#' @title Obtain risk tables for tables and plots
#' @description Create a risk table from an object using an S3 method.
#' Currently, no default method is defined.
#' @seealso \code{\link[survival]{summary.survfit}}
#' @param x an object of class `survfit` or `tidycuminc`
#' @param times Numeric vector indicating the times at which the risk set, censored subjects, events are calculated.
#' @param statlist Character vector indicating which summary data to present. Current choices are "n.risk" "n.event"
#' "n.censor", "cum.event", "cum.censor".
#' Default is "n.risk".
#' @param label Character vector with labels for the statlist. Default matches "n.risk" with "At risk", "n.event" with
#' "Events", "n.censor" with "Censored", "cum.event" with "Cum. Event", and "cum.censor" with "Cum. Censor".
#' @param group String indicating the grouping variable for the risk tables.
#' Current options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"strata": groups the risk tables per stratum.
#' The `label` specifies the label within each risk table. The strata levels
#' are used for the titles of the risk tables. This is the default}
#' \item{"statlist": groups the risk tables per statlist.
#' The `label` specifies the title for each risk table. The strata levels
#' are used for labeling within each risk table.}
#' }
#' Default is "strata".
#' @param collapse Boolean, indicates whether to present the data overall.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param ... other arguments passed on to the method
#' @return return list of attributes the form the risk table i.e.
#' number of patients at risk per strata
#' @rdname get_risktable
#' @export
get_risktable <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname get_risktable
#' @method get_risktable survfit
#' @export
get_risktable.survfit <- function(x,
times = NULL,
statlist = "n.risk",
label = NULL,
group = c("strata", "statlist"),
collapse = FALSE,
...) {
# User input validation ---------------------------------------------------
group <- match.arg(group)
if (!base::all(statlist %in% c(
"n.risk", "n.censor", "n.event",
"cum.censor", "cum.event"
))) {
stop("statlist argument not valid. Current options are n.risk, n.censor,
n.event, cum.event, cum.censor")
if (!is.null(label) & !base::all(is.character(label)) & !base::inherits(label, "factor")) {
stop("label arguments should be of class `character` or `factor`.")
if (!base::is.logical(collapse)) {
stop("Error in get_risktable: collapse is expected to be boolean.")
if (base::any(times < 0)) {
stop("Negative times are not valid.")
# Clean input ------------------------------------------------------------
tidy_object <- tidyme(x)
statlist <- unique(statlist)
# Match amount of elements in label with statlist -------------------------
if (length(label) <= length(statlist)) {
vlookup <- data.frame(
statlist = c(
"n.risk", "n.censor", "n.event",
"cum.censor", "cum.event"
label = c(
"At risk", "Censored", "Events",
"Cum. Censored", "Cum. Events"
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (is.null(label)) label <- NA
label <- c(label, rep(NA, length(statlist) - length(label)))
have <- data.frame(cbind(label, statlist),
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = TRUE
label_lookup <- vlookup %>%
dplyr::right_join(have, by = "statlist") %>%
dplyr::mutate(label = dplyr::coalesce(label.y, label.x)) %>%
dplyr::select(-label.x, -label.y) %>%
} else if (length(label) > length(statlist)) {
label_lookup <- data.frame(
statlist = statlist,
label = label[1:length(statlist)],
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = TRUE
# Ensure the order of the label corresponds to statlist order-------------
statlist_order <- factor(statlist, levels = statlist)
label_lookup[["statlist"]] <- factor(label_lookup[["statlist"]], levels = statlist)
label_lookup <- label_lookup[order(label_lookup[["statlist"]]), ]
# Generate time ticks ----------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(times)) {
times <- pretty(x$time, 10)
} else {
times <- times[order(unique(times))]
# Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------
survfit_summary <- summary(x, times = times, extend = TRUE)
# Risk table per statlist -------------------------------------------------
## labels of risk table are strata, titles are specified through `label
per_statlist <-
time = survfit_summary$time,
strata =
levels = unique(.get_strata(survfit_summary[["strata"]]))
n.risk = survfit_summary[["n.risk"]],
n.event = survfit_summary[["n.event"]],
n.censor = survfit_summary[["n.censor"]]
) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data[["strata"]], .data[["time"]]) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data[["strata"]]) %>%
cum.event = cumsum(.data[["n.event"]]),
cum.censor = cumsum(.data[["n.censor"]])
) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::rename(y_values = strata) %>%
final <- per_statlist[, c("time", "y_values", levels(statlist_order))]
attr(final, "time_ticks") <- times
attr(final, "title") <- label_lookup[["label"]]
attr(final, "statlist") <- levels(label_lookup[["statlist"]])
# Organize the risk tables per strata => reorganize the data --------------
if (group == "strata" & collapse == FALSE) {
per_strata <- per_statlist %>%
dplyr::arrange(time) %>%
cols = c(
"n.risk", "n.censor", "n.event",
"cum.censor", "cum.event"
names_to = "statlist",
values_to = "values"
) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "y_values", values_from = values) %>%
dplyr::rename(y_values = statlist) %>%
dplyr::filter(y_values %in% statlist) %>%
per_strata[["y_values"]] <-
levels = levels(label_lookup[["statlist"]]),
labels = label_lookup[["label"]]
per_strata <- per_strata[order(per_strata[["y_values"]]), ]
title <- levels(per_statlist[["y_values"]])
final <- per_strata
attr(final, "time_ticks") <- times
attr(final, "title") <- title
attr(final, "statlist") <- title
# Collapse: start from the group == "statlist" logic ------------------------
if (collapse == TRUE) {
collapsed <- per_statlist %>%
dplyr::arrange(time) %>%
dplyr::mutate(strata = "Overall") %>%
dplyr::group_by(time, strata) %>%
n.risk = sum(n.risk),
n.event = sum(n.event),
n.censor = sum(n.censor),
cum.event = sum(.data[["cum.event"]]),
cum.censor = sum(.data[["cum.censor"]])
) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(-strata) %>%
cols = c(
"n.risk", "n.censor", "n.event",
"cum.censor", "cum.event"
names_to = "y_values",
values_to = "Overall"
) %>%
dplyr::filter(y_values %in% statlist) %>%
collapsed[["y_values"]] <- factor(collapsed[["y_values"]], levels = label_lookup[["statlist"]], labels = label_lookup[["label"]])
collapsed <- collapsed %>%
dplyr::arrange(y_values, time)
final <- collapsed
attr(final, "time_ticks") <- times
attr(final, "title") <- "Overall"
attr(final, "statlist") <- "Overall"
class(final) <- c("risktable", class(final))
#' @rdname get_risktable
#' @method get_risktable tidycuminc
#' @export
get_risktable.tidycuminc <- function(x,
times = pretty(x$tidy$time, 10),
statlist = "n.risk",
label = NULL,
group = c("strata", "statlist"),
collapse = FALSE,
...) {
# check for installation of tidycmprsk package
rlang::check_installed("tidycmprsk", version = "0.1.1")
group <- match.arg(group)
# list of statistics and their default labels
lst_stat_labels_default <-
n.risk = "At Risk",
n.event = "Events",
n.censor = "Censored",
cum.event = "Cum. Events",
cum.censor = "Cum. Censored"
label <-
statlist = statlist,
label = label,
default_labels = lst_stat_labels_default
# named list of stats and labels
lst_stat_labels <- as.list(label) %>% stats::setNames(statlist)
tidy <-
visr_tidy_tidycuminc(x, times = times) %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(c("time", "outcome", "strata", names(lst_stat_labels_default))))
if (isTRUE(collapse)) {
tidy <-
tidy %>%
dplyr::mutate(strata = "Overall") %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("time", "outcome", "strata")))) %>%
"n.risk", "n.event", "cum.event",
"n.censor", "cum.censor"
~ sum(., na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() == 1L) %>%
if (group == "strata" || isTRUE(collapse)) {
strata_levels <- unique(tidy[["strata"]]) %>%
sort() %>%
result <-
tidy %>%
"time", "strata", "n.risk", "n.event",
"cum.event", "n.censor", "cum.censor"
))) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -c(.data[["time"]], .data[["strata"]])) %>%
id_cols = c(.data[["time"]], .data[["name"]]),
values_from = "value",
names_from = "strata"
) %>%
dplyr::relocate(dplyr::any_of(strata_levels), .after = dplyr::last_col()) %>%
y_values = dplyr::recode(.data[["name"]], !!!lst_stat_labels)
) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["name"]] %in% .env[["statlist"]]) %>%
dplyr::select(.data[["time"]], .data[["y_values"]], dplyr::everything(), -.data[["name"]]) %>%
dplyr::mutate(y_values = factor(.data[["y_values"]], levels = .env[["label"]])) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data[["y_values"]], .data[["time"]]) %>%
attr(result, "title") <- names(result) %>% setdiff(c("time", "y_values"))
attr(result, "statlist") <- names(result) %>% setdiff(c("time", "y_values"))
} else if (group == "statlist") {
result <-
tidy %>%
y_values = .data[["strata"]],
"n.event", "cum.event",
"n.censor", "cum.censor"
) %>%
attr(result, "statlist") <- names(lst_stat_labels_default[statlist])
attr(result, "title") <- lst_stat_labels_default[statlist] %>%
unlist() %>%
attr(result, "time_ticks") <- unique(result$time) %>% sort()
class(result) <- c("risktable", class(result))
.reconcile_statlist_and_labels <- function(statlist, label, default_labels) {
# return label as is if length matches statlist
if (!is.null(label) && length(statlist) == length(label)) {
# initialize empty vector if NULL
if (is.null(label)) {
label <- character(0L)
# replace labels with defaults if not passed by user
for (i in seq_along(statlist)) {
label[i] <-
default_labels[[statlist[i]]] %||% NA_character_,
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