#' Calculate random scores
#' \code{get_semi_random_OE} obtained from literature to calculate Immune resistance program (Jerby-Arnon et al., 2018)
#' @param r list
#' @param genes.dist.q integer
#' @param b.sign boolean
#' @param num.rounds integer
#' @param full.flag boolean
#' @return Random score
# function: calculate random scores
get_semi_random_OE <- function(r,genes.dist.q,b.sign,num.rounds = 1000,full.flag = FALSE){
# Previous name: get.random.sig.scores
sign.q <- as.matrix(table(genes.dist.q[b.sign]))
q <- rownames(sign.q)
idx.all <- c()
B <- matrix(data = FALSE,nrow = length(genes.dist.q),ncol = num.rounds)
Q <- matrix(data = 0,nrow = length(genes.dist.q),ncol = num.rounds)
for (i in 1:nrow(sign.q)){
num.genes <- sign.q[i]
if(num.genes > 0){
idx <- which(is.element(genes.dist.q,q[i]))
for (j in 1:num.rounds){
idxj <- sample(idx,num.genes)
Q[i,j] <- sum(B[idxj,j]==TRUE)
B[idxj,j] <- TRUE
rand.scores <- apply(B,2,function(x) colMeans(r$zscores[x,]))
rand.scores <- rowMeans(rand.scores)
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