
# nocov start
# ************************************************************************************
# TO DO: 
# REIMPORT THIS FILE BACK INTO SIMCAUSAL (Setting opts$NoChangeFunCalls <- FALSE in simcausal)
# ************************************************************************************
  # x) Extend the checking for non_TD pars to TD parents in find_FormVars() 
  # x) For non_TD var outside of the DAG also check that length(non_TD) < 2
  # x) => Want to allow vectors in user.env to be referenced as uservec[t]
  # x) => This will allow avoiding declaration of node attributes as nodes, will save a ton of memory
# ************************************************************************************

opts <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
opts$NoChangeFunCalls <- TRUE # Flag, if TRUE will not modify any unknown node formula functions while parsing
opts$vecfun <- NULL           # character vector of user-defined vectorized function names
opts$debug <- FALSE           # debug mode, when TRUE print all calls to dprint()

dprint <- function(...) if (opts$debug) print(...) # debug-only version of print
debug_set <- function() { # Set to Debug Mode
  mode <- TRUE
  old <- opts$debug
  opts$debug <- mode
debug_off <- function() { # Turn Off Debug Mode
  mode <- FALSE
  old <- opts$debug
  opts$debug <- mode
vecfun.print <- function() {
  new <- opts$vecfun
  if (length(new)>1) new <- paste0(new, collapse=",")
  print("current list of user-defined vectorized functions: "%+%new)
vecfun.all.print <- function() {
  new <- opts$vecfun
  if (length(new)>1) new <- paste0(new, collapse=",")
  print("build-in vectorized functions:"); print(c(vector_ops_fcns, vector_math_fcns))
  print("user-defined vectorized functions: "%+%new)
vecfun.add <- function(vecfun_names) { # Add vectorized function to global custom vectorized function list and return the old version
  old <- opts$vecfun
  opts$vecfun <- unique(c(opts$vecfun, vecfun_names))
  new <- opts$vecfun
  if (length(new)>1) new <- paste0(new, collapse=",")
  print("current list of user-defined vectorized functions: "%+%new)
vecfun.remove <- function(vecfun_names) { # Remove vectorized functions to global custom vectorized function list and return the old version
  old <- opts$vecfun
  idx_remove <- old%in%vecfun_names

  if (sum(idx_remove) < length(vecfun_names)) {
    fun_notfound <- vecfun_names[!(vecfun_names%in%old)]
    if (length(fun_notfound)>1) fun_notfound <- paste0(fun_notfound, collapse=",")
    warning("some of the function names in 'vecfun_names' were not found and cannot be removed: "%+%fun_notfound)
  if (sum(idx_remove)>0) {
    opts$vecfun <- opts$vecfun[-(which(idx_remove))]
  new <- opts$vecfun
  if (length(new)>1) new <- paste0(new, collapse=",")
  print("current list of user-defined vectorized functions: "%+%new)
vecfun.reset <- function() {
  old <- opts$vecfun
  opts$vecfun <- NULL
vecfun.get <- function() opts$vecfun
get_opts <- function() opts$debug # Return Current Debug Mode Setting

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

vector_fcns <- c("cbind_mod","vecapply","apply","rowSums","rowMeans", "(", "[", "[[", "{", ":", "rep", "length", "if")
# vectorized operators:
vector_ops_fcns <- c("ifelse", "+", "-", "*","^", "/", "==", "!=", "!", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "|", "&")
# vectorized math funcs
vector_math_fcns <- c("I","abs","sign","sqrt","round","signif","floor","ceil","ceiling","trunc",

# a) find TD var calls;
# b) find baseline var calls;
# c) parse the tree at most 10 times and evaluate all atomic expressions
# d) modify calls to summary (non-vectorized) function to apply(DF, 1, func_name), adding cbind to calls with more than 1 arg
nodeform_parsers = function(node_form_call, data.env, user.env)  {
  # combine all default vectorized funs + the user-specified vectorized function in global :
  vector_fcns_all <- c(vector_fcns, vector_ops_fcns, vector_math_fcns, vecfun.get())
  curr.dfvarnms <- data.env[["ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0"]]
  # (not USED) SUMMARY FCNS (non-vectorized): these will be always turned into apply(arg, 1, func)
  # summary_fcns <- c("c","all","any","sum","mean","prod","min","max","range")
  # banned_fcns <- c( "apply", "cbind", "&&", "||")

  # * recursively parse the call tree structure for a given expression, find call to '[' or a name, then output that name (TDVar name will be called as TDVar[])

  # ************************************************************************************
  # TO DO: 
  # Extend the same checks for non_TD var existance to TD vars => Want to allow vectors in user.env to be referenced as uservec[t]
  # When TDvar_t not in DAG, check that TD_var exists in user.env, check that its a vector and that length matches t length
  # Decide between method I & II for finding non_TD parents
  # Curently using method I for non_TD vars, plotting DAG will exclude 
  # ************************************************************************************

  find_FormVars <- function(x, vartype="TD") {
    if (is.name(x) & vartype=="non_TD") {
      dprint("x: " %+% as.character(x))

      # Method I: will find all variables referenced by node formula, including vars only defined in user.env and are not part of the DAG
      notis.fun <- eval(substitute(!is.function(try(get(as.character(x)),  silent = TRUE))), envir = data.env, enclos = user.env)
      dprint("is x not a fun? " %+% notis.fun)

      # Method II: will only identify vars that were defined in the DAG. Probably more stable.
      is.inDAG <- as.character(x) %in% curr.dfvarnms
      dprint("is x in DAG? " %+% is.inDAG);

      # CHECK FOR UNDECLARED VARS: Verify if x is even defined in user env if (!notis.fun & !is.inDAG)
      exists.x <- exists(as.character(x), where = user.env, inherits = FALSE) # exists.x <- exists(as.character(x), where = user.env, inherits = TRUE)
      dprint("does x exist in user.env? " %+% exists.x)

      specialVar <- "nF"
      special <- as.character(x)%in%specialVar
      dprint("x is special? " %+% special)

      if (notis.fun && !is.inDAG && !exists.x && !special) stop("Undefined variable: " %+% as.character(x), call. = FALSE)

      # ****************************
      # *) For non_TD var outside of the DAG also check that length(non_TD) < 2
      # ****************************

      # if (is.inDAG) varnames <- as.character(x) # METHOD I declares only vars that exist in the DAG as a parent
      if (notis.fun) varnames <- as.character(x) # METHOD II declares any nonfun var as a parent

    } else if (is.atomic(x) || is.name(x)) {
    } else if (is.call(x)) {
      if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`[`)) && is.name(x[[2]])) {
        if (vartype=="TD") {
          varnames <- as.character(x[[2]])
        } else if (vartype=="TD_t") {
          varnames <- as.character(as.character(x[[2]]) %+% "_" %+% eval(x[[3]]))
        } else if (vartype=="non_TD") {
          varnames <- character()
          x[[2]] <- NULL
        } else {
          stop("unrecognized variable type")
      } else {
        varnames <- character()
      if (length(x)>1 & vartype=="non_TD") x[[1]] <- NULL
      unique(c(varnames, unlist(lapply(x, find_FormVars, vartype))))
    } else if (is.pairlist(x)) {
      unique(unlist(lapply(x, find_FormVars, vartype)))
    } else {
      stop("Don't know how to handle type ", typeof(x), call. = FALSE)

  # * iteratively parse the call tree and evaluate all functions with atomic args until identical tree is returned
  eval_all_atomic <- function(expr) {
    eval_atomic <- function (x, where = parent.frame()) {
      if (is.atomic(x) || is.name(x)) {
        x	# Leave unchanged
      } else if (is.call(x)) {
        # reached '[', '[[' or 'c' functions, don't need to parse any deeper, return this subtree intact
        if (((identical(x[[1]], quote(`[`)) || identical(x[[1]], quote(`[[`))) && is.name(x[[2]])) || identical(x[[1]], quote(c))) {
          x # Leave unchanged
        } else {
          atomargs_test <- sapply(2:length(x), function(i) is.atomic(x[[i]]))
          # dprint("call: "%+%x[[1]]); for (i in (2:length(x))) dprint(x[[i]]); dprint("all atomic?: "%+%all(atomargs_test))
          if (!all(atomargs_test) | identical(x[[1]], quote(`{`))) { # 1) either one or more args are non-atomic, then continue parsing
            as.call(lapply(x, eval_atomic, where = where))
          } else {
            # or 2) all args are atomic - then evalute and return result
            # dprint("all args atomic, evaluated: "); dprint(eval(x))
      } else if (is.pairlist(x)) {
        as.pairlist(lapply(x, eval_atomic, where = where))
      } else { # User supplied incorrect input
        stop("Don't know how to handle type ", typeof(x), call. = FALSE)
    } # end of eval_atomic()

    dprint("expression before atomic pre-eval: "); dprint(expr)

    preveval_atom_call <- expr
    i <- 1
    samecall <- FALSE # flag for parsed tree being identical to the previous pre-parsed call tree

    # loop for max 10 iterations or when call tree is no longer changing:
    while ((i <= 10) & (!samecall)) {
      eval_atom_call <- eval_atomic(preveval_atom_call)
      samecall <- identical(eval_atom_call, preveval_atom_call)
      preveval_atom_call <- eval_atom_call
      i <- i + 1
    # dprint("expression after atomic pre-eval: "); dprint(eval_atom_call)

  # * TO ADD: if call tree starts with '{' need to process each argument as a separate call and return a list of calls instead
  # * modify the call tree with apply for non-vectorized (summary) functions, also adding cbind_mod() for calls with more than one arg
  modify_call <- function (x, where = parent.frame()) {
    if (is.atomic(x) & length(x)>1) {
      x <- parse(text = deparse(x, width.cutoff = 500))[[1]]
      modify_call(x, where = where)	# continue parsing recursively, turning result back into call
    if (is.atomic(x) || is.name(x)) {
      if (is.atomic(x)) dprint("atomic: "%+%x)
      if (is.name(x)) dprint("name: "%+%x)
      x	# Leave unchanged
    } else if (is.call(x)) {
      if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`[`)) && is.name(x[[2]])) {	# reached '[' function, dont need to parse any deeper, return this subtree intact
      } else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`[[`)) && is.name(x[[2]])) { # reached '[[' function, same as above
      } else if (as.character(x[[1]]) %in% vector_fcns_all)  {  # these functions are already vectorized (if given a vector, will return a vector)
        # dprint(paste0("vectorized func: ",as.character(x[[1]])))
        as.call(lapply(x, modify_call, where = where))	# continue parsing recursively, turning result back into call
      } else {	# non-vectorized fun needs to be wrapped in vecapply, with args combined as cbind(arg1,arg2,...) for more than one arg
        # dprint(paste0("non-vectorized func: ",as.character(x[[1]])))
        if (identical(x[[1]], quote(c))) {
          x[[1]] <- quote(cbind_mod)	# check if the function is 'c', in which case replace call with 'cbind_mod'
          as.call(lapply(x, modify_call, where = where))	# continue parsing recursively, turning result back into call
        } else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(sum))) {
          x[[1]] <- quote(rowSums)	# check if the function is 'sum', in which case replace call with 'colSums'
          as.call(lapply(x, modify_call, where = where))	# continue parsing recursively, turning result back into call
        } else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(mean))) {
          x[[1]] <- quote(rowMeans)	# check if the function is 'mean', in which case replace call with 'colMeans'
          as.call(lapply(x, modify_call, where = where))	# continue parsing recursively, turning result back into call
        } else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(structure))) {
          modify_call(as.call(x[[2]]), where = where)  # continue parsing recursively, turning result back into call          
          # as.call(lapply(x[[2]], modify_call, where = where))  # continue parsing recursively, turning result back into call          
        # OS 09/22/15: Adding new global option that prevents any modifications of node formulas, with a warning
        # OS 03/08/16: Removing the warning and just silently accepting the function
        } else if (opts$NoChangeFunCalls) {
          # message("Warning: function '" %+% deparse(x[[1]]) %+% "' will be called as is, even though it is not on the recognized vectorized functions list; use at your own risk!")
          as.call(lapply(x, modify_call, where = where))

        } else {
          nargs <- length(x)-1
          if (nargs > 1) { # IF NON-VECTORIZED func has more than one argument, combine all args into one with cbind_mod
          # dprint("several args: "%+%x[[1]])
            newargs <- "cbind_mod("%+%deparse(x[[2]], width.cutoff=500)
            for (i in (3:length(x))) newargs <- newargs%+%","%+%deparse(x[[i]], width.cutoff=500)
            for (i in (length(x)):3) x[[i]] <- NULL
            newargs <- newargs%+%")"
            newexp <- parse(text=newargs)[[1]]
            x[[2]] <- newexp
          reparsed_chr <- "vecapply("%+%deparse(x[[2]], width.cutoff=500) %+% ", 1, " %+% deparse(x[[1]], width.cutoff=500) %+% ")"
          reparsed_call <- parse(text=reparsed_chr)[[1]]
          x[[1]] <- reparsed_call
          x[[2]] <- NULL
          modify_call(x[[1]], where = where)	# continue parsing recursively, turning result back into call
    } else if (is.pairlist(x)) {
      as.pairlist(lapply(x, modify_call, where = where))
    } else { # User supplied incorrect input
      stop("Don't know how to handle type ", typeof(x), call. = FALSE)

  # eval_atom_call <- node_form_call						      # don't evaluate any atomic expressions
  eval_atom_call <- eval_all_atomic(node_form_call)		# pre-evaluate all atomic expressions

  # Parses the formula and gets all the variable names referenced as [] or as.name==TRUE
  Vnames <- find_FormVars(eval_atom_call, vartype="non_TD")	# returns unique names of none TD vars that were called as VarName
  TD_vnames <- find_FormVars(eval_atom_call, vartype="TD")	 # returns unique names TDVar that were called as TDVar[indx]
  TD_t_vnames <- find_FormVars(eval_atom_call, vartype="TD_t") # returns unique names TDVar_t that were called as TDVar[indx]

  dprint("Vnames: "); dprint(Vnames)
  dprint("TD_vnames: "); dprint(TD_vnames)
  dprint("TD_t_vnames: "); dprint(TD_t_vnames)

  modified_call <- modify_call(eval_atom_call) 			# parse current call and replace any non-vectorized function with apply call (adding cbind_mod if more than one arg)
  dprint("modified_call"); dprint(modified_call)

  return(list(Vnames = Vnames, TD_vnames = TD_vnames, TD_t_vnames = TD_t_vnames, modified_call = modified_call))

eval.nodeform.full <- function(expr_call, expr_str, self, data.env) {
  # traverse the node formula call, return TDvar & Var names (node parents) and modify subst_call to handle non-vectorized (summary functions):
  parse_res <- nodeform_parsers(node_form_call = expr_call, data.env = data.env, user.env = self$user.env)

  # set the local variables in the formula node to their character values:
  Vnames  <- parse_res$Vnames
  TD_vnames <- parse_res$TD_vnames
  TD_t_vnames <- parse_res$TD_t_vnames
  modified_call <- parse_res$modified_call # modified call that has any non-vectorized function replaced with apply call (with cbind for more than one arg)

  dprint("node: "%+%self$cur.node$name)
  dprint("original expr as call:"); dprint(expr_call)
  dprint("final exprs:"); dprint(parse_res$modified_call)

  df_varnms <- data.env$ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0

  # check this TD Var doesn't exist in parent environment if df has TD Var => TD Var is not time-dependent and reference TDVar[t] is incorrect - throw exception
  for (TDname in TD_vnames) {
    if (TDname%in%df_varnms) stop(paste0("reference ", TDname, "[...]", " at node ", self$cur.node$name, " is not allowed; node ", TDname," was defined as time-invariant"))

  # NO LONGER NEED, this check is now performed in find_FormVars
  # for (Vname in Vnames) {
  #   if (!(Vname%in%df_varnms)) stop(paste0("formula at node ", self$cur.node$name, " cannot be evaluated; node ", Vname," is undefined"))
  # }

  data.env <- c(self$node_fun, data.env)

  if (is.call(modified_call) && identical(try(modified_call[[1]]), quote(`{`))) { # check for '{' as first function, if so, remove first func, turn call into a list of calls and do lapply on eval
    modified_call_nocurl <- modified_call[-1]
    evaled_expr <- try(lapply(X = modified_call_nocurl, FUN = eval, envir = data.env, enclos = self$user.env))
  } else {
    evaled_expr <- try(eval(modified_call, envir = data.env, enclos = self$user.env)) # eval`ing expr in the envir of data.df

  if(inherits(evaled_expr, "try-error")) {
    stop("error while evaluating node "%+% self$cur.node$name %+%" formula: \n"%+%parse(text = expr_str)%+%".\nCheck syntax specification.", call. = FALSE)

  # dprint("evaled_expr: "); dprint(evaled_expr)
  if (!opts$NoChangeFunCalls) {
    # convert one column matrix to a vector:
    f_tovect <- function(X) {
      if (length(dim(X))>1) {
        if (dim(X)[2]==1) X <- as.vector(X)
    if (!is.list(evaled_expr)) {
      evaled_expr <- f_tovect(evaled_expr)
    } else if (is.list(evaled_expr)) {
      evaled_expr <- lapply(evaled_expr, f_tovect)

  return(list(evaled_expr = evaled_expr, par.nodes = c(Vnames, TD_t_vnames))) # return evaluated expression and parent node names

eval.nodeform.asis <- function(expr_call, expr_str, self, data.env) {
  # print("AS IS EVALUTION FOR: "); print(expr_str)
  evaled_expr <- try(eval(expr_call, envir = data.env, enclos = self$user.env)) # eval`ing expr in the envir of data.df
  if(inherits(evaled_expr, "try-error")) {
    stop("error while evaluating node "%+% self$cur.node$name %+%" formula: \n"%+%parse(text = expr_str)%+%".\nCheck syntax specification.", call. = FALSE)
  return(list(evaled_expr = evaled_expr, par.nodes = NULL)) # return evaluated expression and parent node names

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function takes a string node formula, current node and current observed data environment
# 1) processes expression into R call, replaces t to its current value
# 2) finds all time-dep var names (Var[]) and non-time dep var names (Var)
# 3) replaces all summary function calls, s.a., func(Var) with apply(Var, 1, func)
# 4) replaces all calls to functions with several vectors, s.a., func(X1,X2,X3) with func(cbind(X1,X2,X3))
# 5) evaluates final expression in a special environment where: 
  # -) variables that have been simulated so far in obs.df are accessible
  # -) the subset vector function '[' is replaces with its specialized version, with syntax TDVar[t_range] for subsetting columns of the observed data by time
  # -) vecapply() function that is a wrapper for apply, converts vector to a 1 col matrix
# 6) standardizes the final expression to be a vector (NEED TO CHANGE FOR CATEGORICAL NODES - sapply over each prob formula in expression?)
eval.nodeform.out <- function(expr.idx, self, data.df) {
  expr_str <- self$exprs_list[[expr.idx]]
  # sVar.name <- self$sVar.expr.names[expr.idx]
  misXreplace <- self$sVar.misXreplace[expr.idx]
  eval.asis <- self$asis.flags[[expr.idx]]

  if (is.character(expr_str) || is.numeric(expr_str)) {
    expr_call <- try(parse(text=expr_str)[[1]])   # parse expression into a call
    if(inherits(expr_call, "try-error")) {
      stop("error while evaluating node "%+% self$cur.node$name %+%" formula:\n "%+%parse(text=expr_str)%+%".\nCheck syntax specification.", call.=FALSE)

  } else if (is.call(expr_str)){
    expr_call <- expr_str
    warning("node "%+%self$cur.node$name%+%": formula is already a parsed call")
  } else {
    stop("node "%+%self$cur.node$name%+%": currently can't process node formulas that are not strings or calls")
  # Replace t in the node formula expression with current t value; Replace Kmax its val (returns a call):
  expr_call <- eval(substitute(substitute(e, list(t = eval(self$cur.node$t), Kmax = eval(self$netind_cl$Kmax))), list(e = expr_call)))

  # Removed self$node_fun from data.env as they interfere with R expressions parsing in nodeform_parsers:
  eval.sVar.params <- c(list(self = self),
                        self$df.names(data.df), # special var "ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0" with names of already simulated vars
                        list(t = self$cur.node$t), 
                        list(misXreplace = misXreplace), # replacement value for missing network covars
                        list(netind_cl = self$netind_cl),
                        list(nF = self$netind_cl$nF)
  data.env <- c(eval.sVar.params, data.df)

  if (eval.asis) {
    # print("expression being eval'ed with eval.nodeform.asis(): " %+% expr_str)
    return(eval.nodeform.asis(expr_call = expr_call, expr_str = expr_str, self = self, data.env = data.env))
  } else {
    # print("expression being eval'ed with eval.nodeform.full(): " %+% expr_str)
    return(eval.nodeform.full(expr_call = expr_call, expr_str = expr_str, self = self, data.env = data.env))

# ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# #' R6 class for parsing and evaluating node R expressions.
# #'
# #' This \pkg{R6} class will parse and evaluate (in the environment of the input data) the node formulas defined by function
# #'  \code{\link[simcausal]{node}}.
# #'  The node formula expressions (stored in \code{exprs_list}) are evaluated in the environment of the input data.frame.
# #'
# #' @docType class
# #' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
# #' @keywords R6 class
# #' @details
# #' \itemize{
# #' \item{\code{exprs_list}} - Deparsed list of node formula expressions (as strings).
# #' \item{\code{user.env}} - Captured user-environment from calls to \code{node} that will be used as enclosing environment during evaluation.
# #' \item{\code{cur.node}} - Current evaluation node (set by \code{self$eval.nodeforms()})
# #' \item{\code{asis.flags}} - List of flags, \code{TRUE} for "as is" node expression evaluation
# #' \item{\code{ReplMisVal0}} - A logical vector that captures args \code{replaceNAw0=TRUE/FALSE} in \code{node} function call.
# #'  If \code{TRUE} for a particular node formula in \code{exprs_list} then all missing network \code{VarNode} 
# #'  values (when \code{nF[i] < Kmax}) will get replaced with with corresponding value in code{sVar.misXreplace} (default is 0).
# #' \item{\code{sVar.misXreplace}} - Replacement values for missing sVar, vector of \code{length(exprs_list)}.
# #' \item{\code{netind_cl}} - Pointer to a network instance of class \code{simcausal::NetIndClass}.
# #' \item{\code{Kmax}} - Maximum number of friends for any observation.
# #' \item{\code{Nsamp}} - Sample size (nrows) of the simulation dataset.
# #' \item{\code{node_fun}} - List that contains special subsetting functions \code{'['} and \code{'[['}, where \code{'['} 
# #'  is used for subsetting time-varyng nodes and \code{'[['} is used for subsetting network covariate values.
# #' }
# #' @section Methods:
# #' \describe{
# #'   \item{\code{new(netind_cl}}{Instantiates new object of class \code{Define_sVar}. 
# #'    \code{netind_cl} is the input network stored in an object of class \code{\link[simcausal]{NetIndClass}}.}
# #'   \item{\code{set.new.exprs(exprs_list)}}{Sets the internal node formula expressions to the list provided in \code{exprs_list}.}
# #'   \item{\code{eval.nodeforms(cur.node, data.df)}}{Evaluate the expressions one by one, returning a list with evaluated expressions. 
# #'    \code{cur.node} is the current node object defined with function \code{node} and \code{data.df} is the input data.frame.}
# #'   \item{\code{df.names(data.df)}}{List of variables in the input data \code{data.df} gets assigned to a special variable 
# #'   (\code{ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0}).}
# #' }
# #' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
# #' @export
# Define_sVar <- R6Class("Define_sVar",
#   class = TRUE,
#   portable = TRUE,
#   public = list(

#     node_fun = list(
#       vecapply = function(X, idx, func) { # custom wrapper for apply that turns a vector X into one column matrix
#         if (is.vector(X)) dim(X) <- c(length(X), 1) # returns TRUE only if the object is a vector with no attributes apart from names
#         # if (is.atomic(x) || is.list(x)) dim(X) <- c(length(X), 1) # alternative way to test for vectors
#           x <- parse(text = deparse(func))[[1]]
#           nargs <- length(x[[2]])
#           if (nargs>1) {
#             funline <- deparse(func)[1]
#             stop(funline%+%
#             ". Node formulas cannot call non-vectorized functions with more than one named argument. If this is a vectorized function, pass its name to set.DAG(, vecfun=).")
#           }
#         apply(X, idx, func)
#       },

#       cbind_mod = function(...) { # cbind wrapper for c(,) calls in node formulas, turns one row matrix into repeat Nsamp row matrix
#         env <- parent.frame()
#         cbind_res <- do.call("cbind", eval(substitute(alist(...)), envir = env) , envir = env)
#         if (nrow(cbind_res)==1) {
#           # Nsamp <- get("Nsamp", envir = env)
#           Nsamp <- env$self$Nsamp
#           dprint("env$self$Nsamp:"); dprint(env$self$Nsamp)
#           assert_that(!is.null(Nsamp))

#           cbind_res <- matrix(cbind_res, nrow = Nsamp, ncol = ncol(cbind_res), byrow = TRUE)
#         }
#         dprint("cbind_res"); dprint(cbind_res)
#         cbind_res
#       },

#       # custom function for vector look up '['
#       # function takes the name of the TD var and index vector => creates a vector of time-varying column names in df
#       # returns matrix TD_var[indx]
#       # ***NOTE: current '[' cannot evalute subsetting that is based on values of other covariates such as A1C[ifelse(BMI<5, 1, 2)]
#       `[` = function(var, indx, ...) {
#         env <- parent.frame()
#         t <- env$t # t <- get("t", envir = env)
#         var <- substitute(var)
#         var.chr <- as.character(var)

#         if (missing(indx)) stop("missing tindex when using Var[tindex] inside the node formula")
#         if (identical(class(indx),"logical")) indx <- which(indx)
#         if (is.null(t)) stop("references, s.a. Var[t] are not allowed when t is undefined")
#         if (max(indx)>t) stop(paste0(var, "[", max(indx),"] cannot be referenced in node formulas at t = ", t))  # check indx<= t

#         # ******* NOTE *******
#         # Don't like the current implementation that defines TDvars as characters and then returns a matrix by cbinding 
#         # the existing columins in existing data.frame. This is possibly wasteful. Could we instead subset the existing data.frame?
#         TDvars <- var.chr%+%"_"%+%indx
#         # Checking the variables paste0(var, "_", indx) exist in simulated data.frame environment:
#         dprint("ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0:"); dprint(env[["ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0"]])

#         # TO DO: **** 
#         # EXTEND TO CHECKING FOR TDvar IN ENCLOSING ENVIRONMENT (user.env) AS WELL IF TDvar_t doesn't exist in the data
#         # IF TDvar exists check that its a vector of appropriate length, index it accordinly (using which(t%in%tvec))
#         # will need to first eval such vector the variable as in: 
#         # var.val <- eval(var, envir = env)
#         existsTDVar <- function(TDvar_t) TDvar_t %in% env[["ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0"]]
#         check_exist <- sapply(TDvars, existsTDVar)
#         if (!all(check_exist)) stop("undefined time-dependent variable(s): "%+%TDvars[which(!check_exist)])
#         TDvars_eval <- eval(parse(text=paste0("cbind(",paste0(TDvars, collapse=","),")")), envir = env)
#         return(TDvars_eval)
#       },

#       # Builds netVar matrix by using matrix env$NetIndobj$NetInd_k, cbind on result
#       # For W[[0]] to work without if else below need to do this:
#       # NetInd_k <- cbind(c(1:n), NetInd_k) and then netidx <- netidx + 1
#       `[[` = function(var, netidx, ...) {
#         # browser()

#         env <- parent.frame()
#         t <- env$t # t <- get("t", envir = env)
#         if (!is.null(t)) stop("simultaneous time varying node references Var[t] and network references Var[[netidx]] are currently not supported")
#         if (missing(netidx)) stop("network index (netidx) must be specified when using Var[[netidx]]")
#         netind_cl <- env$netind_cl
#         if (is.null(netind_cl)) stop("Network must be defined when using Var[[netidx]] syntax")
#         Kmax <- netind_cl$Kmax

#         var <- substitute(var)
#         var.chr <- as.character(var)
#         if (! (var.chr %in% env[["ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0"]])) stop("variable " %+% var.chr %+% " doesn't exist")
#         var.val <- eval(var, envir = env)
#         n <- length(var.val)
#         if (identical(class(netidx),"logical")) netidx <- which(netidx)
#         netVars_eval <- matrix(0L, nrow = n, ncol = length(netidx))
#         colnames(netVars_eval) <- netvar(var.chr, netidx)

#         # make_net_mat_time <- system.time(
#         for (neti in seq_along(netidx)) {
#           if (netidx[neti] %in% 0L) {
#             netVars_eval[, neti] <- var.val
#           } else {
#             netVars_eval[, neti] <- var.val[netind_cl$NetInd_k[, netidx[neti]]]
#             # opting for replace on entire netVars_eval, will need to do benchmarks later to compare:
#             # netVars_eval[is.na(netVars_eval[, neti]), neti] <- env$misXreplace
#           }
#         }
#         # )
#         # print("make_net_mat_time: "); print(make_net_mat_time)

#         # Don't need to do this if env$misXreplace==gvars$misval (i.e., when want to leave NAs as is)
#         # replaceNA_time <- system.time(
#           netVars_eval[is.na(netVars_eval)] <- env$misXreplace
#           # )
#         # print("replaceNA_time"); print(replaceNA_time)
#         return(netVars_eval)
#       }
#     ),

#     initialize = function(netind_cl) {
#       self$netind_cl <- netind_cl
#       self$Kmax <- self$netind_cl$Kmax
#       invisible(self)
#     }
#   ),

#   active = list(
#     placeholder = function() {}
#   ),

#   private = list(
#     privplaceholder = function() {}
#   )
# )
# nocov end
osofr/tmlenet documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:58 p.m.