
Defines functions get_celltype_medians mark_nearest_neighbour cosine_similarity_from_matrix cosine_similarity_matrix filter_similarity_matrix filter_similarity_matrix_by_rank distance_from_attractor_hard_filter get_distances_from_attractors add_attractors_labels set_visual_attributes add_vertices_to_attractors_graph get_vertex_table build_graph cluster_data add_inter_clusters_connections process_data

options(stringsAsFactors = F)
options(warn = 1)

get_celltype_medians <- function(tab)
	tab <- tab[tab$cellType != 0,]
	ret <- ddply(tab, ~cellType, colwise(median))

mark_nearest_neighbour <- function(G)
    E(G)$nearest_neigh <- 0
    for(i in 1:vcount(G))
        if(V(G)$type[i] == 2)
            sel.edges <- incident(G, i)
            max.edge <- sel.edges[which.max(E(G)[sel.edges]$weight)]
            E(G)[max.edge]$nearest_neigh <- 1

cosine_similarity_from_matrix <- function(v, m)
	m <- as.matrix(m[, names(v), drop = F])
	ret <- apply(m, 1, function(x, v) {return(crossprod(x, v)/sqrt(crossprod(x) * crossprod(v)))}, v)

cosine_similarity_matrix <- function(m)
	ret <- t(apply(m, 1, function(x, m) {cosine_similarity_from_matrix(x, m)}, m = m))

filter_similarity_matrix <- function(m, T)
	ret <- t(apply(m, 1, function(x) 
						if(max(x) <= T)
							x[x < max(x)] <- 0
							x[x < T] <- 0

filter_similarity_matrix_by_rank <- function(m, T)
	ret <- t(apply(m, 1, function(x) 
						r <- rank(x, ties.method = "first")
						r <- max(r) - r + 1
						x[r > T] <- 0


distance_from_attractor_hard_filter <- function(dd, tab, col.names, thresh = 0.5)
    tab <- tab[, col.names]
    w <- apply(tab[,col.names], 1, function(x, thresh) {all(x < thresh)}, thresh = thresh)
        print("Hard removing some connections to unstained landmarks")
    dd[, w] <- 0

get_distances_from_attractors <- function(m, tab, col.names, dist.thresh)
	att <- as.matrix(tab[, col.names])
	row.names(att) <- as.character(1:nrow(tab))
	m <- as.matrix(m[, col.names])
	dd <- t(apply(m, 1, function(x, att) {cosine_similarity_from_matrix(x, att)}, att))
    dd <- distance_from_attractor_hard_filter(dd, tab, col.names, thresh = 1)
    dist.thresh <- quantile(dd, probs = 0.85, na.rm = T)
    dist.thresh <- max(c(dist.thresh, 0.5))
    dd[is.na(dd)] <- 0 #This can happen if one of the attractors has all 0's for the markers of interest
	dd <- filter_similarity_matrix(dd, dist.thresh)

add_attractors_labels <- function(G, v)
	V(G)$name[1:length(v)] <- V(G)$Label[1:length(v)] <- v
set_visual_attributes <- function(G)
	att <- V(G)$type == 1
	V(G)$r <- 79
	V(G)$g <- 147
	V(G)$b <- 222
	V(G)$size <- 10
	V(G)[att]$r <- 255
	V(G)[att]$g <- 117
	V(G)[att]$b <- 128
	V(G)[att]$size <- 20
	E(G)$r <- 180
	E(G)$g <- 180
	E(G)$b <- 180
add_vertices_to_attractors_graph <- function(G, tab.clustered, tab.median, col.names, dist.thresh = 0.7)
	dd <- get_distances_from_attractors(tab.clustered, tab.median, col.names, dist.thresh)
	n <- nrow(dd)
	num.vertices <- length(V(G))
	G <- add.vertices(G, n)
	v.seq <- (num.vertices + 1):length(V(G))
	V(G)[v.seq]$name <- as.character(v.seq)
    V(G)[v.seq]$Label <- paste("c", tab.clustered$groups, sep = "")
	row.names(dd) <- as.character(v.seq)
	for(i in 1:nrow(dd))
		v <- dd[i,]
		v <- v[v > 0]
		if(length(v) > 0)
			e.list <- c(rbind(as.character(num.vertices + i), names(v)))
			G <- G + edges(e.list, weight = v)
#	weight <- E(G)$weight
#	E(G)$weight <- weight ^ 10
	maxx <- maxy <- rep(Inf, vcount(G))
	minx <- miny <- rep(-Inf, vcount(G))
	maxx[1:num.vertices] <- minx[1:num.vertices] <- V(G)$x[1:num.vertices]
	maxy[1:num.vertices] <- miny[1:num.vertices] <- V(G)$y[1:num.vertices]
	lay <- layout.kamada.kawai(G, minx = minx, maxx = maxx, miny = miny, maxy = maxy)
	colnames(lay) <- c("x", "y")
	G <- set.vertex.attribute(G, name = "x", value = lay[, "x"])
	G <- set.vertex.attribute(G, name = "y", value = lay[, "y"])
	V(G)[1:num.vertices]$type <- 1 #attractor
	V(G)[(num.vertices + 1):vcount(G)]$type <- 2 #cell

    for(i in names(tab.clustered))
		G <- set.vertex.attribute(G, name = i, index = (num.vertices + 1):vcount(G), value = tab.clustered[, i])
	G <- set_visual_attributes(G)

get_vertex_table <- function(G)
	att <- list.vertex.attributes(G)
	ret <- NULL
	for(a in att)
		d <- data.frame(get.vertex.attribute(G, a), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            ret <- d
            ret <- cbind(ret, d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	names(ret) <- att

build_graph <- function(tab, col.names, filtering_T = 0.8)
	m <- as.matrix(tab[, col.names])
	row.names(m) <- tab$cellType
	dd <- cosine_similarity_matrix(m)
    diag(dd) <- 0
    dd[is.na(dd)] <- 0 #This can happen if one of the attractors has all 0's for the markers of interest
    if(filtering_T >= 1)
		dd <- filter_similarity_matrix_by_rank(dd, filtering_T)
		dd <- filter_similarity_matrix(dd, filtering_T)
	G <- graph.adjacency(dd, mode = "undirected", weighted = T)
	n.vertices <- length(V(G))
	lay <- layout.kamada.kawai(G)
	colnames(lay) <- c("x", "y")
	G <- set.vertex.attribute(G, name = "x", value = lay[, "x"])
	G <- set.vertex.attribute(G, name = "y", value = lay[, "y"])
	for(i in names(tab))
		G <- set.vertex.attribute(G, name = i, value = tab[, i])
cluster_data <- function(tab, col.names, k = 200, algorithm = "", ...)
	m <- as.matrix(tab[, col.names])
    if(algorithm == "clara")
		print("Performing clara clustering")
		groups <- clara(m, k, ...)$clustering

    else if(algorithm == "hierarchical")
		print("Performing hierarchical clustering")
		dend <- hclust(dist(m), ...)
		groups <- cutree(dend, k)
    print("Clustering done")
	tab <- cbind(tab, groups, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

add_inter_clusters_connections <- function(G, col.names, weight.factor)
    tab <- get_vertex_table(G)
    tab <- tab[tab$type == 2,]
    m <- as.matrix(tab[, col.names])
    row.names(m) <- tab$name
    dd <- cosine_similarity_matrix(m)
    diag(dd) <- 0
    dd[is.na(dd)] <- 0
    dist.thresh <- quantile(dd, probs = 0.85, na.rm = T)
    dist.thresh <- max(c(dist.thresh, 0.5))
    dd <- filter_similarity_matrix(dd, dist.thresh)
    dd <- filter_similarity_matrix_by_rank(dd, 3)
    e.list <- NULL
    for(i in 1:nrow(dd))
		v <- dd[i,]
		v <- v[v > 0]
		if(length(v) > 0)
			e.list <- rbind(e.list, data.frame(a = tab[i, "name"], b = names(v), weight = v, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    temp <- as.matrix(e.list[, c("a", "b")])
    temp <- t(apply(temp, 1, sort))
    e.list <- data.frame(temp, weight = e.list$weight, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(e.list)[1:2] <- c("a", "b")
    e.list <- e.list[!duplicated(e.list[, c("a", "b")]),]
    e.list.igraph <- c(t(as.matrix(e.list[, c("a", "b")])))

    #G <- G + edges(e.list, weight = (v ^ 30))
    G <- G + edges(e.list.igraph, weight = e.list$weight * weight.factor)

process_data <- function(tab, G.attractors = NULL, tab.attractors = NULL, col.names = NULL, att.labels = NULL, dist.thresh = 0.7, 
                         already.clustered = FALSE, inter.cluster.connections = FALSE, col.names.inter_cluster = NULL, inter_cluster.weight_factor = 0.7, ew_influence,
                         overlap_method = NULL)

        tab <- cluster_data(tab, col.names)
        tab.clustered <- ddply(tab, ~groups, colwise(median))
        tab.clustered <- tab

    if(is.null(col.names.inter_cluster) || col.names.inter_cluster == "")
        col.names.inter_cluster = col.names
		G.attractors <- build_graph(tab.attractors, col.names)
		G.complete <- add_vertices_to_attractors_graph(G.attractors, tab.clustered, tab.attractors, col.names, dist.thresh)
		G.complete <- complete.forceatlas2(G.complete, first.iter = 50000, 
                                           overlap.iter = 20000, ew_influence = ew_influence, overlap_method = "repel")
            print("Adding inter-cluster connections with markers:")
            print(sprintf("Weight factor:%f", inter_cluster.weight_factor))
            G.complete <- add_inter_clusters_connections(G.complete, col.names.inter_cluster, weight.factor = inter_cluster.weight_factor)
            G.complete <- complete.forceatlas2(G.complete, first.iter = 50000, overlap.iter = 20000, 
                                               ew_influence = ew_influence, overlap_method = overlap_method)
		V(G.attractors)$x <- V(G.complete)$x[1:vcount(G.attractors)]
		V(G.attractors)$y <- V(G.complete)$y[1:vcount(G.attractors)]
		G.complete <- add_vertices_to_attractors_graph(G.attractors, tab.clustered, tab.attractors, col.names, dist.thresh)
		fixed <- rep(FALSE, vcount(G.complete))
		fixed[1:vcount(G.attractors)] <- TRUE
		G.complete <- complete.forceatlas2(G.complete, first.iter = 50000, overlap.iter = 20000, 
                                           overlap_method = "repel", ew_influence = ew_influence, fixed = fixed)
            print("Adding inter-cluster connections with markers:")
            print(sprintf("Weight factor:%f", inter_cluster.weight_factor))
            G.complete <- add_inter_clusters_connections(G.complete, col.names.inter_cluster, weight.factor = inter_cluster.weight_factor)
            G.complete <- complete.forceatlas2(G.complete, first.iter = 50000, overlap.iter = 20000, 
                                               overlap_method = overlap_method, ew_influence = ew_influence, fixed = fixed)

	G.complete <- add_attractors_labels(G.complete, att.labels)
	V(G.complete)$name <- gsub(".fcs", "", V(G.complete)$name)
	return(list(G.attractors = G.attractors, G.complete = G.complete, tab.attractors = tab.attractors, tab = tab, col.names = col.names))
nolanlab/scaffold documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:32 p.m.