#' @title Summarize the test for equality across strata from a survival object using S3 method
#' @description Wrapper around survival::survdiff that tests the null hypothesis of equality across strata.
#' @seealso \code{\link[survival]{survdiff}}
#' @param survfit_object An object of class \code{survfit}
#' @param ptype Character vector containing the type of p-value desired. Current options are "Log-Rank" "Wilcoxon" "Tarone-Ware" "Custom" "All".
#' "Custom" allows the user to specify the weights on the Kaplan-Meier estimates using the argument `rho`.
#' The default is "All" displaying all types possible. When `rho` is specified in context of "All", also a custom p-value is displayed.
#' @param statlist Character vector containing the desired information to be displayed. The order of the arguments determines the order in which
#' they are displayed in the final result. Default is the test name ("test"), Chi-squared test statistic ("Chisq"), degrees of freedom ("df") and
#' p-value ("pvalue").
#' @param ... other arguments passed on to the method
#' @inheritParams survival::survdiff
#' @return A data frame with summary measures for the Test of Equality Across Strata
#' @examples
#' ## general examples
#' survfit_object <- visR::estimate_KM(data = adtte, strata = "TRTP")
#' visR::get_pvalue(survfit_object)
#' visR::get_pvalue(survfit_object, ptype = "All")
#' ## examples to obtain specific tests
#' visR::get_pvalue(survfit_object, ptype = "Log-Rank")
#' visR::get_pvalue(survfit_object, ptype = "Wilcoxon")
#' visR::get_pvalue(survfit_object, ptype = "Tarone-Ware")
#' ## Custom example - obtain Harrington and Fleming test
#' visR::get_pvalue(survfit_object, ptype = "Custom", rho = 1)
#' ## Get specific information and statistics
#' visR::get_pvalue(survfit_object, ptype = "Log-Rank", statlist = c("test", "Chisq", "df", "pvalue"))
#' visR::get_pvalue(survfit_object, ptype = "Wilcoxon", statlist = c("pvalue"))
#' @export
get_pvalue <- function(survfit_object,
ptype = "All",
rho = NULL,
statlist = c("test", "Chisq", "df", "pvalue"),
...) {
# Input validation --------------------------------------------------------
if (!inherits(survfit_object, "survfit")) {
stop("The function expects an object of class `survfit` as input.")
if (length(names(survfit_object[["strata"]])) <= 1) {
stop("Main effect has only 1 level. Test of equality over strata can't be determined.")
if (!base::any(c("Log-Rank", "Wilcoxon", "Tarone-Ware", "Custom", "All") %in% ptype)) {
stop("Specify a valid type")
if ("Custom" %in% ptype & is.null(rho)) {
stop("ptype = `Custom`. Please, specify rho.")
if (is.null(statlist) |
!base::all(statlist %in% c("test", "df", "Chisq", "pvalue"))) {
stop("Specify valid `statlist` arguments.")
# Re-use Call from survival object ----------------------------------------
Call <- as.list(rlang::quo_squash(survfit_object$call))
NewCall <- append(as.list(parse(text = "survival::survdiff")), Call[names(Call) %in% names(formals(survival::survdiff))])
if ("All" %in% ptype) {
ptype <- c("Log-Rank", "Wilcoxon", "Tarone-Ware")
if (!is.null(rho)) {
ptype <- c(ptype, "Custom")
# Summary list ------------------------------------------------------------
survdifflist <- list(
`Log-Rank` = rlang::expr(eval(as.call(
append(!!NewCall, list(rho = 0))
`Wilcoxon` = rlang::expr(eval(as.call(
append(!!NewCall, list(rho = 1))
`Tarone-Ware` = rlang::expr(eval(as.call(
append(!!NewCall, list(rho = 1.5))
`Custom` = rlang::expr(eval(as.call(
append(!!NewCall, list(rho = !!rho))
survdifflist_eval <-
function(x) {
eval(x, envir = attr(survfit_object$call, ".Environment")),
error = function(e) {
error_msg <- as.character(e)
if (!is_visr_survfit(survfit_object)) {
error_msg <-
"There was an error calculating the p-values.\n",
"The 'survfit' object was not created with `visR::estimate_KM()`.\n",
"The the error will likely be resolved by re-estimating the ",
"'survfit' object with visR.\n",
stop(error_msg, call. = FALSE)
# Statlist ----------------------------------------------------------------
statlist <- unique(statlist)
statlist <- base::sub("test", "Equality across strata", statlist, fixed = TRUE)
statlist <- base::sub("pvalue", "p-value", statlist, fixed = TRUE)
Nms <- names(survdifflist_eval)
stat_summary <- list(
`Equality across strata` = rlang::expr(base::sub(
paste0("Harrington and Fleming test (rho = ", rho, ")"),
fixed = TRUE
`Chisq` = rlang::expr(unlist(
lapply(survdifflist_eval, function(x) {
format(round(x$chisq, 3), nsmall = 3, justify = "right", width = 6, scientific = FALSE)
df = rlang::expr(unlist(
lapply(survdifflist_eval, function(x) {
length(x$n) - 1
`p-value` = rlang::expr(unlist(
lapply(survdifflist_eval, function(x) {
stats::pchisq(x$chisq, length(x$n) - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
# Output to dataframe -----------------------------------------------------
equality <- data.frame(
lapply(stat_summary, eval, env = environment()),
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL
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