
Defines functions unlockREDCap .default_pass .unlockKeyring .unlockENVOverride .unlockYamlOverride .getPWGlobalEnv .clearPWGlobalEnv .savePWGlobalEnv .connectAndCheck

Documented in unlockREDCap

# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
# Shawn Garbett, Cole Beck, Hui Wu, Benjamin Nutter, Savannah Obregon
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 ## Connection function
.connectAndCheck <- function(key, url, ...)
      rcon    <- redcapConnection(token=key, url=url, ...)
      version <- list(content = "version", format = "csv")
      # Test connection by checking version
      response <- makeApiCall(rcon, body = version,
        success_status_codes=c(200L, 301L, 302L)
      # No redirect, this is success
      if(!response$status_code %in% c(301L, 302L)) return(rcon)
      # Handle redirect
      rcon <- redcapConnection(token=key, url=response$header$location, ...)
      # Test connection by checking version post redirect
      response <- makeApiCall(rcon, body = version,
        success_status_codes=c(200L, 301L, 302L))

      if(response$status_code %in% c(301L, 302L))
        stop(paste("Too many redirects from", url))
    error = function(e)
      if(grepl("Could not resolve host",     e) ||
         grepl("Could not connect to server", e))
        stop("Unable to connect to url '",url,"'. ", e$message)
      if(grepl("403", e)) return(NULL) # Forbidden, i.e. bad API_KEY

.savePWGlobalEnv <- function(password)
  # Hacked work around for RStudio starting new session for everything
  if(requireNamespace("rstudioapi", quietly = TRUE) &&
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(sprintf("Sys.setenv(REDCAPAPI_PW='%s')", password), execute = TRUE, echo=FALSE)

.clearPWGlobalEnv <- function()
  # Hacked work around for RStudio starting new session for everything
  if(requireNamespace("rstudioapi", quietly = TRUE) &&
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole('Sys.unsetenv("REDCAPAPI_PW")', execute = TRUE, echo=FALSE)

.getPWGlobalEnv <- function()

 ## unlock via YAML override if it exists
.unlockYamlOverride <- function(connections, url, ...)
  config_file <- file.path("..", paste0(basename(getwd()),".yml"))
  if(!file.exists(config_file)) return(list())
  config <- yaml::read_yaml(config_file)
  if(is.null(config$redcapAPI)) stop(paste0("Config file '",config_file,"' does not contain required 'redcapAPI' entry"))
  config <- config$redcapAPI
  if(is.null(config$keys))      stop(paste0("Config file '",config_file,"' does not contain required 'keys' entry under the 'redcapAPI' entry"))
  keys   <- config$keys
  dest <- lapply(connections, function(conn) 
    key  <- keys[[conn]]
    if(is.null(key) || length(key)==0)
      stop(paste0("Config file '", config_file, "' does not have API_KEY for '", conn,"' under 'redcapAPI: keys:' specified."))
      stop(paste0("Config file '", config_file, "' invalid entry for '", conn,"' under 'redcapAPI: keys:'."))
    if(length(key) > 1)
      stop(paste0("Config file '", config_file, "' has too may key entries for '", conn,"' under 'redcapAPI: keys:' specified."))
    args     <- list(...)
    args$key <- key
    args$url <- url
    if(!is.null(config$args)) args <- utils::modifyList(args, config$args)
    do.call(.connectAndCheck, args)
  names(dest) <- if(is.null(names(connections))) connections else names(connections)
 ## unlock via ENV override if it exists
.unlockENVOverride <- function(connections, url, ...)
  api_key_ENV <- sapply(connections, function(x) Sys.getenv(toupper(x)))
  if(all(api_key_ENV == "")) return(list())
  if(any(api_key_ENV == ""))
    stop(paste("Some matching ENV variables found but missing:",paste0(toupper(connections[api_key_ENV=='']), collapse=", ")))
  dest <- lapply(api_key_ENV, function(conn) 
    args     <- list(...)
    args$key <- conn
    args$url <- url
    do.call(.connectAndCheck, args)
  names(dest) <- if(is.null(names(api_key_ENV))) api_key_ENV else names(api_key_ENV)
 ## unlock keyring
.unlockKeyring <- function(keyring, passwordFUN)
  state <- keyring::keyring_list()
  state <- state[state$keyring==keyring,]
  msg   <- paste0("Please enter password to unlock API keyring '",keyring, "'.")
  # If so, does it exist?
  if(nrow(state) == 1) # Exists => UNLOCK
    locked <- state$locked
    # Is it locked
      password <- .getPWGlobalEnv()
      stored   <- !is.null(password) && password != ''
      if(!stored) password <- passwordFUN(msg)
      if(is.null(password) || password == '') stop(paste0("User aborted keyring '",keyring, "' unlock."))
          keyring::keyring_unlock(keyring, password)
          locked <- FALSE
        error = function(e)
          if(stored) .clearPWGlobalEnv()
          msg <<-  paste0("Provided password failed. Please enter password to unlock API keyring '",keyring, "'.")
  } else # Keyring does not exist => Create
    password <- passwordFUN(paste0("Creating keyring. Enter NEW password for the keyring '",
                                   keyring, "'."))
    if(is.null(password) || password == '') stop(paste0("User cancelled creation of keyring '", keyring, "'."))

    keyring::keyring_create(keyring, password)

 ## Find the best password function
## If rstudioapi is loaded and rstudio is running, then use that.
## getOption('askpass') returns a function that does not work on MAC 
## when knitting from RStudio, ugh.
.default_pass <- function()
  if(grepl('mac', tolower(utils::osVersion))        &&
     requireNamespace("rstudioapi", quietly = TRUE) &&
  } else getPass::getPass

#' Open REDCap connections using cryptolocker for storage of API_KEYs.
#' Opens a set of connections to REDcap from API_KEYs stored in an encrypted keyring.
#' If the keyring does not exist, it will ask for password to this keyring to use on
#' later requests. Next it
#' will ask for the API_KEYs specified in `connections`. If an API_KEY does not
#' work, it will request again. On later executions it will use an open keyring
#' to retrieve all API_KEYs or for a password if the keyring is currently
#' locked.
#' If one forgets the password to this keyring, or wishes to start over:
#' `keyring::keyring_delete("<NAME_OF_KEY_RING_HERE>")`
#' Consistent behavior requires `options(keyring_backend=keyring::backend_file)` to
#' be set. It is recommended to place this in `~/.Rprofile`.
#' For production servers where the password must be stored in a readable
#' plain text file, it will search for `../<basename>.yml`. DO NOT USE
#' this unless one is a sysadmin, as this defeats the security and purpose of
#' a local encrypted file. The expected structure of this yaml file is
#' as follows:
#' \preformatted{
#' other-config-stuff1: blah blah
#' redcapAPI:
#'   keys:
#' other-config-stuff2: blah blah
#' other-config-stuff3: blah blah
#' }
#' For production servers the use of ENV variables is also supported. The connection
#' string is converted to upper case for the search of ENV. If a YAML 
#' and ENV variable both exist, the YAML will take precedence.
#' IMPORTANT: Make sure that R is set to NEVER save workspace to .RData
#' as this *is* writing the API_KEY to a local file in clear text because
#' connection objects contain the unlocked key in memory. Tips
#' are provided in `vignette("redcapAPI-best-practices")`. 
#' @param connections character vector. A list of strings that define the
#'          connections with associated API_KEYs to load into environment. Each
#'          name should correspond to a REDCap project for traceability, but 
#'          it can be named anything one desires.
#'          The name in the returned list is this name.
#' @param envir environment. The target environment for the connections. Defaults to NULL
#'          which returns the keys as a list. Use [globalenv()] to assign in the
#'          global environment. Will accept a number such a '1' for global as well.
#' @param keyring character. Potential keyring, not used by default.
#' @param url character. The url of one's institutional REDCap server api. 
#' @param passwordFUN function. Function to get the password for the keyring. Usually defaults `getPass::getPass`. 
#'          On MacOS it will use rstudioapi::askForPassword if available. 
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to [redcapConnection()].
#' @return If `envir` is NULL returns a list of opened connections. Otherwise
#'         connections are assigned into the specified `envir`.
#' @seealso 
#' [redcapConnection()]
#' ## Vignettes
#' `vignette("redcapAPI-best-practices")`, \cr
#' `vignette("redcapAPI-getting-started-connecting")`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' options(keyring_backend=keyring::backend_file) # Put in .Rprofile
#' unlockREDCap(c(test_conn    = 'TestRedcapAPI',
#'                sandbox_conn = 'SandboxAPI'),
#'              keyring      = '<NAME_OF_KEY_RING_HERE>',
#'              envir        = globalenv(),
#'              url          = 'https://<INSTITUTIONS_REDCAP_DOMAIN>/api/') 
#' }
#' @export
unlockREDCap    <- function(connections,
                            envir       = NULL,
                            passwordFUN = .default_pass(),
  # Check parameters passed to function
  coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  if(is.numeric(envir)) envir <- as.environment(envir)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = url,          null.ok = FALSE, add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = keyring,      null.ok = FALSE, add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = connections,  null.ok = FALSE, add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_function( x = passwordFUN,  null.ok = FALSE, add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_class(    x = envir,        null.ok = TRUE,  add = coll, classes="environment")

  # Use YAML config if it exists
  dest <- .unlockYamlOverride(connections, url, ...)
  if(length(dest) > 0) 
    return(if(is.null(envir)) dest else list2env(dest, envir=envir))
  # Use ENV if it exists and YAML does not exist
  dest <- .unlockENVOverride(connections, url, ...)
  if(length(dest) > 0)
    return(if(is.null(envir)) dest else list2env(dest, envir=envir))
  .unlockKeyring(keyring, passwordFUN)
  # Open Connections
  dest <- lapply(seq_along(connections), function(i)
    stored <- connections[i] %in% keyring::key_list("redcapAPI", keyring)[,2]
    api_key <- if(stored)
      keyring::key_get("redcapAPI", connections[i], keyring)
    } else 
      passwordFUN(paste0("Please enter REDCap API_KEY for '", connections[i], "'."))
    if(is.null(api_key) || api_key == '') stop(paste("No API_KEY entered for", connections[i]))
    conn <- NULL
      conn <- .connectAndCheck(api_key, url, ...)
        keyring::key_delete("redcapAPI", unname(connections[i]), keyring)
        api_key <- passwordFUN(paste0(
          "Invalid API_KEY for '", connections[i],
          "' in keyring '", keyring,
          "'. Possible causes include: mistyped, renewed, or revoked.",
          " Please enter a new key or cancel to abort."))
        if(is.null(api_key) || api_key == '') stop("unlockREDCap aborted")
      } else if(!stored)
        keyring::key_set_with_value( service="redcapAPI",
  names(dest) <- if(is.null(names(connections))) connections else names(connections)
  if(is.null(envir)) dest else list2env(dest, envir=envir)
nutterb/redcapAPI documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:37 a.m.