
Defines functions optimize_calculation optimize_get_data optimize_sort_ha flip_res create_feature_data form_to_int take_ratio

Documented in create_feature_data flip_res form_to_int form_to_int optimize_calculation optimize_get_data optimize_sort_ha take_ratio

#' @title Optimize Calculation
#' @export

optimize_calculation <- function(home.away.dat, day, gridPoints, gridBoundary, decayFactor, totalPer, til) {

  # Split up data set again to do some analysis and build the features
  frameList <- list(
    hhome = home.away.dat[1:day, ],
    ahome = home.away.dat[(day + 1):(day * 2), ],
    haway = home.away.dat[((day * 2) + 1):(day * 3), ],
    aaway = home.away.dat[((day * 3) + 1):(day * 4), ]

  # Set up boundaries and constants
  if (gridPoints > 0) {
    boundaries <- seq(
      from = 1,
      to = til + 1,
      by = til / gridPoints

    # Grid of constants
    mygrid <- c(
        from = 1 - gridBoundary,
        by = gridBoundary / gridPoints * 2,
        length.out = gridPoints / 2
        from = 1 + gridBoundary,
        by = - gridBoundary / gridPoints * 2,
        length.out = gridPoints / 2
      ) %>% rev
  } else {
    mygrid <- 0.0
    boundaries <- c(1, til + 1)

  # Get basic metrics back
  mets <- lapply(
    X = 1:2,
    FUN = function(x) {
      # Select correct frame
      if (x == 1) {
        cFrame <- frameList[[1]]
        oFrame <- frameList[[2]]
      } else {
        oFrame <- frameList[[3]]
        cFrame <- frameList[[4]]

      # Get metric data
      analyse.data <- cFrame %>%
          type = if (x == 1) "home" else "away"

      # Get position list
      positions <- list(
        posH = cFrame$position.h,
        posA = cFrame$position.a

      # Just home or away depending on team
      agg.data <- positions %>%
          cData = analyse.data,
          gridPoints = gridPoints,
          mygrid = mygrid,
          boundaries = boundaries,
          decayFactor = decayFactor

      # Create combination of home and away
      if (totalPer > 0.01) {
        ha.dat <- footballstats::optimize_sort_ha(
          cFrame = cFrame,
          oFrame = oFrame,
          gridPoints = gridPoints,
          mygrid = mygrid,
          boundaries = boundaries,
          ha = if (x == 1) "home" else "away",
          decayFactor = decayFactor
        agg.data <- ha.dat %>% `*`(totalPer) %>% `+`(agg.data * (1 - totalPer))

      # Return from lapply

  # Return row of data frame here
  return(mets %>% purrr::reduce(cbind))

#' @title Optimize Get Dat
#' @export

optimize_get_data <- function(positions, cData, gridPoints, mygrid, boundaries, decayFactor) {
  uu <- positions %>%
      gridPoints = gridPoints,
      mygrid = mygrid,
      boundaries = boundaries

  # Calculate decay Factors
  decayFactors <- cData %>%
    nrow %>%
      decay = decayFactor
    ) %>%

  # Apply the factors and summarise data
  summarisedRes <- cData %>%
    apply(MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) x * uu) %>%
    apply(MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) x * decayFactors) %>%
    apply(MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum) %>%
    t %>%


#' @title Optimize Sort HA
#' @export

optimize_sort_ha <- function(cFrame, oFrame, gridPoints, mygrid, boundaries, ha = 'h', decayFactor) {

  d.sets <- list(cFrame, oFrame)

  oFrame %>% names -> nuNames

  # Find the consistent team (Brighton) and map it to home
  oFrame$zzz.til <- cFrame$zzz.til <- NULL
  # Just list all the rules out first!

  # Get standard columns
  nFrame <- oFrame  %>% `[`(oFrame %>% names %>% grepl(pattern = "^zzz\\."))

  # Map home to away ---
  nFrame1 <- oFrame %>% `[`(oFrame %>% names %>% grepl(pattern = "^home\\."))
  names(nFrame1) <- nFrame1 %>% names %>% gsub(pattern = "^home\\.", replacement = "away.")

  nFrame2 <- oFrame %>% `[`(oFrame %>% names %>% grepl(pattern = "\\.h$"))
  names(nFrame2) <- nFrame2 %>% names %>% gsub(pattern = "\\.h$", replacement = ".a")

  # Map away to home ---
  nFrame3 <- oFrame %>% `[`(oFrame %>% names %>% grepl(pattern = "^away\\."))
  names(nFrame3) <- nFrame3 %>% names %>% gsub(pattern = "^away\\.", replacement = "home.")

  nFrame4 <- oFrame %>% `[`(oFrame %>% names %>% grepl(pattern = "\\.a$"))
  names(nFrame4) <- nFrame4 %>% names %>% gsub(pattern = "\\.a$", replacement = ".h")

  nFrame %<>% cbind(
    nFrame1, nFrame2, nFrame3, nFrame4

  # Flip the result of zzz.result!!!
  nFrame$zzz.result %<>% footballstats::flip_res()

  # Now bind them both on!
  cFrame %<>% rbind(nFrame)

  # Order the data frame
  cFrame <- cFrame[cFrame$zzz.date %>% order, ]

  # Get metrics back
  analyse.data <- cFrame %>%
      type = ha

  # Adjust with factors
  newDat <- list(
    posH = cFrame$position.h,
    posA = cFrame$position.a
  ) %>%
      cDat = analyse.data,
      gridPoints = gridPoints,
      mygrid = mygrid,
      boundaries = boundaries,
      decayFactor = decayFactor


#' @title Flip Result
#' @export

flip_res <- function(x) {
      X = x,
      FUN = function(y) if (y == "W") "L" else if (y == "L") "W" else "D"
    ) %>%

#' @title Create Feature Data
#' @export

create_feature_data <- function(cFrame, type = 'home') {

  # Get the matching score
  oType <- if (type == "home") "away" else "home"
  goals <- cFrame[[paste0(type, ".score")]]
  ftRes <- if (type == 'home') cFrame$zzz.result else cFrame$zzz.result %>% footballstats::flip_res()
  oGoals <- cFrame[[paste0(oType, ".score")]]

  # Get convinceability
  if (type == 'home') {
    gd <- cFrame$home.score %>% as.integer %>% `-`(cFrame$away.score %>% as.integer)
  } else {
    gd <- cFrame$away.score %>% as.integer %>% `-`(cFrame$home.score %>% as.integer)

  convince <- sapply(
    X = gd,
    FUN = function(x) {
      if (x <= -3) {
      } else if (x == -2) {
      } else if (x == -1) {
      } else if (x == 0) {
      } else if (x == 1) {
      } else if (x == 2) {
      } else if (x >= 3) {

  featFrame <- data.frame(
    xg = goals %>% as.integer,
    form = ftRes %>% footballstats::form_to_int(),
    clinical = goals %>% footballstats::take_ratio(y = cFrame %>% `[[`(paste0(type, ".ontarget"))),
    defensive = oGoals %>% footballstats::take_ratio(y = cFrame %>% `[[`(paste0(oType, ".ontarget"))),
    shotacc = cFrame %>% `[[`(paste0(type, ".ontarget")) %>% footballstats::take_ratio(y = cFrame %>% `[[`(paste0(type, ".shots"))),
    convince = convince,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  names(featFrame) <- paste0(type, ".", featFrame %>% names)

#' @title Form 2 Int
#' @export

form_to_int <- function(oldForms, winPoints = 2, drawPoints = 1, losePoints = 0) {
      X = oldForms,
      FUN = function(x) if (x == "W") winPoints else if (x == "D") drawPoints else losePoints
    ) %>%

#' @title Take Ratio
#' @export

take_ratio <- function(x, y) {

  # Replace NaN with 0
  repl_nan <- function(x) {
    anyNan <- x %>% is.nan
    if (anyNan %>% any) x[anyNan] <- 0.0

  # Calculate ratio
  return(x %>% as.integer %>% `/`(y %>% as.integer) %>% pmin(1) %>% repl_nan())
ntyndall/footballstats documentation built on Aug. 13, 2019, 1:36 p.m.