
Defines functions influx pfTransform

Documented in influx pfTransform

#' Transform charcoal data for unique to multiple series
#' Charcoal data transformation, background estimation and homogenization for
#' unique to multiple series, accepts objects returned by
#' \code{\link{pfSiteSel}}.
#' @param ID An object returned by \code{\link{pfSiteSel}} or
#' \code{\link{pfTransform}}
#' @param add An object returned by \code{\link{pfAddData}}
#' @param Interpolate Logical, idicates wether data should be interpolated or
#' not, default=FALSE
#' @param Age Numeric, If Interpolate=TRUE, Age is used to specified the ages
#' where the interpolation took place, If Age=NULL (default) the interpolated
#' ages are automatically specified using the median resolution of the
#' record(s). If Age is specified as a vector (e.g. Age=(from=0,to=10000,
#' by=10)) the interpolation took place at specified ages.
#' @param method A character indicating the transformation method: "Z-Score",
#' Z-Score, "LOESS", Locally weighted regression, "SmoothSpline", Smoothing
#' spline, "Box-Cox", Box-Cox transformation, "MinMax", Minimax transformation,
#' "RunMed", Running median, "RunMean", Running mean, "RunQuantile", Running
#' quantile, "RunMin", Running min, "RunMax", Running max, "stl", Decompose a
#' time series into seasonal, trend and irregular components using loess, based
#' on \code{\link[stats]{stl}} function.
#' @param BasePeriod Numeric, a parameter specifying the base period for
#' calculating Z-score given in years BP (e.g. BasePeriod=c(0, 4000)), if empty
#' or unspecified the base period corresponds to record length.
#' @param span Numeric, the span parameter for the LOESS or Smoothing spline
#' methods
#' @param RunWidth Numeric, the width of the window for the"RunMed", "RunMean",
#' "RunQuantile", "RunMin", and "RunMax" methods in years.
#' @param RunQParam Numeric, the parameter specifying which quantile should be
#' calculated for the method "RunQuantile" (default=0.5 i.e. median).
#' @param stlYears Numeric, the bandwidth for stl decomposition, default=500
#' years.
#' @param alpha Numeric, alpha value to add before BoxCox calculation, see
#' \code{\link{pfBoxCox}}.
#' @param type Character, the type of Box-Cox transformation, see
#' \code{\link{pfBoxCox}} for details.
#' @param QuantType Character, by default QuantType="INFL" and influx are
#' automatically calculated, otherwise use QuantType="NONE" (not recommended).
#' @param MethodType Character, by default (MethodType=NULL) imply that when
#' for a specific site two charcoal unit exist the function pick the one define
#' by pref_unit. By passing different arguments to MethodType user can modify
#' the analysis to pick non preferred units by referring to more general
#' methods for instance MethodType = "POLS" will choose charcoal records from
#' pollen slides, or MethodType = "SIEV" sieved macro charcoal series. Type
#' (paleofiredata); levels(paleofiredata$METHOD) for available methods.
#' @param verbose Logical, verbose or not...
#' @return An object of the class "pfTransform".
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Select the site Pas-de-Fond
#' ID=pfSiteSel(site_name=="Pas-de-Fond")
#' # Transform data sequentially using pfTransform function
#' tr=pfTransform(ID,method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox"))
#' ## Plot transformed data for the first site
#' plot(tr$Age[,1],tr$TransData[,1],type="l")
#' }
pfTransform <- function(ID=NULL,
                        BasePeriod=c(-100, 1e+09),
                        verbose=TRUE) {
  # TEST
  # ID=NULL;
  # add=NULL;
  # Interpolate=FALSE;
  # Age=NULL;
  # method="NULL";
  # BasePeriod=c(-100,1e+09);
  # span=0.3;
  # RunWidth=500;
  # RunQParam=0.5;
  # stlYears=500;
  # type="BoxCox1964";
  # alpha=0.01;
  # QuantType="INFL";
  # MethodType=NULL;
  # verbose=TRUE
  # TEST
  ## Avoid no visible binding for global variable
  paleofiresites <- NULL
  # Value for warnings
  IDChar <- ID
  # Check methods
  methods <- c("stl", "Z-Score", "Box-Cox", "LOESS", "MinMax", "RunMed", "RunMean", "RunMin", "RunMax", "RunQuantile", "SmoothSpline", "Hurdle", "NULL")
  warnmethod <- method[(method %in% methods) == FALSE]
  if (length(warnmethod) != 0) {
    stop(paste(warnmethod, "is not a valid method for pfTransform", sep = " "))
  types <- c("BoxCox1964", "JohnDraper")
  warntype <- type[(type %in% types) == FALSE]
  if (length(warntype) != 0) {
    stop(paste(warntype, "is not a valid type for pfBoxCox", sep = " "))
  if (method == "RunMean" || method == "RunMin" || method == "RunMed" || method == "RunMax" ||
      method == "RunQuantile") {
    if ("caTools" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {
    if ("gtools" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {
  if (identical(method, "Hurdle")) {
  ## 0 Save parameters
  params <- list(
    ID = ID,
    Interpolate = Interpolate,
    Age = Age,
    method = method,
    BasePeriod = BasePeriod,
    span = span,
    RunWidth = RunWidth,
    RunQParam = RunQParam,
    stlYears = stlYears,
    type = type,
    alpha = alpha
  ## 1 Load charcoal paleofiredata
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("Loading and preparing data...")
  if (is.null(ID) == FALSE) {
    if (is.list(ID) & length(ID) == 2) {
      data(paleofiredata, envir = environment())
      data(paleofiresites, envir = environment())
      # paleofiredata=na.omit(paleofiredata)
      # Sites are:
      ID <- ID$id_site
      # Use only paleofiredata corresponding to ID
      paleofiredata <- paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] %in% ID, ]
      ## 1 Use Pref_Units
      if (is.null(MethodType)) {
        # Drop Non pref Units
        for (i in ID) {
          paleofiredata[paleofiredata$ID_SITE %in% i & !(paleofiredata$UNIT %in% paleofiresites$pref_units[paleofiresites$id_site == i]), 7] <- NA
        paleofiredata <- paleofiredata[!is.na(paleofiredata$TYPE), ]
        ## Convert data to influx------
        if (QuantType == "INFL") {
          for (i in ID)
            if (!(unique(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == i, 7]) %in% "INFL") &
                is.na(sum(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == i, 2])) == FALSE &
                sum(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == i, 2]) > 0) { # Mod 28 02 2018 avoid influx calculus when depth not in database (occur for v 4.0.0)
              infl <- influx(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == i, ])
              paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == i, 4] <- c(infl)
      } else {
        ## 2 User defined Method
        ## Drop duplicate units and keep only pref_unit in desired method
        paleofiredata <- paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 6] %in% MethodType, ]
        for (i in ID) {
          if (length(unique(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] %in% i, 5])) >= 2) {
            paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] %in% i &
                            !(paleofiredata[, 5] %in% paleofiresites$pref_units[paleofiresites[, 1] == i]), 7] <- NA
        paleofiredata <- paleofiredata[!is.na(paleofiredata$TYPE), ]
        # Print which sites are dropped from the analysis
        cat(IDChar$site_name[!(IDChar$id_site %in% unique(paleofiredata[, 1]))], "\n")
          length(IDChar$site_name) - length(unique(paleofiredata[, 1])),
          " sites were excluded from the analysis \n"
        ID <- unique(paleofiredata[, 1])
        if (QuantType == "INFL") {
          for (i in ID)
            if (!(unique(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == i, 7]) %in% "INFL") &
                is.na(sum(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == i, 2])) == FALSE) {
              infl <- influx(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == i, ])
              paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == i, 4] <- c(infl)
      ## -----
      ## Add users data
      if (is.null(add) == FALSE) {
        # Add columns to match paleofiredata
        add$data <- cbind(add$data, UNIT = NA, METHOD = NA, TYPE = "INFL")
        # Then...
        paleofiredata <- rbind(paleofiredata, add$data)
        ID <- c(ID, unique(add$data[, 1]))
  if (is.null(ID)) {
    paleofiredata <- add$data
    ID <- c(unique(add$data[, 1]))
  if (is.character(ID)) {
    paleofiredata <- read.csv(ID)
    ID <- unique(paleofiredata[, 1])
  if (is.list(ID) & length(ID) > 2) {
    temp <- ID$TransData
    depths <- ID$IntDepths
    age <- ID$Age
    sites <- as.numeric(colnames(temp))
    ids <- matrix(nrow = length(temp[, 1]), ncol = length(temp[1, ]))
    for (i in 1:length(temp[, 1])) {
      ids[i, ] <- sites
    ids <- c(ids)
    data <- c(temp)
    age <- c(age)
    depths <- c(depths)
    if (length(depths) == 0) depths <- rep(NA, length(age))
    paleofiredata <- cbind(ids, depths, age, data)
    ID <- unique(paleofiredata[, 1])
  if (is.matrix(ID)) {
    paleofiredata <- ID
    ID <- unique(paleofiredata[, 1])
  # 2 Interpolate TRUE
  if (Interpolate == TRUE) {
    # Interpolation procedure
    if (is.null(Age)) {
      res <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = length(ID))
      # Find the median time resolution for each paleofiredataset
      for (k in 1:length(ID)) {
        resT <- diff(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == ID[k], 3])
        # Sometimes the last age is a copy of the previous one (why?)
        res[k] <- c(median(resT[resT > 0]))
      # Find the median resolution for resampling
      step <- round(median(res))
      minA <- round(min(paleofiredata[, 3]))
      maxA <- round(max(paleofiredata[, 3]))
      AgeN <- seq(minA, maxA, step)
    if (is.null(Age) == FALSE) {
      AgeN <- Age
      # paleofiredata=paleofiredata[paleofiredata[,3]>min(AgeN),]
      # paleofiredata=paleofiredata[paleofiredata[,3]<max(AgeN),]
      # paleofiredata=paleofiredata[paleofiredata[,1] %in% ID,]
      ID <- unique(paleofiredata[, 1])
    # Use linear interpolation to reconstruct a matrix of raw paleofiredata
    rawI <- matrix(nrow = length(AgeN), ncol = length(ID))
    for (k in 1:length(ID)) {
      if (length(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == ID[k], 3]) >= 3) {
        rawI[, k] <- approx(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == ID[k], 3], paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == ID[k], 4], AgeN, method = "linear")$y
      } else {
        print(paste(IDChar$site_name[k], "has < 3 charcoal values and was excluded", sep = " "))
    # Calculates Interpolated depths
    depthI <- matrix(nrow = length(AgeN), ncol = length(ID))
    for (k in 1:length(ID)) {
      if (is.na(sum(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == ID[k], 2])) == F) {
        if (length(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == ID[k], 3]) >= 3) {
          depthI[, k] <- approx(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == ID[k], 3], paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] == ID[k], 2], AgeN,
                                method = "linear"
      } else {
        depthI[, k] <- NA
    ## Remove sites with less than 3 data values
    supp <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(rawI[1, ])) {
      if (sum(!is.na(rawI[, i])) < 3) {
        supp[i] <- 1
      } else {
        supp[i] <- 0
    rawI <- rawI[, supp == 0]
    SuppSites <- ID[supp == 1]
    ID <- ID[supp == 0]
    # Space for data
    transI <- matrix(nrow = length(AgeN), ncol = length(ID))
    # Matrix of Ages (just a repeat)
    Ages <- matrix(ncol = length(ID), nrow = length(AgeN))
    for (k in 1:length(ID)) {
      Ages[, k] <- c(AgeN)
  ## 3 No Interpolation:
  if (Interpolate == FALSE) {
    # Which is the longest record?
    lengths <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = length(ID))
    for (k in 1:length(ID)) {
      lengths[k] <- c(length(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] %in% ID[k], 1]))
    m <- max(lengths)
    # Space for paleofiredata
    transI <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = length(ID))
    rawI <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = length(ID))
    depthI <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = length(ID))
    Ages <- matrix(ncol = length(ID), nrow = m)
    # Matrix of Ages, rawData and depths
    for (k in 1:length(ID)) {
      forNA <- m - length(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] %in% ID[k], 3])
      AgeTemp <- c(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] %in% ID[k], 3], rep(NA, forNA))
      Ages[, k] <- c(AgeTemp)
      rawTemp <- c(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] %in% ID[k], 4], rep(NA, forNA))
      rawI[, k] <- c(rawTemp)
      depthTemp <- c(paleofiredata[paleofiredata[, 1] %in% ID[k], 2], rep(NA, forNA))
      depthI[, k] <- c(depthTemp)
    ## End No Int
  ## % Cat to see where we are
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    percent <- seq(10, 100, by = 10)
    values <- round(percent * length(ID) / 100)
    cat("Percentage done: ")
      pb   <- txtProgressBar(1, length(method), style=3)
    # Play with transformations!
    for (j in 1:length(method)) {
      methodj <- method[j]
      if (j >= 2) {
        rawI <- transI
      # Transformations
      for (k in 1:length(ID)) {
        tmp <- cbind(Ages[, k], rawI[, k])
        tmp <- na.omit(tmp)
        ## At least 3 data values!
        if (length(tmp[, 1]) > 3 & ID[k] != 882) {
          # Not Tamagaucia site (882)!
          if (methodj == "stl") {
            agesI <- seq(tmp[1, 1], tmp[length(tmp[, 1]), 1], 1)
            # Stl requires evenly spaced data
            forTS <- approx(tmp[, 1], tmp[, 2], agesI)$y
            x <- ts(forTS, start = 1, frequency = stlYears)
            dim(x) <- NULL
            stlResult <- stl(x, "per")$time.series[, 2]
            transI[, k] <- approx(agesI, stlResult, Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "NULL") {
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], tmp[, 2], Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "Z-Score") {
            mu <- mean(tmp[tmp[, 1] >= BasePeriod[1] & tmp[, 1] <= BasePeriod[2], 2])
            sigma <- sd(tmp[tmp[, 1] >= BasePeriod[1] & tmp[, 1] <= BasePeriod[2], 2])
            # No data in BasePeriod return scale:
            # Single value in BasePeriod return scale:
            if (is.na(mu) | is.na(sigma) | sigma == 0) {
              transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], scale(tmp[, 2]), Ages[, k])$y
            # Z-Score otherwise
            else {
              transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], (tmp[, 2] - mu) / sigma, Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "Box-Cox") {
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], pfBoxCox(tmp[, 2], alpha = alpha, type = type), Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "LOESS") {
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], predict(loess(tmp[, 2] ~ tmp[, 1], span = span)), Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "MinMax") {
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], pfMinMax(tmp[, 2]), Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "RunMed") {
            w <- round(RunWidth / ((max(tmp[, 1]) - min(tmp[, 1])) / length(tmp[, 1])))
            if (gtools::odd(w)) w <- w else w <- w + 1
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], runmed(tmp[, 2], w), Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "RunMean") {
            w <- round(RunWidth / ((max(tmp[, 1]) - min(tmp[, 1])) / length(tmp[, 1])))
            if (gtools::odd(w)) w <- w else w <- w + 1
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], caTools::runmean(tmp[, 2], w), Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "RunMin") {
            w <- round(RunWidth / ((max(tmp[, 1]) - min(tmp[, 1])) / length(tmp[, 1])))
            if (gtools::odd(w)) w <- w else w <- w + 1
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], caTools::runmin(tmp[, 2], w), Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "RunMax") {
            w <- round(RunWidth / ((max(tmp[, 1]) - min(tmp[, 1])) / length(tmp[, 1])))
            if (gtools::odd(w)) w <- w else w <- w + 1
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], caTools::runmax(tmp[, 2], w), Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "RunQuantile") {
            w <- round(RunWidth / ((max(tmp[, 1]) - min(tmp[, 1])) / length(tmp[, 1])))
            if (gtools::odd(w)) w <- w else w <- w + 1
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], caTools::runquantile(tmp[, 2], w, RunQParam), Ages[, k])$y
          if (methodj == "SmoothSpline") {
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], smooth.spline(tmp[, 1], tmp[, 2], spar = span)$y, Ages[, k])$y
          #         if (methodj=="GAM"){
          #           transI[,k]=approx(tmp[,1],gam(tmp[,2]~s(tmp[,1]))$fitted.values,Ages[,k])$y
          #         }
          if (methodj == "Hurdle") {
            # Transform data to count using pfMinMax
            tmp[, 2] <- round(pfMinMax(tmp[, 2]) * 100)
            transI[, k] <- approx(tmp[, 1], pscl::hurdle(tmp[, 2] ~ tmp[, 1])$fitted.values, Ages[, k])$y
        if (k %in% seq(0, length(ID)*length(method), 1) & verbose == TRUE) {
          # cat(percent[values == k])
          # cat(" ")
            setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)
      ## j loop end
    if (verbose == TRUE) cat("\n")
  ### End Return Results
  colnames(transI) <- ID
  output <- structure(list(
    Age = structure(Ages, col.names = as.character(ID), class = "matrix"),
    IntDepths = structure(depthI, col.names = as.character(ID), class = "matrix"),
    IntData = structure(rawI, col.names = as.character(ID), class = "matrix"),
    TransData = structure(transI, col.names = as.character(ID), class = "matrix"),
    Method = method,
    params = params
  class(output) <- "pfTransform"

influx <- function(x) {
  ## Calculate Sed Acc
  d1 <- c()
  t1 <- c()
  for (k in 2:(length(x[, 1]) - 1)) {
    d1[k] <- x[k + 1, 2] - x[k - 1, 2]
    t1[k] <- x[k + 1, 3] - x[k - 1, 3]
  sedacc <- (d1 * 100) / t1
  sedacc[1] <- sedacc[2]
  sedacc <- c(sedacc, sedacc[length(sedacc)])
  ## Calculate Influx
  infl <- (x[, 4] * sedacc)
paleofire/paleofire documentation built on Dec. 29, 2021, 11:09 a.m.