
##' @include utils.R

##' Process the file tracking document ('file_tracker.txt').
##' If files were renamd, replaces with new names.
##' Also, if filenames are duplicated, they are removed.
##' @param tracker Path to file tracking file (default getOption('afs.tracker))
##' @return list of two elements: filenames to track, and renamed files
##' @export
process_tracker <- function(tracker=getOption('afs.tracker')) {
  doc <- readLines(tracker)
  fileinds <- !grepl("^#|^\\s+$|^$", doc)
  lines <- doc[fileinds]
  lines <- trimws(sub('(^[^#]+)#.*', '\\1', lines))  # remove comments/spaces
  renamed <- strsplit(lines, "\\s*->\\s*")
  key <- if (any((ind <- lengths(lapply(renamed, unlist)) > 1))) renamed[ind] else list()
  files <- basename(trimws(lines[!ind], "both"))
  files <- unique(files[!(files %in% sapply(key, `[[`, 1))])  # in case duplicates for some reason

  ## If filenames were changed, rewrite the file
  if (length(key)) {
    lines[ind] <- sapply(key, `[[`, 2)
    lines <- unique(lines)
    doc[fileinds] <- lines
    writeLines(doc, con=tracker)
    ## remove extra quotes from key
    key <- rapply(key, function(x) gsub('\"|\'', '', x), how = 'replace')

  ## If duplicated filenames, rewrite the file with those removed
  if (any((inds <- duplicated(lines)))) {
    doc <- doc[sort(c(which(!fileinds), which(fileinds)[-inds]))]
    writeLines(doc, con=tracker)
  list(files=gsub('\"|\'', '', files), renamed=key)
nverno/sync.afs documentation built on May 24, 2019, 10:55 a.m.