
Defines functions cpd cpc trun

Documented in cpc cpd trun

#' Find putative change point in discrete-time cumulative records
#' @param Cum Input vector of cumulative response counts
#' @return R A vector with the same length as Cum, with putative change points for each
#' trial. These correspond to the preceding trial at which the deviation of the
#' observed count from the expected count is maximal
#' @details Not normally called directly, but via the cp_wrapper function instead.

cpd <- function(Cum)
  N <- 1:length(Cum) #Trial count vector
  Slopes <- Cum / N #Average count or measure per trial for trials 1 to N

  M <- diag(length(Cum))
  M[upper.tri(M)] <- 1 # Mask with ones on and above diagonal & zeros below

  Diag <- M * matrix(rep(Slopes, length(Slopes)), nrow = length(Slopes), byrow = TRUE)
  # Creates an array in which successive cols have successive slopes of the cumulative
  # record. The slope for a given col fills all the cells on and above the main diagonal

  Preds <- 1:length(Slopes) * Diag
  # Predicted (expected) cumulative values in a diagonal array

  Obs <- Cum * M
  # Diagonal array of observed cumulations

  Devs <- abs(Obs - Preds) # Diagonal array of deviations from expectations

  mx <- M * matrix(rep((apply(Devs, 2, max)), length(Slopes)), nrow = length(Slopes),
                   byrow = TRUE)

  # mx is a matrix listing the maxima of the deviations

  R <- merge(data.frame(col = 1:length(Cum)),
                 as.data.frame(which(Devs == mx & mx > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)), by = "col",
             all.x = TRUE)

  names(R)[names(R) == "row"] <- "R"
  names(R)[names(R) == "col"] <- "N"
  # R at this stage is a data.frame with columns N, and R. R has the trial numbers of the
  # putative change points and N - the trial numbers.

  stats::aggregate(R$R, by = R["N"], min)$x

  # return the minimum of the trial numbers of the putative change points for each trial
  # number

#' Find putative change point in continuous-time cumulative records
#' @param Cum Input vector of the cumulative interevent intervals
#' @return R A vector with the same length as Cum, with putative change points for each
#' event. The putative change point corresponding to the Nth
#' event is the preceding event at which the deviation of the observed event count
#' from the expected event count is maximal. The expected event count
#' at any earlier event, n, is Cum[n], the interval up to the nth event,
#' divided by the average interevent interval over the range from n = 0 to n = N
#' The deviation from expectation is n - this expectation. R is the value of n at
#' which this deviation is maximal
#' @details Not normally called directly, but via the cp_wrapper function instead

cpc <- function(Cum)
  N <- 1:length(Cum) # Event count vector
  Slopes <- N / Cum # Average slope up to given point in cumulative function

  M <- diag(length(Cum))
  M[upper.tri(M)] <- 1 # Mask with ones on and above diagonal & zeros below

  Diagonal <- M * matrix(rep(Slopes, length(Slopes)), nrow = length(Slopes), byrow = TRUE)
  # Creates an array in which successive cols have successive slopes of the cumulative
  # record. The slope for a given col fills all the cells on and above the main diagonal

  Preds <-  Cum * Diagonal
  # Creates diagonal array of the predicted numbers of events at each time in Cum

  Obs <- 1:length(Slopes) * M
  # Diagonal array with actual numbers of events

  Devs <- abs(Obs - Preds) # Diagonal array of deviations from expectations

  mx <- M * matrix(rep((apply(Devs, 2, max)), length(Slopes)), nrow = length(Slopes),
                   byrow = TRUE)

  # mx is a matrix listing the maxima of the deviations

  R <- merge(data.frame(col = 1:length(Cum)),
             as.data.frame(which(Devs == mx & mx > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)), by = "col",
             all.x = TRUE)

  names(R)[names(R) == "row"] <- "R"
  names(R)[names(R) == "col"] <- "N"
  # R at this stage is a data.frame with columns N, and R. R has the cumulative
  # inter-event intervals of the putative change points and N - the event numbers.

  stats::aggregate(R$R, by = R["N"], min)$x

  # return the minimum of the trial numbers of the putative change points for each trial
  # number

#' Truncate the cumulative record at significant change point
#' @param Cum Input vector of cumulative response counts
#' @param R A vector with trial numbers of putative change points
#' @param L A vector giving for each trial the pseudologit, approximately
#' the log of the odds that there has been a change point
#' @param Crit A real-valued decision criterion on logit
#' @return A list of Cumt, the truncated cumulative record,
#' Lt, the truncated L vector up to the row at which a change point was detected,
#' and r, the row at which L was truncated.
#' @details Not normally called directly, but via the cp_wrapper function instead.
#' Works for both discrete and continuous cumulative records. All input arguments are
#' obligatory.

trun <- function(Cum, R, L, Crit)
  # Cumt is truncated cumulative record,
  # the record as it would be if observation began at time CP+ or after trial CP
  # Lt is the L vector truncated at Alert, which is the row at which an CP was detected
  # r is row at which it was truncated.

  La <- abs(L)
  if (length(which(La > Crit)) > 0) {
    Alert <- min(which(La > Crit))# Finds first row where decision criterion is exceeded
  } else {# If there is no such row, then Alert will be NULL
    Alert <- NULL

  if (is.null(Alert)) {
    list(Cumt = Cum, Lt = L, r = Alert)
    r <- R[Alert] # The putative change point at the value of Cum that first yields
    # significant logit.This putative change point is always the number of an earlier
    # event or trial

    I <- c(Cum[1], diff(Cum)) # Interevent interval vector OR vector
    # of responses on successive trials

    Cumt <- cumsum(I[(r + 1):(length(I))]) # Truncated cumulative record

    Lt <- L[1:Alert] # Truncated logit vector

    list(Cumt = Cumt, Lt = Lt, r = r)

ontogenerator/cpdetectoR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 1:59 a.m.