Man pages for nuno-agostinho/cTRAP
Identification of candidate causal perturbations from differential gene expression data

analyseDrugSetEnrichmentAnalyse drug set enrichment
as.table.referenceComparisonCross Tabulation and Table Creation
calculateCellLineMeanCalculate cell line mean
calculateEvenlyDistributedBinsCalculate evenly-distributed bins
checkColnamesCheck whether 'test_names' are columns in the 'data.frame'
chunkColumnsAssign columns into chunks
closeOpenHandlesClose open handles
cmapMetadataCMap metadata
cmapPerturbationsCompoundsCMap perturbations sample for small molecules
cmapPerturbationsKDCMap perturbations sample for knockdown experiments
compareQuantileCompare vector against its quantile
compareWithAllMethodsCompare reference using all methods
convertENSEMBLtoGeneSymbolsConvert ENSEMBL gene identifiers to gene symbols
convertGeneIdentifiersConvert gene identifiers
countsGene expression data sample
cTRAPcTRAP package
diffExprStatDifferential expression's t-statistics sample
dimnames.expressionDrugSensitivityAssociationOperations on 'expressionDrugSensitivityAssociation' objects
dot-plotBubblesPlot packed bubbles
dot-prepareNavPagePrepare Shiny page template
dot-traceInListFind an item in list of lists and return its coordinates
downloadENCODEknockdownMetadataDownload metadata for ENCODE knockdown experiments
downloadIfNotFoundDownload data if given file is not found
ENCODEmetadataENCODE metadata sample
filterCMapMetadataFilter CMap metadata
findIntersectingCompoundsCheck for intersecting compounds across specific columns on...
fix.datatypesAdjust the data types for columns of a meta data frame
GCT-classAn S4 class to represent a GCT object
getCMapConditionsList available conditions in CMap datasets
getCMapPerturbationTypesGet CMap perturbation types
getENCODEcontrolsGet experiments files for a given control
HTMLfastFaster version of 'shiny::HTML'
launchCMapDataLoaderLoad CMap data via a visual interface
launchDiffExprLoaderLoad differential expression data via a visual interface
launchDrugSetEnrichmentAnalyserView and plot results via a visual interface
launchMetadataViewerView metadata via a visual interface
launchResultPlotterView and plot results via a visual interface
listExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociationList available gene expression and drug sensitivity...
loadCMapDataLoad CMap data
loadCMapZscoresLoad matrix of CMap perturbation's differential expression...
loadCTRPgeneExpressionLoad CTRP data
loadDrugDescriptorsLoad table with drug descriptors
loadENCODEsampleLoad ENCODE sample
loadENCODEsamplesLoad ENCODE samples
loadExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociationLoad gene expression and drug sensitivity correlation matrix
loadNCI60drugSensitivityLoad CTRP data
matchStatsWithDrugSetsIDMatch identifiers between data and drug sets
parseCMapIDParse CMap identifier
performDifferentialExpressionPerform differential gene expression based on ENCODE data
performGSEAPerform GSEA
plotDrugSetEnrichmentPlot drug set enrichment
plotESplotRender GSEA enrichment plot
plotGSEAPlot gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)
plotMetricDistributionPlot metric distribution
plot.perturbationChangesOperations on a 'perturbationChanges' object
plot.referenceComparisonPlot data comparison
plotSingleCorrRender scatter plot to show a single relationship
plotTargetingDrugsVSsimilarPerturbationsPlot similar perturbations against predicted targeting drugs
predictTargetingDrugsPredict targeting drugs
prepareCMapPerturbationsPrepare CMap perturbation data
prepareDrugSetsPrepare drug sets from a table with compound descriptors
prepareENCODEgeneExpressionLoad ENCODE gene expression data
prepareExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociationPrepare gene expression and drug sensitivity correlation...
prepareGSEAgenesetsPrepare GSEA gene sets
prepareSetsCompoundInfoGet drug sets' compound info
prepareStatsCompoundInfoPrepare stats' compound information
prepareWordBreakCreate word break opportunities (for HTML) using given...
print.similarPerturbationsPrint a 'similarPerturbations' object
processByChunksProcess data by chunks
processIdsReturn a subset of requested GCTX row/column ids out of the...
rankAgainstReferenceCompare multiple methods and rank against reference...
rankColumnsRank columns in a dataset
rankSimilarPerturbationsRank differential expression profile against CMap...
readGctxIdsRead GCTX row or column ids
readGctxMetaParse row or column metadata from GCTX files
stripStrStrip non-alpha-numeric characters from a string
subsetDataSubset data by rows and/or columns
subsetDimSubset rows or columns based on a given index
subsetToIdsDo a robust 'data.frame' subset to a set of ids
nuno-agostinho/cTRAP documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 12:11 a.m.