
Defines functions doSexRatio

Documented in doSexRatio

#' Assign gender for unsexed fish
#' @description
#' Assign sex to unsexed fish based on a pre-determined sex ratio in
#' age- or length-composition data.
#' @export
#' @param CompData A data frame of composition data returned by [getComps].
#' @param ratioU A numerical value providing the sex ratio to apply to fish
#' less than `maxsizeU`.
#' A value of 0.5 assumes an equal ratio of males to females.
#' Values larger than 0.5 assume there are more females compared to males.
#' @param maxsizeU A numerical value specifying the length of fish below which
#' the sex ratio is assumed to be equal to `ratioU` for unsexed fish.
#' @param GTsizeU A numerical value specifying the size of fish above which
#' the sex ratio is assumed to be 1.0 and all fish are assumed to be female,
#' i.e., big mamas.
#' @template savedir
#' @details Workflow:
#' Sex ratios are assigned after the data is stratified by [getComps]
#' and before running [writeComps].
#' @details Note:
#' If [writeComps] is run without performing [doSexRatio], then
#' all unsexed fish will be discarded from the composition information.
#' @details Applied sex ratios:
#' Sex ratios may be assigned in one of four different ways:
#' 1. fish below \code{maxsizeU} will have the \code{ratioU} applied
#' 2. fish above \code{GTsizeU} are assumed to be female
#' 3. fish between \code{maxsizeU} and \code{GTsizeU} will have the observed
#' sex ratio of the known-sex fish applied
#' 4. when there are fewer than three known-sex fish in the length bin
#' observations from adjacent bins will be used
#' @return
#' Returns `CompData` with unsexed fish now assigned to a sex, where
#' the values for males and females in the comps have increased).
#' The original columns for unsexed fish remain unchanged.
#' [writeComps] will set the observations of unsexed fish to zero.
#' @author
#' Andi Stephens, Kelli F. Johnson, and Chantel R. Wetzel
#' @seealso
#' [getComps], [writeComps]

doSexRatio <- function(CompData,
                       savedir) {

  # If AGE comps, Bins are ages, not lengths.  Rename "age" to "lengthcm", then put
  # it back at the end!
  if ( length(CompData$lengthcm) == 0 ) {
    index = which(names(CompData) == "Age")
    names(CompData)[index] = "lengthcm"
  } # End if

  # Fix arithmetic
  CompList = c("male", "msamps", "mtows",
               "female", "fsamps", "ftows",
               "unsexed", "usamps", "ONLY_U_TOWS", 
  tmp = CompData[,CompList]
  tmp[is.na(tmp)] = 0
  CompData[,CompList] = tmp
  if (!missing(ratioU) & missing(maxsizeU)) {
    stop("Error: The maxsizeU needs to be specified if you are using ratioU")    

  calcRatio <- prop.table(x = as.matrix(CompData[, c("female", "male")]), margin = 1)[, 1]

  # Check to see if some years are only unsexed
  CompData$percent_unsexed <- CompData$usamps / 
   (CompData$usamps + CompData$fsamps + CompData$msamps)
  check <- stats::aggregate(percent_unsexed~fishyr, CompData, function(x) sum(x == 1) / sum(x) )
  yrs <- check[,'percent_unsexed'] == 1 & is.finite(check[, 'percent_unsexed'])
  n   <- sum(yrs, na.rm = TRUE)
  if(n > 0 ) {
    message("Thera are ", n, " years (",
    unique(check[yrs,'fishyr']), ") with only unsexed fish. Applying sex ratio to these years may not be ideal.")

  # Deal with NaNs
  noRatio <- which(!is.finite(calcRatio))
  for(i in noRatio){
    # 1st: Try to fill in based on neighboring lengths within a year
    # Initially, I was also using fleet but appeared to lead to increased
    # variability in the sex ratio being calculated.
    nearLens <- c((CompData[i, 'lengthcm'] - 2):(CompData[i, 'lengthcm'] + 2))
    ind <- which(CompData[, 'fishyr'] == CompData[i, 'fishyr'] & 
                 CompData[ , 'lengthcm'] %in% nearLens )
    # Only use if the observations are 3 or greater
    # One will be the missing sex ratio, so a 3 or more would indicate more than
    # one near neighbor observation
    if (length(ind) >= 3 & sum(!is.finite(calcRatio[ind])) != length(ind)){
      calcRatio[i] <- mean(calcRatio[ind], na.rm = TRUE)     
    } else{
        # 2nd: Use sex ratio for the same length across all data
        ind <- which(CompData[, 'lengthcm'] == CompData[i,'lengthcm'])
        calcRatio[i] <- mean(calcRatio[ind], na.rm = T)

  # Now let's check small fish if user has pre-specified ratio to be applied
    ind <- which(CompData[, 'usamps'] > 0 & CompData[, 'lengthcm'] < maxsizeU) 
    if (length(ind) > 0){
      calcRatio[ind] <- ratioU

    ind <- which(CompData[, 'usamps'] > 0 & CompData[, 'lengthcm'] > GTsizeU)
    if (length(ind) > 0){
      calcRatio[ind] <- 1.0

  CompData$sexRatio <- calcRatio

  # Now let's apply the calcRatio to all the unsexed fish:
  for ( i in 1:nrow(CompData) ) {
    CompData$female[i] <- CompData$female[i] + CompData$unsexed[i] * calcRatio[i]
    CompData$fsamps[i] <- CompData$fsamps[i] + CompData$usamps[i] * calcRatio[i]
    CompData$ftows[i]  <- CompData$ftows[i]  + CompData$ONLY_U_TOWS[i] * calcRatio[i]
    CompData$male[i]   <- CompData$male[i]   + CompData$unsexed[i] * ( 1 - calcRatio[i] )
    CompData$msamps[i] <- CompData$msamps[i] + CompData$usamps[i] * ( 1 - calcRatio[i] )
    CompData$mtows[i]  <- CompData$mtows[i]  + CompData$ONLY_U_TOWS[i] * ( 1 - calcRatio[i] )

  if (!missing(savedir)) {
    find = which(CompData$usamps > 0 )
    grDevices::png(file.path(savedir, "Applied_Sex_Ratio_to_Unsexed_Fish.png"))
      on.exit(grDevices::dev.off(), add = TRUE, after = FALSE)
      plot(CompData[find,'lengthcm'], CompData[find, 'sexRatio'],
        xlab = "Length (cm)", ylab = "Sex Ratio",
        main = paste0("Sex Ratio Applied to Unsexed Fish (N = ", sum(CompData$usamps), ")" )

  # If AGE comps, Bins are ages, not lengths.  Rename "age" to "lengthcm", then put
  # it back at the end!
  if (AGE_FLAG) {
    index = which(names(CompData) == "lengthcm")
    names(CompData)[index] = "Age"
  } # End if



} # End doSexRatio
nwfsc-assess/PacFIN.Utilities documentation built on March 19, 2024, 11:54 p.m.