
Defines functions load_data make_dates change_NA fix_counts add_numerical_event

Documented in add_numerical_event change_NA fix_counts load_data make_dates

#' Load Data from ZIP File
#' This function takes a zipfile from Jigsaw, identifies all files in the zipfile, and unzips them all into a temp file.
#' Then it cleans the data by fixing dates to be an R date class (using the data.table IDate class for speed).  Finally,
#' it gives the option of loading all of the files into the global environment, or saving them all as RDS files
#' to a user-specified directory.  This function provides status updates at each step using the
#' R message function.  File reading is done using the data.table fread() function which is
#' set to "verbose" output to help the user identify problems.
#' @param zipfile The path to the ZIP file to load as a character string.
#' @param load_files Should the files be loaded to the global environment?  Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param save_dir The path to the directory where the file should be saved.  Defaults to working directory.
#' @param ver The version of the export being used. 1L is original.  2L is updated.
#' @return  Returns a list of the filenames for later loading.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{# nothing here yet}
#' @export
load_data <- function(zipfile = NULL, load_files = TRUE, save_dir = ".", ver = 1L) {
    message(paste0("Unzipping files from ", zipfile))
    unzippedfiles <-
            overwrite = TRUE,
            exdir = tempdir())
    message("Files unzipped to temporary directory.")
    metadata <-
            grep("dataset_metadata.json", unzippedfiles, value = TRUE))
    message("Metadata file is created.")
    data_dict <-
                value = TRUE),
            verbose = TRUE)
    data_dict$data_type <- gsub("date", "Date", data_dict$data_type)
    data_dict$data_type <- gsub("string", "character", data_dict$data_type)
    data_dict$data_type <- gsub("boolean", "integer", data_dict$data_type)
    message("Data dictionary file is created.")
    cohort <-
                value = TRUE),
            colClasses = as.vector(data_dict$data_type),
            verbose = TRUE)
    message("Cohort file is created. Converting dates to IDate class.")
    cohort <- make_dates(cohort, data_dict)
    message("Cohort file date conversion finished.")
    if(ver == 2) {
        char_list <- c("criterion_domain", "value_as_string", "units_source_value", "source_value", "event_name")
    } else {
        char_list <- c("criterion_type", "value_as_string", "units_source_value", "event_name")
    events <-
            grep("events.csv", unzippedfiles, value = TRUE),
            colClasses = list(
                character = char_list,
                numeric = "value_as_number"),
            verbose = TRUE)
    message("Events file is created. Converting dates to IDate class.")
    events <- make_dates(events, data_dict)
    message("Events file date conversion finished.")
        events <<- events
        cohort <<- cohort
        data_dict <<- data_dict
        metadata <<- metadata
    } else {
            list = c("events", "cohort", "data_dict", "metadata"),
            file = save_dir)
        message(paste0("Files saved to ", save_dir))
    message("Finished loading data for the following study:")

#' Converts Variable to Date Type
#' Converts all date columns to date format (in place via data.table).  Uses the data.table IDate class
#' which his much faster than the base as.Date() function.  IDate is still recognized as an R
#' date class.  Note that this function needs to be improved to take advantage of
#' attributes or classes.  This is intended to run as part of load_data().
#' @param dt The data table in which to convert date columns
#' @param dd The data dictionary with variable types to identify date columns
#' @return Variable(s) converted to an R date class
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{# nothing here yet}
#' @export
make_dates <- function(dt = NULL, dd = data_dict){
    if (names(dt)[length(names(dt))] == "event_name") {
        datecols <- grep("date$", names(dt), ignore.case = TRUE)
    } else {
        datecols <- dd[, grep("Date", data_type)] # col numbers for dates
    dt[, (datecols) := lapply(.SD, as.IDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), .SDcols = datecols]

#' Replace NA Values
#' replaces NA value with value in new (default = 0).
#' For a different way to accomplish this:
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7235657/fastest-way-to-replace-nas-in-a-large-data-table#7249454
#' @param original column from data table
#' @param new replacement value (default = 0)
#' @return Vector with NA replaced
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{# nothing here yet}
#' @export
change_NA <- function(original, new = 0){
    ifelse(is.na(original), new, original)

#' Fix Counts to Make 0
#' This function is designed to take a variable that reports NA for a count of 0 and replace
#' the NA with 0.  This occurs when Jigsaw finds no event (e.g., no hospitalization).  There
#' is now a flag variable reported in Jigsaw that indicates this explicitly.
#' @param dt data table
#' @param dd data dictionary file
#' @return Corrected counts that have 0 for NA.  Calls change_NA
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{# nothing here yet}
#' @export
fix_counts  <- function(dt = cohort, dd = data_dict){
    # replaces NA values in integer (count) variables to make them 0
    countcols <- grep("integer", dd$data_type) # col numbers for counts (integer columns)
    dt[, (countcols) := lapply(.SD, change_NA), .SDcols = countcols] # changes all NA to 0

#' Add Event to Cohort Using Function of Numeric Variable in Time Window
#' Takes any numeric data in events file (e.g., laboratory value) and estimates a function of it (e.g., mean)
#' using all available values.  Values can be limited to a time window before the person's index date (from cohort file).
#' Windows must be negative (i.e., before index date).  Function parameters can be passed in ... to the function
#' (e.g., na.rm = TRUE).  Default function is mean.  Other options include median, max, and min.

#' @param varname variable name
#' @param days size of window in days
#' @param func function to apply to values (e.g., mean)
#' @param ... passed to function (e.g., na.rm = TRUE)
#' @return see above
#' @import  magrittr
#' @import  data.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{# nothing here yet}
#' @export
add_numerical_event <- function(varname = NULL, days = -365, func = mean, ...){
    setkey(cohort, person_id)
    earliest_date <- cohort[, .(person_id, check_date = index_date + days)] %>% setkey(., person_id)
    dt <- events[event_name == varname, .(person_id, start_date, value = value_as_number)] %>%
        setkey(., person_id, start_date) %>%
        merge(., earliest_date, all.x = TRUE) %>%
        .[start_date >= check_date, .(result = func(value, ...)), by = person_id] %>%
        setkey(., person_id)
    merge(cohort, dt, all.x = TRUE) %>%
        .[, .(result)]

#' Clean Numeric Event
#' Takes a numeric event type and makes all values <= lower cut or >= upper cut equal to "NA".  Also can
#' limit results to those with a specific unit type (which can be a character vector of multiple types)
#' Note -- need to add function to deduplicate by day and allow user to over-ride
#' @param event_group event type to clean
#' @param lower_cut value below which data will be considered NA (inclusive)
#' @param upper_cut value above which data will be considered NA (inclusive)
#' @param unit_type limit to specific unit type (e.g., mmol/L)
#' @return see above
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{# nothing here yet}
#' @export
clean_numeric_event <- function(event_group = "", lower_cut = -Inf, upper_cut = Inf, unit_type = NULL) {
    if (!(event_group %in% events[, unique(event_name)])) stop(paste("There is no event name variable called", event_group))
    if (!(is.numeric(lower_cut))) stop(paste("lower_cut is not numeric:", lower_cut))
    if (!(is.numeric(upper_cut))) stop(paste("upper_cut is not numeric:", upper_cut))
    if (!(is.character(unit_type)) & !is.null(unit_type)) stop(paste("unit_type is not a character:", upper_cut))
    setkey(events, event_name, person_id, start_date)
    events[event_group, value_as_number := ifelse(is.na(value_as_number) | value_as_number <= lower_cut | value_as_number >= upper_cut, NA, value_as_number)]
    if (!is.null(unit_type)) {
        events[event_group, value_as_number := ifelse(!is.na(units_source_value) & units_source_value %in% unit_type, value_as_number, NA)]

#' Create Classification Variable Based On Window
#' Takes a categorical (string) variable in the events file and classifies a person based on all
#' available values in a window of time before the person's index date (from cohort file).
#' Windows must be negative (i.e., before index date).  This is useful for identifying whether
#' a value has occurred in a window of time.  For example, was the person classified as a
#' smoker during the last 3 years?

#' @param varname event name to check for values
#' @param check_value The character value or  vector to compare against (e.g. c("yes", "maybe"))
#' @param days Size of window before the index date (from cohort file) in days
#' @return see above
#' @import  magrittr
#' @import  data.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{# nothing here yet}
#' @export
add_categorical_event <- function(varname = NULL, check_value = NULL, days = -365){
    setkey(cohort, person_id)
    earliest_date <- cohort[, .(person_id, check_date = index_date + days)] %>%
        setkey(., person_id)
    cat_dt <- events[event_name == varname, .(person_id, start_date, cat_variable = value_as_string)] %>%
        setkey(., person_id, start_date) %>%
        merge(., earliest_date, all.x = TRUE) %>%
        .[start_date >= check_date, .(cat_result = sum(cat_variable %in% check_value, na.rm = TRUE) %>% as.logical), by = person_id] %>%
        setkey(., person_id)
    merge(cohort, cat_dt, all.x = TRUE) %>%
        .[, cat_result := ifelse(is.na(cat_result), FALSE, cat_result)] %>%
        .[, .(cat_result)]
outcomesinsights/jigsaw_r documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:54 p.m.