]+THETA[3]), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, exp(ETA[1]+THETA[1]), 0, 1+(THETA[6]==1)*THETA[5], 0, 0)\nrx_r_=Rx_pow_di(THETA[4], 2)",
code="rxode2parse_test_code.c"), NA)
if (file.exists("rxode2parse_test_code.c")) {
lines <- readLines("rxode2parse_test_code.c")
expect_true(all(regexpr("THETA[6]", lines, fixed=TRUE) == -1))
mv <- rxode2parse("params(THETA[1],THETA[2],THETA[3],THETA[4],THETA[5],THETA[6],ETA[1],ETA[2],ETA[3])\nrx_yj_~2\nrx_lambda_~1\nrx_hi_~1\nrx_low_~0\nrx_pred_=linCmtB(rx__PTR__, t, 0, 1, 1, 0, exp(ETA[2]+THETA[2]), exp(ETA[3]+THETA[3]), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, exp(ETA[1]+THETA[1]), 0, 1+(THETA[6]==1)*THETA[5], 0, 0)\nrx_r_=Rx_pow_di(THETA[4], 2)")
expect_false(any(mv$lhs == "rxlin___"))
rxode2parse("ka <- 1\ncl <- 3.5\nvc <- 40\nConc <- linCmt()\nalag(depot) <- 1", linear=TRUE, code="rxode2parse_test_code.c")
if (file.exists("rxode2parse_test_code.c")) {
lines <- readLines("rxode2parse_test_code.c")
expect_true(any(regexpr("_alag[(&_solveData->subjects[_cSub])->linCmt]", lines, fixed=TRUE) != -1))
expect_error(rxode2parse("rx_yj_~2\nrx_lambda_~1\nrx_hi_~1\nrx_low_~0\nrx_pred_=1000*linCmtB(rx__PTR__,t,0,1,1,0,exp(ETA[1]+THETA[2]),exp(THETA[3]),0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,exp(THETA[1]),exp(THETA[6]),1,0,0)\nrx__sens_rx_pred__BY_ETA_1___=1000*exp(ETA[1]+THETA[2])*linCmtB(rx__PTR__,t,0,1,1,1,exp(ETA[1]+THETA[2]),exp(THETA[3]),0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,exp(THETA[1]),exp(THETA[6]),1,0,0)\nrx_r_=1e+06*Rx_pow_di(linCmtB(rx__PTR__,t,0,1,1,0,exp(ETA[1]+THETA[2]),exp(THETA[3]),0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,exp(THETA[1]),exp(THETA[6]),1,0,0),2)*Rx_pow_di(THETA[5],2)+Rx_pow_di(THETA[4],2)\nrx__sens_rx_r__BY_ETA_1___=2e+06*exp(ETA[1]+THETA[2])*linCmtB(rx__PTR__,t,0,1,1,0,exp(ETA[1]+THETA[2]),exp(THETA[3]),0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,exp(THETA[1]),exp(THETA[6]),1,0,0)*linCmtB(rx__PTR__,t,0,1,1,1,exp(ETA[1]+THETA[2]),exp(THETA[3]),0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,exp(THETA[1]),exp(THETA[6]),1,0,0)*Rx_pow_di(THETA[5],2)\n"), NA)
test_that("TIME conundrums", {
p <- rxode2parse("param(emax_fcfb,lec50,le0,let50_emax,propSd,etale0,TIME,PK);\ne0=exp(le0+etale0);\nemax=emax_fcfb;\nec50=exp(lec50);\net50_emax=exp(let50_emax);\nfoo=e0*(1+emax*(TIME/168)/(et50_emax+(TIME/168))*PK/(ec50+PK));\nrx_yj_~2;\nrx_lambda_~1;\nrx_low_~0;\nrx_hi_~1;\nrx_pred_f_~foo;\nrx_pred_~rx_pred_f_;\nrx_r_~(rx_pred_f_*propSd)^2;\nipredSim=rxTBSi(rx_pred_,rx_lambda_,rx_yj_,rx_low_,rx_hi_);\nsim=rxTBSi(rx_pred_+sqrt(rx_r_)*err.foo,rx_lambda_,rx_yj_,rx_low_,rx_hi_);\ncmt(foo);\ndvid(1);\n")
expect_false(any(p$params == "TIME"))
test_that("pow problems", {
expect_error(rxode2parse("pow=3+4"), NA)
rxode2parse("pow=4\nif (CMT==5){pow = 3+1+pow(4, 3)}\npow2 = pow*2", code="rxode2parse_test_code.c")
if (file.exists("rxode2parse_test_code.c")) {
lines <- readLines("rxode2parse_test_code.c")
expect_true(any(regexpr("+pow(4,3)", lines, fixed=TRUE) != -1))
expect_true(any(regexpr("_rxNotFun_pow=", lines, fixed=TRUE) != -1))
expect_true(any(regexpr("=_rxNotFun_pow*2", lines, fixed=TRUE) != -1))
expect_true(any(regexpr("(_CMT==5)", lines, fixed=TRUE)) != -1)
test_that("cmt/locf interaction", {
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