
Defines functions rbind.pfAddData pfAddData

Documented in pfAddData rbind.pfAddData

#' Add user defined charcoal data series to paleofire
#' This function is used to create a "pfAddData" object, from user defined csv
#' files containing charcoal data, to be passed to pfTransform. csv
#' files must contain three columns with Depth, Age, Charcoal quantity in
#' this same order (for type="NONE" argument). A metadata csv file could also be specified with sites
#' location information (three columns with: SITE_NAME, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE).
#' CharAnalysis data files could also be used, in this case the file must
#' include the following columns: DepthTop, DepthBottom, AgeTop,
#' AgeBottom, Volume and Charcoal value in this exact order. Then the files are
#' passed to the pretreatment function in order to calculate Charcoal
#' Accumulation Rates (see pretreatment for details).
#' @param files Character, names and path to csv files.
#' @param metadata Character, name and path to the (unique) metadata csv file.
#' @param type Character, "NONE": user defined csv (default), "CharAnalysis":
#' CharAnalysis data file.
#' @param Int Logical specifying whether the pretreatment function interpolates
#' particle zero counts, default TRUE.
#' @param first,last Numeric, date of the first, last sample for accumulation
#' rate calculation, if NULL first, last are automatically specified as the the
#' minimum and maximum ages of the record respectively.
#' @param yrInterp Numeric, temporal resolution of the interpolated
#' accumulation rates, if NULL, yrInterp is automatically specified as the
#' median resolution of the record.
#' @param sep char, column separator for csv, "," by default
#' @param dec char, decimal "." by default
#' @return
#' \item{out}{A list with merged data files that can be passed to
#' \code{\link{pfTransform}}}
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @seealso \code{\link{pretreatment}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Ad user own data from CharAnalysis file (csv)
#' # In this example we will use data from:
#' # Senici, D., A. Lucas, H. Y. H. Chen, Y. Bergeron, A. Larouche, B. Brossier, O.
#' # Blarquez, and A. A. Ali. 2013. Multi-millennial fire frequency and tree abundance
#' # differ between xeric and mesic boreal forests in central Canada. Journal of Ecology:
#' # 101, 356-367.
#' files=c("http://blarquez.com/public/data//Ben.csv",
#'        "http://blarquez.com/public/data/Small.csv")
#' metadata=c("http://blarquez.com/public/data/metadata.csv")
#' mydata=pfAddData(files=files,metadata=metadata,type="CharAnalysis")
#' # Transform and compositing:
#' TR1=pfTransform(add=mydata, method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","Z-Score"),
#'                 BasePeriod=c(200,2000))
#' COMP2=pfCompositeLF(TR1, tarAge=seq(-50,8000,20), hw=500, nboot=100)
#' plot(COMP2)
#' # Three columns example (with semicolon csv files):
#' files=c("http://blarquez.com/public/data/Ben_area.csv",
#'        "http://blarquez.com/public/data/Small_area.csv")
#' mydata=pfAddData(files=files, sep=";")
#' # Transform and compositing:
#' TR1=pfTransform(add=mydata, method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","Z-Score"),
#'                BasePeriod=c(200,2000))
#' COMP2=pfCompositeLF(TR1, tarAge=seq(-50,8000,20), hw=500, nboot=100)
#' plot(COMP2)
#' }
pfAddData <- function(files, metadata=NULL, type="NULL", Int=TRUE, first=NULL, last=NULL, yrInterp=NULL, sep=",", dec=".") {

  ## Data part

  ## Read data
  for (i in 1:length(files))
    assign(paste("data", i, sep = ""), read.csv(paste(files[i]), sep = sep, dec = dec))

  ## Calculates Charcoal Accumulation rates
  if (type == "CharAnalysis") {
    for (i in 1:length(files)) {
      temp <- pretreatment(get(paste("data", i, sep = ""))[, 1:5],
        get(paste("data", i, sep = ""))[, 6],
        Int = Int, first = first, last = last, yrInterp = yrInterp
      assign(paste("dataI", i, sep = ""), na.omit(as.data.frame(cbind(10000 + i, temp$cmI, temp$ybpI, temp$accI))))
    all_data <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(files), function(i) rbind(get(paste("dataI", i, sep = "")))))

  ## If data already specified as Influx (i.e. 3 columns csv's with Depth, Age, Influx)
  if (type == "NULL") {
    all_data <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(files), function(i) rbind(cbind(10000 + i, get(paste("data", i, sep = ""))))))

  ## Set colnames
  colnames(all_data) <- c("ID_SITE", "DEPTH", "EST_AGE", "QUANTITY")

  ## Metadata part
  ## NULL option
  if (is.null(metadata)) {
    meta <- data.frame(
      ID_SITE = c(1:length(files)) + 10000,
      SITE_NAME = rep(NA, length(files)),
      LATITUDE = rep(NA, length(files)),
      LONGITUDE = rep(NA, length(files))

  ## Metadata exist
  if (is.null(metadata) == FALSE) {
    options(warn = -1)
    assign("meta", read.csv(paste(metadata), header = T))
    meta[, 1] <- as.character(meta[, 1])
    class(meta[, 1]) <- "character"
    meta <- cbind(unique(all_data[, 1]), meta)
    colnames(meta)[1] <- "ID_SITE"

  ## Output
  output <- structure(list(
    data = all_data,
    metadata = meta
  class(output) <- "pfAddData"

#' rbind.pfAddData
#' rbind two or more pfAddData objects, this enable to add charcoal series stored using multiple types,
#' see type argument of \code{\link[paleofire]{pfAddData}} for details.
#' @method rbind pfAddData
#' @export
#' @param ... two or more objects returned by pfAddData
#' @return An object of the class "pfAddData" (list)
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @seealso \code{\link[paleofire]{pfAddData}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' files=c("http://blarquez.com/public/data//Ben.csv",
#'        "http://blarquez.com/public/data/Small.csv")
#' metadata=c("http://blarquez.com/public/data/metadata.csv")
#' mydata1=pfAddData(files=files,type="CharAnalysis")
#' mydata2=pfAddData(files=files,metadata=metadata,type="CharAnalysis")
#' mydata=rbind(mydata1,mydata2)
# Transform and compositing:
#' TR1=pfTransform(add=mydata, method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","Z-Score"),
#'                BasePeriod=c(200,2000))
#' COMP2=pfCompositeLF(TR1, tarAge=seq(-50,8000,20), hw=500, nboot=100)
#' plot(COMP2)
#' }
rbind.pfAddData <- function(...) {
  args <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))

  n <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(args)) {
    tmp <- get(paste0(args[[i]]))$data
    n[i] <- length(unique(tmp[, 1]))

  dataI1 <- get(paste0(args[[1]]))$data
  metaI1 <- get(paste0(args[[1]]))$metadata

  for (i in 2:length(args)) {
    tmp <- get(paste0(args[[i]]))$data
    tmp[, 1] <- tmp[, 1] + sum(n[1:i - 1])
    assign(paste("dataI", i, sep = ""), tmp)
    tmp <- get(paste0(args[[i]]))$metadata
    tmp[, 1] <- tmp[, 1] + sum(n[1:i - 1])
    assign(paste("metaI", i, sep = ""), tmp)

  all_data <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(args), function(i) rbind(get(paste("dataI", i, sep = "")))))
  meta <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(args), function(i) rbind(get(paste("metaI", i, sep = "")))))
  output <- structure(list(
    data = all_data,
    metadata = meta
  class(output) <- "pfAddData"
paleofire/paleofire documentation built on Dec. 29, 2021, 11:09 a.m.