
Defines functions .hash .digest get_digest define get_dependencies .get_name get_provider get_factory reset undefine `%requires%` `%provides%` clone `%clones%`

Documented in clone define get_dependencies get_digest get_factory get_provider reset undefine

# Compute a SHA-1 digest of an R object
.hash <- function(object) {

  digest::digest(object, algo = "xxhash64")


# Compute the digets of a module
.digest <- function(dependencies, provider) {

    deparse(provider, control = "useSource")


#' Get the Digest of a Module.
#' Get the digest (a xxHash64 hash of the dependencies and provider)
#' of a module.
#' @inheritParams define
#' @param load A flag. Should an undefined module be implicitely loaded?
#' @return A string containing the digest of the module.
#' @details
#'  A digest is useful for comparing two modules. For instance, in order to know
#'  if a module definition has changed, a digest of the newly presented module
#'  is computed and compared to the existing one. When a module is imported from
#'  an URL, it is also possible to specify a digest. The imported module is then
#'  rejected if its digest differs from the expected value.
#' @section Warning:
#'  It is considered a very bad practice to define, touch, undefine, load, make,
#'  reset, or perform any other operation from within a module definition that
#'  may alterate the internal state of modulr.
#' @seealso \code{\link{define}} and \code{\link{root_config}}.
#' @examples
#' reset()
#' define("foo", NULL, function() NULL)
#' get_digest("foo")
#' reset()
#' tmp_dir <- tempfile("modulr_")
#' dir.create(tmp_dir)
#' tmp_file <- file.path(tmp_dir, "foo.R")
#' cat('define("foo", NULL, function() NULL)', file = tmp_file)
#' root_config$set(tmp_dir)
#' \dontrun{get_digest("foo", load = FALSE)}
#' get_digest("foo", load = TRUE)
#' unlink(tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE)
#' @export
get_digest <- function(name = .Last.name, load = FALSE) {

  .message_meta(sprintf("Entering get_digest() for '%s' ...", name),
                verbosity = +Inf)


  if (.is_called_from_within_module()) {
      warning("get_provider is called from within a module.",
              call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

  name <- .get_name(name, load)


    .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "dependencies")]],
    .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "provider")]]


#' Define a Module.
#' Define or redefine a module by name, dependencies, and provider.
#' @param name A string (character vector of lenght one).
#'   A module name can contain letters, figures and some special characters,
#'   namely \code{_}, \code{-}, and \code{/}. The latter is a namespace
#'   separator.
#'   Names containing \code{/mock/}, \code{/mocks/}, \code{/test/},
#'   \code{/tests/}, \code{/example/}, or \code{/examples/} have a special
#'   meaning related to code testing and examples.
#'   The name "modulr" corresponds to a special module and is therefore
#'   reserved.
#' @param dependencies A (preferably named) list of strings.
#'   Elements of the list of dependencies designate modules by their name.
#' @param provider A string, a braced expression, or a function.
#'   If any, function's formals must coincide with the list of dependencies.
#' @return A wrapper function around a make call for the defined module.
#' @details
#' The definition of a module can be done explicitly in the console, implicitly
#' from a file on a disk, or remotely at a given URL via the HTTP(S) protocol.
#' These three ways of defining modules have their specificities.
#' \describe{ \item{Explicit Definition}{ This is the most direct method to
#' define or redefine a module. This is also the most volatile since the
#' lifespan of the module is limited to the R session. When a new module is
#' defined, the internal state of the package is modified to record its name,
#' dependencies and provider. Some other useful metadata are also recorded, like
#' timestamps, various flags and counters, and a digest. When an existing module
#' is redefined, the internal state is updated accordingly, unless no change is
#' detected by digests comparison. No other side-effect occurs during the
#' definition process, notably the evaluation of the provider which is postponed
#' to a subsequent \code{\link{make}} call. }
#' \item{Implicit Definition}{ This is the natural method to choose when a
#' module is intended to be reused. In such a case, the definition takes place
#' in a dedicated file, which name is closely related to the module's name.
#' As a file \code{/home/user/readme.txt} is composed of a path
#' \code{/home/user} and a file name \code{readme.txt}, a module name
#' \code{vendor/tool/swissknife} is similarily composed of a namespace
#' \code{vendor/tool} and a local name \code{swissknife}. For modulr to find
#' this module, it is sufficient to store its definition in an R, R Markdown or
#' R Sweave file named \code{swissknife.R[md|nw]} (R files have precedence over
#' Rmd's and Rnw's), laid out on disk in the \code{vendor/tool} path, relative
#' to the modulr root directory (see \code{\link{root_config}}).
#' \itemize{ \item \code{vendor/} \itemize{ \item \code{tool/} \itemize{ \item
#' \code{swissknife.R},
#' contains the "vendor/tool/swissknife" definition.}}}
#' Each time the definition of a module is needed, modulr resolves its name into
#' a file location by applying the following configurable rules.
#' \enumerate{ \item The \code{\link{root_config}} accessor acts at the
#' \emph{filesystem level}, by specifying the root directory, relative to which
#' all paths are expressed. For instance, \code{root_config$set("./lib")} tells
#' modulr that all modules are to be found in \code{lib} (in the R working
#' directory). The directory path can be relative (e.g. \code{./lib}) or
#' absolute (e.g. \code{/home/user/lib}). By default, modulr looks in turn into
#' the following directories \code{"./module"}, \code{"./modules"},
#' \code{"./lib"}, \code{"./libs"}, and \code{"."}.
#' \item The \code{\link{paths_config}} accessor acts at the \emph{namespace
#' level}, by mapping a specific namespace to a dedicated path, relative to the
#' root directory. For instance, \code{paths_config$set("vendor" =
#' "third_parties/vendor")} will map the \code{vendor/great_module} to the
#' \code{third_parties/vendor/great_module.R} path, relative to the root
#' directory. \itemize{ \item \code{third_parties}
#' is intended to be a dedicated container for third-parties modules. \itemize{
#' \item \code{vendor} \itemize{ \item \code{great_module.R}
#' contains the "vendor/great_module" definition. } } } \item The
#' \code{\link{maps_config}} accessor acts at the \emph{module level}, by
#' substituting specific dependencies within the scope of a given module. This
#' is especially useful in a situation where a dependency has been replaced by a
#' newer version, but a module still needs to rely on the previous one. For
#' instance, \code{maps_config$set("foo/bar" = list("vendor/great_module" =
#' "vendor/old_great_module"))} tells modulr that for the module \code{foo/bar}
#' only, the dependency \code{vendor/great_module} must be replaced by
#' \code{vendor/old_great_module}. }
#' \itemize{ \item \code{foo} \itemize{ \item \code{bar.R}
#' depends on \code{vendor/great_module} by definition, but will be replaced by
#' \code{vendor/old_great_module} when needed. } \item \code{vendor} \itemize{
#' \item \code{great_module.R}
#' serves all modules that depend on it, except \code{foo/bar}. \item
#' \code{old_great_module.R}
#' serves \code{foo/bar} only. } }
#' These rules are applied in reverse order, substituting dependencies first,
#' then mapping namespaces and finally expressing the absolute path, relative to
#' the modulr root directory.
#' It is possible to store several definitions into one main file. By doing so,
#' the implicit definition of the main module (i.e. the module for which the
#' name is resolved into the file location) triggers the simultaneous definition
#' of a bunch of related modules. It is notably desirable for test purposes,
#' when a module and its dependencies have to be mocked and injected into a new,
#' testing module.
#' } \item{Remote Definition}{ This is the method used to share a module via the
#' HTTP(S) protocol. The module is thus served at a given URL and has to be
#' imported (see \code{\link{import_module}}) in order to be defined and used.
#' Like files, it is possible to store several related definitions at one URL.
#' Public and private gists, files on GitHub, and any HTTP server can be used to
#' share so called \emph{modulr gears}. } }
#' @section Syntactic Sugars: \preformatted{name \%provides\% provider}
#'   \preformatted{name \%requires\% dependencies \%provides\% provider}
#' @section Warning: It is considered a very bad practice to define, touch,
#'   undefine, load, make, reset, or perform any other operation from within a
#'   module definition that may alterate the internal state of modulr.
#' @seealso \code{\link{.Last.name}}, \code{\link{plot_dependencies}},
#'   \code{\link{import_module}}, \code{\link{make}}, \code{\link{maps_config}},
#'   \code{\link{paths_config}}, \code{\link{reset}}, \code{\link{touch}}, and
#'   \code{\link{undefine}}.
#' @examples
#' reset()
#' define("foo", NULL, "Hello")
#' bar <- define("bar", list(foo = "foo"), { paste(foo, "World!") })
#' bar()
#' define("foo", NULL, "Again, Hello")
#' bar()
#' reset()
#' "foo" %provides% "Hello"
#' "bar" %requires% list(
#'   foo = "foo"
#' ) %provides% {
#'   paste(foo, "World!")
#' }
#' make()
#' "foo" %provides% "Again, Hello"
#' make("bar")
#' reset()
#' define("A", list(b = "B"), function(b) NULL)
#' define("B", list(a = "A"), function(a) NULL)
#' \dontrun{make()}
#' reset()
#' define("A", NULL, function() NULL)
#' define("B", NULL, function() NULL)
#' define("C", list(a = "A"), function(a) NULL)
#' define("D", list(a = "A", b = "B"), function(a, b) NULL)
#' define("E", list(d = "D"), function(d) NULL)
#' define("F", list(c = "C", d = "D", e = "E"), function(c, d, e) NULL)
#' plot_dependencies()
#' make()
#' @aliases %requires% %provides%
#' @export
define <- function(name, dependencies = NULL, provider = function() NULL) {

  enclos <- force(parent.frame())

  .message_meta(sprintf("Entering define() for '%s' ...", name),
                verbosity = +Inf)

  if (.is_called_from_within_module()) {
    warning("define is called from within a module.",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

    assertthat::is.string(name) && (.is_regular(name) || .is_reserved(name)),
    msg = "module name is not regular nor reserved.")

    msg = "module name contains a prefixed version number.")

    assertthat::is.string(name) && (.is_regular(name) || .is_reserved(name)),
    msg = "module name is not regular nor reserved.")

    is.null(dependencies) || is.list(dependencies),
    msg = "dependencies are not in a list."
  if (is.null(dependencies)) dependencies <- list()

  provider_subst <- substitute(provider)

    .is_braced_expression(provider_subst) || is.function(provider) ||
    msg = paste0("provider is not a constant, a braced expression, ",
                 "or a function.")

  if (.is_braced_expression(provider_subst)) {
    provider <- eval(call("function", NULL, provider_subst))
    environment(provider) <- enclos
    src_file <- attr(provider_subst, "srcfile")
    if (inherits(src_file, "srcfile")) {
      attr(provider, which = "srcref") <-
            attr(provider_subst, which = "srcref")[[1L]],
            attr(provider_subst, which = "wholeSrcref")
          )[c(1L, 2L, 11L, 12L, 5L, 14L, 7L, 16L)])
  } else if (!is.function(provider) && .is_constant(provider)) {
    provider <- eval(call("function", NULL, provider))
    environment(provider) <- enclos

  if (length(formals(provider)) == 0L && length(dependencies) > 0L &&
        all(names(dependencies) != "")) {
    attrs <- attributes(provider)
    formals(provider) <- as.pairlist(dependencies)
    attributes(provider) <- attrs
  } else {
      setequal(names(dependencies), names(formals(provider))) || (
                              length(formals(provider))) &&
      msg = "dependencies and formals are not matching.")
    if (is.null(names(dependencies))) {
      names(dependencies) <- names(formals(provider))

  aliases <- dependencies

  dependencies <- lapply(lapply(
    lapply(dependencies, .resolve_namespace, name),
    `[[`, "resolved"), unname)

  timestamp <- Sys.time()

  # we add metadata in a sandwich enclosing environment (we do not want to
  # pollute the enclosing environment itself)
  environment(provider) <- new.env(parent = environment(provider))
  environment(provider)$.__wrapper__ <- TRUE
  environment(provider)$.__name__ <- name
    list(symbol = ".__version__", element = "version"),
    list(symbol = ".__namespace__", element = "namespace"),
    list(symbol = ".__initials__", element = "initials"),
    list(symbol = ".__final__", element = "final")
  function(binding) {
      function() {
      env = environment(provider))
    function() {
      file <-
        if (!is.null(.modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "filepath")]])) {
          normalizePath(.modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "filepath")]])
        } else {
          trace <- stats::na.omit(names(.source_trace()))
          if (length(trace) > 0L)
            utils::tail(trace, 1L)
      if (!is.null(file)) stats::setNames(file, name)
    env = environment(provider))
    function() {
      file <- environment(provider)$.__file__
      if (!is.null(file)) dirname(file)
    env = environment(provider))

  check_missing_formals <- FALSE

  if (.is_undefined(name)) {

      sprintf("Defining '%s'", name), {

        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[name]] <- list(
          "name" = name,
          "aliases" = aliases,
          "dependencies" = dependencies,
          "provider" = provider,
          "digest" = .digest(dependencies, provider),
          "instanciated" = F,
          "calls" = 0L,
          "duration" = NA_integer_,
          "first_instance" = T,
          "storage" = "in-memory",
          "along" = NA_character_,
          "timestamp" = timestamp,
          "created" = timestamp

        check_missing_formals <- TRUE

    ok = TRUE, verbosity = ifelse(.is_regular(name), 2L, 3L))

  } else if (.is_regular(name)) {

    previous_digest <- .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "digest")]]

    digest <- .digest(dependencies, provider)

    if (!identical(digest, previous_digest)) {

      .message_meta(sprintf("Re-defining '%s'", name), {

        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "aliases")]] <- aliases
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "dependencies")]] <- dependencies
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "provider")]] <- provider
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "digest")]] <- digest
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "instance")]] <- NULL
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "instanciated")]] <- F
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "calls")]] <- 0L
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "duration")]] <- NA_integer_
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "first_instance")]] <- F
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "url")]] <- NULL
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "timestamp")]] <- timestamp
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "storage")]] <- "in-memory"
        .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "along")]] <- NA_character_

        check_missing_formals <- TRUE

      ok = TRUE, verbosity = 1L)

  } else {

  if (check_missing_formals) {

    # This is certainly not the right way to detect missing formals, but
    # inspecting the AST to identify them leads to unexpected R (3.2.5) crashes.
    # Same kind of crashes are recorded with lazyeval::ast, pryr::ast, and
    # codetools::checkUsage, for instance.
    missing_formals <-
        !Vectorize(grepl, vectorize.args = "pattern")(
            deparse(body(provider), width.cutoff = 500L),
            deparse(.get_0("options", envir = parent.env(environment(provider)),
                           inherits = FALSE))),
            collapse = "\n"),
          fixed = TRUE)))

    if (length(missing_formals) == 1L) {
          "Possibly unused dependency: %s.",
        ok = FALSE, verbosity = 1L)
    } else if (length(missing_formals) >= 2L) {
          "Possibly %d unused dependencies: %s.",
          paste(sQuote(missing_formals), collapse = ", " )),
        ok = FALSE, verbosity = 1L)


  if (.is_regular_core(name))
    .modulr_env$injector$.Last.name <- name

  invisible(function(...) make(name, ...))


#' Get the Dependencies of a Module.
#' Get the list of declared dependencies of a module.
#' @inheritParams define
#' @inheritParams get_digest
#' @return A list of dependencies.
#' @section Warning:
#'  It is considered a very bad practice to define, touch, undefine, load, make,
#'  reset, or perform any other operation from within a module definition that
#'  may alterate the internal state of modulr.
#' @seealso \code{\link{define}}, \code{\link{make}}, \code{\link{reset}},
#'   and \code{\link{root_config}}.
#' @examples
#' reset()
#' define("foo", NULL, function() "foo")
#' define("bar", list(foo = "foo"), function(foo) paste0(foo, "bar"))
#' define("bar/mock", get_dependencies("bar"), function(foo) paste0(foo, "baz"))
#' make("bar/mock")
#' reset()
#' tmp_dir <- tempfile("modulr_")
#' dir.create(tmp_dir)
#' cat('define("foo", NULL, function() "Hello")',
#'  file = file.path(tmp_dir, "foo.R"))
#' cat('define("bar", list(foo = "foo"), function() paste(foo, "World!"))',
#'  file = file.path(tmp_dir, "bar.R"))
#' root_config$set(tmp_dir)
#' \dontrun{get_dependencies("bar", load = FALSE)}
#' get_dependencies("bar", load = TRUE)
#' unlink(tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE)
#' @export
get_dependencies <- function(name = .Last.name, load = FALSE) {

  .message_meta(sprintf("Entering get_dependencies() for '%s' ...", name),
                verbosity = +Inf)


  if (.is_called_from_within_module()) {
      warning("get_provider is called from within a module.",
              call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

  name <- .get_name(name, load)


  .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "dependencies")]]


.get_name <- function(name, load, all = TRUE) {

  if (.is_undefined(name)) {

    candidates <- .resolve_name(name, all = all)[["resolved"]]
    in_memory <- Filter(function(candidate) {
      candidate[["storage"]] == "in-memory"

    if (length(in_memory) > 0L) {

      name <- in_memory[[1L]][["name"]]

    } else if (load) {

      on_disk <- Filter(function(candidate) {
        candidate[["storage"]] == "on-disk"

      if (length(on_disk) > 0L) {

        name <- on_disk[[1L]][["name"]]




#' Get the Provider of a Module.
#' Get the provider function of a module.
#' @inheritParams define
#' @inheritParams get_digest
#' @return A function identical to the provider function of the module.
#' @details
#'  For testing purposes, it is often useful for mocks to be able to refer to
#'  the provider of a module.
#' @section Warning:
#'  It is considered a very bad practice to define, touch, undefine, load, make,
#'  reset, or perform any other operation from within a module definition that
#'  may alterate the internal state of modulr.
#' @seealso \code{\link{define}}, \code{\link{make}}, \code{\link{reset}},
#'   and \code{\link{root_config}}.
#' @examples
#' reset()
#' define("foo", NULL, function() "foo")
#' define("bar", list(foo = "foo"), function(foo) paste0(foo, "bar"))
#' define("foo/mock", NULL, function() "foooooo")
#' define("bar/mock", list(foo = "foo/mock"), get_provider("bar"))
#' make("bar/mock")
#' reset()
#' tmp_dir <- tempfile("modulr_")
#' dir.create(tmp_dir)
#' tmp_file <- file.path(tmp_dir, "foo.R")
#' cat('define("foo", NULL, function() "Hello World!")', file = tmp_file)
#' root_config$set(tmp_dir)
#' \dontrun{get_provider("foo", load = FALSE)}
#' get_provider("foo", load = TRUE)
#' unlink(tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE)
#' @aliases get_factory
#' @export
get_provider <- function(name = .Last.name, load = FALSE) {

  .message_meta(sprintf("Entering get_provider() for '%s' ...", name),
                verbosity = +Inf)


  if (.is_called_from_within_module()) {
      warning("get_provider is called from within a module.",
              call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

  name <- .get_name(name, load)


  .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(name, "provider")]]


#' @export
# nocov start
get_factory <- function(...) {
  eval(substitute(get_provider(...)), envir = parent.frame(1L))
# nocov end

#' Reset the Modulr Internal State.
#' Reset the modulr internal state.
#' @param all A flag. Should stashes be also dropped?
#' @param .verbose A flag. For internal use only. Should be verbose?
#' @details
#'  Reset the modulr internal state: definitions and configurations are dropped,
#'  verbosity is set to default (see \code{\link{set_verbosity}}), .Last.name is
#'  set to NULL (see \code{\link{.Last.name}}), and root directory is set to
#'  default (see \code{\link{root_config}}). After a reset, the special module
#'  \code{modulr} is automatically defined. If \code{all} is set to \code{TRUE},
#'  stashes are also dropped (see \code{\link{stash}}).
#' @section Warning:
#'  It is considered a very bad practice to define, touch, undefine, load, make,
#'  reset, or perform any other operation from within a module definition that
#'  may alterate the internal state of modulr.
#' @seealso \code{\link{.Last.name}}, \code{\link{define}},
#'   \code{\link{list_modules}}, \code{\link{list_stashes}},
#'   \code{\link{reset}}, \code{\link{root_config}},
#'   \code{\link{set_verbosity}}, and \code{\link{stash}}.
#' @examples
#' reset()
#' define("foo", NULL, function() NULL)
#' root_config$set("./foobar")
#' stash(comment = "foo stash")
#' set_verbosity(+Inf)
#' reset()
#' list_modules()
#' list_stashes()
#' root_config$get_all()
#' .Last.name
#' reset(all = TRUE)
#' list_stashes()
#' @export
reset <- function(all = FALSE, .verbose = TRUE) {

  .message_meta("Entering reset() ...",
                verbosity = +Inf)

  if (.is_called_from_within_module()) {
    warning("reset is called from within a module.",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)


    if (.verbose) "Resetting modulr state", {

      .modulr_env$injector$registry <- list()
      .modulr_env$injector$config <- list(modules = list())
      .modulr_env$injector$verbosity <- 2L
      .modulr_env$injector$.Last.name <- NULL
      if (all)
        .modulr_env$injector$stash <- list()



    ok = TRUE, verbosity = 2L)



#' Undefine a Module.
#' Undefine a module by dropping it definition from the modulr internal state.
#' @inheritParams define
#' @section Warning:
#'  It is considered a very bad practice to define, touch, undefine, load, make,
#'  reset, or perform any other operation from within a module definition that
#'  may alterate the internal state of modulr.
#' @seealso \code{\link{define}}, \code{\link{list_modules}},
#'   and \code{\link{reset}}.
#' @examples
#' reset()
#' define("foo", NULL, function() "foo")
#' list_modules()
#' undefine("foo")
#' list_modules()
#' @export
undefine <- function(name = .Last.name) {

  .message_meta(sprintf("Entering undefine() for '%s' ...", name),
                verbosity = +Inf)

  if (.is_called_from_within_module()) {
    warning("undefine is called from within a module.",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

  name <- .get_name(name, load = FALSE)


  .message_meta(sprintf("Undefining '%s'", name), {

    .modulr_env$injector$registry[[name]] <- NULL

  ok = TRUE, verbosity = 2L)



#' @export
`%requires%` <- function(name, dependencies) {


    is.list(dependencies) || is.null(dependencies),
    msg = "right-hand side of `%requires%` is not a list of dependencies."

  list(name = name, dependencies = dependencies)


#' @export
`%provides%` <- function(lhs, provider) {

  if (.is_called_from_within_module()) {
    warning("`%provides%` is called from within a module.",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

    assertthat::is.string(lhs) || (
      is.list(lhs) &&
        setequal(names(lhs), c("name", "dependencies"))),
    msg = paste0("left-hand side of `%provides%` ",
                 "is not a module name or a list of dependencies.")

  if (is.list(lhs)) {
    name <- lhs[["name"]]
    dependencies <- lhs[["dependencies"]]
  } else {
    name <- as.character(lhs)
    dependencies <- list()

  provider_subst <- substitute(provider)

    .is_braced_expression(provider_subst) || is.function(provider) ||
    msg = "provider is not a constant, a braced expression, or a function."

  if (.is_braced_expression(provider_subst)) {
    provider <- provider_subst

    args =
      list(name = name,
           dependencies = dependencies,
           provider = provider),
    envir = parent.frame())


#' Clone a Module.
#' Clone a module.
#' @inheritParams define
#' @inheritParams get_digest
#' @param from_name Name of module to clone.
#' @param deep A flag. Should the entire register entry be cloned?
#' @return A wrapper function around a make call for the defined module.
#' @details
#'  For versioning purposes, it is often useful to clone modules.
#' @section Warning:
#'  It is considered a very bad practice to define, touch, undefine, load, make,
#'  reset, or perform any other operation from within a module definition that
#'  may alterate the internal state of modulr.
#' @seealso \code{\link{define}}, \code{\link{make}}, \code{\link{reset}},
#'   and \code{\link{root_config}}.
#' @examples
#' reset()
#' define("foo", NULL, function() "foo")
#' clone("bar", "foo")
#' make("bar")
#' @aliases %clones%
#' @export
clone <- function(name, from_name, deep = FALSE) {

  .message_meta(sprintf("Entering clone() for '%s' and '%s' ...",
                        name, from_name),
                verbosity = +Inf)


  if (.is_called_from_within_module()) {
    warning("clone is called from within a module.",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

  from_name <- find_module(from_name)[["name"]]


  if (deep) {
    .modulr_env$injector$registry[[name]] <-
    return(invisible(function(...) make(name, ...)))
  } else {
      .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(from_name, "aliases")]],
      .modulr_env$injector$registry[[c(from_name, "provider")]]))


#' @export
`%clones%` <- function(lhs, rhs) {

  if (.is_called_from_within_module()) {
    warning("`%clones%` is called from within a module.",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

    assertthat::is.string(lhs) && assertthat::is.string(rhs),
    msg = paste0("left- or right-hand side of `%clones%` ",
                 "is not a module name.")

    args =
      list(name = lhs, from_name = rhs),
    envir = parent.frame())

openscienceunil/modulr documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:49 p.m.