
Defines functions interpolate_manual_tour manual_tour rotate_manip_space create_manip_space

Documented in create_manip_space interpolate_manual_tour manual_tour rotate_manip_space


#' Create a manipulation space to rotate the manipulation variable in.
#' Typically called by `manual_tour()`. Creates a (p, d) orthonormal matrix,
#' the manipulation space from the given basis right concatenated with a zero 
#' vector, with `manip_var` set to 1.
#' @param basis A (p, d) orthonormal numeric matrix,
#' the linear combination the original variables contribute to projection frame.
#' Required, no default.
#' @param manip_var The number of the variable/column to rotate. Defaults to 
#' `manip_var_of(basis)`, the variable with the largest contribution in the basis.
#' @return A (p, d + 1) orthonormal matrix, the manipulation space to 
#' manipulate the projection in.
#' @import tourr
#' @export
#' @family manual tour adjacent functions
#' @examples
#' library(spinifex)
#' dat <- scale_sd(wine[, 2:6])
#' bas <- basis_pca(dat)
#' mv  <- manip_var_of(bas)
#' create_manip_space(basis = bas, manip_var = mv)
#' ## d = 1 case 
#' bas1d <- basis_pca(dat, d = 1)
#' mv    <- manip_var_of(bas1d)
#' create_manip_space(bas1d, mv)
create_manip_space <- function(basis, manip_var = manip_var_of(basis)){
  cn <- colnames(basis)
  rn <- rownames(basis)
  ## Assumptions
  basis <- matrix(basis, nrow(basis), ncol(basis))
  if(spinifex::is_orthonormal(basis) == FALSE){
    warning("Basis was not orthonormal. Coereced to othronormal with tourr::orthonormalise(basis).")
    basis <- tourr::orthonormalise(basis)
  if(ncol(basis) > 2L){ warning(paste0(
    "Basis of d = ", ncol(basis),
    " used. Spinifex is only implemented for d = 1 | 2 at the momment. The basis as been truncated to 2 dimensions."))
    basis <- basis[, 1L:2L]
  ## Add manip variable and orthonormalize
  manip_space <- cbind(basis, rep(0L, len = nrow(basis)))
  manip_space[manip_var, ncol(manip_space)] <- 1L
  manip_space <- tourr::orthonormalise(manip_space)
  ## Conserve col/row names
  if(is.null(cn) == TRUE)
    cn <- paste0("y", 1L:ncol(basis))
  colnames(manip_space) <- c(cn, "manip_sp")
  if(is.null(rn) == TRUE)
    rn <- 1L:nrow(basis)
  rownames(manip_space) <- rn

#' Performs a rotation on the manipulation space of the given manip var.
#' A specific R3 rotation of the manipulation space for a 2D tour.
#' Typically called by `manual_tour()`. The first 2 columns are x and y in
#' the projection plane. The 3rd column extends "in the z-direction" orthogonal
#' to the projection plane.
#' @param manip_space A (p, d+1) dim matrix (manipulation space) to be rotated.
#' @param theta Angle (radians) of "in-projection-plane" rotation (ie. on xy-
#' of the projection). Typically set by the manip_type argument in `proj_data()`.
#' @param phi Angle (radians) of "out-of-projection-plane" rotation (ie. into
#' the z-direction of the manipulation space. Effectively changes the norm
#' of the manip_var in the projection plane.
#' @return A (p, d+1) orthonormal matrix of the rotated (manipulation) space.
#' The first 2 columns are x and y in the projection plane. The 3rd column
#' extends "in the z-direction" orthogonal to the projection plane.
#' @export
#' @family manual tour adjacent functions
#' @examples
#' library(spinifex)
#' dat <- scale_sd(wine[, 2:6])
#' bas <- basis_pca(dat)
#' mv  <- manip_var_of(bas)
#' msp <- create_manip_space(basis = bas, manip_var = mv)
#' rotate_manip_space(msp, theta = runif(1, max = 2 * pi),
#'                    phi = runif(1, max = 2 * pi))
#' ## d = 1 case
#' bas1d <- basis_pca(dat, d = 1)
#' mv    <- manip_var_of(bas1d)
#' msp   <- create_manip_space(bas1d, mv)
#' rotate_manip_space(msp, theta = 0, phi = runif(1, max = 2 * pi))
rotate_manip_space <- function(manip_space, theta, phi) {
  ## Assumptions
  manip_space <- as.matrix(manip_space)
  if(spinifex::is_orthonormal(manip_space) == FALSE){
    warning("manip_space was not orthonormal. Coereced to othronormal with tourr::orthonormalise(manip_space).")
    manip_space <- tourr::orthonormalise(manip_space)
  if(is.na(theta))   theta <- 0L
  if(is.null(theta)) theta <- 0L
  ## d = 2 case ##
  if(ncol(manip_space) == 3L){
    ## Initialize
    s_theta <- sin(theta)
    c_theta <- cos(theta)
    s_phi   <- sin(phi)
    c_phi   <- cos(phi)
    ## 3D rotation matrix, as a function of theta and phi.
    R3 <- matrix(c(c_theta^2L * c_phi + s_theta^2L,
                   -c_theta * s_theta * (1L - c_phi),
                   -c_theta * s_phi,                  # 3 of 9
                   -c_theta * s_theta * (1L - c_phi),
                   s_theta^2L * c_phi + c_theta^2L,
                   -s_theta * s_phi,                  # 6 of 9
                   c_theta * s_phi,
                   s_theta * s_phi,
                   c_phi),                            # 9 of 9
                 nrow = 3L, ncol = 3L, byrow = TRUE)
    rotated_space <- manip_space %*% R3
  ## d = 1 case ##
  if(ncol(manip_space) == 2L){
    ## Initialize
    s_phi   <- sin(phi)
    c_phi   <- cos(phi)
    ## 3D rotation matrix, as a function of theta and phi.
    R2 <- matrix(c(c_phi, -s_phi,
                   s_phi, c_phi),
                 nrow = 2L, ncol = 2L, byrow = TRUE)
    rotated_space <- manip_space %*% R2
  ## Conserve colnames (rownames already the same)
  cn <- colnames(manip_space)
  if(is.null(cn) == TRUE)
    cn <- c(paste0("y", 1L:(ncol(manip_space) - 1L)), "manip_sp")
  colnames(rotated_space) <- cn

#' Produce the series of projection bases to rotate a variable into and out 
#' of a projection.
#' Typically called by `array2af()`. An array of projections, 
#' the radial tour of the `manip_var`, which is rotated from phi's starting 
#' position to `phi_max`, to `phi_min`, and back to the start position.
#' @name manual_tour
#' @param basis A (p, d) orthonormal numeric matrix. 
#' The linear combination the original variables contribute to projection space.
#' Defaults to NULL, generating a random basis.
#' @param manip_var Integer column number or string exact column name of the.
#' variable to manipulate. Required, no default.
#' @param theta Angle in radians of "in-plane" rotation, on the xy plane of the 
#' reference frame. Defaults to theta of the basis for a radial tour.
#' @param phi_min Minimum value phi should move to. Phi is angle in radians of 
#' the "out-of-plane" rotation, the z-axis of the reference frame. 
#' Required, defaults to 0.
#' @param phi_max Maximum value phi should move to. Phi is angle in radians of 
#' the "out-of-plane" rotation, the z-axis of the reference frame. 
#' Required, defaults to pi/2.
#' @param data Optionally attach data to the basis path.
#' @return A (p, d, 4) history_array of the radial tour. The bases set for
#' phi_start, `phi_min`, `phi_max`, and back to phi_start.
#' @export
#' @family manual tour adjacent functions
#' @examples
#' library(spinifex)
#' dat  <- scale_sd(wine[, 2:6])
#' clas <- wine$Type
#' bas  <- basis_pca(dat)
#' mv   <- manip_var_of(bas)
#' manual_tour(basis = bas, manip_var = mv)
#' ## All arguments
#' manual_tour(basis = bas, manip_var = mv,
#'             theta = pi / 2, phi_min = pi / 16, phi_max = pi)
#' ## Animating with ggtour() & proto_* (d = 2 case)
#' mt <- manual_tour(basis = bas, manip_var = mv)
#' ggt <- ggtour(mt, dat, angle = .2) +
#'   proto_origin() +
#'   proto_point(list(color = clas, shape = clas)) +
#'   proto_basis()
#' \donttest{
#' animate_plotly(ggt)
#' }
#' ## d = 1 case
#' ## basis could be 1- or 2D; protos_* only use 1st column
#' mv  <- manip_var_of(bas)
#' mt  <- manual_tour(basis = bas, manip_var = mv)
#' ggt <- ggtour(mt, dat, angle = .3) +
#'   proto_density(aes_args = list(color = clas, fill = clas)) +
#'   proto_basis1d() +
#'   proto_origin1d()
#' \donttest{
#' animate_plotly(ggt)
#' }
#' ## Bring your own basis
#' bas <- matrix(rnorm(2 * ncol(dat)), ncol = 2)
#' bas <- orthonormalise(bas) ## manual_tour warns if basis isn't orthonormal
#' mt  <- manual_tour(basis = bas, manip_var = 1)
#' ggt <- ggtour(mt, dat, angle = .2) +
#'   proto_default(aes_args = list(color = clas, shape = clas))
#' \donttest{
#' animate_plotly(ggt)
#' }
manual_tour <- function(basis,
                        theta   = NULL,
                        phi_min = 0,
                        phi_max = pi / 2,
                        data = NULL
  ## Assumptions
  basis <- as.matrix(basis)
  p <- nrow(basis)
  d <- ncol(basis)
  if(d > 2L | d < 1L) stop("manual_tour only defined for 1- & 2D projections.")
  if(length(manip_var) != 1L) stop("manual_tour: manip_var expected with length 1.")
  if(manip_var < 1L | manip_var > p)
    stop("manual_tour: manip_var expected to be between 1 and nrow(basis).")
  if(spinifex::is_orthonormal(basis) == FALSE){
    warning("manual_tour: Basis was not orthonormal. Coereced to othronormal with tourr::orthonormalise(basis).")
    basis <- tourr::orthonormalise(basis)
  ## Initialize
  if(d == 2L){
    ### d = 2 case
      theta <- atan(basis[manip_var, 2L] / basis[manip_var, 1L])
    phi_start <- acos(sqrt(basis[manip_var, 1L]^2L + basis[manip_var, 2L]^2L))
  }else if(d == 1L){
    ### d = 1 case
    phi_start <- acos(basis[manip_var, 1L])
    theta <- NA
  if(is.na(theta) == FALSE)
    if(theta < 0L)   devMessage("theta is negative")
  if(phi_start < 0L) devMessage("phi_start is negative")
  ## Shift phi start in be in-phase between [-pi/2, pi/2]
  if(phi_start > pi / 2L){
    devMessage("phi_start > pi / 2; phi_start <- phi_start - pi & phi_max <- -phi_max")
    phi_start <- phi_start - pi
    # phi_max   <- phi_max - pi ## being removed didn't effect 4 cases.
  if(phi_start < -pi / 2L){
    devMessage("phi_start < -pi / 2; phi_start <- phi_start + pi")
    phi_start <- phi_start + pi
  # ## Ensure correct order of phi_min, phi_start, phi_max
  # ## I don't think this is a valid concern after shifting in phase.
  # if((phi_min < phi_start) == FALSE)
  #   devMessage("basis's phi is less than phi_min, should phi_min be less than ", round(phi_start, 2L), "?")
  # if((phi_max > phi_start) == FALSE)
  #   devMessage("basis's phi is greater than phi_max, should phi_max be greater than ", round(phi_max, 2L), "?")
  ## single basis array, desirable downstream
  .dn <- dimnames(basis)
  basis_array <- array(as.matrix(basis), dim = c(dim(basis), 1L))
  dimnames(basis_array) <- .dn
  attr(basis_array, "manip_var") <- manip_var
  attr(basis_array, "theta")     <- theta ## NULL if d=1
  attr(basis_array, "phi_start") <- phi_start
  attr(basis_array, "phi_min")   <- phi_min
  attr(basis_array, "phi_max")   <- phi_max
  attr(basis_array, "data")      <- data  ## Can be NULL

#' Interpolates a manual tour
#' Internal function. Interpolates a manual tour over the stored theta, and phi 
#' specifications. Returns an interpolated basis_array to be consumed by
#' `array2df`. 
#' @param basis_array array, of the target bases, the extrema of the walk/segments.
#' @param angle The step size between interpolated frames, in radians.
#' @family manual tour adjacent functions
#' @examples
#' ## This function is not meant for external use
#' dat  <- scale_sd(wine[, 2:6])
#' clas <- wine$Type
#' bas  <- basis_pca(dat)
#' mv   <- manip_var_of(bas)
#' mt   <- manual_tour(bas, mv)
#' interp <- spinifex:::interpolate_manual_tour(basis_array = mt, angle = .1)
#' dim(interp)
#' str(interp)
interpolate_manual_tour <- function(basis_array, angle = .05){
  ## Initialize and unpack attributes
  manip_var <- attr(basis_array, "manip_var")
  theta     <- attr(basis_array, "theta") ## NULL in 1D case
  phi_start <- attr(basis_array, "phi_start")
  phi_min   <- attr(basis_array, "phi_min") ## NULL if coloring 1 basis w/o tour
  phi_max   <- attr(basis_array, "phi_max") ## NULL if coloring 1 basis w/o tour
  p <- nrow(basis_array)
  d <- ncol(basis_array)
  ## Early out for single frames,
  if(is.null(phi_min) | is.null(phi_max)){
    dn <- dimnames(basis_array)[1L:2L]
    dat <- attr(basis_array, "data")
    basis_array <- array(basis_array, dim = c(dim(basis_array), 1L),
                         dimnames = c(dn, list("frame1")))
    attr(basis_array, "data") <- dat
  ## if mv_x <0, phi_start <- pi/2 - phi_start
  is_mv_x_neg <- basis_array[manip_var, 1L, 1L] <= 0L
  if(is_mv_x_neg == TRUE){
    devMessage("manual_tour: is_mv_x_neg == TRUE; phi_start <- pi / 2L - abs(phi_start); phi_path <- rev(phi_path)")
    phi_start <- pi / 2L - abs(phi_start)
  phi_delta <- function(start, end){
    .start <- -(start - phi_start)
    .end   <- -(end - phi_start)
    .by    <- ifelse(.end > .start, 1L, -1L) * angle
    .seq   <- seq(from = .start, to = .end, by = .by)
    ## If remainder is >= 30% of a full step, add it
    if(abs(.end - .seq[length(.seq)]) / .by >= .3)
      .seq <- c(.seq, .end)
    ## Sequence of phi values for this segment of the walk.
  ## Find the phi values for the animation frames
  phi_path <- c(phi_delta(start = phi_start, end = phi_min),
                phi_delta(start = phi_min,   end = phi_max),
                phi_delta(start = phi_max,   end = phi_start))
  ## Reverse if x is negative
  if(is_mv_x_neg == TRUE)
    phi_path <- rev(phi_path)
  ## Convert phi path to basis array
  n_frames <- length(phi_path)
  m_sp <- create_manip_space(basis_array, manip_var)
  rn <- row.names(basis_array)
  cn <- colnames(basis_array)
  if(is.null(rn)) rn <- paste0("p", 1L:p)
  if(is.null(cn)) cn <- paste0("d", 1L:d)
  interp_array <- array(NA, dim = c(p, d, n_frames),
                        dimnames = list(rn, cn, paste0("frame", 1L:n_frames)))
  ## Populate tour basis_array
  .m <- sapply(1L:n_frames, function(i){
    this_proj <- rotate_manip_space(m_sp, theta, phi_path[i])
    interp_array[,, i] <<- this_proj[, 1L:d]
  ## Return
  attr(interp_array, "data") <- attr(basis_array, "data")
nspyrison/spinifex documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 1:10 p.m.