
Defines functions parse.general parse.envi parse.libs parse.scripts get.environment get.proc.nodes get.data.nodes get.func.nodes get.proc.proc get.data.proc get.proc.data get.func.proc get.func.lib get.libs get.scripts get.all.df prov.parse

Documented in get.all.df get.data.nodes get.data.proc get.environment get.func.lib get.func.nodes get.func.proc get.libs get.proc.data get.proc.nodes get.proc.proc get.scripts prov.parse

# provParse.R Orenna Brand & Joe Wonsil

# The environment that will store the list of data frames
# that have the prov data from the json
prov.env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
prov.env$prov.df <- NULL

# Generalized parser
parse.general <- function(requested, m.list) {
  # Constructs pattern to match to using the grep function.
  grep.arg <- paste("^", requested, "[[:digit:]]", sep = "")
  # Using the pattern to pull out only the requested
  # nodes/edges from the master list.
  # This list had data stored in rows not columns
  nodes <- m.list[grep(grep.arg, names(m.list))]
  nodes.df <- data.frame(NULL)
  if(length(nodes) > 0) {
    # The num of columns are stored in each row in the list
    # Pull out how many columns so we can index through each
    # row and receive the columns
    col.length <- 1:length(nodes[[1]])
    # Use index nums to pull out each column so they are
    # no longer stored as rows but columns
    col.list <- lapply(col.length, function(x) {
      return(mapply(`[`, nodes, x))
    # To each column, replace the string "NA" with
    # an actual R value of NA, the extract the column 
    # as a vector to coerce into one type
    node.vec <- lapply(col.length, function(x) {
      col <- mapply(`[`, nodes, x)
      col[col=="NA"] <- NA
      return(mapply(`[`, col, 1))
    # Convert the data frame, we do not have factors
    # in data so keep them as strings
    nodes.df <- data.frame(node.vec, stringsAsFactors = F)
    colnames(nodes.df) <- names(nodes[[1]])
    rownames(nodes.df) <- names(nodes)
  # Combine into a single data frame.

# Environment parser
parse.envi <- function(m.list) {
  env <- m.list$environment
  # Remove nested lists which are parsed in a different
  # function
  env <- env[-which(names(env) == "sourcedScripts")]
  env <- env[-which(names(env) == "sourcedScriptTimeStamps")]
  # Swap rows and columns for clarity and apply name the column
  environment <- t(as.data.frame(env))
  environment <- data.frame(environment, stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(environment) <- c("value")

# Libraries parser
parse.libs <- function(m.list) {
  # Use the general function, however it will 
  # add unneeded columns
  libraries <- parse.general("l", m.list)
  # Pull out two columns of info wanted
  libraries <- libraries[,c("name", "version")]

# Source scripts parser
parse.scripts <- function(m.list) {
  # The source scripts are nested in the environment object
  env <- m.list$environment
  # Grab the script names
  scripts <- env$`rdt:sourcedScripts`
  # Append the script time stamps to the end
  scripts <- as.data.frame(cbind(scripts, env$`rdt:sourcedScriptTimeStamps`))
  # If there are scripts, append names to the data frame
  if (length(scripts) > 0) names(scripts) <- c("scripts", "timestamps")

## ==Simple wrapper functions for calling data frames==##

#' Access functions that will retrieve information that has been parsed from the prov.json file.
#' The function prov.parse MUST be run before using these functions.
#' @return The data frame of the requested information.
#' @examples
#' get.proc.nodes()
#' get.data.nodes()
#' get.func.nodes()
#' get.proc.proc()
#' get.data.proc()
#' get.proc.data()
#' get.func.proc()
#' get.func.lib()
#' get.libs()
#' get.scripts()
#' get.environment()
#' get.all.df()
#' @name access

#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.environment <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
get.proc.nodes <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
get.data.nodes <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
get.func.nodes <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
get.proc.proc <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
get.data.proc <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
get.proc.data <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
get.func.proc <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
get.func.lib <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
get.libs <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
get.scripts <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

#' @rdname access
#' @export
get.all.df <- function() {
  return(if (!is.null(prov.env$prov.df)) {
  } else {
    stop("No provenance parsed yet, try running prov.parse first")

## ====##

#' Parses the information in a prov.json file and makes it available to be 
#' when accessed through the access functions. 
#' @param filename A path to a json file that has been generated by RDataTracker
#' @return Does not return a value, but opens up the use of the access functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' prov.parse("ddg.json")
prov.parse <- function(filename) {
  # Removing 'rdt:' prefix for legibility of data.
  prov <- readLines(filename)
  prov <- gsub("rdt:", "", prov)
  prov <- gsub("prov:", "", prov)
  # Converting to an R-useable data structure.
  prov.data <- fromJSON(prov)
  # Creating the master list by unlisting the nodes/edges.
  master.list <- unlist(prov.data, recursive = F)
  # This removes the appended prefixes created by unlisting.
  # This leaves the nodes with their original names.
  names(master.list) <- gsub("^.*\\.", "", names(master.list))
  # These nodes cannot be parsed with the generalized function.
  # Therefore they are done separately and appended later.
  envi.df <- parse.envi(master.list)
  lib.df <- parse.libs(master.list)
  scr.df <- parse.scripts(master.list)
  # This list represents the characters codes for the different
  # possible objects.
  obj.chars <- c("p", "d", "f", "pp", "pd", "dp", "fp", "m")
  # Utilizes char codes to produce the list of data frames.
  prov.df <- lapply(obj.chars, parse.general, m.list = master.list)
  names(prov.df) <- c("procNodes", "dataNodes", "funcNodes", 
    "procProcEdges", "procDataEdges", "dataProcEdges", "funcProcEdges", 
  # Appending hard-coded data to list of data frames.
  prov.df[["envi"]] <- envi.df
  prov.df[["libs"]] <- lib.df
  prov.df[["scripts"]] <- scr.df
  assign("prov.df", prov.df, envir = prov.env)
oebrand/EnviR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 11:08 a.m.