
Defines functions simField

Documented in simField

#' Simulate A continous 2D spatial field using SPDE
#' @description Calculates a continous underlying spatial field for a given
#' shape and uses an additive model to combine with covariates to create a final
#' observed field which is a linear combination of covariates their beta values
#' with an optional link function applied.
#' @param N Number of width pixels for the projection
#' @param sigmaE spatial variance
#' @param rangeE spatial range
#' @param rho temporal autocorrelation for AR1 process
#' @param shape polygon object to populate, if NULL unit square is used
#' @param nTimes number of time observations
#' @param beta0 itercept term added to all points
#' @param betaList list of 2 item lists with a type item which is either random,
#' cluster, or spatial and a value item which is the beta coefficient.
#' @param link link function to apply to the linear combination
#' @param ... other parameters to pass to mesh
#' @return field object, contains 7 items. Spatial points data frame with raster
#' values for transformed linear combination, and beta value. A mesh that was 
#' used to create the latent field and possibly covariates. The latent field
#' itself. A bounding shape where all observations take place. A projection 
#' matrix from the mesh to the entire field of interest. The spde for the matern
#' approximation. The beta coefficients used to produce the underlying field.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(tidyr)
#' require(gridExtra)
#' require(ar.matrix)
#' require(dplyr)
#' require(ggplot2)
#' unitSim <- simField(
#'     N = 500, 
#'     offset = c(0.1, 0.2), 
#'     max.edge = c(0.05,0.2),
#'     beta0 = -2,
#'     betaList = list(
#'         list(type="random", value=2),
#'         list(type="spatial", value=-.5),
#'         list(type="cluster", value=-2)
#'     ))
#' plotList <- lapply(c("V1", "V2", "V3", "theta"), function(eff){
#'     unitSim$spdf@data %>%
#'         dplyr::select(-V0, -z) %>%
#'         gather("Effect", "Value", V1:theta) %>%
#'         filter(Effect==eff) %>%
#'         ggplot(aes(x, y, fill=Value)) +
#'         geom_raster() +
#'         coord_equal() +
#'         theme_void() +
#'         scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral") +
#'         ggtitle(eff)
#' })
#' do.call(grid.arrange, c(plotList, ncol=2))
#' usSim <- simField(
#'     N = 600,
#'     shape = US.df,
#'     rangeE = 1.7,
#'     offset = c(1, 2),
#'     max.edge = c(.5, 1))
#' plot(usSim$mesh)
#' usSim$spdf@data  %>%
#'     ggplot(aes(x, y, fill=z)) +
#'     geom_raster() +
#'     coord_equal() +
#'     theme_void() +
#'     scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral")
#' }
#' @export

simField <- function(N=60, sigmaE=1, rangeE=.3, rho=.95, shape=NULL, nTimes=1,
                     beta0=0, betaList=list(), link=arm::invlogit, ...){
        shape <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(sp::Polygon(
            matrix(c(0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1), ncol=2))), 1)))
    shape$isPresent <- TRUE
    shape@data$Bound <- 1
    if(class(N) != "matrix"){
        bb <- shape@bbox
        baseRaster <- raster::raster(
            ncols=N, nrows=round(N*hRatio(shape)), 
            xmn=bb[1,1], xmx=bb[1,2], ymn=bb[2,1], ymx=bb[2,2], 
        shapeRaster <- raster::rasterize(shape, baseRaster, field=1)
        shapeExtPointsDF <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(
            proj4string = shape@proj4string)
        validIndex <- !is.na(sp::over(shapeExtPointsDF, shape)$isPresent)
        shapePointsGDF <- sf::st_as_sf(shapeExtPointsDF[validIndex,])
        shapePointsDF <- do.call(sf:::rbind.sf, (lapply(1:nTimes, function(i){
            shapePointsGDF %>%
                mutate(tidx=i-1)}))) %>%
            mutate(id=rep((1:nrow(shapePointsGDF)) - 1, nTimes))
        shapePointsGDF <- sf::st_as_sf(sp::SpatialPoints(
            as.matrix(N), shape@proj4string)) %>%
            mutate(x=N[,1], y=N[,2])
        shapePointsDF <- do.call(sf:::rbind.sf, (lapply(1:nTimes, function(i){
            shapePointsGDF %>%
                mutate(tidx=i-1)}))) %>%
            mutate(id=rep((1:nrow(shapePointsGDF)) - 1, nTimes))
    mesh <- INLA::inla.mesh.2d(loc=bbCoords(shape), ...)
    AprojField <- INLA::inla.spde.make.A(mesh=mesh, loc=sf::st_coordinates(shapePointsGDF))

    kappaE <- sqrt(8) / rangeE
    tauE <- 1/(sqrt(4*pi)*kappaE*sigmaE)
    spde <- INLA::inla.spde2.matern(mesh)
    sQ <- tauE**2 * (kappaE**4 * spde$param.inla$M0 +
                         2 * kappaE**2 *spde$param.inla$M1 + spde$param.inla$M2)
    if(nTimes > 1){
        tQ <- ar.matrix::Q.AR1(nTimes, sigma=1, rho=rho)
        x_ <- as.vector(ar.matrix::sim.AR(n=1, kronecker(tQ, sQ)))
        x_ <- as.vector(ar.matrix::sim.AR(n=1, sQ))
    x <- x_ - mean(x_)
    xMat <- matrix(x, nrow=ncol(AprojField), ncol=nTimes)
    N2 <- nrow(shapePointsDF)
    betaVec <- beta0
    shapePointsDF$V0 <- 1
    i <- 0
    for(covb in betaList){
        i <- i + 1
        betaVec <- c(betaVec, covb$value)
        if(covb$type == "spatial"){
            if(nTimes > 1){
                cov_ <- as.vector(ar.matrix::sim.AR(n=1, kronecker(tQ, sQ)))
                cov_ <- as.vector(ar.matrix::sim.AR(n=1, sQ))
            cov <- cov_ - mean(cov_)
            covMat <- matrix(cov, nrow=ncol(AprojField), ncol=nTimes)
            newCov <- as.numeric(AprojField %*% covMat)
        else if(covb$type == "cluster"){
            newCov <- c()
            for(j in 1:nTimes){
                suppressWarnings(clusters <- stats::kmeans(
                    sf::st_coordinates(shapePointsGDF), centers = 10, iter.max = 1))
                newCov <- c(newCov, stats::runif(10)[clusters$cluster])
                newCov <- newCov - mean(newCov)
            newCov <- stats::runif(N2)
            newCov <- newCov - mean(newCov)
        shapePointsDF[[paste0("V", i)]] <- newCov
    shapePointsDF$z <- as.numeric(AprojField %*% xMat)
    if(i == 0){
        shapePointsDF$theta <- link(beta0 + shapePointsDF$z)
        matX <- as.matrix(as_tibble(shapePointsDF)[,paste0("V", 0:i)])
        shapePointsDF$theta <- link(c(matX %*% betaVec) + shapePointsDF$z)

    boundShape <- rgeos::gUnaryUnion(shape, id=shape@data$Bound)
    boundShape <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(boundShape,

    field <- list(
        spdf = shapePointsDF, 
        mesh = mesh, 
        latent = x, 
        bound = boundShape,
        AprojField = AprojField,
        spde = spde,
        betas = c(beta0, sapply(betaList, function(b) b$value)),
        fieldPars = c(
            log_tau = log(tauE),
            log_kappa = log(kappaE),
            logit_rho = arm::logit(rho)
        nTimes = nTimes)
    class(field) <- "field"
nmmarquez/PointPolygon documentation built on Dec. 10, 2020, 1:15 a.m.