
Defines functions kde2

Documented in kde2

#' Multi-dimensional adaptive kernel density estimation
#' @importFrom pracma meshgrid
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom FNN knn.dist
#' @importFrom graphics rasterImage text par
#' @description Produces a 2D kernel density estimation on a 2D grid from a D-dimensional (D>=2) point set
#' @param x N-by-D vector of x-coordinates or N-by-2 matrix of (x,y)-coordinates
#' @param w optional N-element vector with weights
#' @param nx integer specifying the number of equally space grid cells along the x-axis; the number ny of pixels along the y-axis is determined automatically from xlim and ylim.
#' @param xlim 2-element vector specifying the x-range
#' @param ylim 2-element vector specifying the y-range; if needed, this range is slightly adjusted to allow for an integer number of pixels.
#' @param smoothing positive linear smoothing factor; the larger, the smoother the density field
#' @param sigma optional N-vector, specifying the blurring of each pixel individually in length units of x; only used if algorithm=4.
#' @param sigma.min optional value, specifying the minimum blurring of any pixel, expressed in standard deviations in length units of x
#' @param sigma.max optional value, specifying the maximum blurring of any pixel, expressed in standard deviations in length units of x
#' @param reflect vector of strings c('left','right','bottom','top') specifying the edges, where the data should be reflected to avoid probability density leaking outside the window
#' @param algorithm integer value or character string specifying the smoothing altorithm:\cr
#' \code{basic (0):} basic nearest-neighbor gridding algorithm without smoothing
#' \code{blur (1):} simple Gaussian blur of gridded density field
#' \code{kdefast (2):} 2D smoothing method that ignores higher dimensional information and applies a smoothing size to each pixel that depends on the number of objects in each pixel
#' \code{kdennnn  (3):} sophisticated Kernel density estimator that uses D-dimensional nearest neighbor separations to smooth each data point individually
#' \code{manual (4):} smooths each data point individually using a Gaussian Kernel with point-dependent standard deviations given in the optional vector \code{sigma}\cr\cr
#' @param probability logical flag. If TRUE, the output field is normalized such that sum(field)dpixel^2=1. If FALSE (default), the field is such that sum(field)dpixel^2 equals the effective number of particles (or effective mass, if weights are given) in the range specified by xlim and ylim, including particle fractions that have been smoothed into the field and excluding particle fractions that have been smoothed out of it.
#' @return Returns a list of items
#' \item{field}{2D array of smoothed density field.}
#' \item{x}{nx-element vector of cell-center x-coordinates.}
#' \item{y}{ny-element vector of cell-center y-coordinates.}
#' \item{xbreak}{(nx+1)-element vector of cell-edge x-coordinates.}
#' \item{ybreak}{(ny+1)-element vector of cell-edge y-coordinates.}
#' \item{dpixel}{grid spacing along x-coordinate and y-coordinate.}
#' \item{algorithm}{name of algorithm in use.}
#' @author Danail Obreschkow
#' @seealso \code{\link{griddata}}
#' @examples
#' # make a mock sample of n d-dimensional points from
#' # three different components (1D line, 2D square, d-D normal distr)
#' d = 3 # number of dimensions of mock point set; try to choose different values 2, 3, 4, ...
#' n = 1e4 # number of particles per component
#' set.seed(1)
#' x = rbind(cbind(array(rep(runif(n,-1,1),2),c(n,2)),array(0,c(n,d-2))),
#'           cbind(array(runif(2*n),c(n,2)),array(0,c(n,d-2))),
#'           array(rnorm(d*n),c(n,d)))
#' # grid total projected probability density
#' npixels = 500 # number of pixels along a grid side
#' q = midseq(-3,3,npixels)
#' f1 = outer(dnorm(q),dnorm(q),'*')/3+outer(dunif(q),dunif(q),'*')/3
#' q = seq(round(npixels/3),round(npixels*2/3))
#' f1[q+npixels*(q-1)] = f1[q+npixels*(q-1)]+(npixels/6)^2/length(q)/3
#' # recover 2D projected pdf from 3D point sample using different methods
#' f2 = kde2(x, n=npixels, xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(-3,3), algorithm='basic', probability=TRUE)$field
#' f3 = kde2(x, n=npixels, xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(-3,3), algorithm='kdefast', probability=TRUE)$field
#' f4 = kde2(x, n=npixels, xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(-3,3), algorithm='kdenn', probability=TRUE)$field
#' # plot the 2D fields
#' img = function(f,x,y,title) {
#'   graphics::rasterImage(rasterflip(lim(f)^0.3),x,y,x+0.99,y+0.99)
#'   graphics::text(x+0.05,y+0.9,title,col='orange',pos=4)
#' }
#' oldpar = graphics::par(mar=rep(0.1,4))
#' nplot(c(0,2),c(0,2),asp=1)
#' img(f1,0,1,'Input pdf')
#' img(f2,1,1,'Random sample ("basic")')
#' img(f3,0,0,'Recovered pdf ("kdefast")')
#' img(f4,1,0,'Recovered pdf ("kdenn")')
#' graphics::par(oldpar)
#' @export
kde2 = function(x, w=NULL, nx=300, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL,
                smoothing = 1, sigma=NULL, sigma.min=0, sigma.max=Inf,
                reflect='', algorithm='kdenn', probability=FALSE) {

  # handle inputs
  if (is.null(dim(x)) || length(dim(x))!=2 || dim(x)[2]<2) stop('x must be a vector or a N-by-D matrix with D>=2.')
  npoints.all = dim(x)[1]
  if (!is.null(sigma)) {
    if (length(sigma)==1) rep(sigma,npoints.all)
    if (length(sigma)!=npoints.all) stop('sigma must be an vector with the same number of elements as rows in x')
  if (!is.null(w)) {
    if (length(w)==1) rep(w,npoints.all)
    if (length(w)!=npoints.all) stop('w must be an vector with the same number of elements as rows in x')
  if (npoints.all>1) {
    if (is.null(xlim)) xlim=range(x[,1])
    if (is.null(ylim)) ylim=range(x[,2])
  } else {
    if (is.null(xlim)) xlim=range(x[,1])+c(-0.5,0.5)
    if (is.null(ylim)) ylim=range(x[,2])+c(-0.5,0.5)
  if (is.numeric(algorithm)) algorithm=c('basic','blur','kdefast','kdenn','manual')[algorithm+1]

  # make grid spacing and tweak y-range to contain an integer number of pixels
  dpixel = diff(xlim)/nx
  ny = round(diff(ylim)/dpixel)
  deltay = ny*dpixel-diff(ylim)
  ylim = ylim+c(-0.5,0.5)*deltay

  # determine size of embedding frame
  h = max(1,round(min(c(nx,ny))/10)) # [pixels] thickness of additional margin
  xlim.frame = c(xlim[1]-dpixel*h,xlim[2]+dpixel*h)
  ylim.frame = c(ylim[1]-dpixel*h,ylim[2]+dpixel*h)

  # select points inside embedding frame
  s = which(x[,1]>=xlim.frame[1] & x[,1]<=xlim.frame[2] & x[,2]>=ylim.frame[1] & x[,2]<=ylim.frame[2])
  npoints = length(s)

  if (npoints>=1) {

    x = rbind(x[s,])
    if (!is.null(w)) w = w[s]
    if (!is.null(sigma)) sigma = sigma[s]

    # determine allowed smoothing range in pixel
    sd.min = max(0,sigma.min/dpixel) # [pixel]
    sd.max = min(min(nx,ny)/10,sigma.max/dpixel) # [pixel]

    if (algorithm%in%c('basic','blur')) {

      field = griddata(rbind(x[,1:2]),w=w,n=c(nx,ny)+2*h,min=c(xlim.frame[1],ylim.frame[1]),max=c(xlim.frame[2],ylim.frame[2]),type='density')$field

      if (algorithm=='blur' & smoothing>0) {
        if (!requireNamespace("EBImage", quietly=TRUE)) {
          stop('Package EBImage is needed to run kde2 in with blur algorithm.')
        field = EBImage::gblur(field,lim(smoothing*sqrt(nx*ny/npoints),sd.min,sd.max))

    } else if (algorithm=='kdefast') {

      # parameters fixed by developer
      smoothing.scaling = 0.4 # overall linear smoothing factor
      d = 0.1 # step between standard deviations in pixels
      n.sd = 3 # number of standard deviations considered

      # make smoothing kernels
      n.pix = nx*ny
      sd.max = max(2*d,min(min(c(nx,ny))/10,sigma.max))
      sd = seq(0,sd.max,by=d) # list of standard deviations
      n.kernels = length(sd)
      kernel = {}
      kernel[[1]] = matrix(c(0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0),3,3)
      kern.index = rep(1,n.kernels)
      kern.length = rep(9,n.kernels)

      for (i in seq(2,n.kernels)) {
        kern.index[i] = kern.index[i-1]+kern.length[i-1]
        hh = ceiling(sd[i]*n.sd)
        if (hh>h) {
          n.kernels = i-1
        n.side = 2*hh+1 # number of pixels per side
        mesh = pracma::meshgrid(seq(-hh,hh))
        kernel[[i]] = exp(-(mesh$X^2+mesh$Y^2)/2/sd[i]^2)
        kernel[[i]] = kernel[[i]]/sum(kernel[[i]])
        kern.length[i] = n.side^2

      # grid data onto embedding frame
      count = griddata(rbind(x[,1:2]),n=c(nx,ny)+2*h,min=c(xlim.frame[1],ylim.frame[1]),max=c(xlim.frame[2],ylim.frame[2]),type='counts')$field
      map = griddata(rbind(x[,1:2]),w=w,n=c(nx,ny)+2*h,min=c(xlim.frame[1],ylim.frame[1]),max=c(xlim.frame[2],ylim.frame[2]),type='density')$field

      field = kde2stampxx(map, count, h, smoothing*smoothing.scaling, sd.min, sd.max, d, n.kernels, unlist(kernel), kern.index, kern.length)[h+(1:(nx+2*h)),h+(1:(ny+2*h))]

    } else if (algorithm%in%c('kdenn','manual')) {

      if (!requireNamespace("EBImage", quietly=TRUE)) {
        stop('Package EBImage is needed to run kde2 in with kdenn or manual algorithm.')

      sub = ifelse(npoints<5e3,2,1) # stepping of smoothing kernel in factors of 2^(1/sub)
      idist.min = round(sub*log2(max(0.1,sd.min)/smoothing))
      idist.max = round(sub*log2(sd.max/smoothing))

      if (algorithm=='kdenn') {

        # parameters fixed by developer
        smoothing.scaling = ifelse(dim(x)[2]==2,3.5,1.6) # overall linear smoothing factor
        k = min(npoints-1,max(2,round(log10(npoints+1)))) # number of nearest neighbors the smaller the faster

        # determine smoothing kernel size for each particle (in bins)
        if (k<1) {
          nn = dpixel
        } else {
          nn = FNN::knn.dist(x,k=k)[,k]
        nn = nn/dpixel # mean distance to the k nearest neighbors in pixel
        idist = round(log2(nn*smoothing.scaling)*sub)
        idist = lim(idist,idist.min,idist.max)

      } else {

        if (is.null(sigma)) stop('sigma N-vector must be provided for manual algorithm')
        idist = round(log2(sigma/dpixel)*sub)
        idist = pmax(pmin(idist,idist.max),idist.min)


      # smooth particles from smallest to largest kernel
      field = array(0,c(nx,ny)+2*h)
      for (i in unique(idist)) {
        sel = which(idist==i)
        g = griddata(rbind(x[sel,1:2]),w=w[sel],n=c(nx,ny)+2*h,min=c(xlim.frame[1],ylim.frame[1]),max=c(xlim.frame[2],ylim.frame[2]),type='density')
        sigma = 2^(i/sub)*smoothing
        field = field+EBImage::gblur(g$field,sigma)

    } else {

      stop('unknown algorithm')


    # remove very small negatives due to floating point inaccuracies
    field[field<0] = 0

    # reflect boundaries if desired
    if (any(reflect=='left')) field[(h+1):(2*h),] = field[(h+1):(2*h),]+field[h:1,]
    if (any(reflect=='right')) field[(h+nx):(1+nx),] = field[(h+nx):(1+nx),]+field[(h+nx+1):(2*h+nx),]
    if (any(reflect=='bottom')) field[,(h+1):(2*h)] = field[,(h+1):(2*h)]+field[,h:1]
    if (any(reflect=='top')) field[,(h+ny):(1+ny)] = field[,(h+ny):(1+ny)]+field[,(h+ny+1):(2*h+ny)]

    # cut margin of embedding frame
    field = field[h+(1:nx),h+(1:ny)]

    # normalised field
    if (probability) field = field/(sum(field)*dpixel^2)

  } else {

    field = array(0,c(nx,ny))


  # make output data
  out = list(field=field,

obreschkow/cooltools documentation built on Nov. 16, 2024, 2:46 a.m.