#' Makes a table of the estimated -at-age values for 5 different values:
#' Numbers-at-age, Catch-at-age, Biomass-at-age, Exploitation-at-age,
#' and Catch-at-age-biomass
#' @param model A model, created by [create_rds_file()]
#' @param type `naa` = Numbers-at-age, `eraa` = Exploitation-rate-at-age,
#' `caan` = Catch-at-age-number, `caab` = Catch-at-age-biomass,
#' `baa` = Biomass-at-age
#' @param csv_dir Directory for CSV output
#' @param start_yr Start year in table
#' @param end_yr End year in table
#' @param digits Number of decimal points to show in values in the table
#' @param font_size The table data and header font size in points
#' @param header_font_size The font size for the headers only. If `NULL`,
#' the headers will have the same font size as the table cell data
#' @param vert_spacing The vertical spacing between newlines for this font.
#' If `NULL` this will be calculated as `header_font_size * header_vert_scale`
#' @param header_vert_scale Scale factor to create the vertical spacing value.
#' See `header_vert_spacing`
#' @param ... Arguments passed to [knitr::kable()]
#' @return An [knitr::kable()] object
#' @export
table_at_age <- function(model,
start_yr = NA,
end_yr = NA,
type = c("naa", "eraa", "caan", "caab", "baa"),
digits = 0,
csv_dir = here::here("doc", out_csv_path),
font_size = 10,
header_font_size = 10,
header_vert_spacing = 12,
header_vert_scale = 1.2,
type <- match.arg(type)
# At-age output data table file names ----
out_est_naa_fn <- "estimated-numbers-at-age.csv"
out_est_eaa_fn <- "estimated-exploitation-at-age.csv"
out_est_caa_fn <- "estimated-catch-at-age.csv"
out_est_caa_bio_fn <- "estimated-catch-at-age-biomass.csv"
out_est_baa_fn <- "estimated-biomass-at-age.csv"
d <- switch (type,
naa = model$extra_mcmc$natage_med,
eraa = model$extra_mcmc$expatage_med,
caan = model$extra_mcmc$catage_med,
caab = model$extra_mcmc$cbatage_med,
baa = model$extra_mcmc$batage_med)
fn <- switch (type,
naa = file.path(csv_dir, out_est_naa_fn),
eraa = file.path(csv_dir, out_est_eaa_fn),
caan = file.path(csv_dir, out_est_caa_fn),
caab = file.path(csv_dir, out_est_caa_bio_fn),
baa = file.path(csv_dir, out_est_baa_fn))
yrs_in_table <- sort(unique(d$yr))
min_yr <- min(yrs_in_table)
max_yr <- max(yrs_in_table)
start_yr <- ifelse(is.na(start_yr), min_yr, start_yr)
end_yr <- ifelse(is.na(end_yr), max_yr, end_yr)
if(start_yr > end_yr){
start_yr <- min_yr
end_yr <- max_yr
start_yr <- ifelse(start_yr < min_yr, min_yr, start_yr)
end_yr <- ifelse(end_yr > max_yr, max_yr, end_yr)
yrs <- start_yr:end_yr
d <- d |>
dplyr::filter(yr %in% yrs) |>
rename(Year = yr) |>
mutate(Year = as.character(Year))
write_csv(d, fn)
d <- d |>
mutate_at(vars(-Year), ~{f(.x, digits)})
names(d)[length(names(d))] <- paste0(names(d)[length(names(d))], "+")
# Insert custom header fontsize before linebreaker
header_font_size <- font_size
hdr_font_str <- create_fontsize_str(header_font_size,
names(d)[names(d) == "Year"] <- ""
col_names <- names(d)
col_names <- gsub("\\n", paste0("\n", hdr_font_str$quad), col_names)
col_names <- paste0(hdr_font_str$dbl, col_names)
# Add \\makecell{} latex command to headers with newlines
col_names <- linebreaker(col_names, align = "c")
# Create extra header vector with fontsize changes to match the header font
ages <- grep("[0-9]+", names(d), value = TRUE)
header <-
"Age" = length(ages))
yr_extra_hdr <- latex_bold(linebreaker(paste0(hdr_font_str$dbl,
align = "c"))
age_extra_hdr <- latex_bold(linebreaker(paste0(hdr_font_str$dbl,
align = "c"))
extra_header <- c(set_names(1, yr_extra_hdr),
set_names(length(ages), age_extra_hdr))
# Need to change the backslashes to quadruple-backslashes here
# Update - as of January 2025 this had to be commented out. Something must
# have changed in the way latex code is created by the new version of
# knitr/kableExtra
#names(extra_header) <- gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", names(extra_header))
format = "latex",
booktabs = TRUE,
align = "r",
linesep = "",
col.names = col_names,
escape = FALSE,
...) |>
row_spec(0, bold = TRUE) |>
add_header_above(header = extra_header,
escape = FALSE,
line = FALSE) |>
kable_styling(font_size = font_size,
latex_options = c("repeat_header"))
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