# -----------------------
# Helper functions used internally for documentation generation
# For development use only, do not call them directly
# Imports roxygen2 package. Not used in the release edition
# ########################
# Copyright (C) 2020 Nunes IJG et al
#' @evalNamespace sprintf("if(isNamespaceLoaded('roxygen2'))\n{%s\n}", paste0(collapse='', sprintf("\n %s", c( "importFrom(roxygen2,roxy_tag_parse)", "importFrom(roxygen2,roxy_tag_rd)", sprintf('S3method(%1$s)', vapply(strsplit(ls(pattern = '^(?:roxy_tag_(?:parse|rd)\\.)|(?:^(?:merge|format)\\.rd)'), '.', fixed = TRUE), paste0, '', collapse = ','))))))
# Reads the source code lines to help documentation processing
read.doc.tag <- local({
self = sys.frame(-1L)
self$last_declared_s4class = NULL
self$last_declared_s4method = NULL
self$last_read_file = NULL
self$last_read_lines = NULL
self$last_method_category = ""
self$method_descriptors = list() # Items are lists with $usage, $description, and $category
self$roxy = NULL
if (is.null(x)) return(self$last_declared_s4class)
if (is.null(self$last_read_file) || (self$last_read_file != x$file))
self$last_read_file = x$file
self$last_read_lines = readLines(x$file)
if (is.null(self$roxy))
self$roxy = environment(eval(str2lang('roxygen2::roxygenize')))
fndecl = parse(text = self$last_read_lines[seq.int(x$line, length(self$last_read_lines))], n = 1L)[[1]]
# Enables roxygen2's @declareS4class tag
roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_declareS4class <- local({
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
fndecl = read.doc.tag(x)
if (as.character(fndecl[[1]]) != "setClass") return(NULL)
clname = fndecl[[2]]
stopifnot(nchar(clname) > 0)
self$last_declared_s4class = clname
rdname = sprintf("%s-class", clname)
code = c(
sprintf('@return A [`%s`] object', rdname),
sprintf('@name %s', rdname),
sprintf('@rdname %s', rdname),
self$last_method_category = ""
self$last_declared_s4method = NULL
x$raw = sprintf("c(%s)", paste0(sprintf('"%s"', code), collapse = ", "))
x$tag = "eval"
# Enables roxygen2's @s4method tag
roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_s4method <- function(x, mtype="s4")
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
clname = self$last_declared_s4class
if (is.null(clname)) clname = basename(x$file)
rdname = sprintf("%s-class", clname)
code = c(
sprintf('@rdname %s', rdname),
"@usage ",
formatfn_usage = self$roxy$function_usage
rdfn = self$roxy$build_rd
if (!is.function(formatfn_usage)) return(NULL)
fndecl = read.doc.tag(x)
if (length(fndecl) == 0) return(NULL)
fncallname = as.character(fndecl[[1]])
if (fncallname %in% c('<-', '='))
fname = as.character(fndecl[[2]])
fname2 = fname
if (isS3method(fname))
fname = trimws(as.character(fndecl[[2]]), 'right', sprintf("\\.%s", clname))
fnusage = formatfn_usage(fname, formals(as.character(fndecl[[2]])))
fndecl = as.call(list(as.symbol("setMethod"), f = fname, signature = clname))
fnbasename = fname
fname = fname2
else if (fncallname %in% 'setMethod')
fndecl = match.call(eval(fndecl[[1]]), fndecl)
if (is.call(fndecl$signature))
fndecl$signature = eval(fndecl$signature)
fname = as.character(fndecl$f)
fnusage = switch(fname,
`[` = sprintf("x[i, j, ..., drop=%s]", formals(getMethod(fndecl$f, fndecl$signature))$drop),
`[<-` = "x[i, j, ...] <- value",
`$` = "x$name <- value",
`$<-` = "x$name <- value",
formatfn_usage(fname, formals(getMethod(fndecl$f, fndecl$signature)))
if (identical(fnusage, "character"))
fnusage = rdfn(fnusage)
fname = paste0(fname, paste0(fndecl$signature, collapse=','))
fnbasename = fname
self$last_declared_s4method = fndecl
desc = (if (is.character(x$raw)) trimws(c(x$raw, ""))[[1]] else "")
if (nchar(desc) == 0L)
if (mtype %in% "s3")
desc = if (startsWith(fnbasename, "as."))
if (endsWith(fname, sprintf(".%s", clname)))
sprintf("Converts this object to `%s`", trimws(fnbasename, "left", "^as\\."))
else if (startsWith(fname, sprintf("as.%s.", clname)))
sprintf("Converts a `%s` to a `%s`", trimws(fname, "left", sprintf("^as\\.%s\\.", clname)), clname)
sprintf("Converts to `%s`", trimws(fnbasename, "left", "^as\\."))
sprintf("Generic `%s` implementation for `%s`", fnbasename, clname)
else if (mtype %in% "s4")
desc = switch (fnbasename,
show = "Prints the overview description about the contents in `object`",
plot = "Plots the object's contents",
`[` = "Extracts the elements from the primary table",
`$` = "Extracts an element from the primary list",
if (nchar(desc) != 0L)
desc = gsub("\\", "\\\\", desc, fixed=TRUE, useBytes=TRUE)
desc = gsub("%", "\\%", desc, fixed=TRUE, useBytes=TRUE)
code = c(sprintf("@%smethodDescription %s %s", mtype, fname, paste0(desc, collapse=" \\\\cr ")), code)
self$method_descriptors[[fname]] = list(
usage = fnusage,
description = desc,
category = self$last_method_category
x$raw = sprintf("c(%s)", paste0(sprintf('"%s"', code), collapse = ", "))
x$tag = "eval"
# Same as @s4method, but for s3 methods
roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_s3method <- function(x)
x = roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_s4method(x, mtype="s3")
# Enables roxygen2's @s4methodDescription tag (for internal use, do not apply this tag in the script)
roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_s4methodDescription <- function(x)
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
xval = self$roxy$tag_two_part(x, "name", "description", required = FALSE)$val
fname = xval$name
metinfo = self$method_descriptors[[fname]]
if (is.null(metinfo))
x$raw = xval$description
x$method_name = fname
x$method_usage = metinfo$usage
x = self$roxy$tag_markdown(x)
x$cat = metinfo$category
x$method_name = fname
# Internal use. Same as s4methodDescription, but for S3 methods
roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_s3methodDescription <- function(x)
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
x = roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_s4methodDescription(x)
if (!is.null(x))
if(nchar(x$cat) == 0L)
x$cat = "S3 Methods"
# Parses descriptions as implementation items in "Methods" section
roxy_tag_rd.roxy_tag_s4methodDescription <- function(tag, env, base_path)
if (is.null(tag)) return(NULL)
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
x = self$roxy$rd_section("methods", sprintf("\\item{\\code{%s}}{%s}", tag$method_usage, tag$val))
x$name = c(tag$method_name, "")[[1]]
x$cat = c(tag$cat, "")[[1]]
roxy_tag_rd.roxy_tag_s3methodDescription <- roxy_tag_rd.roxy_tag_s4methodDescription
# Enables roxygen2's @methodsnote tag
roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_methodsnote <- function(x)
if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
roxy_tag_rd.roxy_tag_methodsnote <- function(tag, env, base_path)
if (is.null(tag)) return(NULL)
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
x = self$roxy$rd_section("methods", tag$val)
x$name = ""
x$cat = ""
# Enables roxygen2's @s4accessor tag
roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_s4accessor <- function(x)
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
if (is.null(self$last_declared_s4method)) return(NULL)
fndecl = self$last_declared_s4method
fname = as.character(fndecl$f)
clname = self$last_declared_s4class
metinfo = self$method_descriptors[[fname]]
if (is.null(metinfo)) return(NULL)
desc = metinfo$description
if (x$raw == "")
slotnm = trimws(fname, 'right', '<-')
x$raw = sub('^(\\S+\\s*?)\\r?\\n', "\\1 \\\\cr ", trimws(x$raw), perl = TRUE)
xval = self$roxy$tag_two_part(x, "name", "description", required = FALSE)$val
desc = trimws(sprintf("%s %s", xval[["description"]], desc))
if (any(nchar(desc) != 0L))
desc = sprintf(". %s", desc)
slotnm = xval[["name"]]
is_setter = endsWith(fname, "<-")
x$accessor_type = if(is_setter) "set" else "get"
valname = if (is_setter) "value" else na.exclude(c(getSlots(getClassDef(clname))[slotnm], 'value'))[[1]]
x$raw = sprintf("%s \\code{%s} slot%s", sprintf(if(is_setter) "Sets a %s to the" else "Gets the `%s` from the", valname), slotnm, desc)
x$method_name = fname
x$method_usage = metinfo$usage
x = self$roxy$tag_markdown(x)
metinfo$category = "Slot accessors"
x$cat = metinfo$category
self$method_descriptors[[fname]] = metinfo
roxy_tag_rd.roxy_tag_s4accessor <- roxy_tag_rd.roxy_tag_s4methodDescription
# Enables roxygen2's @category tag
roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_category <- function(x)
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
x = self$roxy$tag_value(x)
xcat = x$val
if (is.null(xcat)) xcat = ""
self$last_method_category = xcat
# Enables roxygen2's @options tag
roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_options <- function(x)
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
fndecl = read.doc.tag(x)
if (length(fndecl) != 3L) return(NULL)
fndecl = call(as.character(fndecl[[1]]), fndecl[[2]], eval(fndecl[[3]]))
rdname = if (trimws(x$raw) != "")
trimws(self$roxy$tag_value(x)$val, whitespace = '[\\[\\]]')
sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", basename(x$file))
fmtargs = deparse(fndecl[[3]], width.cutoff = 50L)
fmtargs[-1] = paste0(" ", fmtargs[-1])
fnfmt = sprintf("%s\n%s", as.character(fndecl[[2]]), paste0("# ", fmtargs, collapse="\n"))
fnfmt = gsub("\\", "\\\\", fnfmt, fixed=TRUE, useBytes=TRUE)
fnfmt = gsub("%", "\\%", fnfmt, fixed=TRUE, useBytes=TRUE)
fnfmt = gsub("\"", "\\\"", fnfmt, fixed=TRUE, useBytes=TRUE)
code = c(
sprintf('@usage %s', fnfmt),
sprintf('@rdname %s', rdname),
x$raw = sprintf("c(%s)", paste0(sprintf('"%s"', code), collapse = ", "))
x = self$roxy$tag_code(x)
x$tag = "eval"
merge.rd_section_methods <- function(x, y, ...)
stopifnot(identical(class(x), class(y)))
if (is.null(x$cat)) x$cat = ""
if (is.null(y$cat)) y$cat = ""
if (is.null(x$name)) x$name = ""
if (is.null(y$name)) y$name = ""
self = environment(read.doc.tag)$self
z = self$roxy$merge.rd_section(x, y, ...)
if(is.null(z)) return(NULL)
z$cat = c(x$cat, y$cat)
z$name = c(x$name, y$name)
ord = order(z$name, z$cat)
z$value = z$value[ord]
z$cat = z$cat[ord]
z$name = z$name[ord]
format.rd_section_methods <- function(x, ...)
sel_notes = (x$name == "") & (x$cat == "")
noteitems = x$value[sel_notes]
if (length(noteitems) != 0L)
noteitems = c(noteitems, "")
x$value = x$value[!sel_notes]
x$cat = x$cat[!sel_notes]
x$name = x$name[!sel_notes]
fmtitems = unlist(lapply(split(x$value, x$cat), paste0, collapse='\n'))
catitems = names(fmtitems)
catitems[catitems != ""] = sprintf("\\sspace\\cr\\strong{%s}\n", catitems[catitems != ""])
fmtitems = sprintf("%s\\describe{\n%s\n}", catitems, fmtitems)
sprintf("\\section{Methods}{\n%s\n%s\n}\n", paste0(noteitems, collapse = "\\cr \n"), paste0(fmtitems, collapse = "\n"))
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