
Defines functions default.species fieldnames.lookup read.dima extract.table read.gdbtable

Documented in extract.table read.dima read.gdbtable

# Read in the default species list
#' @export
default.species <- function(){
  return(read.csv(paste0(path.package("dima.tools"), "/defaults/species.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

# Read in the default fieldnames
fieldnames.lookup <- function(){
  return(read.csv(paste0(path.package("dima.tools"), "/defaults/fieldnames.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

#' Reading in data from multiple DIMAs
#' @description This will read in data from one or more DIMAs according to the SQL queries requested and includes default SQL queries for canopy gap, line-point intercept, soil stability, and species inventory data. The output is either a list of lists of query results named with the source filename[s] or a list of query results combined from all sources named with the query name[s].
#' @param data.path Character string. The path to the folder containing the DIMA[s].
#' @param dima.list Optional character vector. One or more filenames of DIMAs to read data from in \code{data.path}. If not specified, all DIMAs in the folder will be read from.
#' @param all Logical. If \code{TRUE} then the contents of all tables in the database will be read in. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param gap Logical. If \code{TRUE} then canopy gap data will be read in with a default SQL query. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param lpi Logical. If \code{TRUE} then line-point intercept data will be read in with a default SQL query. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param species Logical. If \code{TRUE} then species data will be read in with a default SQL query. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param species.inventory Logical. If \code{TRUE} then species inventory data will be read in with a default SQL query. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param stability Logical. If \code{TRUE} then soil stability data will be read in with a default SQL query. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param stability.tidy Logical. \code{TRUE} then soil stability data will be reformatted from the format in DIMA into a tidy data frame. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param custom.query An optional named character vector of one or more SQL queries. Value names should follow the same pattern as "gap", "lpi", "species.inventory".
#' @param combine Logical. If \code{TRUE} then the output will be a named list of data frames, one for each SQL query. The data frames will contain all of the relevant data from all of the DIMAs read from. If \code{FALSE} then the output will be a named list of per-DIMA named lists of query result data frames. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @export
read.dima <- function(data.path,
                      dima.list = NULL,
                      all.tables = FALSE,
                      gap = FALSE,
                      lpi = FALSE,
                      species = FALSE,
                      species.inventory = FALSE,
                      stability = FALSE,
                      stability.tidy = FALSE,
                      custom.query = NULL,
                      combine = TRUE
  if (!any(all.tables, gap, lpi, species, species.inventory, stability, !is.null(custom.query))) {
    stop("At least one of all.tables, gap, lpi, species, species.inventory, and stability must be TRUE or custom.query must not be NULL.")
  if (is.null(dima.list)) {
    dima.list <- list.files(path = data.path, pattern = "\\.(MDB)|(mdb)$")
    if (is.null(dima.list)) {
      stop(paste0("No .mdb format Access databases found in ", data.path))
  } else {
    if (length(dima.list[grepl(x = dima.list, pattern = "\\.(MDB)|(mdb)$")]) != length(dima.list)) {
      stop("Valid file extension required for all DIMAs in argument dima.list")
    if (length(dima.list[dima.list %in% list.files(path = data.path, pattern = "\\.(MDB)|(mdb)$")]) != length(dima.list)) {
      stop(paste0("Unable to find the following DIMAs in the provided data path: ",
                  paste(dima.list[!(dima.list %in% list.files(path = data.path, pattern = "\\.(MDB)|(mdb)$"))], collapse = ", ")))

  ## All of the tables found in a DIMA because we can't get it from an external SQL query
  dima.tables <- c("tblApplicationConstants",
                   "tblLPIMeasures default",

  queries <- list()
  if (all.tables) {
    ## Create a query for every table in DIMA that pulls in the whole table
    queries <- c(queries,
                 setNames(lapply(dima.tables, FUN = function(X){
                   paste0("SELECT * FROM ", X)
                 }), dima.tables)
  if (lpi) {
    queries$lpi <- "SELECT joinSitePlotLine.SiteID, joinSitePlotLine.SiteKey, joinSitePlotLine.SiteID, joinSitePlotLine.PlotID, joinSitePlotLine.PlotKey, joinSitePlotLine.LineKey, tblLPIHeader.Observer, tblLPIHeader.Recorder, tblLPIHeader.DataEntry, tblLPIHeader.DataErrorChecking, tblLPIHeader.FormDate, joinSitePlotLine.LineID, tblLPIDetail.PointLoc, tblLPIDetail.TopCanopy, tblLPIDetail.Lower1, tblLPIDetail.Lower2, tblLPIDetail.Lower3, tblLPIDetail.Lower4, tblLPIDetail.Lower5, tblLPIDetail.Lower6, tblLPIDetail.Lower7, tblLPIDetail.SoilSurface, tblLPIDetail.HeightWoody, tblLPIDetail.HeightHerbaceous, tblLPIDetail.SpeciesWoody, tblLPIDetail.SpeciesHerbaceous, tblLPIDetail.ShrubShape, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxTop, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxLower1, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxLower2, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxLower3, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxLower4, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxLower5, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxLower6, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxLower7, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxSoil, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxWoody, tblLPIDetail.ChkboxHerbaceous, tblLPIHeader.CheckboxLabel
    FROM joinSitePlotLine INNER JOIN (tblLPIHeader LEFT JOIN tblLPIDetail ON tblLPIHeader.RecKey = tblLPIDetail.RecKey) ON joinSitePlotLine.LineKey = tblLPIHeader.LineKey;"
  if (gap) {
    queries$gap <- "SELECT joinSitePlotLine.SiteID, joinSitePlotLine.SiteKey, joinSitePlotLine.PlotID, joinSitePlotLine.PlotKey, joinSitePlotLine.LineKey, tblGapHeader.FormDate, tblGapHeader.Observer, tblGapHeader.Recorder, tblGapHeader.DataEntry, tblGapHeader.DataErrorChecking, tblGapHeader.LineLengthAmount, joinSitePlotLine.LineID, tblGapDetail.GapStart, tblGapDetail.GapEnd, tblGapDetail.Gap, tblGapHeader.Perennials, tblGapHeader.AnnualGrasses, tblGapHeader.AnnualForbs, tblGapHeader.Other
    FROM joinSitePlotLine INNER JOIN (tblGapHeader INNER JOIN tblGapDetail ON tblGapHeader.RecKey = tblGapDetail.RecKey) ON joinSitePlotLine.LineKey = tblGapHeader.LineKey;"
  if (stability) {
    queries$stability <- "SELECT joinSitePlotLine.SiteID, joinSitePlotLine.SiteKey, joinSitePlotLine.PlotID, joinSitePlotLine.PlotKey, joinSitePlotLine.LineID, joinSitePlotLine.LineKey, tblSoilStabHeader.FormDate, tblSoilStabHeader.Observer, tblSoilStabHeader.Recorder, tblSoilStabHeader.DataEntry, tblSoilStabHeader.DataErrorChecking, tblSoilStabDetail.BoxNum,
    tblSoilStabDetail.Line1, tblSoilStabDetail.Line2, tblSoilStabDetail.Line3, tblSoilStabDetail.Line4, tblSoilStabDetail.Line5, tblSoilStabDetail.Line6, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos1, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos2, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos3, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos4, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos5, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos6, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos7, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos8,
    tblSoilStabDetail.Pos9, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos10, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos11, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos12, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos13, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos14, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos15, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos16, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos17, tblSoilStabDetail.Pos18, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg1, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg2, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg3, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg4,
    tblSoilStabDetail.Veg5, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg6, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg7, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg8, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg9, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg10, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg11, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg12, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg13, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg14, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg15, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg16, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg17, tblSoilStabDetail.Veg18,
    tblSoilStabDetail.Rating1, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating2, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating3, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating4, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating5, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating6, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating7, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating8, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating9, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating10, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating11, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating12, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating13,
    tblSoilStabDetail.Rating14, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating15, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating16, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating17, tblSoilStabDetail.Rating18, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro1, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro2, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro3, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro4, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro5, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro6, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro7, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro8,
    tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro9, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro10, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro11, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro12, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro13, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro14, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro15, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro16, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro17, tblSoilStabDetail.Hydro18
    FROM (tblSoilStabHeader LEFT JOIN tblSoilStabDetail ON tblSoilStabHeader.RecKey = tblSoilStabDetail.RecKey) INNER JOIN joinSitePlotLine ON tblSoilStabHeader.PlotKey = joinSitePlotLine.PlotKey;"
  if (species) {
    queries$species <- "SELECT tblSpecies.SpeciesCode, tblSpecies.ScientificName, tblSpeciesGrowthHabit.GrowthHabit, tblSpeciesGrowthHabit.GrowthHabitSub, tblSpecies.Duration, tblSpecies.Invasive, tblSpeciesGroups.GroupName
    FROM (tblSpecies INNER JOIN tblSpeciesGrowthHabit ON tblSpecies.GrowthHabitCode = tblSpeciesGrowthHabit.Code) INNER JOIN tblSpeciesGroups ON tblSpecies.Group = tblSpeciesGroups.RecKey;"
  if (species.inventory) {
    queries$species.inventory <- "SELECT joinSitePlotLine.SiteID, joinSitePlotLine.SiteKey, joinSitePlotLine.PlotID, joinSitePlotLine.PlotKey, joinSitePlotLine.LineKey, tblSpecRichHeader.FormDate, tblSpecRichHeader.Observer, tblSpecRichHeader.Recorder, tblSpecRichHeader.DataEntry, tblSpecRichHeader.DataErrorChecking, tblSpecRichDetail.SpeciesCount, tblSpecRichDetail.SpeciesList
    FROM joinSitePlotLine INNER JOIN (tblSpecRichHeader LEFT JOIN tblSpecRichDetail ON tblSpecRichHeader.RecKey = tblSpecRichDetail.RecKey) ON joinSitePlotLine.LineKey = tblSpecRichHeader.LineKey;"

  if (!is.null(custom.query)) {
    if (is.null(names(custom.query)) | length(names(custom.query)[!grepl(x = names(custom.query), pattern = "^$")]) != length(names(custom.query))) {
      stop("The custom.query vector must have a name for each value.")
    queries <- c(queries, custom.query)

  data <- list()
  ## This loops because you can only have one channel open at a time, which means there's no use for a lapply()
  for (dima.name in dima.list) {
    data.current <- extract.table(data.path = data.path, dima = dima.name, query = queries)
    if (stability.tidy & ("stability" %in% names(data.current))) {
      data.current$stability <- tidy.stability(data.current$stability)
    ## Add the query results to the list data
    data[[dima.name]] <- data.current

  ## If requested, combine all like data from all like queries
  if (combine & length(data) > 1) {
    ## This gets spooky, but the lapply()s are nested so that for each DIMA each query is pulled out and combined with dplyr::bind_rows()
    output <- setNames(lapply(names(queries),
                              function(X, data) {
                                       function(X, query) {
                                         df <- getElement(object = X, name = query)
                                         if (!is.null(nrow(df))) {
                                           ## These are weird fields that need to be coerced here because dplyr::bind_rows() can't do it
                                           ## These are also ad hoc, so chances are that others will need to be added later.
                                           if ("LineID" %in% names(df)){
                                             df$LineID <- as.character(df$LineID)
                                           if ("PlotID" %in% names(df)){
                                             df$PlotID <- as.character(df$PlotID)
                                           if ("SiteID" %in% names(df)){
                                             df$SiteID <- as.character(df$SiteID)
                                           if ("PlotKey" %in% names(df)){
                                             df$PlotKey <- as.numeric(df$PlotKey)
                                           if ("RecKey" %in% names(df)){
                                             df$RecKey <- as.numeric(df$RecKey)
                                           if ("HorizonDepthLower" %in% names(df)){
                                             df$HorizonDepthLower <- as.numeric(df$HorizonDepthLower)
                                           if ("SoilDepthLower" %in% names(df)){
                                             df$SoilDepthLower <- as.numeric(df$SoilDepthLower)
                                           ## If a data frame is empty, then the returned values is NULL
                                           if (nrow(df) > 0) {
                                           } else {
                                       query = X) %>% dplyr::bind_rows()
                              data = data),
    message("If you received coercion warnings, some of your data (probably soil pit horizon depths) were an invalid type (e.g. included non-numeric characters) and were corrupted on import. These warnings are produced at the combination step, so you can run with combine = FALSE to get the data without coercion.")

  } else {
    if (length(data) == 1) {
      output <- data[[1]]
    } else {
      output <- data

#' Reading in data from DIMA
#' @description This will read in data from a DIMA according to the SQL query or queries provided. The output is a named list of query results.
#' @param data.path A string specifying the folder path containing the DIMA[s].
#' @param dima A string specifying the filename with extension of the DIMA to read data from in \code{data.path}.
#' @param query An named character vector of one or more SQL queries. Value names should follow the same pattern as "gap", "lpi", "species.inventory".
#' @export
extract.table <- function(data.path, dima, query){
  if (is.null(names(query)) | length(names(query)[!grepl(x = names(query), pattern = "^$")]) != length(names(query))) {
    stop("The query vector must have a name for each value, even if there is only one.")
  if (!grepl(x = dima, pattern = "\\.(MDB)|(mdb)|(accdb)|(ACCDB)$")) {
    stop("Valid file extension required for the argument dima.")
  if (!(dima %in% list.files(path = data.path, pattern = "\\.(MDB)|(mdb)|(accdb)|(ACCDB)$"))) {
    stop("Unable to find the specified DIMA in the provided data path")

  ## Using odbc
  # dima.connection <- odbc::dbConnect(drv = "Microsoft Access Driver", dsn = paste(data.path, dima, sep = "/"))
  # data.current <- lapply(query, FUN = DBI::dbGetQuery, conn = dima.connection)
  # odbc::dbDisconnect(dima.connection)

  ## Use the appropriate function from RODBC:: based on 32- versus 64-bit installs of R
         "x86_64" = {
           dima.channel <- RODBC::odbcConnectAccess2007(paste(data.path, dima, sep = "/"))
         "i386" = {
           dima.channel <- RODBC::odbcConnectAccess(paste(data.path, dima, sep = "/"))
  ## Apply the SQL queries to the DIMA
  data.current <- lapply(query, FUN = RODBC::sqlQuery, channel = dima.channel, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  RODBC::odbcClose(channel = dima.channel)

#' Read Tables From ESRI Geodatabases
#' @description A workaround using \code{gdalUtils::ogr2ogr()} and \code{foreign::read.dbf()} to read tables without geometry from ESRI geodatabases into R environments as data frames.
#' @param dsn Character string. The full filepath and filename (including file extension) of the geodatabase containing the table of interest.
#' @param tablename Character string. The exact name of the table in the file geodatabase being read in.
#' @param overwrite Logical. If \code{TRUE} then the intermediate step of writing the table to a temporary file as an ESRI shapefile can overwrite an existing shapefile if they share a filepath and filename. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param verbose Logical. Passed to \code{gdalUtils::ogr2ogr(verbose)}. Verbose mode can be very helpful for troubleshooting. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return Data frame
#' @export
read.gdbtable <- function(dsn,
                          overwrite = TRUE,
                          verbose = FALSE) {

  # Make the call to write the table like an ESRI shapefile in a temp directory
  gdalUtils::ogr2ogr(src_datasource_name = dsn,
                     dst_datasource_name = tempdir(),
                     f = "ESRI Shapefile",
                     layer = tablename,
                     verbose = verbose,
                     overwrite = overwrite)

  # Read the geometry-less shapefile to get the data frame in
  df <- foreign::read.dbf(file.path(conversionDir, paste0(tablename, ".dbf")))

nstauffer/dima.tools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:09 p.m.