
Defines functions EF1_Denominator

Documented in EF1_Denominator

#' Calculate the denominator for the level-1 expansion factor.
#' Calculate the denominator for the level-1 expansion, where the denominator
#' is the weight of all fish in the sample.
#' `EF1_Denominator` is not run by the user, it is a sub-function of
#' [getExpansion_1].
#' @details
#' The denominator of the level-1 expansion factor is the weight of the sampled
#' fish in the sample unit, where for fisheries data, this unit is most often
#' the trip level because information on individual hauls is not available.
#' For a survey, tow- or haul-level data are typically available.
#' The sum of the weight in the sample is calculated different for each state
#' based on the data that are available.
#' Oregon provides information on the weight of females and males in the sample
#' via the `WEIGHT_OF_FEMALES` and `WEIGHT_OF_MALES` columns. These are often
#' model-based weights, which would be the only way they can get weights when
#' the fish were not weighed themselves. The weight of unsexed fish is calculated
#' internally by the code and added to the female and male weight.
#' **todo**: Let Oregon know that this calculation is being done and they may want
#' to provide UNK_WGT.
#' California sample weights were previously based on the column labeled
#' `SPECIES_WEIGHT`. Now, California data is parsed by PacFIN to furnish
#' species-specific cluster weights. Prior, cluster weights included the weight
#' of all species in the sample. Now, `CLUSTER_WEIGHT` is the weight in that
#' cluster for the species of interest. This was verified for dover sole by
#' Kelli F. Johnson in February of 2021. Thus, the code uses `CLUSTER_WEIGHT`
#' rather than `SPECIES_WEIGHT` now.
#' **todo**: determine if this should be the only cluster-specific value going forward?
#' Washington does not pretend to provide any information regarding total weight
#' of fish in the sample. Therefore, this value is calculated by summing the
#' empirical weight of fish. For fish that were not weighed, a weight is
#' calculated given the input parameters. It is up to the user to calculate
#' these if they want them based on more data than what is included in `Pdata`.
#' Finally, for fish that have no length and therefore no predicted weight,
#' the mean of fish weight in the sample is used to assign all fish a weight.
#' Another thing to note in the calculation of the denominator is that sample
#' weights are length- and age-specific values. You would not want to weight
#' an age sample based on how many lengths were measured. So, the weights of
#' fish that are not lengthed are backed out of the sample weight and the
#' weight of fish that are not aged are backed out of the sample weight to
#' create length- and age-specific sample weights. Only these specific sample
#' weights should be used going forward.
#' @template Pdata
#' @template weightlengthparams
#' @template verbose
#' @param plot A logical that specifies if plots should be created or not.
#' The default is `FALSE`.
#' @param col.weight The name of column that contains the weight of the fish
#' in kilograms. Units are important here because kilograms will be converted
#' to pounds to match other weight calculations.
#' The default is `weightkg`, which is created using [cleanPacFIN].
#' @return Additional columns are added to \code{Pdata}:
#' * `Wt_Sampled_1`: the sum of sex-specific weights within the sample.
#' * `Wt_Sampled_2`: the species-specific sample weight only provided by
#'   California in cluster weight.
#' * `LW_Calc_Wt`: individual weights predicted from the specified 
#'   length-weight relationships.
#' * `Wt_Sampled_3`: The sum of empirical weights, for those fish within a
#'   sample where this information is available, and weights calculated from the
#'   length-weight relationship. This uses the empirical data if available and
#'   fills in with the expected weight or mean-sample weight.
#' @author Andi Stephens
#' @seealso [EF1_Numerator], [getExpansion_1], [getExpansion_2]
EF1_Denominator <- function(Pdata,
                            fa = 2e-06,
                            fb = 3.5,
                            ma = 2e-06,
                            mb = 3.5,
                            ua = 2e-06,
                            ub = 3.5,
                            verbose = TRUE,
                            plot = FALSE,
                            col.weight = "weightkg") {

  if (verbose) {
    cat("\nIndividual weights will be generated from the following values:\n\n")
    cat(" Females:", fa,fb, "\n",
        "Males:",  ma,mb, "\n",
        "Unknowns and hermaphrodites:",  ua,ub, "\n\n")
  } # End if verbose

  stopifnotcolumn(Pdata, col.weight)

  # Calculate weight based on length-weight relationship
  Pdata$LW_Calc_Wt <- getweight(
    length = Pdata$length,
    sex = Pdata$SEX,
    pars = data.frame(
      "A" = c("females" = fa, "males" = ma, "all" = ua),
      "B" = c("females" = fb, "males" = mb, "all" = ub)),
    unit.out = "lb"

  #### Calculate sample weight using FISH_WEIGHT in lbs
  Pdata <- Pdata %>%
  # Use weightkg if available and calculated from WL relationship when NA
  # Note the change in units for weightkg from KG to LBS
    bestweight = dplyr::case_when(
      is.na(weightkg) ~ LW_Calc_Wt,
      TRUE ~ weightkg * 2.20462)
    ) %>%
  # Group by SAMPLE_NO so all subsequent calculations are done on subsets
  # of the data, i.e., mean(bestweight) is mean of the bestweight in a
  # specific sample
  dplyr::group_by(SAMPLE_NO) %>%
    bestweight = ifelse(
    ) %>%
  # Calculate sample weights and weight of unsexed fish per SAMPLE_NO
    Wt_Sampled_3_L = sum(na.rm = TRUE,
      ifelse(is.na(length), NA, bestweight)),
    Wt_Sampled_3_A = sum(na.rm = TRUE,
      ifelse(is.na(Age), NA, bestweight)),
    UNK_WT = sum(ifelse(SEX == "U", bestweight, 0)),
    UNK_NUM = sum(SEX == "U")
    ) %>%
  # Back out the weight of fish that have no length or Age for each
  # specific sample weight, if all are NA in sample, then set to 0.
    Wt_Sampled_1_A = (-1 * sum(ifelse(is.na(Age), bestweight, 0)) +
      ifelse(all(is.na(Age)), 0, 1),
    Wt_Sampled_1_L = (-1 * sum(ifelse(is.na(length), bestweight, 0)) +
      ifelse(all(is.na(length)), 0, 1)
    ) %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::group_by(SAMPLE_NO, CLUSTER_NO) %>%
  # Do the same for CLUSTER_WGT
    Wt_Sampled_2_A = (-1 * sum(ifelse(is.na(Age), bestweight, 0)) +
          CLUSTER_WGT) * ifelse(all(is.na(Age)), 0, 1),
    Wt_Sampled_2_L = (-1 * sum(ifelse(is.na(length), bestweight, 0)) +
          CLUSTER_WGT) * ifelse(all(is.na(length)), 0, 1)
    ) %>% 
  # Bring the calculations back to the full scale of the data frame
  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
  # Coalesce sets things to downstream values, only if NA, i.e.,
  # Wt_Sampled_[AL] is set by priority left to right 1, 2, 3
    Wt_Sampled_A = dplyr::coalesce(Wt_Sampled_1_A, Wt_Sampled_2_A, Wt_Sampled_3_A),
    Wt_Sampled_L = dplyr::coalesce(Wt_Sampled_1_L, Wt_Sampled_2_L, Wt_Sampled_3_L)
    ) %>%
  # Return a data frame rather than a tibble

  #### Summary and boxplot
  # todo: revamp the summary and plots
  printemp <- data.frame(cbind(
    Pdata$Wt_Sampled_1_L, Pdata$Wt_Sampled_2_L,
    Pdata$Wt_Sampled_3_L, Pdata$Wt_Sampled_L

  names(printemp) = c("M+F+U","Cluster","L-W","Final Wt_Sampled")

  if (verbose) {
    cat("\nSample weights\n\n")

  NA_Wt_Sampled <- Pdata[is.na(Pdata$Wt_Sampled_L), ]
  nNA <- NROW(NA_Wt_Sampled)

  if (plot != FALSE) {
    if (is.character(plot)) {
      if (tools::file_ext(plot) == "png") {
        savedir <- dirname(plot)
      } else {
        savedir <- plot
      plot <- file.path(savedir, "PacFIN_exp1_denom.png")
      plot2 <- file.path(savedir, "PacFIN_WL.png")
      on.exit(grDevices::dev.off(), add = TRUE, after = FALSE)
    graphics::par(mfrow = c(1, ifelse(nNA > 0, 2, 1)), mgp = c(2.5, 0.5, 0))
      names = names(printemp),
      ylab = "Sample weight (lbs)",
      xlab = "First-stage expansion denominator"
    if (nNA > 0) {
        stats::xtabs(NA_Wt_Sampled$FREQ ~ NA_Wt_Sampled$state + NA_Wt_Sampled$fishyr),
        col = grDevices::rainbow(length(unique(NA_Wt_Sampled$state))),
        legend.text = TRUE, xlab = "Year",
        ylab = "N samples w/ first-stage expansion denominator = NA",
        args.legend = list(x = "topleft", bty = "n")
    gg <- plotWL(Pdata[,"lengthcm"], Pdata[, "SEX"], Pdata[, "weightkg"],
      Pdata[, "LW_Calc_Wt"] * 0.453592)
    ggplot2::ggsave(gg, file = plot2,
      width = 6, height = 6, units = "in")
  if (nNA == 0 & verbose) cat("\nSample Wts found for all samples.\n\n")


} # End EF1_Denominator
nwfsc-assess/PacFIN.Utilities documentation built on March 19, 2024, 11:54 p.m.