
Defines functions plot_BSM_fns make_BSMs get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_stratified get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_from_results_object get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping add_cladogenetic_events_to_trtable split_key_item event_txt_into_events_row events_txt_into_events_table events_txt_list_into_events_table events_table_into_txt events_table_row_into_txt stochastic_map_branch sample_split_scenario sample_split_scenario2 given_a_starting_state_get_prob_of_each_split_scenario

# The v1 try is rather bogus; instead, read Bollback 
# 2007.  Key thing: use downpass likelihoods, then
# sample the root, then calc probs at the above nodes 
# conditional on this sample, multiple times likelihoods
# and sample, etc. This gives a VALID JOINT SAMPLE

# source('/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_extract_Qmat_COOmat_v1.R')
# source('/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_stochastic_mapping_v2.R')

# Stochastic mapping in a non-stratified analysis

# This function assumes that you start with the results of 
# an optimization run.  Alternatively, a user could 
# input their own desired parameter values (or values 
# sampled during a step of an MCMC search) and run
# calc_loglike_sp().
# We will sample "joint" histories, i.e. the state at each 
# node will be sampled, *CONDITIONAL* on the states already
# sampled at previously-sampled nodes.  These histories 
# will be valid draws from the distribution of histories
# specified by the model parameters and known tip states 
# (and any other constraints).
# The well-known stochastic mapping papers by Nielsen (2002) 
# and Huelsenbeck et al. (2003) seem to use a different method:
# 1. Calculate downpass conditional likelihoods at each node
#    (note that these are NOT full ancestral state probabilities,
#     which require an uppass and then multiplication; in 
#     stochastic mapping, the uppass calculation is replaced by
#     an uppass simulation).
# 2. Sample a state for the root node, from the downpass
#    likelihoods (which equal the ancestral state probabilities
#    at the root)
# 3. Calculate the probability of a node descending from the 
#    root, now assuming the ancestral state is known.
# 4. Sample from this
# 5. Repeat for all nodes up the tree
# (e.g., Nielsen 2002, p. 731)
# # Start by:
# # Assuming you've run this 
#   res = bears_optim_run(BioGeoBEARS_run_object)
#   res 
# stochastic_map <- function(res, rootedge=TRUE, statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based=NULL, printlevel=1, stratified=FALSE)
# 	{
# 	# Cluster, if desired
# 	cluster_already_open = res$inputs$cluster_already_open
# 	# Get the number of states
# 	numstates = ncol(res$ML_marginal_prob_each_state_at_branch_top_AT_node)
# 	# Get the tree
# 	tr = read.tree(res$inputs$trfn)
# 	phy2 = reorder(tr, "pruningwise") # Do this, 
# 	# Basic tree info
# 	ntips = length(phy2$tip.label)
# 	num_internal_nodes = phy2$Nnode
# 	tipnums = 1:ntips
# 	root_nodenum = ntips+1
# 	nodenums = root_nodenum:(ntips+num_internal_nodes)
# 	# Make a table holding the states etc.
# 	trtable = prt(phy2)
# 	trtable
# 	# Add a column for the sampled node states
# 	sampled_states_AT_nodes = rep(NA, nrow(trtable))
# 	sampled_states_AT_brbots = rep(NA, nrow(trtable))
# 	trtable = cbind(trtable, sampled_states_AT_nodes, sampled_states_AT_brbots)
# 	trtable
# 	# Add the right and left descendant node numbers
# 	leftright_nodes_matrix = get_leftright_nodes_matrix_from_results(phy2)
# 	left_desc_nodes = rep(NA, nrow(trtable))
# 	right_desc_nodes = rep(NA, nrow(trtable))
# 	# dcorner = descendant corner (i.e. right after speciation)
# 	samp_LEFT_dcorner = rep(NA, nrow(trtable))
# 	samp_RIGHT_dcorner = rep(NA, nrow(trtable))
# 	trtable = cbind(trtable, left_desc_nodes, right_desc_nodes, samp_LEFT_dcorner, samp_RIGHT_dcorner)
# 	trtable$left_desc_nodes[nodenums] = leftright_nodes_matrix$left
# 	trtable$right_desc_nodes[nodenums] = leftright_nodes_matrix$right
# 	trtable[nodenums,]
# 	#returned_mats1 = get_Qmat_COOmat_from_BioGeoBEARS_run_object(default_BioGeoBEARS_run_object)
# 	#returned_mats1
# 	returned_mats2 = get_Qmat_COOmat_from_res(res)
# 	returned_mats2
# 	# Extract output
# 	Qmat = returned_mats2$Qmat
# 	COO_weights_columnar = returned_mats2$COO_weights_columnar
# 	Rsp_rowsums = returned_mats2$Rsp_rowsums
# 	# Calculate the likelihood P((left_state,right_state)|anc_state)
# 	# for each scenario (unconstrained)
# 	# Note:
# 	# COO_weights_columnar indices are 0-based, with no null_range
# 	# So, add 2 to get it so that e.g. state 0 = state 2 = Kauai
# 	#
# 	# Or, add 1 to get the 1based state indexes INSIDE COO_weights_columnar
# 	# 
# 	# COO_weights_columnar =
# 	# ancestral index, left index, right index, conditional
# 	# probability given ancestral states. (assuming likelihood
# 	# of descendants is 1)
# 	# Probabilities of each range-inheritance scenario, conditional
# 	# on ancestral state (without constraints on Left Branch state)
# 	like_LeftRight_given_AncState = COO_weights_columnar[[4]] / (Rsp_rowsums[1+COO_weights_columnar[[1]]])
# 	like_LeftRight_given_AncState
# 	# Calculate the total number of range-inheritance scenarios
# 	# under the model
# 	# (this is the number of scenarios with weight > 0)
# 	# (weight per event/ sum(weights) = prob. per event)
# 	num_scenarios = length(COO_weights_columnar[[1]])
# 	##########################################################
# 	# 1. Sample a state at the root
# 	# 2. Given the root state, calculate uppass probabilities to the corners
# 	# 3. Multiply the corner uppass probs by the downpass probs
# 	# 
# 	##########################################################
# 	# Sample a state at the root
# 	root_stateprobs = res$ML_marginal_prob_each_state_at_branch_top_AT_node[root_nodenum,]
# 	statenums = 1:numstates
# 	statenum_1based = sample(x=statenums, size=1, replace=TRUE, prob=root_stateprobs)
# 	statenum_1based
# 	# Calculate the probability of each range inheritance scenario, 
# 	# given the chosen root state
# 	index_Qmat_0based_of_starting_state = statenum_1based - 1
# 	RCOO_weights_list_given_ancestor = given_a_starting_state_get_prob_of_each_split_scenario(index_Qmat_0based_of_starting_state, COO_weights_columnar, numstates=1+max(sapply(X=COO_weights_columnar, FUN=max)[1:3]), include_null_range=TRUE)
# 	uppass_probs_of_scenarios_given_root_state = RCOO_weights_list_given_ancestor
# 	uppass_probs_of_scenarios_given_root_state
# 	} # end stochastic_mapping()

given_a_starting_state_get_prob_of_each_split_scenario <- function(index_Qmat_0based_of_starting_state=1, COO_weights_columnar, numstates=numstates, include_null_range=TRUE)
	# Note that the speciation matrix is always missing the original state 0 (null range);
	# Thus the 0th state is actually original state 1 in the Qmat (starting with 0)
	index_Qmat_0based_of_starting_state = 1
	for (i in 1:1000)
		given_a_starting_state_simulate_split(index_Qmat_0based_of_starting_state=1, COO_probs_columnar, numstates=16)
	' # END defaults
	# Necessary setting to avoid getting numbers etc. in the stochastic mapping output

	if (include_null_range == TRUE)
		numstates_during_cladogenesis = numstates - 1
		} else {
		numstates_during_cladogenesis = numstates - 0

	# Error check; include_null_range=TRUE is default, even for old models
	if ( (length(include_null_range) == 0) || (is.na(include_null_range)) || (is.null(include_null_range))  ) 
		include_null_range = TRUE

	if (include_null_range == TRUE)
		index_shift_from_Qmat_to_COOmat = -1
		} else {
		index_shift_from_Qmat_to_COOmat = 0		
	# If there are 16 states, there are 15 non-null rowSums
# 	COO_weights_columnar_1based = COO_weights_columnar
# 	COO_weights_columnar_1based[[1]] = 1 + COO_weights_columnar_1based[[1]]
# 	COO_weights_columnar_1based[[2]] = 1 + COO_weights_columnar_1based[[2]]
# 	COO_weights_columnar_1based[[3]] = 1 + COO_weights_columnar_1based[[3]]
# 	Rsp_rowsums = rcpp_calc_rowsums_for_COOweights_columnar(COO_weights_columnar_1based, numstates=numstates-1)
# 	Rsp_rowsums
# 	# Get the conditional probs_of_each_scenario
# 	condprobs_each_split_scenario = COO_weights_columnar_1based[[4]]
# 	for (ii in 1:length(COO_weights_columnar_1based[[1]]))
# 		{
# 		condprobs_each_split_scenario[ii] = condprobs_each_split_scenario[ii] / 
	# Original
	Rsp_rowsums = rcpp_calc_rowsums_for_COOweights_columnar(COO_weights_columnar, numstates=numstates_during_cladogenesis)

	# Load up the speciation matrix
	# These indexes are 0-14, i.e. 1-15 but 0-based
	RCOO_weights_columnar_anc_i_list = COO_weights_columnar[[1]]
	RCOO_left_i_list = COO_weights_columnar[[2]]
	RCOO_right_j_list = COO_weights_columnar[[3]]
	RCOO_weights_list = COO_weights_columnar[[4]]

	RCOO_condprobs_list = rep(0, length(RCOO_weights_list))
	for (i in 1:length(Rsp_rowsums))
		# Need to do something here?

	# Number of nonzero cells (i.e. in the speciation matrix
	num_nonzero_cells_in_sp_matrix = length(RCOO_weights_columnar_anc_i_list)
	# Get the ancestors that match the input ancestor
	# COO_probs_columnar have 0-based indexes, 
	# and NEVER have null range
	anc_match_TF = RCOO_weights_columnar_anc_i_list == (index_Qmat_0based_of_starting_state+index_shift_from_Qmat_to_COOmat)
	num_nonzero_descendent_splits = sum(anc_match_TF)
	# Get a list of the relative probabilities of each inheritance scenario,
	# by setting the non-found ancestor probabilities to 0
	RCOO_relProbs_list_given_ancestor = RCOO_weights_list
	RCOO_relProbs_list_given_ancestor[anc_match_TF == FALSE] = 0
	# Since we only have 1 ancestral state, we can get the
	# actual conditional probabilities of each scenario by
	# dividing by the rowsums; but the rowsums for each 
	# ancestor state have already been calculated for us
	# To refer to the correct index in Rsp_rowsums, add 1 to the 0-based index
	# of 15 non-null possible ancestral states
	#RCOO_relProbs_list_given_ancestor[anc_match_TF] = RCOO_relProbs_list_given_ancestor[anc_match_TF] / Rsp_rowsums[index_Qmat_0based_of_starting_state+index_shift_from_Qmat_to_COOmat+1]
	#RCOO_weights_list_given_ancestor = RCOO_relProbs_list_given_ancestor
	RCOO_weights_list_given_ancestor = RCOO_relProbs_list_given_ancestor / sum(RCOO_relProbs_list_given_ancestor)
	# This is the probabilities for all scenarios (will include many 0s)

# Go through each inheritance scenario, multiply the uppass conditional probs
# (conditional on the sampled node state) by the downpass probs of the 
# assumed descendants
# Note: just a product function, mapply-ed

sample_split_scenario2 <- function(COO_weights_columnar, probs_ancstate, left_branch_downpass_likes, right_branch_downpass_likes, sample_which="both", return_prob_each_split_scenario=FALSE, include_null_range=TRUE, Rsp_rowsums=NULL, numstates_wo_null=NULL, printflag=FALSE)
	probs_ancstate = c(0.000, 0.907, 0.000, 0.093)
	# Get the rowsums of the cladogenesis matrix, for calculating
	# conditional probabilities of each scenario
	if (is.null(Rsp_rowsums))
		if (is.null(numstates_wo_null))
			numstates_during_cladogenesis = 1 + max(sapply(X = COO_weights_columnar, 
    FUN = max)[1:3])
			} # END if (is.null(numstates_during_cladogenesis))
		# Calculate the Rsp_rowsums
		Rsp_rowsums = rcpp_calc_rowsums_for_COOweights_columnar(COO_weights_columnar=COO_weights_columnar, numstates=numstates_during_cladogenesis)
		} # END if (is.null(Rsp_rowsums))

	# Error check; include_null_range=TRUE is default, even for old models
	if ( (length(include_null_range) == 0) || (is.na(include_null_range)) || (is.null(include_null_range))  ) 
		include_null_range = TRUE
	# If include_null_range==TRUE, to translate from R_1based states
	# 1-16 in the Qmat & downpass likes requires +2 in the 
	# 0-based COOmat
	if (include_null_range == TRUE)
		COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based = 2
		} else {
		COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based = 1

	# Calculate the probability of each scenario, given 
	# ancprobs, 
	# left downpass likes
	# right downpass likes
	# the COO_weights_columnar cladogenesis model
	# Make the columns first before cbinding
	ancprobs = probs_ancstate[ COO_weights_columnar[[1]] + COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based]
	Lprobs = left_branch_downpass_likes[ COO_weights_columnar[[2]] + COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based]
	Rprobs = right_branch_downpass_likes[ COO_weights_columnar[[3]] + COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based]
	# Weights divided by the sum of the weights for that row
	scenario_condprob = COO_weights_columnar[[4]] / Rsp_rowsums[ COO_weights_columnar[[1]] + 1 ]
	input_probs_each_split_scenario = cbind(ancprobs, Lprobs, Rprobs, scenario_condprob)

	relprob_each_split_scenario = apply(X=input_probs_each_split_scenario, MARGIN=1, FUN=prod)
	prob_each_split_scenario = relprob_each_split_scenario / sum(relprob_each_split_scenario)
	if (printflag)
		print(round(prob_each_split_scenario, 3))
	# R_combine_uppass_splitprobs_w_downpass_condlikes
	# Make a table
	# Everything, including anc, left, right state indices
	#cbind(COO_weights_columnar[[1]], COO_weights_columnar[[2]], COO_weights_columnar[[3]], uppass_probs_of_scenarios_given_root_state, left_branch_downpass_likes[1+COO_weights_columnar[[2]]], right_branch_downpass_likes[1+COO_weights_columnar[[3]]])
	# Just the probs
	# ***** double-check 2 and 3 here...NOPE, THEY ARE CORRECT
	# ***** 2014-12-29_NJM
	# Number the scenarios
	split_scenario_nums = 1:length(COO_weights_columnar[[1]])
	# Sample one of them
	split_scenario_num = sample(x=split_scenario_nums, size=1, replace=TRUE, prob=prob_each_split_scenario)
	# Get the left and right descendant states
	# State 0 in COO_weights_columnar[[2]] is state 2 (K) in normal...
	left_decstate_1based = COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based + COO_weights_columnar[[2]][split_scenario_num]
	right_decstate_1based = COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based + COO_weights_columnar[[3]][split_scenario_num]
	sampled_split_descendants = NULL
	sampled_split_descendants$left_decstate_1based = left_decstate_1based
	sampled_split_descendants$right_decstate_1based = right_decstate_1based
	if (return_prob_each_split_scenario == TRUE)
		sampled_split_descendants$prob_each_split_scenario = prob_each_split_scenario

sample_split_scenario <- function(COO_weights_columnar, uppass_probs_of_scenarios_given_root_state, left_branch_downpass_likes, right_branch_downpass_likes, sample_which="both", return_prob_each_split_scenario=FALSE, include_null_range=TRUE)
	# Error check; include_null_range=TRUE is default, even for old models
	if ( (length(include_null_range) == 0) || (is.na(include_null_range)) || (is.null(include_null_range))  ) 
		include_null_range = TRUE
	# If include_null_range==TRUE, to translate from R_1based states
	# 1-16 in the Qmat & downpass likes requires +2 in the 
	# 0-based COOmat
	if (include_null_range == TRUE)
		COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based = 2
		} else {
		COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based = 1
	# R_combine_uppass_splitprobs_w_downpass_condlikes
	# Make a table
	# Everything, including anc, left, right state indices
	#cbind(COO_weights_columnar[[1]], COO_weights_columnar[[2]], COO_weights_columnar[[3]], uppass_probs_of_scenarios_given_root_state, left_branch_downpass_likes[1+COO_weights_columnar[[2]]], right_branch_downpass_likes[1+COO_weights_columnar[[3]]])
	# Just the probs
	# ***** double-check 2 and 3 here...NOPE, THEY ARE CORRECT
	# ***** 2014-12-29_NJM
	# Check joint versus individual sampling
	if (sample_which == "both")
		# COO_weights_columnar range from 0-14
		# ...which corresponds to anagenetic 1-based states 2-16
		input_probs_each_split_scenario = cbind(uppass_probs_of_scenarios_given_root_state, left_branch_downpass_likes[ COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based + COO_weights_columnar[[2]] ], right_branch_downpass_likes[ COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based + COO_weights_columnar[[3]] ])
		relprob_each_split_scenario = apply(X=input_probs_each_split_scenario, MARGIN=1, FUN=prod)
		prob_each_split_scenario = relprob_each_split_scenario / sum(relprob_each_split_scenario)
		# Number the scenarios
		split_scenario_nums = 1:length(COO_weights_columnar[[1]])
		# Sample one of them
		split_scenario_num = sample(x=split_scenario_nums, size=1, replace=TRUE, prob=prob_each_split_scenario)
		# Get the left and right descendant states
		# State 0 in COO_weights_columnar[[2]] is state 2 (K) in normal...
		left_decstate_1based = COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based + COO_weights_columnar[[2]][split_scenario_num]
		right_decstate_1based = COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based + COO_weights_columnar[[3]][split_scenario_num]
		} # END if (sample_which == "both")

	if (sample_which == "left")
		# COO_weights_columnar range from 0-14
		# ...which corresponds to anagenetic 1-based states 2-16
		input_probs_each_split_scenario = cbind(uppass_probs_of_scenarios_given_root_state, left_branch_downpass_likes[ COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based + COO_weights_columnar[[2]] ], right_branch_downpass_likes[ COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based + COO_weights_columnar[[3]] ])
		relprob_each_split_scenario = apply(X=input_probs_each_split_scenario, MARGIN=1, FUN=prod)
		prob_each_split_scenario = relprob_each_split_scenario / sum(relprob_each_split_scenario)
		# Number the scenarios
		split_scenario_nums = 1:length(COO_weights_columnar[[1]])
		# Sample one of them
		split_scenario_num = sample(x=split_scenario_nums, size=1, replace=TRUE, prob=prob_each_split_scenario)
		# Get the left and right descendant states
		# State 0 in COO_weights_columnar[[2]] is state 2 (K) in normal...
		left_decstate_1based = COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based + COO_weights_columnar[[2]][split_scenario_num]
		right_decstate_1based = COOmat_0based_to_Qmat_1based + COO_weights_columnar[[3]][split_scenario_num]
		} # END if (sample_which == "both")

	sampled_split_descendants = NULL
	sampled_split_descendants$left_decstate_1based = left_decstate_1based
	sampled_split_descendants$right_decstate_1based = right_decstate_1based
	if (return_prob_each_split_scenario == TRUE)
		sampled_split_descendants$prob_each_split_scenario = prob_each_split_scenario
	} # END sample_split_scenario <- function(COO_weights_columnar, uppass_probs_of_scenarios_given_root_state, left_branch_downpass_likes, right_branch_downpass_likes, sample_which="both", return_prob_each_split_scenario=FALSE, include_null_range=TRUE)

stochastic_map_branch <- function(nodenum_at_top_of_branch, trtable, Qmat, state_indices_0based, ranges_list, areas, single_branch=FALSE, stratified=FALSE, maxtries=40000, manual_history_for_difficult_branches=TRUE)
	seedval = 27579383
	timeperiod_i = 1
	piecenum = 10


	# Simulate events on branches
	nodenum_at_top_of_branch = 31
	states_list = state_indices_0based
	numstates = length(state_indices_0based)
	# Setup
	statenum_1based_at_branch_bottom = trtable$sampled_states_AT_brbots[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]
	statenum_1based_at_branch_top = trtable$sampled_states_AT_nodes[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]
	#print("Trying to get from:")
	names_in_trtable = names(trtable)
	# Stratified analyses have SUBedge.length columns, however these may not have
	# been updated accurately during tree chainsawing. The below independently
	# calculates the branch length, which should not be larger than the 
	# time bin width, which is $reltimept
	if ( ("SUBedge.length" %in% names_in_trtable) == FALSE)
		brlen = trtable$edge.length[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]
		if (brlen <= 0)
			stop("STOP ERROR00 in stochastic_map_branch(): brlen <= 0")
			} # END if (brlen_in_section <= 0)

		} else {
		# 2014-05-25_NJM: check if reltimept smaller?
		if (is.na(trtable$SUBedge.length[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]))
			# If it's a sub-branch, set edges of length NA to 0
			trtable$SUBedge.length[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] = 0
		# Check if sub-edge length and edge length are the same:
		subedge_length_equals_edge_length_WORRY = FALSE
		if (trtable$SUBedge.length[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] > trtable$reltimept[nodenum_at_top_of_branch])
			subedge_length_equals_edge_length_WORRY = TRUE

			# We can fix sub-branches easily:
			if (trtable$piececlass[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] == "subbranch")
				# Fix to reltimept IF it's *NOT* a fossil:
				if (  (is.na(trtable$fossils[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]) == TRUE) || (trtable$fossils[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] == FALSE) )
					brlen_in_section = trtable$reltimept[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]
					subedge_length_equals_edge_length_WORRY = FALSE
					if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
						stop("STOP ERROR0a in stochastic_map_branch(): brlen_in_section <= 0")
						} # END if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
					} else {
					# It *IS* a fossil, it's brlen is based on time_bp
					brlen_in_section = trtable$time_bot[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] - trtable$time_bp[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]
					subedge_length_equals_edge_length_WORRY = FALSE
					if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
						stop("STOP ERROR0b in stochastic_map_branch(): brlen_in_section <= 0")
						} # END if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
				} # END check for fossils
			} else {
			brlen_in_section = trtable$SUBedge.length[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]
			if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
				stop("STOP ERROR0c in stochastic_map_branch(): brlen_in_section <= 0")
				} # END if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
		if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
			stop("STOP ERROR1 in stochastic_map_branch(): brlen_in_section <= 0")
			} # END if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
		# Alternatively, if it's a root branch of a subtree, the branch length is just
		# the node time_bp minus the timeperiod bottom
		if ((trtable$SUBnode.type[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] == "root") && (trtable$piececlass[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] == "subtree"))
			brlen_in_section = trtable$time_bot[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] - trtable$time_bp[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]
			subedge_length_equals_edge_length_WORRY = FALSE
			if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
				stop("STOP ERROR2 in stochastic_map_branch(): brlen_in_section <= 0")
				} # END if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
		if (subedge_length_equals_edge_length_WORRY == TRUE)
			errortxt = paste("\n\nError in stochastic_map_branch(): your master_tree table, at row 'nodenum_at_top_of_branch'=", nodenum_at_top_of_branch, "\nhas an SUBedge.length > reltimept and was not corrected, as it's not a subbranch.\n\n", sep="")

		# 2014-05-25_NJM new:
		brlen = brlen_in_section
		if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
			stop("STOP ERROR3 in stochastic_map_branch(): brlen_in_section <= 0")
			} # END if (brlen_in_section <= 0)
		# Original:
		#brlen = trtable$SUBedge.length[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]
	#edgenum = trtable$parent_br[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]
	# Get the rates from the Qmat
	# Source: https://r-forge.r-project.org/scm/viewvc.php/*checkout*/pkg/R/simulation.R?root=proteinevoutk20
	# Rate of an event, conditional on each possible state
	rates_de = -diag(Qmat) #exponential rate of waiting, diagonal of Qmat

	# Simulate up branch
	# Number of tries
	trynum = 0
	#maxtries = 40000

	# Run this while loop until you hit a successful simulation
	while (1)
		# current time starts at 0 (bottom of branch)
		# Actually, start it at the time of the branch bottom
		# And make it time before present (time_bp)
		if (stratified == TRUE)
			# Stratified analysis:
			# Take the time at the top of the time bin, add the time to the top of the node, then add the brlen before
			abs_time_at_branch_bottom = trtable$time_top[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] + trtable$SUBtime_bp[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] + brlen
			} else {
			# Non-stratified analysis: 
			# Take the time at the top of the node, then add the brlen before
			abs_time_at_branch_bottom = trtable$time_bp[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] + brlen
		curr_time = 0
		time_stop = brlen	# (subtracting since we are going up towards 0)
		current_rangenum_1based = statenum_1based_at_branch_bottom
		# 2023-06-17: Error where new_rangenum_1based is never set;
		# probably because no events occur on a short branch
		#new_rangenum_1based = current_rangenum_1based
		new_rangenum_1based = NULL
		trynum = trynum + 1
		# Keep track of events
		event_time = NULL
		event_type = NULL
		event_txt = NULL
		dispersal_to = NULL
		extirpation_from = NULL
		events_table_for_branch = NULL
		# Repeat until one of the break statements is reached
		repeatnum = 1
		maxrepeats = 10000
			# Exponentially-distributed waiting time
			# based on current rate
			rate = rates_de[current_rangenum_1based]
			# If you hit the null state, you'll get a rate of 0,
			# scotch that simulation
			if (rate == 0)
			waiting_time = rexp(n=1, rate=rate)
			curr_time = curr_time + waiting_time

			# Check if you've passed the stop of the branch
			time_stop_hit = FALSE

			# Counting time down to 0
			#cat("\n", curr_time, " <= ", time_stop, "	", (curr_time <= time_stop), sep="")
			#cat("\n", waiting_time, " < ", brlen, "	", (waiting_time < brlen), sep="")
			#if (curr_time > time_stop)
			#if (waiting_time  brlen)
			#	{
			#	stop(cat("\n\n\nREPEATNUM: ", repeatnum, "\n\n\n"))
			#	}
			if (curr_time > brlen)
				curr_time = brlen
				time_stop_hit = TRUE
			# Don't allow more than 100000 events on a branch (!)
			if (repeatnum >= maxrepeats)
				} else {
				repeatnum = repeatnum + 1
			# Anagenetic range expansion/contraction event
			# (can result in extinction if ranges of size 1 drop to 0)
			# (such simulated branches would fail, however)
			probs_of_new_ranges = Qmat[current_rangenum_1based, ]
			# Zero out the diagonal, which is negative (and you 
			# know something changed, since you drew this)
			probs_of_new_ranges[probs_of_new_ranges < 0] = 0
			probs_of_new_ranges = probs_of_new_ranges / sum(probs_of_new_ranges)

			#cat("\ncurrent_rangenum_1based:", sep="")
			#cat("\n", current_rangenum_1based, sep="")

			#cat("\nprobs_of_new_ranges:", sep="")
			#cat("\n", probs_of_new_ranges, sep="")

			new_rangenum_1based = sample(x=1:numstates, size=1, replace=FALSE, prob=probs_of_new_ranges)
			if (isblank_TF(new_rangenum_1based) == TRUE)
				txt = paste0("STOP ERROR_line741 in stochastic_map_branch(): new_rangenum_1based is BLANK. new_rangenum_1based='", new_rangenum_1based, "'")
			#cat("\nnew_rangenum_1based:", sep="")
			#cat("\n", new_rangenum_1based, sep="")
			# Save data on event
			# The absolute event time is the age of the bottom of 
			# the branch, minus the current time
			abs_event_time = abs_time_at_branch_bottom - curr_time
			event_time = curr_time
			# Get event type
			# "dispersal" (range expansion)
			if ( length(states_list[[new_rangenum_1based]]) > length(states_list[[current_rangenum_1based]]) )
				event_type = "d"
				# Identify the new area
				TF = states_list[[new_rangenum_1based]] %in% states_list[[current_rangenum_1based]]
				new_area_TF = TF == FALSE
				new_area_num_0based = states_list[[new_rangenum_1based]][new_area_TF]
				new_area_num_1based = new_area_num_0based + 1
				lost_area_num_1based = "-"
				dispersal_to = areas[new_area_num_1based]
				extirpation_from = "-"

			# "extinction" (range contraction / local extirpation)
			if ( length(states_list[[new_rangenum_1based]]) < length(states_list[[current_rangenum_1based]]) )
				event_type = "e"

				# Identify the area lost
				TF = states_list[[current_rangenum_1based]] %in% states_list[[new_rangenum_1based]]
				lost_area_TF = TF == FALSE
				lost_area_num_0based = states_list[[current_rangenum_1based]][lost_area_TF]
				lost_area_num_1based = lost_area_num_0based + 1
				new_area_num_1based = "-"
				dispersal_to = "-"
				extirpation_from = areas[lost_area_num_1based]
			# If the new and old states are the same size, check further
			if ( length(states_list[[new_rangenum_1based]]) == length(states_list[[current_rangenum_1based]]) )
				# Contraction will result in the same length, check for this
				if (ranges_list[[new_rangenum_1based]] == "_")
					event_type = "e"

					# Identify the area lost
					TF = states_list[[current_rangenum_1based]] %in% states_list[[new_rangenum_1based]]
					lost_area_TF = TF == FALSE
					lost_area_num_0based = states_list[[current_rangenum_1based]][lost_area_TF]
					lost_area_num_1based = lost_area_num_0based + 1
					new_area_num_1based = "-"
					dispersal_to = "-"
					extirpation_from = areas[lost_area_num_1based]
					} else {
					event_type = "a" # anagenetic range-switching
					# In a sense, we have joint dispersal and extinction
					new_area_num_1based = 1+states_list[[new_rangenum_1based]]
					dispersal_to = areas[new_area_num_1based]

					lost_area_num_1based = 1+states_list[[current_rangenum_1based]]
					extirpation_from = areas[lost_area_num_1based]
				} # END if ( length(states_list[[new_rangenum_1based]]) == 
				  #          length(states_list[[current_rangenum_1based]]) )
			# ENDING Get event type
			# event_txt
			event_txt = paste(ranges_list[[current_rangenum_1based]], "->", ranges_list[[new_rangenum_1based]], sep="")
			# Make a row for a data table
			current_rangetxt = ranges_list[[current_rangenum_1based]]
			new_rangetxt = ranges_list[[new_rangenum_1based]]
			tmprow = c(nodenum_at_top_of_branch, trynum, brlen, current_rangenum_1based, new_rangenum_1based, current_rangetxt, new_rangetxt, abs_event_time, event_time, event_type, event_txt, new_area_num_1based, lost_area_num_1based, dispersal_to, extirpation_from)
			events_table_for_branch = rbind(events_table_for_branch, tmprow)
			# Update the current branch statenum
			current_rangenum_1based = new_rangenum_1based
			} # END repeat
		# Look for successful hit; if not, repeat
		# If, at the end of the simulation, current_rangenum_1based equals
		# the known endpoint, then break out of the loop
		#print(c(current_rangenum_1based, statenum_1based_at_branch_top, current_rangenum_1based == statenum_1based_at_branch_top))
		# Check if you are in the right state, at the end of the branch simulation
		if (current_rangenum_1based == statenum_1based_at_branch_top)
			# Successful simulation of branch!
			#print(paste0("branch below node ", nodenum_at_top_of_branch, " successful!"))
			error_check_Psychotria_all_tips_size1 = FALSE
			if (error_check_Psychotria_all_tips_size1)
				if (trtable$time_top[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] == 0)
					cat("\n\nSuccessful simulation of branch...but check if the simulated state matches the sampled state! \n\n")
					} # END if (trtable$time_top[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] == 0)
				} # END if (error_check_Psychotria_all_tips_size1)
			# Break out of loop, simulation was successful			
			} # END repeat
		# print(c(trynum, maxtries))
		if (trynum > maxtries)
			node_in_master_tree_w_error = trtable$node[nodenum_at_top_of_branch]
			errortxt = paste("\n\nError_in_stochastic_simulation; no success on branch below node ", node_in_master_tree_w_error, " after ", maxtries, " tries. Printing starting/ending states, and events table for last attempt.", sep="")
			cat("\n\nStarting state (1-based): ", current_rangenum_1based, sep="")
			cat("\n\nEnding state (1-based): ", new_rangenum_1based, sep="")
			cat("\nGoal state (1-based): ", statenum_1based_at_branch_top, sep="")
			print("Last attempt at events_table_for_branch:")
			#events_table_for_branch = rep(
			if (manual_history_for_difficult_branches == FALSE)
				cat("\nReturning object of class 'try-error'.\n")
				error_msg_for_stop = paste("Error in stochastic_map_branch(): Stochastic mapping failed after maxtries=", maxtries, " tries on branch below node=", nodenum_at_top_of_branch, sep="")
				attr(error_msg_for_stop, which="class") = "try-error"
				attr(error_msg_for_stop, which="condition") = error_msg_for_stop
				} # END if (manual_history_for_difficult_branches == FALSE)

			if (manual_history_for_difficult_branches == TRUE)
				error_msg_for_stop = paste("Error in stochastic_map_branch(): Stochastic mapping failed after maxtries=", maxtries, " tries on branch below node=", nodenum_at_top_of_branch, sep="")
				cat("\nAs manual_history_for_difficult_branches==TRUE, we are manually devising a history to force-fit a difficult branch (e.g. AB -> ACEDFGH)... \n")

				cat("\nNOTE: This fix will run, but will NOT work correctly for pure '+a' models (as of 2016-05-07) where d and/or e equals 0, since the manual fix forces a random series of d and e events, on the theory that the events must be super-rare since maxtries failed, so we might as well order them randomly (subject to the constraint that the range is never NULL). For +a models, try increasing maxtries instead. \n")

				# Manual histories are denoted by maxtries+2
				trynum = maxtries + 2
				# Look at the starting and ending ranges:

				range_at_branch_bottom = ranges_list[[statenum_1based_at_branch_bottom]]
				range_at_branch_top = ranges_list[[statenum_1based_at_branch_top]]
				cat("Starting range: ", range_at_branch_bottom, "\n")
				cat("Desired ending range: ", range_at_branch_top, "\n")
				# Force a series of range/loss events at uniform random intervals
				starting_ranges = strsplit(range_at_branch_bottom, split="")[[1]]
				ending_ranges = strsplit(range_at_branch_top, split="")[[1]]
				area_indices_0based_branch_bottom = state_indices_0based[[statenum_1based_at_branch_bottom]]
				area_indices_0based_branch_top = state_indices_0based[[statenum_1based_at_branch_top]]

				# Ranges to add:
				addTF = (area_indices_0based_branch_top %in% area_indices_0based_branch_bottom) == FALSE
				area_indices_0based_to_add = area_indices_0based_branch_top[addTF]
				# Ranges to subtract:
				subTF = (area_indices_0based_branch_bottom %in% area_indices_0based_branch_top) == FALSE
				area_indices_0based_to_subtract = area_indices_0based_branch_bottom[subTF]
				# Make a table of add/loss events
				add_cols = cbind(area_indices_0based_to_add, rep("add", times=length(area_indices_0based_to_add)))
				sub_cols = cbind(area_indices_0based_to_subtract, rep("sub", times=length(area_indices_0based_to_subtract)))
				manual_table = rbind(add_cols, sub_cols)
				manual_table = as.data.frame(manual_table, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
				names(manual_table) = c("area_0index", "addsub")
				manual_table$area_0index = as.numeric(manual_table$area_0index)
				# Randomly sort table, make sure you never pass through a null range
				# Repeat until one of the break statements is reached
				num_manual_tries = 0
				num_manual_tries_max = 10000
				while (1)
					num_manual_tries = num_manual_tries+1
					rownums = 1:nrow(manual_table)
					# Random step
					rownums = sample(x=rownums, size=length(rownums), replace=FALSE)
					sorted_manual_table = manual_table[rownums,]
					tmp_area_indices = area_indices_0based_branch_bottom
					unsampled_range_anywhere = FALSE
					break_condition = TRUE
					for (mm in 1:(nrow(sorted_manual_table)) )
						if (sorted_manual_table[mm,2] == "add")
							tmp_area_indices = sort(c(tmp_area_indices, sorted_manual_table[mm,1]))
							} else {
							tmp_area_indices = tmp_area_indices[tmp_area_indices != sorted_manual_table[mm,1]]
							} # END if (sorted_manual_table[mm,2] == "add")
						if (length(tmp_area_indices) == 0)
							break_condition = FALSE
							# Double-check (null range OK at the end of the events, if end state is null)
							if (length(area_indices_0based_branch_top) == 1)
								if ( is.na(area_indices_0based_branch_top) && (mm == nrow(sorted_manual_table)) )
									break_condition = TRUE
								} # END if (length(area_indices_0based_branch_top) == 1)
							} # END if (length(tmp_area_indices) == 0)

						# tmp_area_indices has been updated and has positive length,
						# now check if it is in the states_list
						if (length(tmp_area_indices) > 0)
							tmp_rangetxt = paste0(areas[tmp_area_indices+1], collapse="")
							TF = ranges_list == tmp_rangetxt
							if (sum(TF) == 1)
								junk = FALSE
								} else {
								unsampled_range_anywhere = TRUE
								txt = paste0("Note: Attempted manual history sampled disallowed state '", tmp_rangetxt, "', try #", num_manual_tries, "/", num_manual_tries_max, ".\n")
							} # END if (length(tmp_area_indices) > 0)
						} # END for (mm in 1:(nrow(sorted_manual_table)-1) )
					if (num_manual_tries >= num_manual_tries_max)
						break_condition = TRUE
						txt = paste0("FATAL ERROR in stochastic_map_branch(): It appears that even the manual mapping of a state history failed to succeed.   Stochastic mapping will likely crash once you run out of tries.  The problem is probably this: you are attempting a very complex history on a single branch (e.g., ABCD -> EFGH), but you have disallowed necessary intermediate states (e.g., DE, CF, CEF, ABGH, etc.).  Probably it would help to have a less constrained list of ranges (a bigger state space).")
						} # END if (num_manual_tries >= num_manual_tries_max)
					if (unsampled_range_anywhere == TRUE)
						break_condition = FALSE
					if (break_condition == TRUE)
					} # END while (1)
				# Now check if the events go through a null state (except the end state, which 
				# could be null)
				curr_time = 0
				time_stop = brlen	# (subtracting since we are going up towards 0)

				# Event times: uniformly distributed under this manual scenario
				# 2016-05-31_bug: sometimes this didn't produce enough 
				#                 event times, producing NAs
				# (I don't know why I put length() in the first place, nrow() is
				#  what makes sense and produces the correct number of events)
				# (Probably this means stochastic maps that made frequent use of
				#  the manual-histories backups should be re-run, because if the 
				#  list of times was too long, only the first chunk would be used, 
				#  so they might not follow the actual uniform distribution on the
				#  manual-history branch.)
				#event_times = sort(runif(n=length(sorted_manual_table), min=curr_time, max=time_stop))
				# 2016-05-31_fix:
				event_times = sort(runif(n=nrow(sorted_manual_table), min=curr_time, max=time_stop))
				current_rangetxt = range_at_branch_bottom
				current_area_indices_0based = area_indices_0based_branch_bottom
				events_table_for_branch = NULL
				# 2016-05-07: taking the -1 out of nrow(sorted_manual_table)-1
				for (mm in 1:(nrow(sorted_manual_table)) )
					curr_time = event_times[mm]
					# Bug check
					if (is.na(curr_time) == TRUE)
						print("NA error in stochastic_map_branch()!")
						print("The program is in the manually-sorted events section, reserved for rare cases where a successful history could not be simulated.")
						stop("Stopped here 12345")
					# Keep track of events
					event_time = NULL
					event_type = NULL
					event_txt = NULL
					dispersal_to = NULL
					extirpation_from = NULL
					abs_event_time = abs_time_at_branch_bottom - curr_time
					event_time = curr_time
					# Range gain/loss events
					if (sorted_manual_table[mm,2] == "add")
						event_type = "d" # range expansion dispersal
						new_area_num_1based = 1+sorted_manual_table[mm,1]
						dispersal_to = areas[new_area_num_1based]
						lost_area_num_1based = "-"
						extirpation_from = "-"
						current_area_indices_0based = sort(c(current_area_indices_0based, sorted_manual_table[mm,1]))
						# 2016-05-07_bugfix: add 1 to 0-based areas!!
						new_rangetxt = paste0(areas[current_area_indices_0based+1], collapse="")

# 						print("mm")
# 						print(mm)
# 						print("sorted_manual_table[mm,]")
# 						print(sorted_manual_table[mm,])
# 						print("areas")
# 						print(areas)
# 						print("current_area_indices_0based")
# 						print(current_area_indices_0based)
# 						print("new_rangetxt add")
# 						print(new_rangetxt)
						# Get the range numbers
						new_range_TF = (new_rangetxt == ranges_list)
						new_rangenum_1based = (1:length(ranges_list))[new_range_TF]
# 						print("new_rangenum_1based")
# 						print(new_rangenum_1based)
# 						print("length(ranges_list)")
# 						print(length(ranges_list))

						current_range_TF = (current_rangetxt == ranges_list)
						current_rangenum_1based = (1:length(ranges_list))[current_range_TF]
# 						print("current_rangenum_1based")
# 						print(current_rangenum_1based)

					if (sorted_manual_table[mm,2] == "sub")
						event_type = "e" # range contraction dispersal
						new_area_num_1based = "-"
						dispersal_to = "-"
						lost_area_num_1based = 1+sorted_manual_table[mm,1]
						extirpation_from = areas[lost_area_num_1based]
# 						print("mm")
# 						print(mm)
# 						print("sorted_manual_table[mm,]")
# 						print(sorted_manual_table[mm,])
# 						print("current_area_indices_0based")
# 						print(current_area_indices_0based)
						current_area_indices_0based = current_area_indices_0based[current_area_indices_0based != sorted_manual_table[mm,1]]
# 						print("current_area_indices_0based")
# 						print(current_area_indices_0based)

						# 2016-05-07_bugfix: add 1 to 0-based areas!!
# 						print("new_rangetxt1")
# 						print(new_rangetxt)
						new_rangetxt = paste0(areas[current_area_indices_0based+1], collapse="")
# 						print("new_rangetxt2")
# 						print(new_rangetxt)
						# Get the range numbers
# 						print("current_rangetxt")
# 						print(current_rangetxt)
						current_range_TF = (current_rangetxt == ranges_list)
# 						print("current_range_TF")
# 						print(current_range_TF)
						current_rangenum_1based = (1:length(ranges_list))[current_range_TF]
# 						print("current_rangenum_1based")
# 						print(current_rangenum_1based)
# 						print("new_rangetxt3")
# 						print(new_rangetxt)
						new_range_TF = (new_rangetxt == ranges_list)
						new_rangenum_1based = (1:length(ranges_list))[new_range_TF]
# 					print("mm")
# 					print(mm)
# 					print("sorted_manual_table[mm,]")
# 					print(sorted_manual_table[mm,])
					# Make a row for a data table
# 					print("length(ranges_list)")
# 					print(length(ranges_list))
# 					print("new_rangenum_1based")
# 					print(new_rangenum_1based)
					# event_txt
					event_txt = paste(ranges_list[[current_rangenum_1based]], "->", ranges_list[[new_rangenum_1based]], sep="")
					tmprow = c(nodenum_at_top_of_branch, trynum, brlen, current_rangenum_1based, new_rangenum_1based, current_rangetxt, new_rangetxt, abs_event_time, event_time, event_type, event_txt, new_area_num_1based, lost_area_num_1based, dispersal_to, extirpation_from)

					events_table_for_branch = rbind(events_table_for_branch, tmprow)
					# Update the current branch statenum
					current_rangenum_1based = new_rangenum_1based
					current_rangetxt = new_rangetxt
					} # END for (mm in 1:(nrow(sorted_manual_table)-1) )

				print("stochastic_map_branch() found this 'manual' (required range add/subtract events, uniform random distribution on branch) events_table_for_branch:")

				# Break out of loop, simulation was successful			
				} # END if (manual_history_for_difficult_branches == FALSE)
			} # END if (trynum > maxtries)
		# Otherwise, try again
		#txt = paste("\nSimulation #", trynum, "/", maxtries, " produced ending state ", ranges_list[[current_rangenum_1based]], " (goal: ", ranges_list[[statenum_1based_at_branch_top]], "); trying again.", sep="")
		} # END while

	events_table_for_branch = as.data.frame(events_table_for_branch, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	if (length(events_table_for_branch) > 0)
		# Format the events table
		# 2014-05-27_NJM: This had an error as abs_event_time was calculated as NULL in non-stratified analyses
		# due to default NULL state for abs. time branch bottom; fixeds
		names(events_table_for_branch) = c("nodenum_at_top_of_branch", "trynum", "brlen", "current_rangenum_1based", "new_rangenum_1based", "current_rangetxt", "new_rangetxt", "abs_event_time", "event_time", "event_type", "event_txt", "new_area_num_1based", "lost_area_num_1based", "dispersal_to", "extirpation_from")
		row.names(events_table_for_branch) = NULL
		# This is an error check to run on e.g. Psychotria data
		# which all have size 1
		# so if you get a tip with a larger size
		# throw an error.
		error_check_Psychotria_all_tips_size1 = FALSE
		if (error_check_Psychotria_all_tips_size1)
			if (stratified == TRUE)
				# The time top should be zero AND the treepiece should be an orig_tip
				TF1 = trtable$time_top[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] == 0
				TF2 = trtable$piececlass[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] == "orig_tip"
				TF = (TF1 + TF2) == 2
				if (TF == TRUE)
					if (events_table_for_branch[4] > 5)
						errortxt = paste("\n\nERROR!  You have a stochastic mapping tip of state 6 or above, but the Psychotria dataset tips are all state 1-4 (size 1 area).\n\n", sep="")
						stop("Stopping on error.")
						} # END if (events_table_for_branch[4] > 5)
					} # END if (events_table_for_branch[4] > 5)
				} else {
				# The time top should be zero AND the treepiece should be an orig_tip
				TF = trtable$time_bp[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] == 0
				if (TF == TRUE)
					if (events_table_for_branch[4] > 5)
						errortxt = paste("\n\nERROR!  You have a stochastic mapping tip of state 6 or above, but the Psychotria dataset tips are all state 1-4 (size 1 area).\n\n", sep="")
						stop("Stopping on error.")
						} # END if (events_table_for_branch[4] > 5)
					} # END if (events_table_for_branch[4] > 5)				
			} # END if (error_check_Psychotria_all_tips_size1)

		} else {
		# If there were no branch events, put 0
		events_table_for_branch = NA
		} # END if (length(events_table_for_branch) > 0)


# Convert a row of events_table_for_branch into a 
# text string, for later storage in trtable
events_table_row_into_txt <- function(tmprow)
	event_desc_txt = paste("nodenum_at_top_of_branch:", tmprow[1], ",trynum:", tmprow[2], ",brlen:", tmprow[3], ",current_rangenum_1based:", tmprow[4], ",new_rangenum_1based:", tmprow[5], ",current_rangetxt:", tmprow[6], ",new_rangetxt:", tmprow[7], ",abs_event_time:", tmprow[8], ",event_time:", tmprow[9], ",event_type:", tmprow[10], ",event_txt:", tmprow[11], ",new_area_num_1based:", tmprow[12], ",lost_area_num_1based:", tmprow[13], ",dispersal_to:", tmprow[14], ",extirpation_from:", tmprow[15], sep="")

events_table_into_txt <- function(events_table_for_branch)
	if (is.null(nrow(events_table_for_branch)))
		branch_events_txt = "none"
		} else {
		# Collapse into a list of lists, ;-delimited
		words = apply(X=events_table_for_branch, MARGIN=1, FUN=events_table_row_into_txt)
		branch_events_txt = paste(words, sep="", collapse=";")

events_txt_list_into_events_table <- function(events_txt_list, trtable=NULL, recalc_abs_ages=TRUE, trtable_rownums_of_events_txt=NULL)
	if ((length(trtable) > 0) && (class(trtable) == "list"))
		txt = "STOP ERROR in events_txt_list_into_events_table(). Input 'trtable' was a list, but should be a data.frame table, or empty. Printing 'trtable':"
	# 2014-05-27_NJM: Note that if you have NO events in the WHOLE TREE, you will
	# have a "NULL" in events_txt_list.
	# Solution: test for NULL. Really, you should pre-allocate this so that 
	# it's never NULL.
	# Actually, this wasn't the problem since I already did pre-allocation. The problem
	# was looking for BioGeoBEARS_run_object$states_list when it should have been 
	# looking for res$inputs$states_list
	if (is.null(events_txt_list))
		errortxt = paste("\nWARNING in events_txt_list_into_events_table(): your events_txt_list has NO events!\n\nThis means your tree has NO d/e/a events across the whole tree.\nThis is *expected* e.g. if you inferred d=e=0 under DEC+J. Input a list of '' or NA to avoid this error.\n\n", sep="")
		errortxt2 = paste("events_txt_list_into_events_table() is returning NULL which will might cause issues later.\n\n", sep="")
	# Convert NAs to "none"
	events_txt_list[is.na(events_txt_list)] = "none"
	# Remove lines with no events or NA:
	noneTF = events_txt_list == "none"
	keepTF = (noneTF == FALSE)
	events_txt_list = events_txt_list[keepTF]
	# Irrelevant if NULL (but just returns NULL)
	trtable_rownums_of_events_txt = trtable_rownums_of_events_txt[keepTF]
	# If no anagenetic events, return NULL
	if (length(events_txt_list) == 0)
		events_table = NULL


	# Include the trtable, if that is input
	if (length(trtable) > 0)
		trtable_subset = NULL
		trtable_was_input_TF = TRUE
		} else {
		trtable_was_input_TF = FALSE

	# If a trtable was input, if (trtable_was_input_TF == TRUE),
	# test for stratified, if so get the strata
	stratTF = "stratum" %in% names(trtable)
	# Get the strata time borders, if needed
	if (stratTF == TRUE)
		if (is.null(trtable_rownums_of_events_txt))
			txt = "STOP ERROR in events_txt_list_into_events_table(): You have input a time-stratified 'trtable', so you must also input 'trtable_rownums_of_events_txt', the rownums of the events_txt_list in the trtable."
		strata_nums = sort(unique(trtable$stratum))
		time_tops = sort(unique(trtable$time_top))
		time_bots = sort(unique(trtable$time_bot))
		# Error check
		TF1 = length(strata_nums) == length(time_tops)
		TF2 = length(time_bots) == length(time_tops)
		TF3 = (TF1 + TF2) == 2
		if (TF3 == FALSE)
			txt = "STOP ERROR in events_txt_list_into_events_table(): lengths of strata_nums, time_tops, time_bots from input 'trtable' don't match."
			} # END if (TF3 == FALSE)
		} # END if (stratTF == TRUE)

	# trtable_rownums
	if (trtable_was_input_TF == TRUE)
		trtable_rownums = 1:nrow(trtable)
	# Convert the events text back into a table:
	tmptable = NULL
	for (i in 1:length(events_txt_list))
		tmptable_rows = events_txt_into_events_table(events_txt_list[i])
		trtable_rownum = trtable_rownums_of_events_txt[i]
		# NJM 2015-06-08
		# NJM 2016-05-05 bug fix: add "as.numeric"
		#rownums_in_trtable = as.numeric(tmptable_rows$nodenum_at_top_of_branch)
		original_tree_nodenums_in_trtable = as.numeric(tmptable_rows$nodenum_at_top_of_branch)
		# NJM 2019-03-11
		# For time-stratified analyses, we need a more thorough match for the correct
		# row of trtable -- match on column "node"
		# rownums_in_trtable

		num_newrows = nrow(tmptable_rows)
		tmptable = rbind(tmptable, tmptable_rows)
		# Include the trtable, if that is input
		if (trtable_was_input_TF == TRUE)
		#if ( (is.null(trtable) == FALSE) && (trtable != list()) )
			for (nnr in 1:num_newrows)
				# NJM 2015-04-05
				#trtable_subset = rbind(trtable_subset, trtable[keepTF,][nnr,])

				# NJM 2015-06-08
				if (stratTF == FALSE)
					# NJM 2015-06-08
					rownums_in_trtable = original_tree_nodenums_in_trtable
					trtable_subset = rbind(trtable_subset, trtable[rownums_in_trtable[nnr],])
					} # END if (stratTF == FALSE)
				# 2019-03-11 match 				original_tree_nodenums_in_trtable
				if (stratTF == TRUE)
					# The events_txt_list has SUBnode, not the master tree node
					#original_tree_nodenum = original_tree_nodenums_in_trtable[nnr]
					#match_nodecol_TF = trtable$node == original_tree_nodenum
					match_trtable_TF = trtable_rownum == trtable_rownums
					#match_SUBnode_TF = as.numeric(tmptable_rows$nodenum_at_top_of_branch[nnr]) >= as.numeric(trtable$SUBnode)
					#match_brlen_TF = as.numeric(tmptable_rows$brlen[nnr]) >= as.numeric(trtable$SUBedge.length)
					match_time_tops_TF = as.numeric(tmptable_rows$abs_event_time[nnr]) >= as.numeric(trtable$time_top)
					match_time_bots_TF = as.numeric(tmptable_rows$abs_event_time[nnr]) < as.numeric(trtable$time_bot)
					#sumTFs = (match_nodecol_TF + match_time_tops_TF + match_time_bots_TF) == 3
					#match_SUBnode_TF[is.na(match_SUBnode_TF)] = FALSE
					#match_brlen_TF[is.na(match_brlen_TF)] = FALSE
					match_trtable_TF[is.na(match_trtable_TF)] = FALSE
					match_time_tops_TF[is.na(match_time_tops_TF)] = FALSE
					match_time_bots_TF[is.na(match_time_bots_TF)] = FALSE
					sumTFs = (match_trtable_TF + match_time_tops_TF + match_time_bots_TF) == 3
					#b cbind(match_nodecol_TF, match_time_tops_TF, match_time_bots_TF)
					TFcols = cbind(match_trtable_TF, match_time_tops_TF, match_time_bots_TF, sumTFs)
					#event_time_matches_TF = (match_time_tops_TF + match_time_bots_TF) == 2
					# There should only be 1 combination of master tree nodes, and time-stratum
					if (sum(sumTFs) != 1)
						txt = paste0("STOP ERROR in events_txt_list_into_events_table(). This might happen e.g. if you have time-stratified analysis with a fossil branch, but the fossil was not recognized as a fossil by the section_the_tree() function in your script. E.g. if your fossil is 0.09 million years old, but the fossils_older_than option of section_the_tree() is set to 0.1. Adjust and re-run. Specific error: ", sum(sumTFs), " rows of input 'trtable' match the SUBnode nodenum, SUBedge.length, and stratum specified for this anagenetic event:")
						print("input 'trtable', matching rows:")


						} # END if (sumTFs != 1)
					# Otherwise, only one match, good!
					rownum_in_trtable = (1:nrow(trtable))[sumTFs]
					trtable_subset = rbind(trtable_subset, trtable[rownum_in_trtable,])
					} # END if (stratTF == TRUE)
				} # END for (nnr in 1:num_newrows)
			} # END if (trtable_was_input_TF == TRUE)
		} # END for (i in 1:length(events_txt_list))
	events_table = dfnums_to_numeric(adf2(tmptable))
	names(events_table) = c("nodenum_at_top_of_branch", "trynum", "brlen", "current_rangenum_1based", "new_rangenum_1based", "current_rangetxt", "new_rangetxt", "abs_event_time", "event_time", "event_type", "event_txt", "new_area_num_1based", "lost_area_num_1based", "dispersal_to", "extirpation_from")

	# Include the trtable, if that is input
	if (trtable_was_input_TF == TRUE)
		# Remove the event txt column
		trtable_subset_col_keepTF = names(trtable_subset) != "anagenetic_events_txt_below_node"
		trtable_subset = trtable_subset[,trtable_subset_col_keepTF]
		events_table = cbind(trtable_subset, events_table)
		# Recalculate the absolute ages of anagenetic events
		# (necessary for stratified analysis master_table
		# (And, you can only do when SUBedge.length exists as a 
		#  table column)
		if ((recalc_abs_ages == TRUE) && ( ("SUBedge.length" %in% names(events_table))==TRUE ) )
			# 2014-05-25_NJM: checking for SUBedge.length too long on 
			# tip branches
			# Is reltimept smaller?
			#naTF = is.na(events_table$SUBedge.length)
			#events_table$SUBedge.length[naTF] = 0

			#SUBedge_too_big_TF = events_table$reltimept < events_table$SUBedge.length
			#brlen_in_section = events_table$SUBedge.length
			#brlen_in_section[SUBedge_too_big_TF] = events_table$reltimept[SUBedge_too_big_TF]
			# Absolute event age = node age at top of branch, PLUS
			# the length of the SUBedge.length below, MINUS the relative
			# event time above the bottom
			#old_abs_event_time = events_table$abs_event_time
			#events_table$abs_event_time = events_table$time_bp + events_table$SUBedge.length - events_table$event_time
			#events_table$abs_event_time = events_table$time_top + events_table$SUBtime_bp + brlen - events_table$event_time
			events_table$abs_event_time = events_table$abs_event_time 
			} # END if doing recalculation
		} # END if (trtable_was_input_TF == TRUE)

events_txt_into_events_table <- function(branch_events_txt)
	# Split on semi-colon
	branch_events_txt = as.character(branch_events_txt)
	words = strsplit(branch_events_txt, split=";")[[1]]
	events_table_for_branch = t(sapply(X=words, FUN=event_txt_into_events_row))
	row.names(events_table_for_branch) = NULL
	events_table_for_branch = adf2(events_table_for_branch)
	names(events_table_for_branch) = c("nodenum_at_top_of_branch", "trynum", "brlen", "current_rangenum_1based", "new_rangenum_1based", "current_rangetxt", "new_rangetxt", "abs_event_time", "event_time", "event_type", "event_txt", "new_area_num_1based", "lost_area_num_1based", "dispersal_to", "extirpation_from")

event_txt_into_events_row <- function(word)
	words2 = strsplit(word, split=",")[[1]]
	output = sapply(X=words2, FUN=split_key_item)
	tmprow = matrix(data=output[2,], nrow=1)

split_key_item <- function(word2)
	output_pair = c("", "")
	words3 = strsplit(word2, split=":")[[1]]
	numwords = length(words3)
	output_pair[1:numwords] = words3[1:numwords]

add_cladogenetic_events_to_trtable <- function(trtable, BioGeoBEARS_run_object, tipranges, stratified=FALSE, piecenum=NULL)
	# Label the cladogenetic events
	if (stratified == FALSE)
		ntips = nrow(tipranges@df)
		nodenums = (ntips+1):(ntips+(ntips-1))
		# Need this to generalize for both stratified/non-stratified
		just_this_subtree_table_TF = rep(TRUE, (ntips+length(nodenums)))
		} else {
		# Count the number of subtree tip nodes
		# (counting tips doesn't work, since some of those are single branches)
		just_this_subtree_table_TF = trtable$piecenum == piecenum
		just_this_subtree_table = trtable[just_this_subtree_table_TF,]
		tip_nodes_TF = just_this_subtree_table$SUBnode.type == "tip"
		ntips = sum(tip_nodes_TF)
		nodenums = (ntips+1):(ntips+(ntips-1))
	# Get the list of geographic areas
	#tipranges = getranges_from_LagrangePHYLIP(lgdata_fn=BioGeoBEARS_run_object$geogfn)
	areas = getareas_from_tipranges_object(tipranges)
	areas_list = seq(0, length(areas)-1, 1)		# 0-base indexes
	areanames = areas

	# Initialize key information about the state space
	include_null_range = BioGeoBEARS_run_object$include_null_range
	maxareas = BioGeoBEARS_run_object$max_range_size

	# Get the 0-based states list, if needed	
	if (is.null(BioGeoBEARS_run_object$states_list))
		state_indices_0based = rcpp_areas_list_to_states_list(areas=areas, maxareas=BioGeoBEARS_run_object$max_range_size, include_null_range=include_null_range)
		states_list = state_indices_0based

		# Get the ranges
		ranges_list = areas_list_to_states_list_new(areas=areas, maxareas=maxareas,
		include_null_range=include_null_range, split_ABC=FALSE)
		ranges = unlist(ranges_list)
		# Otherwise
		} else {
		state_indices_0based = BioGeoBEARS_run_object$states_list
		states_list = state_indices_0based
		# Get the list of text ranges
		ranges_list = list()
		for (i in 1:length(states_list))
			if (length(states_list[[i]]) == 1)
				if (is.na(states_list[[i]])==TRUE) 
					ranges_list[[i]] = "_"
					} else {
					ranges_list[[i]] = paste(areas[ 1+states_list[[i]] ], sep="", collapse="")
					} # END if (is.na(states_list[[i]])==TRUE) 
				} else {
				ranges_list[[i]] = paste(areas[ 1+states_list[[i]] ], sep="", collapse="")
				} # END if (length(states_list[[i]]) == 1)
			} # END for (i in 1:length(states_list))
		ranges = unlist(ranges_list)
		} # END if (is.null(BioGeoBEARS_run_object$states_list))

	# Build the output table
	cols_to_translate_cladogenesis_events = c("sampled_states_AT_nodes", "samp_LEFT_dcorner", "samp_RIGHT_dcorner")
	table_of_cladogenetic_events_translated = trtable[just_this_subtree_table_TF,][nodenums, cols_to_translate_cladogenesis_events]
	names(table_of_cladogenetic_events_translated) = c("parent_range", "Left_state", "Right_state")

	# Label/classify each cladogenetic event
	cladogenetic_event_labels = label_table_of_cladogenetic_events(table_of_cladogenetic_events_translated, states_list, ranges_list, track_dispersal_dest=TRUE, areanames=areanames)

	blanks = rep("", times=ntips)
	trtable$clado_event_type[just_this_subtree_table_TF] = c(blanks, cladogenetic_event_labels$event_type)
	trtable$clado_event_txt[just_this_subtree_table_TF] = c(blanks, cladogenetic_event_labels$event_txt)
	trtable$clado_dispersal_to[just_this_subtree_table_TF] = c(blanks, cladogenetic_event_labels$dispersal_to)

	} # END add_cladogenetic_events_to_trtable

# Get inputs for non-stratified, and stratified, Biogeographical Stochastic Mapping analysis
get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping <- function(res, cluster_already_open=FALSE, rootedge=FALSE, statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based=NULL, printlevel=1, min_branchlength=0.000001)
	' # END defaults
	# Necessary setting to avoid getting numbers etc. in the stochastic mapping output

	# High performance computing
	# HPC using parallel package in R 2.15 or higher, which allows
	# mcmapply (multicore apply)
	# Don't use multicore if using R.app ('AQUA')
	num_cores_to_use = res$inputs$num_cores_to_use
	cluster_already_open = cluster_already_open

	cluster_was_open = FALSE
	if (.Platform$GUI != "AQUA" && ((is.na(num_cores_to_use) == TRUE) || ( (is.na(num_cores_to_use)==FALSE) && (num_cores_to_use > 1))) )
		# We are doing manual, optional processing on several cores;
		# this seems to have less overhead/hassle/incompatibility issues
		# than using mcmapply, mclapply, etc...
		#require("parallel") #<- do this higher up

		num_cores_computer_has = detectCores()
		txt = paste0("Your computer has ", num_cores_computer_has, " cores.")

		if (num_cores_to_use > num_cores_computer_has)
			txt = paste0("WARNING from bears_optim_run(): You specified num_cores_to_use=", num_cores_to_use, " cores, but your computer only has ", num_cores_computer_has, ". Resetting to ", num_cores_computer_has, ".")
			num_cores_to_use = num_cores_computer_has
		if (is.null(num_cores_to_use))
			num_cores_to_use = num_cores_computer_has

		# Don't do this, if the cluster is already open
		cat("\nYour computer has ", num_cores_computer_has, " cores. You have chosen to use:\nnum_cores_to_use = ", num_cores_to_use, " cores for the matrix exponentiations in the likelihood calculations.\n", sep="")
		if ( is.logical(cluster_already_open) == TRUE )
			if (cluster_already_open == FALSE)
				cluster_already_open = makeCluster(rep("localhost",num_cores_to_use), type = "SOCK")
				cat("Started cluster with ", num_cores_to_use, " cores.\n\n", sep="")

				# Flag so that you remember to close cluster at the end
				cluster_was_open = FALSE
			} else {
			cluster_was_open = TRUE
			cat("Cluster with ", num_cores_to_use, " cores already open.\n\n", sep="")
		} else {
		# You are using R.app and clusters don't work...

		num_cores_computer_has = detectCores()
		txt = paste0("Your computer has ", num_cores_computer_has, " cores.")
		if (num_cores_to_use > 1)
			txt = paste0("WARNING from bears_optim_run(): You specified num_cores_to_use=", num_cores_to_use, " cores, but in R.app, multicore functionality doesn't work. Resetting num_cores_to_use=1.")
			num_cores_to_use = num_cores_computer_has
		cluster_already_open = NULL
		cluster_was_open = FALSE
		} # END if ( is.logical(cluster_already_open) == TRUE )

	cat("\n\nCurrently, cluster_already_open=")

	# Stratified or non-stratified -- is there a times filename? (timesfn)
	if (is.na(res$inputs$timesfn) == TRUE)
		# Non-stratified inputs
		stratified = FALSE

		if (printlevel >= 1)
			cat("\nDetected NON-stratified input. Running get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_from_results_object().\n")

		stochastic_mapping_inputs = get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_from_results_object(res=res, cluster_already_open=cluster_already_open, rootedge=rootedge, statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based=statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based, printlevel=printlevel, stratified=FALSE, min_branchlength=min_branchlength, timeperiod_i=1)		
		} else {
		# Stratified inputs
		stratified = TRUE
		if (printlevel >= 1)
			cat("\nDetected STRATIFIED input. Running get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_stratified().\n")
		stochastic_mapping_inputs = get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_stratified(res=res, cluster_already_open=cluster_already_open, rootedge=rootedge, statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based=statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based, printlevel=printlevel, min_branchlength=min_branchlength)	
		} # END if (is.na(res$inputs$timesfn) == TRUE)

# Get inputs for non-stratified Biogeographical Stochastic Mapping analysis
get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_from_results_object <- function(res, cluster_already_open=FALSE, rootedge=FALSE, statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based=NULL, printlevel=1, stratified=FALSE, min_branchlength=0.000001, timeperiod_i=1)
	# Necessary setting to avoid getting numbers etc. in the stochastic mapping output
	# Null range needed?
	include_null_range = res$inputs$include_null_range
	# Get the input run object
	#BioGeoBEARS_run_object = res$inputs
	# Error check
	if ((stratified == FALSE) && (timeperiod_i != 1))
		errortxt = paste("\n\nERROR in get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_from_results_object(): stratified=FALSE, but timeperiod_i is: ", timeperiod_i, ";\ntimeperiod_i=1 is required if stratified=FALSE (since you only have 1 stratum!\n\n", sep="")
		stop("Stopping on error.")
	stochastic_mapping_inputs = list()
	# Load defaults
	stochastic_mapping_inputs$rootedge = rootedge
	stochastic_mapping_inputs$statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based = statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based
	stochastic_mapping_inputs$printlevel = printlevel
	stochastic_mapping_inputs$stratified = stratified
	stochastic_mapping_inputs$min_branchlength = min_branchlength
	# Get likelihoods on cluster, if desired
	stochastic_mapping_inputs$cluster_already_open = cluster_already_open

	# Get the number of states
	numstates = ncol(res$ML_marginal_prob_each_state_at_branch_top_AT_node)


	# Get the tree
	if (stratified == FALSE)
		#tr = read.tree(res$inputs$trfn)
		tr = check_trfn(trfn=res$inputs$trfn)
		phy2 = reorder(tr, "pruningwise") # Do this
		} else {
		# Get the list of tree pieces for timeperiod_i
		tree_sections_list = res$inputs$tree_sections_list[[timeperiod_i]]

	# Get geographic ranges at tips
	if (res$inputs$use_detection_model == FALSE)
		tipranges = getranges_from_LagrangePHYLIP(lgdata_fn=res$inputs$geogfn)
	if (res$inputs$use_detection_model == TRUE)
		tipranges = tipranges_from_detects_fn(detects_fn=res$inputs$detects_fn)
		} # END if (res$inputs$use_detection_model == TRUE)

	# Get the letter codes for aras
	areas = getareas_from_tipranges_object(tipranges)
	# Error check
	numchars_for_each_area = nchar(areas)
	if (any(numchars_for_each_area > 1) == TRUE)
		txt = "STOP ERROR in get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_from_results_object(): For Biogeographical Stochastic Mapping (BSM) in BioGeoBEARS, each area name in your areas/geography file has to be a SINGLE LETTER. This is because various internal code in the BSM algorithm splits strings by letter to figure out what events are occuring. Your areanames are being printed, so you can see which are failing to be single letters. See: Note: Only *single*-letter codes for areas! at: http://phylo.wikidot.com/biogeographical-stochastic-mapping-example-script#BSMsingle_letter"
		row1 = areas
		row2 = numchars_for_each_area
		row3 = any(numchars_for_each_area > 1)
		tmp_table = rbind(row1, row2, row3)
		tmp_table = as.data.frame(tmp_table, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		row.names(tmp_table) = c("area_names", "number_of_letters", "is_it_too_long")
		names(tmp_table) = paste0("area", 1:length(areas))
		} # END if (any(numchars_for_each_area > 1) == TRUE)

	# Get the areas and states list from time-stratified list
	store_stratum_states_list_TF = FALSE
	newstrat = TRUE
	if ((is.null(res$inputs$lists_of_states_lists_0based) == FALSE) && (newstrat == TRUE))
		# NJM 2019-03-25: use the saved master states list, rather than trying to 
		# infer it from the stratum-specific lists
		#area_nums = sort(unique(unlist(res$inputs$lists_of_states_lists_0based)))
		area_nums = sort(unique(unlist(res$inputs$all_geog_states_list_usually_inferred_from_areas_maxareas)))
		#state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods = unique(unlist(res$inputs$lists_of_states_lists_0based, recursive=FALSE))
		state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods = res$inputs$all_geog_states_list_usually_inferred_from_areas_maxareas

		# Get the numbers as collapsed characters, to be sure sorting into correct order
		#state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods = sort_list_of_lists_of_numbers(state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods)
		state_indices_0based = state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods
		states_list_this_timeperiod = res$inputs$lists_of_states_lists_0based[[timeperiod_i]]
		state_indices_0based_this_timeperiod = states_list_this_timeperiod
		states_allowed_this_timeperiod_TF = state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods %in% states_list_this_timeperiod
		store_stratum_states_list_TF = TRUE

		numstates_all_timeperiods = length(state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods)
		numstates_this_timeperiod = length(states_list_this_timeperiod)
		# Get the list of text ranges in this timeperiod
		ranges_list_this_timeperiod = list()
		for (i in 1:length(states_list_this_timeperiod))
			if ( length(states_list_this_timeperiod[[i]])==1 && is.na(states_list_this_timeperiod[[i]]) )
				ranges_list_this_timeperiod[[i]] = "_"
				} else {
				ranges_list_this_timeperiod[[i]] = paste(areas[ 1+states_list_this_timeperiod[[i]] ], sep="", collapse="")
		ranges_this_timeperiod = unlist(ranges_list_this_timeperiod)

		# Get the list of text ranges for ALL timeperiods
		ranges_list = list()
		for (i in 1:length(state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods))
			if ( length(state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods[[i]])==1 && is.na(state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods[[i]]) )
				ranges_list[[i]] = "_"
				} else {
				ranges_list[[i]] = paste(areas[ 1+state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods[[i]] ], sep="", collapse="")
		ranges = unlist(ranges_list)
		ranges_list_all_timeperiods = ranges_list
		ranges_all_timeperiods = ranges
		} # END if (!is.null(res$inputs$lists_of_states_lists_0based) == TRUE)

	# Get the (fixed) list of states
	if ((is.null(res$inputs$lists_of_states_lists_0based) == TRUE) || (newstrat == FALSE))
		areas = getareas_from_tipranges_object(tipranges)
		areas_list = seq(0, length(areas)-1, 1)		# 0-base indexes
		areanames = areas

		# Get the 0-based states list, if needed
		if (is.null(res$inputs$states_list))
			state_indices_0based = rcpp_areas_list_to_states_list(areas=areas, maxareas=res$inputs$max_range_size, include_null_range=include_null_range)
			states_list = state_indices_0based

			# Get the ranges
			ranges_list = areas_list_to_states_list_new(areas=areas, maxareas=res$inputs$max_range_size,
			include_null_range=include_null_range, split_ABC=FALSE)
			ranges = unlist(ranges_list)
			} else {
			state_indices_0based = res$inputs$states_list
			states_list = state_indices_0based
			# Get the list of text ranges
			ranges_list = list()
			for (i in 1:length(states_list))
				if (length(states_list[[i]]) == 1)
					if (is.na(states_list[[i]])==TRUE) 
						ranges_list[[i]] = "_"
						} else {
						ranges_list[[i]] = paste(areas[ 1+states_list[[i]] ], sep="", collapse="")
						} # END if (is.na(states_list[[i]])==TRUE) 
					} else {
					ranges_list[[i]] = paste(areas[ 1+states_list[[i]] ], sep="", collapse="")
					} # END if (length(states_list[[i]]) == 1)
				} # END for (i in 1:length(states_list))
			} # END for (i in 1:length(states_list))
		} # END if (is.null(res$inputs$lists_of_states_lists_0based) == TRUE)

	# Make the tree_table
	if (stratified == FALSE)
		# Make a table holding the states etc.
		trtable = prt(phy2, printflag=FALSE)
		} else {
		# Get the table corresponding to the tree pieces for timeperiod_i
		TF = res$inputs$master_table$stratum == timeperiod_i
		master_table_timeperiod_i = res$inputs$master_table[TF,]

	# Get the Qmat, etc., and calculate the independent 
	# likelihoods (ONCE!)
	# timeperiod_i will be 1 for non-stratified analysis
	# This now changes as the states_list changes
	returned_mats2 = get_Qmat_COOmat_from_res(res, timeperiod_i=timeperiod_i, include_null_range=include_null_range)

	# Extract output
	Qmat = returned_mats2$Qmat
	COO_weights_columnar = returned_mats2$COO_weights_columnar
	Rsp_rowsums = returned_mats2$Rsp_rowsums

	# Pre-calculate the independent likelihoods on each branch
	cat("\n\nPre-calculating the independent likelihoods on each branch...\n")
	cat("Currently, cluster_already_open=")
	if (stratified == FALSE)
		crash_error_check = FALSE
		if (crash_error_check == TRUE)
			print("Checking error")
			} # END if (crash_error_check = TRUE)
		independent_likelihoods_on_each_branch = calc_independent_likelihoods_on_each_branch(phy2, Qmat, cluster_already_open=cluster_already_open, Qmat_is_sparse=FALSE)
		} else {
		# This gets interesting with a stratified analysis!!!!
		tree_pieces = tree_sections_list$return_pieces_list
		# Go through the tree pieces
		independent_likelihoods_by_tree_piece = list()
		for (tp in 1:length(tree_pieces))
			# What sort of tree piece is it?
			if (is.numeric(tree_pieces[[tp]]))
				# If it's a single branch section, it's numeric (just a number)
				branch_length = tree_pieces[[tp]]
				independent_likelihoods_on_single_branch = expokit_dgpadm_Qmat2(times=branch_length, Qmat=Qmat, transpose_needed=TRUE)

				independent_likelihoods_by_tree_piece[[tp]] = independent_likelihoods_on_single_branch
				} else {
				# If it's a subtree
				phy = tree_pieces[[tp]]
				phy2 = reorder(phy, "pruningwise")
				independent_likelihoods_on_each_branch = calc_independent_likelihoods_on_each_branch(phy2, Qmat, cluster_already_open=cluster_already_open, Qmat_is_sparse=FALSE)

				independent_likelihoods_by_tree_piece[[tp]] = independent_likelihoods_on_each_branch
				} # END if (is.numeric(tree_pieces[[tp]]))
			} # END for (tp in 1:length(tree_pieces))
		} # END if (stratified == FALSE)
	# Store the results and model
	stochastic_mapping_inputs$res = res
	stochastic_mapping_inputs$Qmat = Qmat
	stochastic_mapping_inputs$COO_weights_columnar = COO_weights_columnar
	stochastic_mapping_inputs$Rsp_rowsums = Rsp_rowsums
	# Store the tree info
	if (store_stratum_states_list_TF == FALSE)
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$tipranges = tipranges
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$areas = areas
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$state_indices_0based = state_indices_0based
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$ranges_list = ranges_list
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$numstates = numstates
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$store_stratum_states_list_TF = store_stratum_states_list_TF
	if (store_stratum_states_list_TF == TRUE)
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$tipranges = tipranges
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$areas = areas
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$state_indices_0based = state_indices_0based
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods = state_indices_0based_all_timeperiods
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$state_indices_0based_this_timeperiod = state_indices_0based_this_timeperiod
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$states_allowed_this_timeperiod_TF = states_allowed_this_timeperiod_TF
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$ranges_list = ranges_list
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$ranges_list_all_timeperiods = ranges_list_all_timeperiods
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$ranges_this_timeperiod = ranges_this_timeperiod
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$numstates = numstates
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$numstates_all_timeperiods = numstates_all_timeperiods
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$numstates_this_timeperiod = numstates_this_timeperiod

		stochastic_mapping_inputs$store_stratum_states_list_TF = store_stratum_states_list_TF
	if (stratified == FALSE)
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$independent_likelihoods_on_each_branch = independent_likelihoods_on_each_branch
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$trtable = trtable
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$tr = tr
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$phy2 = phy2
		} else {
		# The independent likelihoods for the branches
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$independent_likelihoods_by_tree_piece_for_timeperiod_i = independent_likelihoods_by_tree_piece
		# The tree section for this stratum (one or more pieces, 3 items per piece)
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$tree_sections_list = tree_sections_list

		# Add the necessary columns to the subtable
		# States at nodes and branch bottoms below nodes
		sampled_states_AT_nodes = rep(NA, nrow(master_table_timeperiod_i))
		sampled_states_AT_brbots = rep(NA, nrow(master_table_timeperiod_i))
		# Add the right and left descendant node numbers
		left_desc_nodes = rep(NA, nrow(master_table_timeperiod_i))
		right_desc_nodes = rep(NA, nrow(master_table_timeperiod_i))

		# dcorner = descendant corner (i.e. right after speciation)
		samp_LEFT_dcorner = rep(NA, nrow(master_table_timeperiod_i))
		samp_RIGHT_dcorner = rep(NA, nrow(master_table_timeperiod_i))
		# Cladogenesis events
		clado_event_type = rep(NA, nrow(master_table_timeperiod_i))
		clado_event_txt = rep(NA, nrow(master_table_timeperiod_i))
		clado_dispersal_to = rep(NA, nrow(master_table_timeperiod_i))

		# Events on branches
		anagenetic_events_txt_below_node = rep(NA, nrow(master_table_timeperiod_i))

		master_table_timeperiod_i = cbind(master_table_timeperiod_i, sampled_states_AT_nodes, sampled_states_AT_brbots, left_desc_nodes, right_desc_nodes, samp_LEFT_dcorner, samp_RIGHT_dcorner, clado_event_type, clado_event_txt, clado_dispersal_to, anagenetic_events_txt_below_node)

		# Get the left/right node nums for each subtree in the tree pieces
		tree_pieces = stochastic_mapping_inputs$tree_sections_list$return_pieces_list
		num_pieces = length(tree_pieces)
		for (piecenum in 1:num_pieces)
			tree_piece = tree_pieces[[piecenum]]
			tree_piece_rows_TF = master_table_timeperiod_i$piecenum == piecenum
			# If it's just a branch section, put NA for the descendant nodes
			if (is.numeric(tree_piece))
				# It's a single branch
				master_table_timeperiod_i$left_desc_nodes[tree_piece_rows_TF] = NA
				master_table_timeperiod_i$right_desc_nodes[tree_piece_rows_TF] = NA
				} else {
				# It's a phylo object 
				leftright_nodes_matrix = get_leftright_nodes_matrix_from_results(tree_piece)
				subtable_SUBnodenums_to_put_in_subtable = row.names(leftright_nodes_matrix)
				row_indices_to_use = match(x=subtable_SUBnodenums_to_put_in_subtable, table=master_table_timeperiod_i$SUBnode)
				master_table_timeperiod_i$left_desc_nodes[row_indices_to_use] = leftright_nodes_matrix$right
				master_table_timeperiod_i$right_desc_nodes[row_indices_to_use] = leftright_nodes_matrix$left
				} # END if (is.numeric(tree_piece))
			} # END for (piecenum in 1:num_pieces)
		# Save the subtable
		stochastic_mapping_inputs$master_table_timeperiod_i = master_table_timeperiod_i

		} # END if (stratified == FALSE)

	} # END get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_from_results_object <- function(res, cluster_already_open=FALSE, rootedge=FALSE, statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based=NULL, printlevel=1, stratified=FALSE, min_branchlength=0.000001, timeperiod_i=1)

# Stochastic mapping on a non-stratified analysis
# This function does stochastic mapping on non-stratified analysis, or 
# calls stochastic_mapping_on_stratified() if the input is stratified.
# stochastic_mapping_inputs = get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_from_results_object(res=resDEC)
# stochastic_mapping_results = stochastic_map_given_inputs(stochastic_mapping_inputs)
# For stochastic mapping on stratified analysis:
# stochastic_mapping_inputs_list = get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_stratified(res=resDEC)
# stochastic_mapping_results = stochastic_mapping_on_stratified(res=resDEC, stochastic_mapping_inputs_list=stochastic_mapping_inputs_list)

# get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_stratified()
# This is a separate function, because it only has
# to be run once.
get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_stratified <- function(res, cluster_already_open=FALSE, rootedge=FALSE, statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based=NULL, printlevel=1, min_branchlength=0.000001)
	' # END defaults
	# Necessary setting to avoid getting numbers etc. in the stochastic mapping output
	# Get the input run object
	#BioGeoBEARS_run_object = res$inputs
	# The conditional likelihoods downpass table for all nodes
	# and stratum breakpoints

	# Stratified analysis
	if ((is.numeric(res$inputs$timeperiods))) #&& (length(inputs$timeperiods) > 1))
		stratified = TRUE
		} else {
		errortxt = paste("\n\nERROR in get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_stratified(): Your input results_object does not appear to be from a time-stratified analysis.\n\n", sep="")

	# Get stochastic mapping inputs for stratified analysis
	stochastic_mapping_inputs_list = list()
	#number_of_timepoints_at_which_to_calculate_likelihoods = length(unique(res$inputs$stratum))
	# length(res$inputs$tree_sections_list)
	for (timeperiod_i in 1:length(res$inputs$tree_sections_list))
		stochastic_mapping_inputs = get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_from_results_object(res=res, cluster_already_open=cluster_already_open, rootedge=rootedge, statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based=statenum_bottom_root_branch_1based, printlevel=printlevel, stratified=stratified, min_branchlength=min_branchlength, timeperiod_i=timeperiod_i)
		stochastic_mapping_inputs_list[[timeperiod_i]] = stochastic_mapping_inputs
		} # END for (timeperiod_i in 1:length(res$inputs$tree_sections_list))
	# Specify that this is for a stratified analysis
	#stochastic_mapping_inputs_list$stratified = TRUE
	} # END get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_stratified()

# Not used in default stochastic mapping (2016-05-07)
make_BSMs <- function(res1, model_name="DEC", BSM_tables_dir="BSM_tables_M3_v1", BSM_fn_base="BSM_M3_", num_maps=5, maxtries=1000000, groupname="", seedval=as.numeric(Sys.time()))
	# Make stochastic maps under ML model

	# Directory to hold individual stochastic map objects
	# ("master_table_cladogenetic_events")
	res1 = resDEC
	model_name = "DEC"
	BSM_tables_dir = "BSM_tables_M3_v1"
	BSM_fn_base = "BSM_M3_"
	num_maps = 110
	maxtries = 1000000
	groupname = ""
	# Specify cluster_already_open
	cluster_already_open = res1$cluster_already_open
	# Error check; include_null_range=TRUE is default, even for old models
	include_null_range = res1$inputs$include_null_range
	if ( (length(include_null_range) == 0) || (is.na(include_null_range)) || (is.null(include_null_range))  ) 
		include_null_range = TRUE
		res1$inputs$include_null_range = include_null_range

	# Error check; include_null_range=TRUE is default, even for old models
	use_detection_model = res1$inputs$use_detection_model
	if ( (length(use_detection_model) == 0) || (is.na(use_detection_model)) || (is.null(use_detection_model))  ) 
		use_detection_model = TRUE
		res1$inputs$use_detection_model = use_detection_model
	# Is res stratified?
	if (is.na(res1$inputs$timesfn) == TRUE)
		stratified = FALSE
		res1$inputs$stratified = FALSE
		stochastic_mapping_inputs = get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_from_results_object(res=res1, cluster_already_open=cluster_already_open)
		} else {
		stratified = TRUE
		res1$inputs$stratified = TRUE
		stochastic_mapping_inputs_list = get_inputs_for_stochastic_mapping_stratified(res=res1, cluster_already_open=cluster_already_open)

		# Get timeperiods
		#timeperiods = read_times_fn(inputs=res1$inputs)
	# Make stochastic maps under ML DEC model
	# Get tree
	#trfn = res1$inputs$trfn
	#tr = read.tree(trfn)
	# Store the filenames
	BSM_fns = NULL
	#seed = 12345
	#for (mapnum in 1:num_maps)
	# Number of maps kept
	mapnum = 1
	numBSM_tries = 0
	# If you have a catastrophic failure rate, fail the function
	numBSM_tries_max = num_maps * 10 
	while( mapnum <= num_maps )
		# Stochastic mapping under DEC

		analysis_titletxt = paste("Stochastic map #", mapnum, "/", num_maps, " under ", model_name, " model...", sep="")
		# Do stochastic mapping conditional on the ML model parameters
		tempseed = seedval + numBSM_tries + mapnum
		#print(paste0("make_BSMs tempseed=", tempseed, sep=""))
		if (stratified == TRUE)
			# Stratified stochastic mapping
			cmdstr = paste("stochastic_mapping_results = stochastic_mapping_on_stratified(res=res1, stochastic_mapping_inputs_list=stochastic_mapping_inputs_list, maxtries=", maxtries, ", seedval=", tempseed, ")", sep="")
			# (add include_null_range??? 2016-05-05 )
			} else {
			# Non-stratified stochastic mapping
			cmdstr = paste("stochastic_mapping_results = stochastic_map_given_inputs(stochastic_mapping_inputs=stochastic_mapping_inputs, maxtries=", maxtries, ", seedval=", tempseed, ", include_null_range=include_null_range)", sep="")
		# Increment the seed and try a stochastic map
		#set.seed(seedval + numBSM_tries + mapnum)
		try_SM = try(expr=eval(parse(text=cmdstr)))

		if (class(try_SM) == "try-error")
			cat("failed, not saving.")
			# Increment either way (especially for seed!)
			numBSM_tries = numBSM_tries + 1
		stochastic_mapping_results = try_SM
		master_table_cladogenetic_events = stochastic_mapping_results$master_table_cladogenetic_events
		BSM_results = stochastic_mapping_results
		# Save the output
		tmpi = sprintf("%05.0f", mapnum)
		BSMfn = slashslash(paste(addslash(BSM_tables_dir), BSM_fn_base, model_name, "_", tmpi, ".Rdata", sep=""))
		cat("\nBSMfn: '", BSMfn, "'...", sep="")

		# Loads to: BSM_results
		save(BSM_results, file=BSMfn)
		# Store the list of filenames
		BSM_fns = c(BSM_fns, BSMfn)
		mapnum = mapnum + 1
		# Break if it's not working at all
		# (90%+ failure rate)
		if (numBSM_tries > numBSM_tries_max)
			errortxt = paste("\n\nERROR: stopping BSM on on this dataset since numBSM_tries > numBSM_tries_max\n(", numBSM_tries, " > ", numBSM_tries_max, "\n\n", sep="")
		} # END for (mapnum in 1:num_maps)
	} # END make_BSMs_stratified

plot_BSM_fns <- function(res1, res2=NULL, BSM_fns_res1, BSM_fns_res2=NULL, res1name="", res2name="", pdffn="default.pdf", pdf_mfrow=NULL, pdfwidth=NULL, pdfheight=NULL, groupname="", include_null_range=TRUE)
	defaults = '
	areanames = c("K","O","M","H")
	max_range_size = 4
	groupname = ""
	pdffn = "stochastic_maps_DEC_vs_DECj_M0_v1.pdf"

	# Setup
	# PDF width
	if (is.null(pdfwidth) == TRUE)
		if (is.null(res2) == FALSE)
			pdfwidth = 12
			} else {
			pdfwidth = 6

	# PDF height
	if (is.null(pdfheight) == TRUE)
		pdfheight = 6
	# Start the pdf
	pdf(file=pdffn, width=pdfwidth, height=pdfheight)
	# If 2 models, do 2 subplots side-by-side (default)
	if (is.null(pdf_mfrow) == TRUE)
		if (is.null(res2) == FALSE)
			pdf_mfrow = c(1,2)
		} # END if (is.null(pdf_mfrow) == TRUE)
	# Get the tree
	trfn = res1$inputs$trfn
	#tr = read.tree(trfn)
	tr = check_trfn(trfn=trfn)
	# Get the tipranges, area names, and max_range_size
	# And states_list
	geogfn = res1$inputs$geogfn
	# Get geographic ranges at tips
	if (res1$inputs$use_detection_model == FALSE)
		tipranges = getranges_from_LagrangePHYLIP(lgdata_fn=res1$inputs$geogfn)
	if (res1$inputs$use_detection_model == TRUE)
		tipranges = tipranges_from_detects_fn(detects_fn=res1$inputs$detects_fn)
		} # END if (res1$inputs$use_detection_model == TRUE)

	areas = getareas_from_tipranges_object(tipranges)
	areanames = areas
	max_range_size = res1$inputs$max_range_size
	states_list_0based = res1$inputs$states_list_0based
	if (is.null(states_list_0based) == TRUE)
		states_list_0based = rcpp_areas_list_to_states_list(areas=areas, maxareas=max_range_size, include_null_range=include_null_range)
		} # END if (is.null(states_list_0based) == TRUE)
	num_maps = length(BSM_fns_res1)
	for (mapnum in 1:num_maps)
		# Stochastic mapping under e.g. DEC
		if (groupname == "")
			groupname_txt = ""
			} else {
			groupname_txt = paste(" on ", groupname, sep="")
		analysis_titletxt = paste("Extracting stochastic map #", mapnum, "/", num_maps, " under model ", res1name, groupname_txt, sep="")

		# Load stochastic mapping result for res1
		BSM_fn = BSM_fns_res1[mapnum]
		cat("...loading '", BSM_fn, "'...", sep="")
		# Loads to BSM_results
		# Is it an error?
		if (class(BSM_results) == "try-error")
			cat("\n\nBSM_fn=", BSM_fn, " is of class 'try-error', skipping plot.\n")
		# Is it stratified?
		if (class(BSM_results) == "data.frame")
			# Non-stratified. Extract cladogenetic events table, 
			# calculate anagenetic events table
			BSM_strat_TF = FALSE
			stochastic_mapping_results = BSM_results
			master_table_cladogenetic_events = stochastic_mapping_results

			# Calculate anagenetic events table
			events_table = events_txt_list_into_events_table(events_txt_list=master_table_cladogenetic_events$anagenetic_events_txt_below_node, trtable=master_table_cladogenetic_events, recalc_abs_ages=TRUE)
			table_w_anagenetic_events = events_table
			} else {
			# Stratified. Extract cladogenetic and anagenetic events tables
			BSM_strat_TF = TRUE
			stochastic_mapping_results = BSM_results
			master_table_cladogenetic_events = stochastic_mapping_results$master_table_cladogenetic_events
			table_w_anagenetic_events = stochastic_mapping_results$table_w_anagenetic_events
			} # END if (class(BSM_results) == "data.frame")

		# Do stochastic mapping conditional on the ML model parameters
		# Plot the states and paint the branches
		# Get colors_list_for_states
		# Setup 
		#include_null_range = TRUE
		#areanames = c("K", "O", "M", "H")
		#areas = areanames
		#max_range_size = 4
		#states_list_0based = rcpp_areas_list_to_states_list(areas=areas, maxareas=max_range_size, include_null_range=include_null_range)

		# Get colors
		colors_list_for_states = get_colors_for_states_list_0based(areanames=areanames, states_list_0based=states_list_0based, max_range_size=max_range_size)

		# Plot the tree and states at nodes/corners
		resmod = stochastic_map_states_into_res(res=res1, master_table_cladogenetic_events, stratified=BSM_strat_TF)

		scriptdir = np(system.file("extdata/a_scripts", package="BioGeoBEARS"))
		plot_BioGeoBEARS_results(results_object=resmod, analysis_titletxt=analysis_titletxt, addl_params=list("j"), label.offset=0.5, plotwhat="text", cornercoords_loc=scriptdir, root.edge=TRUE, colors_list_for_states=colors_list_for_states, skiptree=FALSE, titlecex=0.6, tipcex=0.6, tr=tr, tipranges=tipranges)

		# Paint on the branch states
		paint_stochastic_map_branches(res=resmod, master_table_cladogenetic_events, colors_list_for_states=colors_list_for_states, lwd=5, lty=par("lty"), root.edge=TRUE, stratified=BSM_strat_TF)

		plot_BioGeoBEARS_results(results_object=resmod, analysis_titletxt="", addl_params=list("j"), plotwhat="text", cornercoords_loc=scriptdir, root.edge=TRUE, colors_list_for_states=colors_list_for_states, skiptree=TRUE, tr=tr, tipranges=tipranges)

		# Stochastic mapping under e.g. DEC+J
		if (is.null(BSM_fns_res2) == FALSE)
			analysis_titletxt = paste("Extracting stochastic map #", mapnum, "/", num_maps, " under model ", res2name, groupname_txt, sep="")

			# Load stochastic mapping result for res2
			BSM_fn = BSM_fns_res2[mapnum]
			cat("...loading '", BSM_fn, "'...", sep="")
			# Loads to BSM_results
			# Is it an error?
			if (class(BSM_results) == "try-error")
				cat("\n\nBSM_fn=", BSM_fn, " is of class 'try-error', skipping plot.\n")
				title("'try-error' on this stochastic map...delete")
			# Is it stratified?
			if (class(BSM_results) == "data.frame")
				# Non-stratified. Extract cladogenetic events table, 
				# calculate anagenetic events table
				BSM_strat_TF = FALSE
				stochastic_mapping_results = BSM_results
				master_table_cladogenetic_events = stochastic_mapping_results

				# ***********
				# Calculate anagenetic events table
				# (why is this 0 under DEC?)
				events_table = events_txt_list_into_events_table(events_txt_list=master_table_cladogenetic_events$anagenetic_events_txt_below_node, trtable=master_table_cladogenetic_events, recalc_abs_ages=TRUE)
				table_w_anagenetic_events = events_table
				} else {
				# Stratified. Extract cladogenetic and anagenetic events tables
				BSM_strat_TF = TRUE
				stochastic_mapping_results = BSM_results
				master_table_cladogenetic_events = stochastic_mapping_results$master_table_cladogenetic_events
				table_w_anagenetic_events = stochastic_mapping_results$table_w_anagenetic_events
				} # END if (class(BSM_results) == "data.frame")

			# Do stochastic mapping conditional on the ML model parameters

			# Plot the states and paint the branches
			# Get colors_list_for_states
			# Setup 
			#include_null_range = TRUE
			#areanames = c("K", "O", "M", "H")
			#areas = areanames
			#max_range_size = 4
			#states_list_0based = rcpp_areas_list_to_states_list(areas=areas, maxareas=max_range_size, include_null_range=include_null_range)

			# Get colors
			colors_list_for_states = get_colors_for_states_list_0based(areanames=areanames, states_list_0based=states_list_0based, max_range_size=max_range_size)

			# Plot the tree and states at nodes/corners
			resmod = stochastic_map_states_into_res(res=res2, master_table_cladogenetic_events, stratified=BSM_strat_TF)

			scriptdir = np(system.file("extdata/a_scripts", package="BioGeoBEARS"))
			plot_BioGeoBEARS_results(results_object=resmod, analysis_titletxt=analysis_titletxt, addl_params=list("j"), label.offset=0.5, plotwhat="text", cornercoords_loc=scriptdir, root.edge=TRUE, colors_list_for_states=colors_list_for_states, skiptree=FALSE, titlecex=0.6, tipcex=0.6, tr=tr, tipranges=tipranges)

			# Paint on the branch states
			paint_stochastic_map_branches(res=resmod, master_table_cladogenetic_events, colors_list_for_states=colors_list_for_states, lwd=5, lty=par("lty"), root.edge=TRUE, stratified=BSM_strat_TF)

			plot_BioGeoBEARS_results(results_object=resmod, analysis_titletxt="", addl_params=list("j"), plotwhat="text", cornercoords_loc=scriptdir, root.edge=TRUE, colors_list_for_states=colors_list_for_states, skiptree=TRUE, tr=tr, tipranges=tipranges)
			} # END if (is.null(BSM_fns_res2) == FALSE)

		} # END for (mapnum in 1:num_maps)

	cmdstr = paste("open ", pdffn, sep="")

	} # END plot_BSM_fns
nmatzke/BioGeoBEARS documentation built on July 1, 2024, 12:45 p.m.