
Defines functions data_frame_to_string import_records_unbatched import_records_batched importRecords.redcapApiConnection importRecords

Documented in importRecords importRecords.redcapApiConnection

#' @name importRecords
#' @title Import Records to a Project
#' @description These methods enable the user to import new records or update
#'   existing records to a project. 
#' @inheritParams common-rcon-arg
#' @inheritParams common-dot-args
#' @inheritParams common-api-args
#' @param data A `data.frame` to be imported to the project.
#' @param overwriteBehavior `character(1)`. One of `c("normal", "overwrite")`. 
#'   `"normal"` prevents blank fields from overwriting populated fields.  
#'   `"overwrite"` causes blanks to overwrite data in the database.
#' @param force_auto_number `logical(1)`. If record auto-numbering has been
#'   enabled in the project, it may be desirable to import records where each 
#'   record's record name is automatically determined by REDCap (just as it 
#'   does in the user interface). When `TRUE`, the 
#'   record names provided in the request will not be used (although they 
#'   are still required in order to associate multiple rows of data to an 
#'   individual record in the request); instead those records in the 
#'   request will receive new record names during the import process. 
#'   It is recommended that the user use `returnContent = "auto_ids"`
#'   when `force_auto_number = TRUE`
#' @param returnContent `character(1)`.  
#'   One of `c("count", "ids", "nothing", "auto_ids")`.
#'   'count' returns the number of records imported; 
#'   'ids' returns the record ids that are imported;
#'   'nothing' returns no message; 
#'   'auto_ids' returns a list of pairs of all record IDs that were imported. 
#'   If used when `force_auto_number = FALSE`, the value will be changed to `'ids'`.
#' @param returnData `logical(1)`. When `TRUE`, prevents the REDCap 
#'   import and instead returns the data frame that would have been given
#'   for import. This is sometimes helpful if the API import fails without
#'   providing an informative message. The data frame can be written to a csv
#'   and uploaded using the interactive tools to troubleshoot the
#'   problem. 
#' @param logfile `character(1)`. An optional filepath (preferably .txt) 
#'   in which to print the log of errors and warnings about the data.
#'   When `""`, the log is printed to the console. 
#' @param batch.size `integerish(1)`.  Specifies the number of subjects to be included 
#'   in each batch of a batched export or import.  Non-positive numbers 
#'   export/import the entire operation in a single batch. 
#'   Batching may be beneficial to prevent tying up smaller servers.  
#'   See Details.
#' @details
#' `importRecords` prevents the most common import errors by testing the
#' data before attempting the import.  Namely
#' 1. Check that all variables in `data` exist in the REDCap data dictionary.
#' 2. Check that the record id variable exists
#' 3. Force the record id variable to the first position in the data frame (with a warning)
#' 4. Remove calculated fields (with a warning)
#' 5. Verify that REDCap date fields are represented in the data frame as either `character`, `POSIXct`, or `Date` class objects.
#' 6. Determine if values are within their specified validation limits.
#' See the documentation for [validateImport()] for detailed
#' explanations of the validation. 
#' A 'batched' import is one where the export is performed over a series of 
#' API calls rather than one large call.  For large projects on small servers, 
#' this may prevent a single user from tying up the server and forcing others 
#' to wait on a larger job. 
#' ## BioPortal Fields
#' Text fields that are validation enabled using the BioPortal Ontology service
#' may be imported by providing the coded value. Importing the coded value 
#' does not, however, guarantee that the labeled value will be immediately
#' available. Labels for BioPortal values are cached on the REDCap server
#' in a process that occurs when viewing data in the user interface. Thus, 
#' if the label has not be previously cached on the server, the code will be
#' used to represent both the code and the label.
#' @return
#' `importRecords`, when `returnData = FALSE`, returns the content from the
#'   API response designated by the `returnContent` argument. 
#' `importRecords`, when `returnData = TRUE`, returns the 
#'   data frame that was internally prepared for import. This data frame has
#'   values transformed from R objects to character values the API will 
#'   accept. 
#' @seealso 
#' [exportRecords()], \cr
#' [deleteRecords()], \cr
#' [exportRecordsTyped()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
#'              url = "your_redcap_url", 
#'              keyring = "API_KEYs", 
#'              envir = globalenv())
#' # Import records
#' NewData <- data.frame(record_id = c(1, 2, 3), 
#'                       age = c(27, 43, 32), 
#'                       date_of_visit = rep(Sys.Date(), 3))
#' importRecords(rcon, 
#'               data = NewData)
#' # Import records and save validation info to a file
#' NewData <- data.frame(record_id = c(1, 2, 3), 
#'                       age = c(27, 43, 32), 
#'                       date_of_visit = rep(Sys.Date(), 3))
#' importRecords(rcon, 
#'               data = NewData, 
#'               logfile = "import-validation-notes.txt")      
#' } 
#' @export

importRecords <- function(rcon, 
                          overwriteBehavior = c('normal', 'overwrite'),
                          returnContent     = c('count', 'ids', 'nothing', 'auto_ids'),
                          returnData        = FALSE, 
                          logfile           = "", 

#' @rdname importRecords
#' @export

importRecords.redcapApiConnection <- function(rcon, 
                                              overwriteBehavior = c('normal', 'overwrite'),
                                              returnContent     = c('count', 'ids', 'nothing', 'auto_ids'),
                                              returnData        = FALSE, 
                                              logfile           = "", 
                                              force_auto_number = FALSE,
                                              batch.size        = -1)
  if(is.null(attr(data, "castForImport")))
    message("importRecords will change how it validates data in version 3.0.0.\n",
            "We recommend preparing your data for import using castForImport .")
  # Argument Validation
  coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assert_class(x = rcon, 
                          classes = "redcapApiConnection", 
                          add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_data_frame(x = data, 
                               add = coll)
  overwriteBehavior <- 
    checkmate::matchArg(x = overwriteBehavior, 
                        choices = c('normal', 'overwrite'),
                        .var.name = "overwriteBehavior",
                        add = coll)
  returnContent <- 
    checkmate::matchArg(x = returnContent, 
                        choices = c('count', 'ids', 'nothing', 'auto_ids'),
                        .var.name = "returnContent",
                        add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = returnData,
                            len = 1,
                            add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = logfile,
                              len = 1,
                              add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = force_auto_number, 
                            len = 1, 
                            add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_integerish(x = batch.size,
                               len = 1,
                               add = coll)

  MetaData <- rcon$metadata()

  version <- rcon$version()

  with_complete_fields <- rcon$fieldnames()$export_field_name
  # Remove survey identifiers and data access group fields from data
  w.remove <- 
    which(names(data) %in% 
              paste0(unique(MetaData$form_name), "_timestamp")))
  if (length(w.remove) > 0) data <- data[-w.remove]
  mchoices <- which(vapply(data, inherits, logical(1), 'mChoice'))
  if(length(mchoices) > 0)
      "The variable(s) ", 
      paste0(names(data)[mchoices], collapse=", "), 
      " are mChoice formatted and cannot be imported."))
  # Validate field names
  unrecognized_names <- !(names(data) %in% c(with_complete_fields, REDCAP_SYSTEM_FIELDS))
  if (any(unrecognized_names))
      "The variable(s) ", 
      paste0(names(data)[unrecognized_names], collapse=", "), 
      " are not found in the project and/or cannot be imported."))
  # Check that the study id exists in data
  if (!MetaData$field_name[1] %in% names(data))
    coll$push(paste0("The variable '", 
                     "' cannot be found in 'data'. ",
                     "Please include this variable and place it in the first column."))
  # If the study id is not in the the first column, move it and print a warning
  if (MetaData$field_name[1] %in% names(data) && 
      MetaData$field_name[1] != names(data)[1])
    message("The variable'", MetaData$field_name[1], 
            "' was not in the first column. ",
            "It has been moved to the first column.")
    w <- which(names(data) == MetaData$field_name[1])
    data <- data[c(w, (1:length(data))[-w])]
  # Confirm that date fields are either character, Date class, or POSIXct
  date_vars <- MetaData$field_name[grepl("date_", MetaData$text_validation_type_or_show_slider_number)]
  if (any(date_vars %in% names(data))){
    date_vars <- date_vars[date_vars %in% names(data)]
    bad_date_fmt <- 
      !vapply(X = data[date_vars], 
              FUN = function(x) is.character(x) | "Date" %in% class(x) | "POSIXct" %in% class(x),
              FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    if (any(bad_date_fmt))
      coll$push(paste0("The variables '", 
                       paste(date_vars[bad_date_fmt], collapse="', '"),
                       "' must have class Date, POSIXct, or character."))
  # Remove calculated fields
  calc_field <- MetaData$field_name[MetaData$field_type == "calc"]
  calc_field <- calc_field[calc_field %in% names(data)]
  if (length(calc_field) > 0)
    message("The variable(s) '", 
            paste(calc_field, collapse="', '"),
            "' are calculated fields and cannot be imported. ",
            "They have been removed from the imported data frame.")
    data <- data[!names(data) %in% calc_field]
  if (!force_auto_number && returnContent == 'auto_ids'){
    returnContent = 'ids'
  idvars <- 
    if ("redcap_event_name" %in% names(data))
      c(MetaData$field_name[1], "redcap_event_name") 
  data <- validateImport(data = data,
                         meta_data = MetaData,
                         logfile = logfile)
  if (returnData) return(data)
  #** Format the data for REDCap import
  #** Thanks go to:
  #**   https://github.com/etb/my-R-code/blob/master/R-pull-and-push-from-and-to-REDCap.R
  #**   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12393004/parsing-back-to-messy-api-strcuture/12435389#12435389
  if (batch.size > 0)
    import_records_batched(rcon = rcon, 
                           data = data,
                           batch.size = batch.size,
                           overwriteBehavior = overwriteBehavior,
                           returnContent = returnContent, 
                           force_auto_number = force_auto_number,
    import_records_unbatched(rcon = rcon,
                             data = data,
                             overwriteBehavior = overwriteBehavior,
                             returnContent = returnContent, 
                             force_auto_number = force_auto_number,


import_records_batched <- function(rcon, 
  n.batch <- nrow(data) %/% batch.size + 1
  ID <- data.frame(row = 1:nrow(data))
  ID$batch.number <- rep(1:n.batch, 
                         each = batch.size, 
                         length.out = nrow(data))
  data[is.na(data)] <- ""
  data <- split(data, 
                f = ID$batch.number)
  out <- lapply(X = data, 
                FUN = data_frame_to_string)
  att <- list("Content-Type" = 
                structure(c("text/html", "utf-8"),
                          .Names = c("", "charset")))
  out <- lapply(X = out, 
                FUN = function(d){
                  attributes(d) <- att; 
  # Make API Body List
  body <- list(content = 'record', 
               format = 'csv',
               type = 'flat', 
               overwriteBehavior = overwriteBehavior,
               returnContent = returnContent,
               forceAutoNumber = tolower(force_auto_number),
               returnFormat = 'csv')

  # Call the API
  responses <- vector("list", length = length(out))
  allvalid <- TRUE
  for (i in seq_along(out))
    responses[[i]] <- 
            body   = c(body, list(data = out[[i]])), 
        error=function(e) { allvalid <<- FALSE; e }
  if(!allvalid) stop(paste(responses[nchar(responses) > 4], collapse="\n"))

import_records_unbatched <- function(rcon, 
  out <- data_frame_to_string(data)
  ## Reattach attributes
  attributes(out) <- 
    list("Content-Type" = structure(c("text/html", "utf-8"),
                                    .Names = c("", "charset")))
  # Make API Body List
  body <- list(content = 'record', 
               format = 'csv',
               type = 'flat', 
               overwriteBehavior = overwriteBehavior,
               returnContent = returnContent,
               returnFormat = 'csv', 
               forceAutoNumber = tolower(force_auto_number),
               data = out)

  # Call the API
  response <- makeApiCall(rcon, body, ...)

  if (returnContent %in% c("ids", "auto_ids"))
    as.data.frame(response) else

# Unexported

data_frame_to_string <- function(data)
                         sep = ",",
                         col.names = TRUE,
                         row.names = FALSE,
                         na = "")
    collapse = "\n"
nutterb/redcapAPI documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:37 a.m.