
Defines functions griddata

Documented in griddata

#' Distribute a point set onto a regular grid
#' @importFrom data.table data.table .N .SD
#' @description Distributes a set of points in D dimensions onto a regular, D-dimensional grid, using a fast nearest neighbor algorithm. Weights can be used optionally.
#' @param x N-element vector (if D=1) or N-by-D matrix (if D>1), giving the Cartesian coordinates of N points in D dimensions.
#' @param w optional N-element vector with weights.
#' @param n scalar or D-element vector specifying the number of equally space grid cells along each dimension.
#' @param min optional scalar or D-element vector specifying the lower bound of the grid. If not given, min is adjusted to the range of x.
#' @param max optional scalar or D-element vector specifying the upper bound of the grid. If not given, max is adjusted to the range of x.
#' @param type character string ("counts", "density", "probability") specifying the normalization of the output: "counts" (default) returns the number of points (multiplied by their weights, if given) in each cell; thus the total number of points (or total mass, if weights are given) is \code{sum(field)}. "density" returns the density, such that the total number of points (or total mass, if weights are given) is \code{sum(field) dV}. "probability" returns a probability density, such that \code{sum(field) dV}=1.
#' @return Returns a list of items
#' \item{field}{D-dimensional array representing the value in each grid cell. See parameter \code{type} for more details.}
#' \item{grid}{List of D elements with the grid properties along each dimension. n: number of grid cells; mid: n-vector of mid-cell coordinates; breaks: (n+1)-vector of cell edges; lim: 2-vector of considered range; delta: cell width.}
#' \item{dV}{Single number representing the volume of the D-dimensional grid cells.}
#' @author Danail Obreschkow
#' @examples
#' # Distribute 1-dimensional data onto a regular grid
#' npoints = 1e4
#' x = rnorm(npoints)
#' g = griddata(x,min=-3,max=3,n=100,type='probability')
#' curve(dnorm(x),-3,3)
#' points(g$grid$mid,g$field,pch=16)
#' # Distribute 2-dimensional data onto a regular grid
#' x = runif(100,max=2)
#' y = runif(100)
#' g = griddata(cbind(x,y),min=c(0,0),max=c(2,1),n=c(20,10))
#' image(g$grid[[1]]$breaks,g$grid[[2]]$breaks,g$field,
#'       asp=1,col=grey.colors(100,0,1),xlab='x',ylab='y')
#' points(x,y,col='red',pch=16)
#' # ... same with weights
#' w = runif(100)
#' g = griddata(cbind(x,y),w,min=c(0,0),max=c(2,1),n=c(20,10))
#' image(g$grid[[1]]$breaks,g$grid[[2]]$breaks,g$field,
#'       asp=1,col=grey.colors(100,0,1),xlab='x',ylab='y')
#' points(x,y,col='red',pch=16,cex=w)
#' @export

griddata = function(x, w=NULL, n=10, min=NULL, max=NULL, type='counts') {

  # handle inputs
  if (is.list(x)) x = as.matrix(x)
  if (is.data.frame(x)) x = as.matrix(x)

  # get number of dimensions and rearrange arrays
  if (is.vector(x)) {
    d = 1
    x = cbind(x)
  } else {
    if (length(dim(x))!=2) stop('x must be a vector or a N-by-D matrix.')
    d = dim(x)[2]

  # handle number of cells
  if (length(n)==1) {
    n = rep(n,d)
  } else {
    if (length(n)!=d) stop('n must be a single integer or D-vector of integers')
  n = pmax(1,round(n))

  # handle limits
  limit.given = FALSE
  if (is.null(min)) {
    min = apply(x,2,min)
  } else {
    limit.given = TRUE
    if (length(min)==1) min=rep(min,d)
    if (length(min)!=d) stop('min should be a single number or D-vector.')
  if (is.null(max)) {
    max = apply(x,2,max)
  } else {
    limit.given = TRUE
    if (length(max)==1) max=rep(max,d)
    if (length(max)!=d) stop('max should be a single number or D-vector.')

  # handle weights
  if (!is.null(w)) {
    if (length(w)==1) {
    } else {
      if (!is.vector(w)) stop('If given, w must be a vector.')
      if (length(w)!=dim(x)[1]) stop('If given, w must be a N-vector.')

  # preselect coordinates within the range
  if (limit.given) {
    if (is.null(w)) {
      if (d==1) {
        x = cbind(x[x>=min[1] & x<=max[1]])
      } else {
        for (k in seq(d)) {
          x = rbind(x[x[,k]>=min[k] & x[,k]<=max[k],])
    } else {
      if (d==1) {
        s = which(x>=min[1] & x<=max[1])
        x = cbind(x[s])
        w = w[s]
      } else {
        for (k in 1:d) {
          s = which(x[,k]>=min[k] & x[,k]<=max[k])
          x = x[s,]
          w = w[s]

  # make grid coordinates
  g = list(grid = list(), dV = 1)
  for (k in 1:d) {
    g$grid[[k]] = list(n = n[k],
                       mid = (seq(n[k])-0.5)/n[k]*(max[k]-min[k])+min[k],
                       breaks = seq(min[k], max[k], length = n[k]+1),
                       min = min[k], max = max[k],
                       delta = (max[k]-min[k])/n[k])
    g$dV = g$dV*g$grid[[k]]$delta
  if (d==1) g$grid = g$grid[[1]]

  # convert continuous d-dimensional coordinates into discrete 1-dimensional index
  index = rep(1,dim(x)[1])
  f = 1
  for (k in 1:d) {
    i = pmax(1,pmin(n[k],ceiling((x[,k]-min[k])/(max[k]-min[k])*n[k])))
    index = index+(i-1)*f # 1D index
    f = f*n[k]

  if (is.null(w)) {
    # efficiently count number of points of each index
    g$field = array(tabulate(index,prod(n)),n)
  } else {
    # efficiently county mass at each index
    DT = data.table(index=index, w=w)
    q = DT[, c(.N, lapply(.SD, sum)), by=index]
    g$field = array(0,n)
    g$field[q$index] = q$w

  # apply custome normalization
  if (type=='density') {
    g$field = g$field/g$dV
  } else if (type=='probability') {
    g$field = g$field/(g$dV*dim(x)[1])

  # return data
obreschkow/cooltools documentation built on Nov. 16, 2024, 2:46 a.m.