EW: The Exponentiated Weibull family

EWR Documentation

The Exponentiated Weibull family


The Exponentiated Weibull distribution


EW(mu.link = "log", sigma.link = "log", nu.link = "log")



defines the mu.link, with "log" link as the default for the mu parameter.


defines the sigma.link, with "log" link as the default for the sigma.


defines the nu.link, with "log" link as the default for the nu parameter.


The Exponentiated Weibull Distribution with parameters mu, sigma and nu has density given by

f(x)=\nu \mu \sigma x^{\sigma-1} \exp(-\mu x^\sigma) (1-\exp(-\mu x^\sigma))^{\nu-1},

for x > 0.


Returns a gamlss.family object which can be used to fit a EW distribution in the gamlss() function.

See Also



# Example 1
# Generating some random values with
# known mu, sigma and nu
# Will not be run this example because high number is cycles
# is needed in order to get good estimates
## Not run: 
y <- rEW(n=100, mu=2, sigma=1.5, nu=0.5)

# Fitting the model
mod <- gamlss(y~1, sigma.fo=~1, nu.fo=~1, family='EW',
              control=gamlss.control(n.cyc=5000, trace=FALSE))

# Extracting the fitted values for mu, sigma and nu
# using the inverse link function
exp(coef(mod, what='mu'))
exp(coef(mod, what='sigma'))
exp(coef(mod, what='nu'))

## End(Not run)

# Example 2
# Generating random values under some model
# Will not be run this example because high number is cycles
# is needed in order to get good estimates
## Not run: 
n <- 200
x1 <- rpois(n, lambda=2)
x2 <- runif(n)
mu <- exp(2 + -3 * x1)
sigma <- exp(3 - 2 * x2)
nu <- 2
x <- rEW(n=n, mu, sigma, nu)

mod <- gamlss(x~x1, sigma.fo=~x2, nu.fo=~1, family=EW, 
              control=gamlss.control(n.cyc=5000, trace=FALSE))

coef(mod, what="mu")
coef(mod, what="sigma")
exp(coef(mod, what="nu"))

## End(Not run)

ousuga/RelDists documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 5:22 p.m.