# this file does not require internet access since it mocks git remote operations
local_pkgs <- c("stageddeps.elecinfra", "stageddeps.electricity", "stageddeps.food", "stageddeps.house", "stageddeps.garden", "stageddeps.water")
# assumes that repo stageddeps.food is local
# copies repos from TESTS_GIT_REPOS to appropriate locations in cache_dir
mock_rec_checkout_internal_deps <- function(source_dir) {
function(repos_to_process, ...) {
cat(paste0("Mocking rec_checkout_internal_deps", "\n"))
expect_equal(repos_to_process, list(list(repo = "openpharma/stageddeps.food", host = "https://github.com", subdir = ".")))
# stageddeps.food is local
internal_deps <- data.frame(
pkg = local_pkgs,
repo = paste0("openpharma/", local_pkgs),
host = rep("https://github.com", 6),
ref = c("main", "main", "local (main)", "main", "main", "main"),
sha = rep("test", 6),
accessible = rep(TRUE, 6),
installable = rep(TRUE, 6),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) %>% dplyr::mutate(cache_dir = unlist(Map(get_repo_cache_dir, repo, host, local = grepl("^local ", ref))))
# fs::dir_copy does not seem to be vectorized (although stated in the doc) -> use Map
Map(fs::dir_copy, file.path(source_dir, internal_deps$pkg), internal_deps$cache_dir)
return(internal_deps %>% dplyr::select("repo", "host", "cache_dir", "ref", "sha", "accessible", "installable"))
test_that("dependency_table works", {
mockery::stub(dependency_table, "rec_checkout_internal_deps", mock_rec_checkout_internal_deps(TESTS_GIT_REPOS))
repo_dir <- tempfile("stageddeps.food")
fs::dir_copy(file.path(TESTS_GIT_REPOS, "stageddeps.food"), repo_dir)
git2r::checkout(repo_dir, "main")
git2r::remote_set_url(repo_dir, name = "origin", url = "https://github.com/openpharma/stageddeps.food.git")
dep_table <- dependency_table(repo_dir, ref = "main"),
regexp = "Mocking rec_checkout_internal_deps", fixed = TRUE
# check output of `dependency_table` matches ground-truth
expect_s3_class(dep_table, "dependency_structure")
expect_equal(dep_table$project_type, "local")
expect_equal(dep_table$current_pkg, "stageddeps.food")
package_name = c(
"stageddeps.food", "stageddeps.elecinfra",
"stageddeps.electricity", "stageddeps.house", "stageddeps.garden",
type = factor(c("current", "upstream", "upstream", "downstream", "other", "other"),
levels = c("current", "upstream", "downstream", "other")
distance = c(0, 1, 2, 1, NA, NA),
ref = c("local (main)", "main", "main", "main", "main", "main"),
install_index = c(3, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) %>% dplyr::mutate(
repo = paste0("openpharma/", package_name),
host = rep("https://github.com", 6),
cache_dir = unlist(Map(get_repo_cache_dir, repo, host, local = grepl("^local ", ref))),
sha = rep("test", 6),
accessible = rep(TRUE, 6),
installable = rep(TRUE, 6)
) %>%
"package_name", "type", "distance", "ref", "repo", "host",
"sha", "cache_dir", "accessible", "installable", "install_index"
dep_table2 <- dependency_table(repo_dir, ref = "main", direction = "upstream"),
regexp = "Mocking rec_checkout_internal_deps", fixed = TRUE
# check direction upstream only, should not matter since yamls agree with DESCRIPTION files
expect_equal(dep_table[names(dep_table) != "direction"], dep_table2[names(dep_table2) != "direction"])
test_that("dependency_table wih local_pkgs works", {
copied_ecosystem <- tempfile("copied_ecosystem")
fs::dir_copy(TESTS_GIT_REPOS, copied_ecosystem)
repo_dir <- file.path(copied_ecosystem, "stageddeps.house")
lapply(local_pkgs, function(local_pkg) {
repo_dir <- file.path(copied_ecosystem, local_pkg)
git2r::checkout(repo_dir, "main")
name = "origin",
url = paste0("https://github.com/openpharma/", local_pkg, ".git")
# set config (needed for automation)
git2r::config(git2r::repository(repo_dir), user.name = "github.action", user.email = "gh@action.com")
local_pkgs <- c("stageddeps.elecinfra", "stageddeps.electricity", "stageddeps.food", "stageddeps.house", "stageddeps.garden", "stageddeps.water")
local_repos <- data.frame(
repo = paste0("openpharma/", local_pkgs),
host = rep("https://github.com", 6),
subdir = ".",
directory = file.path(copied_ecosystem, local_pkgs),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# stageddeps.garden has branch fixgarden@main, so it should check it out
dependency_table(repo_dir, ref = "fixgarden@main", local_repos = local_repos),
regexp = "must check out branch fixgarden@main", fixed = TRUE
git2r::checkout(file.path(copied_ecosystem, "stageddeps.garden"), branch = "fixgarden@main")
dependency_table(repo_dir, ref = "fixgarden@main", local_repos = local_repos, verbose = 0)
test_that("check_yamls_consistent works", {
# copy to new directory, so we can modify branch which is then copied to cache_dir in rec_checkout_repos
copied_ecosystem <- tempfile("copied_ecosystem")
fs::dir_copy(TESTS_GIT_REPOS, copied_ecosystem)
mockery::stub(dependency_table, "rec_checkout_internal_deps", mock_rec_checkout_internal_deps(copied_ecosystem))
# missing staged_dependencies.yaml in stageddeps.garden
repo_dir <- file.path(copied_ecosystem, "stageddeps.food")
git2r::checkout(repo_dir, "main")
git2r::remote_set_url(repo_dir, name = "origin", url = "https://github.com/openpharma/stageddeps.food.git")
dependency_table(repo_dir, ref = "main")
regexp = "for package stageddeps.garden", fixed = TRUE
regexp = "Mocking rec_checkout_internal_deps", fixed = TRUE
git2r::checkout(file.path(copied_ecosystem, "stageddeps.garden"), branch = "fixgarden@main")
dependency_table(repo_dir, ref = "fixgarden@main")
regexp = "Mocking rec_checkout_internal_deps", fixed = TRUE
test_that("plot.dependency_structure works", {
mockery::stub(dependency_table, "rec_checkout_internal_deps", mock_rec_checkout_internal_deps(TESTS_GIT_REPOS))
repo_dir <- tempfile("stageddeps.food")
fs::dir_copy(file.path(TESTS_GIT_REPOS, "stageddeps.food"), repo_dir)
git2r::remote_set_url(repo_dir, name = "origin", url = "https://github.com/openpharma/stageddeps.food.git")
git2r::checkout(repo_dir, "main")
# check that it works by saving the plot to a file which requires the plot code to be
# executed (otherwise lazy eval)
dep_table <- dependency_table(repo_dir, ref = "main"),
regexp = "Mocking rec_checkout_internal_deps", fixed = TRUE
plot_file <- tempfile("dep_plot", fileext = ".html")
plot.dependency_structure(dep_table) %>% visNetwork::visSave(plot_file)
expect_true(file.info(plot_file)$size > 0) # expect non-empty
test_that("install_deps works", {
repo_dir <- tempfile("stageddeps.food")
fs::dir_copy(file.path(TESTS_GIT_REPOS, "stageddeps.food"), repo_dir)
git2r::checkout(repo_dir, "main")
git2r::remote_set_url(repo_dir, name = "origin", url = "https://github.com/openpharma/stageddeps.food.git")
mockery::stub(dependency_table, "rec_checkout_internal_deps", mock_rec_checkout_internal_deps(TESTS_GIT_REPOS))
capture.output(dep_table <- dependency_table(repo_dir, ref = "fixgarden@main")) # capture.output to make silent
mockery::stub(install_deps, "run_package_actions", function(pkg_actions, ...) {
# check install_direction = "upstream"
expected_result <- data.frame(
package_name = c(
"stageddeps.elecinfra", "stageddeps.electricity",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
expected_result$actions <- rep(list("install"), 3)
install_deps(dep_table, dry_install = TRUE, install_direction = "upstream")[, c("package_name", "actions")],
# check install_direction = "downstream"
# in theory may fail because topological order is not unique,
# although topological order is not unique our implementation should be deterministic
expected_result <- data.frame(
package_name = c(
"stageddeps.elecinfra", "stageddeps.electricity",
"stageddeps.food", "stageddeps.water", "stageddeps.house"
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
expected_result$actions <- rep(list("install"), 5)
install_deps(dep_table, dry_install = TRUE, install_direction = "downstream")[, c("package_name", "actions")],
# check install_direction = "all"
# in theory may fail because topological order is not unique,
# although topological order is not unique our implementation should be deterministic
expected_result <- data.frame(
package_name = c(
"stageddeps.elecinfra", "stageddeps.electricity",
"stageddeps.food", "stageddeps.water", "stageddeps.house",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
expected_result$actions <- rep(list("install"), 6)
install_deps(dep_table, dry_install = TRUE, install_direction = "all")[, c("package_name", "actions")],
test_that("check_downstream works", {
repo_dir <- tempfile("stageddeps.food")
fs::dir_copy(file.path(TESTS_GIT_REPOS, "stageddeps.food"), repo_dir)
git2r::checkout(repo_dir, "main")
git2r::remote_set_url(repo_dir, name = "origin", url = "https://github.com/openpharma/stageddeps.food.git")
mockery::stub(dependency_table, "rec_checkout_internal_deps", mock_rec_checkout_internal_deps(TESTS_GIT_REPOS))
capture.output(dep_table <- dependency_table(repo_dir, ref = "fixgarden@main")) # capture.output to make silent
mockery::stub(check_downstream, "run_package_actions", function(pkg_actions, ...) {
expected_res <- data.frame(
package_name = c(
"stageddeps.elecinfra", "stageddeps.electricity",
"stageddeps.food", "stageddeps.water", "stageddeps.house"
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# workaround because adding it directly into data.frame(...) does not work
expected_res$actions <- list("install", "install", "install", "install", c("check", "install"))
check_downstream(dep_table)[, c("package_name", "actions")],
# add only_tests = TRUE
expected_res$actions <- list("install", "install", "install", "install", c("test", "install"))
check_downstream(dep_table, only_tests = TRUE)[, c("package_name", "actions")],
test_that("build_check_install works", {
repo_dir <- tempfile("stageddeps.food")
fs::dir_copy(file.path(TESTS_GIT_REPOS, "stageddeps.food"), repo_dir)
git2r::checkout(repo_dir, "main")
git2r::remote_set_url(repo_dir, name = "origin", url = "https://github.com/openpharma/stageddeps.food.git")
mockery::stub(dependency_table, "rec_checkout_internal_deps", mock_rec_checkout_internal_deps(TESTS_GIT_REPOS))
capture.output(dep_table <- dependency_table(repo_dir, ref = "fixgarden@main")) # capture.output to make silent
mockery::stub(build_check_install, "run_package_actions", function(pkg_actions, ...) {
expected_res <- data.frame(
package_name = c(
"stageddeps.elecinfra", "stageddeps.electricity",
"stageddeps.food", "stageddeps.water", "stageddeps.house", "stageddeps.garden"
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# workaround because adding it directly into data.frame(...) does not work
expected_res$actions <- rep(list(c("build", "check", "install")), 6)
build_check_install(dep_table)$pkg_actions[, c("package_name", "actions")],
test_that("get_all_external_deps works", {
# dummy dependency_structure object
deps <- list(
external = list(
A = data.frame(type = c("Imports", "Suggests"), package = c("X", "Y")),
B = data.frame(type = c("Depends"), package = "Z")
upstream_deps = list(A = "B", B = character(0)),
downstream_deps = list(B = "A", character(0))
internal_deps <- data.frame(package_name = c("A", "B"), type = c("current", "upstream"))
x <- structure(
project = NA,
project_type = NA,
current_pkg = NA,
table = internal_deps,
deps = deps,
direction = "all"
class = "dependency_structure"
available_packages <- data.frame(
Package = c("T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"),
Depends = c(NA, NA, NA, "Q", "U", NA, "T"),
Imports = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "U,V", NA),
Suggests = c(NA, NA, NA, "S", NA, NA, "W"),
LinkingTo = as.character(rep(NA, 7))
# These tests rely on a deterministic topological_sort function
get_all_external_dependencies(x, available_packages = available_packages),
c("U", "X", "V", "Y", "T", "Z")
# test from_internal_dependencies remove suggests)
results <- get_all_external_dependencies(x, available_packages = available_packages, from_internal_dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"))
expect_equal(results, c("U", "X", "T", "Z"))
# only take B's dependencies
package_list = "B",
available_packages = available_packages
c("T", "Z")
# test from_external_dependencies and check get warning for missing packages
results <- get_all_external_dependencies(x,
available_packages = available_packages,
from_external_dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests")
"Cannot find information about package\\(s\\) Q, S check that options\\('repos'\\) contains expected repos"
# we just need Q before W, T before Z, U before X and U + V before Y
expect_equal(results, c("Q", "W", "U", "X", "V", "Y", "T", "Z", "S"))
# message and unsorted list if not all of Depends, Imports and LinkingTo are `from_external_dependencies`
results <- get_all_external_dependencies(x,
package_list = "B",
available_packages = available_packages,
from_external_dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports")
regexp = "Packages will not be ordered as this requires"
expect_equal(sort(results), c("T", "Z"))
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