
Defines functions plot.potveg potveg

Documented in plot.potveg potveg

#' potveg
#' Retrieve potential vegetation types based on charcoal sites location
#' @param ID An object of the class "pfSiteSel"
#' @param classif Potential vegetation to be used: "rf99" in reference to
#' Ramankutty and Foley (1999) or "l12" in reference to Levavasseur et al.
#' 2012.
#' @param buffer Distance in m that defines a radius around each site to
#' calculate the dominant vegetation type by kernel density estimation.
#' @return An object of the class "potveg" i.e. a list contaning two data
#' frames: "site_data" for charcoal sites and associated potential vegetation
#' type, "map" data frame used for mapping data. See \code{\link{plot.potveg}}
#' for details.
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.potveg}}
#' @references Ramankutty, N., and J.A. Foley (1999). Estimating historical
#' changes in global land cover: croplands from 1700 to 1992, Global
#' Biogeochemical Cycles 13(4), 997-1027.\cr \cr Levavasseur, G., M. Vrac, D.
#' M. Roche, and D. Paillard. 2012. Statistical modelling of a new global
#' potential vegetation distribution. Environmental Research Letters 7:044019.
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#' require(paleofire)
#' ID=pfSiteSel(c(1:10))
#' obj=potveg(ID,classif="l12")
#' head(obj$site_data)
#' }
#' @export potveg
potveg <- function(ID, classif="rf99", buffer=NULL) {
  paleofiresites <- NULL
  # New site location
  data(paleofiresites, envir = environment())
  x <- paleofiresites[paleofiresites$id_site %in% ID$id_site, ]$long
  y <- paleofiresites[paleofiresites$id_site %in% ID$id_site, ]$lat
  data <- data.frame(x, y)

  if (classif == "rf99") {
    PNV_RF99 <- NULL
    data(PNV_RF99, envir = environment())
    r <- raster::crop(PNV_RF99, raster::extent(min(x) - 10, max(x) + 10, min(y) - 10, max(y) + 10))
  if (classif == "l12") {
    PNV_L12 <- NULL
    data(PNV_L12, envir = environment())
    r <- raster::crop(PNV_L12, raster::extent(min(x) - 10, max(x) + 10, min(y) - 10, max(y) + 10))

  if (classif == "rf99") {
    vnames <- c(
      "0: Water",
      "1: Tropical Evergreen Forest/Woodland",
      "2: Tropical Deciduous Forest/Woodland",
      "3: Temperate Broadleaf Evergreen Forest/Woodland",
      "4: Temperate Needleleaf Evergreen Forest/Woodland",
      "5: Temperate Deciduous Forest/Woodland",
      "6: Boreal Evergreen Forest/Woodland",
      "7: Boreal Deciduous Forest/Woodland",
      "8: Evergreen/Deciduous Mixed Forest/Woodland",
      "9: Savanna", "10: Grassland/Steppe",
      "11: Dense Shrubland",
      "12: Open Shrubland", "13: Tundra", "14: Desert", "15: Polar Desert/Rock/Ice"
  } else {
    vnames <- c(
      "0: Water", "1: Boreal forest", "2: Desert vegetation",
      "3: Grassland and dry shrubland", "4: Savannas and dry woodlands",
      "5: Temperate forest", "6: Tropical forest", "7: Tundra",
      "8: Warm temperate", "9: Warm desert", "10: Cold desert"

  # points(x,y)
  # Convert data to spatial points data frame using sp

  data <- sp::SpatialPoints(data, proj4string = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
  raster::projection(r) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"

  # Find potveg number at EXACT data location
  # OR within a buffer using kernel density estimation

  if (is.null(buffer) == FALSE) {
    buff <- raster::extract(r, data, buffer = buffer)

    buffer_dens <- function(x) {
      if (sum(x, na.rm = TRUE) != 0) {
        x <- na.omit(x)
        if (length(unique(x)) > 1) {
          dens <- density(x, na.rm = TRUE, bw = "nrd0", kernel = "gaussian")
          # plot(density(x,na.rm=TRUE,bw = "nrd0", kernel ="gaussian"))
          pv <- round(dens$x[which(dens$y == max(dens$y))])
        } else {
          pv <- unique(x)
      } else {
        pv <- 0

    loc <- lapply(buff, buffer_dens)

    ## Sometimes within a certain radius there is two potential vegetations with exactly
    #  the same coverage we will use extract to find the potential vegetation at site
    # location and the assign it to the site

    g <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(loc))
      g[i] <- length(loc[[i]])
    where <- which(g > 1)

    if (length(where) > 0) {
      for (i in 1:length(where)) {
        temp <- raster::extract(r, data[where[i]])
        if (is.na(temp)) temp <- 0
        loc[[where[i]]] <- temp

    ## Ok now

    loc <- unlist(loc)
  } else {
    loc <- extract(r, data)

  ## Done

  data <- data.frame(x, y, loc = loc)
  sitid <- ID$id_site[is.na(data[, 3]) == FALSE]
  data <- data[is.na(data[, 3]) == FALSE, ]

  r[is.na(r)] <- 0 ## Fix for water
  map1 <- data.frame(raster::rasterToPoints(r))
  colnames(map1) <- c("X", "Y", "VEG")

  ## Little trick for n
  m <- rep(1, length(data[, 1]))
  n <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(vnames))
    n[i] <- sum(m[data[, 3] == i - 1])

  vnames <- paste(vnames, ", n=", n, sep = "")

  ## Replace values
  for (i in 1:length(vnames)) {
    map1[map1[, 3] == i - 1, 4] <- vnames[i]
    data[data[, 3] == i - 1, 4] <- vnames[i]
  data[, 4] <- as.factor(data[, 4])
  map1[, 4] <- as.factor(map1[, 4])

  data[, 4] <- ordered(data[, 4], levels = vnames)
  map1[, 4] <- ordered(map1[, 4], levels = vnames)

  colnames(data) <- c("x", "y", "veg_id", "name")
  colnames(map1) <- c("x", "y", "veg_id", "name")

  ## Sites ids
  data <- cbind(id_site = sitid, data)

  out <- list(site_data = data, map = map1)
  class(out) <- "potveg"

#' plot.potveg
#' Plot "potveg" object i.e. produce a map by overlaying charcoal sites on
#' potential vegetation maps. Uses ggplot2 syntax.
#' @method plot potveg
#' @export
#' @param x A "potveg object."
#' @param size Size of the dots on the map.
#' @param palette A custom color palette can be specified.
#' @param alpha Transparency of charcoal sites dots
#' @param text Logical: plot sites as numbers referring to potential vegetation
#' index (text=TRUE) or as points (text=FALSE, default).
#' @param points Logical: plot sites (TRUE, default)
#' @param \dots ...
#' @return A ggplot2 ("gg") object that can be further modified (see example)
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @seealso \code{\link{potveg}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(paleofire)
#' ID=pfSiteSel(c(1:10))
#' obj=potveg(ID,classif="l12")
#' plot(obj)
#' #Return a ggplot object
#' require(ggplot2)
#' p=plot(obj,text=TRUE,alpha=1)
#' p+ggtitle("My title")
#' }
#' @export plot.potveg
plot.potveg <- function(x, size=4, palette=NULL, alpha=0.5, text=FALSE, points=TRUE, ...) {

  ## no visible binding for global variable check problem:
  y <- name <- veg_id <- NULL

  if (is.null(palette)) {
    pal <- c(
      "#8dd3c7", "#ffffb3", "#bebada", "#fb8072",
      "#80b1d3", "#fdb462", "#b3de69", "#fccde5", "#d9d9d9", "#bc80bd",
      "#ccebc5", "#ffed6f"
  } else {
    pal <- palette

  pal <- colorRampPalette(pal)(length(unique(x$map$name)) - 1)
  pal <- c("#FFFFFF", pal)

  p <- ggplot(x$map) + geom_raster(data = x$map, aes(x, y, fill = name)) +
    scale_fill_manual(name = "Potential vegetation", values = pal) +
    xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude") +
    theme_bw(base_size = 18)
  if (points == TRUE) {
    if (text == TRUE) {
      p <- p + geom_text(data = x$site_data, aes(x, y, label = veg_id), alpha = alpha, size = size)
    } else {
      p <- p + geom_point(data = x$site_data, aes(x, y), alpha = alpha, size = size)
paleofire/paleofire documentation built on Dec. 29, 2021, 11:09 a.m.