
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# network TMLE fit with continous sA
# Run one TMLE simulation for network data generated igraph::sample_k_regular (all nodes have the same degree k)
# estimate psi0 under trunced g.star (same as in iid)
# sA is the same as in iid example w sAnet=(sA, rowMeans(sA[[1:Kmax]])).
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TMLE for causal effect in network data with continuous exposure under continuous stochastic intervention;
# intervention g.star is defined by shifting the normal density of observed sA until g.star/g.0 >= 10,
# then its truncated to be equal to g.0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

`%+%` <- function(a, b) paste0(a, b)
# The user-defined network sampler(s) from igraph (regular graph model)
# Generate regular random graphs with same degree for each node
# Kmax - degree of each node
make_netDAG <- function(Kmax, trunc, shift) {
  generate.igraph.k.regular <- function(n, Kmax, ...) {
    if (n < 20) Kmax <- 5
    igraph.reg <- igraph::sample_k_regular(no.of.nodes = n, k = Kmax, directed = TRUE, multiple = FALSE)
    # From igraph object to sparse adj. matrix:
    sparse_AdjMat <- simcausal::igraph.to.sparseAdjMat(igraph.reg)
    # From igraph object to simcausal/tmlenet input (NetInd_k, nF, Kmax):
    NetInd_out <- simcausal::sparseAdjMat.to.NetInd(sparse_AdjMat)
    print("old Kmax:" %+% Kmax)
    print("new Kmax:" %+% NetInd_out$Kmax)
    print("NetInd_k"); print(head(NetInd_out$NetInd_k))
    if (Kmax < NetInd_out$Kmax) message("new network has larger Kmax value than requested, new Kmax = " %+% NetInd_out$Kmax)
  D <- DAG.empty()
  # Adding the ER model network generator from igraph:
  D <- D + network("NetInd_k", Kmax = Kmax, netfun = "generate.igraph.k.regular")
  D <- D +
      node("W1", distr = "rbern", prob = 0.5) +
      node("W2", distr = "rbern", prob = 0.3) +
      node("W3", distr = "rbern", prob = 0.3) +
      node("sA.mu", distr = "rconst", const = (0.98 * W1 + 0.58 * W2 + 0.33 * W3)) +
      node("sA", distr = "rnorm", mean = sA.mu, sd = 1) +
      node("net.mean.sA", distr = "rconst", const = mean(sA[[1:Kmax]])) +
      node("untrunc.sA.gstar",  distr = "rconst", const = sA + shift) +
      node("r.new.sA",  distr = "rconst", const =
            exp(shift * (untrunc.sA.gstar - sA.mu - shift / 2))) +
      node("tr.sA.gstar",  distr = "rconst", const = ifelse(r.new.sA > trunc, sA, untrunc.sA.gstar)) +
      node("probY", distr = "rconst", const =
            plogis(-0.35 * sA - 0.20 * mean(sA[[1:Kmax]]) - 0.5 * W1 - 0.58 * W2 - 0.33 * W3)) +
      node("Y", distr = "rbern", prob = probY) +
      node("probY.gstar", distr = "rconst", const =
            plogis(-0.35 * tr.sA.gstar - 0.20 * mean(tr.sA.gstar[[1:Kmax]]) - 0.5 * W1 - 0.58 * W2 - 0.33 * W3)) +
      node("Y.gstar", distr = "rbern", prob = probY.gstar)
  Dset <- set.DAG(D, n.test = 10)

# Function that returns a stochastic intervention function intervening on sA, for given shift
# create_f.gstar <- function(shift, trunc) {
#   shift <- shift
#   trunc <- trunc
#   f.gstar <- function(data, ...) {
#     sA.mu <- 0.98 * data[,"W1"] + 0.58 * data[,"W2"] + 0.33 * data[,"W3"]
#     sA <- data[,"sA"]
#     untrunc.sA.gstar <- sA + shift
#     # ratio of P_g^*(sA=sa|W)/P_g0(sA=sa|W) for sa=sA generated under g^*:
#     r.new.sA <- exp(shift * (untrunc.sA.gstar - sA.mu - shift / 2))
#     trunc.sA.gstar <- ifelse(r.new.sA > trunc, sA, untrunc.sA.gstar)
#     return(trunc.sA.gstar)
#   }
#   return(f.gstar)
# }

test.shallowdeep.copy <- function() {
  Kmax <- 5
  trunc <- 4
  shift <- 1
  Dset <- make_netDAG(Kmax, trunc, shift)
  # f.gstar <- create_f.gstar(shift = shift, trunc = trunc)

  shift <- shift
  trunc <- trunc
  newA.gstar <-  def_new_sA(sA =
    ifelse(exp(shift * (sA + shift - (0.98*W1 + 0.58*W2 + 0.33*W3) - shift/2)) > trunc,
          sA + shift))

  sW <- def_sW(W1 = "W1", W2 = "W2", W3 = "W3")
  sA <- def_sA(sA = "sA", net.mean.sA = rowMeans(sA[[1:Kmax]]), replaceNAw0 = TRUE)
  seed <- 12345
  datO <- sim(Dset, n = 100, rndseed = seed)
  mean(datO$Y.gstar) # [1] 0.2136
  checkTrue(abs(mean(datO$Y.gstar) - 0.2) < 10^-4)
  netind_cl <- attributes(datO)$netind_cl
  NetInd_mat <- attributes(datO)$netind_cl$NetInd

  # RUN TMLE (bin by equal.mass):
  options(tmlenet.verbose = FALSE)
  tmlenet_options(maxNperBin = 100, bin.method="equal.mass")
  Qform.mis <- "Y ~ W2 + W3 + net.mean.sA" # # misspecified Q:
  datO_input <- datO[,c("W1", "W2", "W3", "sA", "Y")]
  res <- tmlenet(data = datO_input, Kmax = Kmax, sW = sW, sA = sA,
                  # Anodes = "sA",
                  # f_gstar1 = f.gstar,
                  intervene1.sA = newA.gstar,
                  Ynode = "Y",
                  NETIDmat = NetInd_mat,
                  Qform = Qform.mis,
                  hform.g0 = "sA + net.mean.sA ~ W1 + W2 + W3",
                  hform.gstar = "sA + net.mean.sA ~ W1 + W2 + W3"
                  # optPars = list(n_MCsims = 1)
  # save the fits for h_g0 and h_star:
  h_g0_SummariesModel <- res$EY_gstar1$h_g0_SummariesModel
  h_gstar_SummariesModel <- res$EY_gstar1$h_gstar_SummariesModel
  # PERFORMING SHALLOW AND A DEEP copy of the objects in SummariesModel:
  # the field private$PsAsW.models is a list of R6 objects -> cloned manually
  shallow_copy <- h_g0_SummariesModel$clone()
  deep_copy <- h_g0_SummariesModel$clone(deep=TRUE)
  # 1st layer of saved list of R6 objects:
  model <- h_g0_SummariesModel$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]
  model$intrvls <- NULL
  # RegressionClass pointer in ContinSummaryModel:
  reg.toplevel <- h_g0_SummariesModel$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$reg

  regchild <- h_g0_SummariesModel$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$reg
  regchild$intrvls <- NULL
  # 2nd layer of saved list of R6 objects (BinOutModel):
  BinOutModel <- h_g0_SummariesModel$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]
  BinOutModel$bw.j <- NULL
  # Pointer in BinOutModel to BinDat:
  bindat <- h_g0_SummariesModel$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$bindat
  bindat$nbins <- NULL

test.usefitted.h <- function() {
  Kmax <- 5
  trunc <- 4
  shift <- 1
  Dset <- make_netDAG(Kmax, trunc, shift)
  # f.gstar <- create_f.gstar(shift = shift, trunc = trunc)
  shift <- shift
  trunc <- trunc
  newA.gstar <-  def_new_sA(sA =
    ifelse(exp(shift * (sA + shift - (0.98*W1 + 0.58*W2 + 0.33*W3) - shift/2)) > trunc,
          sA + shift))

  sW <- def_sW(W1 = "W1", W2 = "W2", W3 = "W3")
  sA <- def_sA(sA = "sA", net.mean.sA = rowMeans(sA[[1:Kmax]]), replaceNAw0 = TRUE)

  seed <- 12345
  datO <- sim(Dset, n = 100, rndseed = seed)
  mean(datO$Y.gstar) # [1] 0.2136
  checkTrue(abs(mean(datO$Y.gstar) - 0.2) < 10^-4)
  netind_cl <- attributes(datO)$netind_cl
  NetInd_mat <- attributes(datO)$netind_cl$NetInd

  # RUN TMLE (bin by equal.mass):
  options(tmlenet.verbose = FALSE)
  tmlenet_options(maxNperBin = 100, bin.method="equal.mass")
  Qform.mis <- "Y ~ W2 + W3 + net.mean.sA" # # misspecified Q:
  datO_input <- datO[,c("W1", "W2", "W3", "sA", "Y")]
  res <- tmlenet(data = datO_input, Kmax = Kmax, sW = sW, sA = sA,
                  # Anodes = "sA",
                  Ynode = "Y",
                  # f_gstar1 = f.gstar,
                  intervene1.sA = newA.gstar,
                  NETIDmat = NetInd_mat,
                  Qform = Qform.mis,
                  hform.g0 = "sA + net.mean.sA ~ W1 + W2 + W3",
                  hform.gstar = "sA + net.mean.sA ~ W1 + W2 + W3",
                  optPars = list(bootstrap.var = FALSE, n.bootstrap = 1)
  print("res$EY_gstar1$estimates: "); print(res$EY_gstar1$estimates)
  # tmle   0.2230316
  # h_iptw 0.2464948
  # gcomp  0.2264758

  # save the fits for h_g0 and h_star:
  h_g0_SummariesModel <- res$EY_gstar1$h_g0_SummariesModel
  h_gstar_SummariesModel <- res$EY_gstar1$h_gstar_SummariesModel

  # PERFORMING SHALLOW AND A DEEP copy of the objects in SummariesModel:
  # the field private$PsAsW.models is a list of R6 objects -> cloned manually
  h_g0_shallow_copy <- h_g0_SummariesModel$clone()
  h_g0_deep_copy <- h_g0_SummariesModel$clone(deep=TRUE)

  # 1st layer of saved list of R6 objects:
  model <- h_g0_SummariesModel$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]
  model$intrvls <- NULL
  # RegressionClass pointer in ContinSummaryModel:
  regchild <- h_g0_SummariesModel$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$reg
  regchild$intrvls <- NULL
  # 2nd layer of saved list of R6 objects (BinOutModel):
  BinOutModel <- h_g0_SummariesModel$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]
  BinOutModel$bw.j <- NULL
  # Pointer in BinOutModel to BinDat:
  bindat <- h_g0_SummariesModel$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$bindat
  bindat$nbins <- NULL

  # Run tmle by with different modeling settings for fitting h_g0 and h_star:
  tmlenet_options(maxNperBin = 100, bin.method="equal.len")
  Qform.mis <- "Y ~ W2 + W3 + net.mean.sA" # # misspecified Q:
  datO_input <- datO[,c("W1", "W2", "W3", "sA", "Y")]

  res2a <- tmlenet(data = datO_input, Kmax = Kmax, sW = sW, sA = sA,
                  # Anodes = "sA",
                  Ynode = "Y",
                  # f_gstar1 = f.gstar,
                  intervene1.sA = newA.gstar,
                  NETIDmat = NetInd_mat,
                  Qform = Qform.mis,
                  hform.g0 = "sA + net.mean.sA ~ W1 + W2 + W3",
                  hform.gstar = "sA + net.mean.sA ~ W1 + W2 + W3",
                  optPars = list(bootstrap.var = FALSE, n.bootstrap = 1))
  print("res2a$EY_gstar1$estimates: "); print(res2a$EY_gstar1$estimates)
  # tmle   0.2264758
  # h_iptw 0.2800000
  # gcomp  0.2264758

  # NULL'ed some fields in h_g0_SummariesModel -> will be NULL in the shallow copy => has to fail:
  res2b <- tmlenet(data = datO_input, Kmax = Kmax, sW = sW, sA = sA,
                  # Anodes = "sA",
                  Ynode = "Y",
                  # f_gstar1 = f.gstar,
                  intervene1.sA = newA.gstar,
                  NETIDmat = NetInd_mat,
                  Qform = Qform.mis,
                  hform.g0 = "sA + net.mean.sA ~ W1 + W2 + W3",
                  hform.gstar = "sA + net.mean.sA ~ W1 + W2 + W3",
                  optPars = list(
                    bootstrap.var = FALSE, n.bootstrap = 1,
                    h_g0_SummariesModel = h_g0_shallow_copy,
                    h_gstar_SummariesModel = h_gstar_SummariesModel)))

  # However, the deep copy should be allright and return results equivalent to results from the first tmlenet call:
  res2b <- tmlenet(data = datO_input, Kmax = Kmax, sW = sW, sA = sA,
                  # Anodes = "sA",
                  Ynode = "Y",
                  # f_gstar1 = f.gstar,
                  NETIDmat = NetInd_mat,
                  intervene1.sA = newA.gstar,
                  Qform = Qform.mis,
                  hform.g0 = "sA + net.mean.sA ~ W1 + W2 + W3",
                  hform.gstar = "sA + net.mean.sA ~ W1 + W2 + W3",
                  optPars = list(
                    bootstrap.var = FALSE, n.bootstrap = 1,
                    h_g0_SummariesModel = h_g0_deep_copy,
                    h_gstar_SummariesModel = h_gstar_SummariesModel))
  print("res2b$EY_gstar1$estimates: "); print(res2b$EY_gstar1$estimates)
  #         estimate
  # tmle   0.2230316
  # h_iptw 0.2464948
  # gcomp  0.2264758
  checkTrue(all.equal(res2b$EY_gstar1$estimates, res$EY_gstar1$estimates))
  # TEST THAT tmlenet always makes a deep copy of input h model fits:
  new_h_g0_copy <- res2b$EY_gstar1$h_g0_SummariesModel
  model <- h_g0_deep_copy$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]$getPsAsW.models()[[1]]
  model$intrvls <- NULL

osofr/tmlenet documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:58 p.m.