#' The exponentiated XLindley distribution
#' @author Manuel Gutierrez Tangarife, \email{mgutierrezta@unal.edu.co}
#' @description
#' Density, distribution function, quantile function,
#' random generation and hazard function for the exponentiated XLindley distribution with
#' parameters \code{mu} and \code{sigma}.
#' @param x,q vector of quantiles.
#' @param p vector of probabilities.
#' @param n number of observations.
#' @param mu parameter.
#' @param sigma parameter.
#' @param log,log.p logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).
#' @param lower.tail logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X <= x], otherwise, P[X > x].
#' @references
#' Alomair, A. M., Ahmed, M., Tariq, S., Ahsan-ul-Haq, M., & Talib, J. (2024). An exponentiated XLindley distribution with properties, inference and applications. Heliyon, 10(3).
#' @details
#' The exponentiated XLindley with parameters \code{mu} and \code{sigma}
#' has density given by
#' \eqn{
#' f(x) = \frac{\sigma\mu^2(2+\mu + x)\exp(-\mu x)}{(1+\mu)^2}\left[1-
#' \left(1+\frac{\mu x}{(1 + \mu)^2}\right) \exp(-\mu x)\right] ^ {\sigma-1}
#' }
#' for \eqn{x \geq 0}, \eqn{\mu \geq 0} and \eqn{\sigma \geq 0}.
#' Note: In this implementation we changed the original parameters \eqn{\delta} for \eqn{\mu}
#' and \eqn{\alpha} for \eqn{\sigma}, we did it to implement this distribution
#' within gamlss framework.
#' @return
#' \code{dEXL} gives the density, \code{pEXL} gives the distribution
#' function, \code{qEXL} gives the quantile function, \code{rEXL}
#' generates random deviates and \code{hEXL} gives the hazard function.
#' @example examples/examples_dEXL.R
#' @export
dEXL <- function(x, mu, sigma, log=FALSE){
if(any(x<0)) stop("Parameter x has to be positive or zero")
if(any(mu<0)) stop("Parameter mu has to be positive or zero")
if(any(sigma<0)) stop("Parameter sigma has to be positive or zero")
p1 <- (1 + ((mu*x)/(1+mu)^2))
p2 <- exp(-mu*x)
p3 <- (1-(p1*p2))^(sigma-1)
p4 <- ((sigma*(mu^2))*(2+mu+x)) / ((1+mu)^2)
p5 <- exp(-mu*x)
pdf <- p4*p5*p3
pdf <- log(pdf)
pdf <- pdf
#' @export
#' @rdname dEXL
pEXL <- function(q, mu, sigma, log.p=FALSE, lower.tail=TRUE){
if(any(q < 0)) stop(paste("q must be positive", "\n", ""))
if(any(mu<0)) stop("Parameter mu has to be positive or zero")
if(any(sigma<0)) stop("Parameter sigma has to be positive or zero")
p1 <- (1 + ((mu * q) / (1 + mu)^2))
p2 <- exp(-mu * q)
p3 <- 1 - (p1 * p2)
cdf <- p3^sigma
if (lower.tail == TRUE){
cdf <- cdf
} else {
cdf <- 1 - cdf
if (log.p == FALSE){
cdf <- cdf
} else {
cdf <- log(cdf)
#' @importFrom lamW lambertWm1
#' @export
#' @rdname dEXL
qEXL <- function(p, mu, sigma, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE){
if(any(p < 0 | p > 1)) stop("Parameter p has to be beetwen 0 and 1")
if(any(mu<=0)) stop("Parameter mu has to be positive")
if(any(sigma<=0)) stop("Parameter sigma has to be positive")
p1 <- -(1+mu)^2 / mu
p2 <- 1/mu
temp <- (1+mu)^2 * (p^(1/sigma)-1) / exp((1+mu)^2)
p3 <- lambertWm1(temp)
result <- p1 - p2 * p3
#' @export
#' @rdname dEXL
rEXL <- function(n, mu, sigma){
if(any(mu<=0)) stop("Parameter mu has to be positive ")
if(any(sigma<=0)) stop("Parameter sigma has to be positive")
u <- runif(n)
return(qEXL(p=u, mu=mu, sigma=sigma))
#' @export
#' @rdname dEXL
hEXL<- function(x, mu, sigma, log=FALSE){
if(any(mu<=0)) stop("Parameter mu has to be positive ")
if(any(sigma<=0)) stop("Parameter sigma has to be positive")
p1 <- dEXL(x,mu,sigma,log=log)
p2 <- 1 - pEXL(x,mu,sigma, log.p=log)
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