
Defines functions RealDataFDR FDRCalculation negLogLh mixture zigpSimulation generateZigp RealMBHFDR ModifiedBHFDR BHFDR ModifiedBH BH Dn isEmpty lfdr f14 f13 f10 f8 f6 f4 f2 f1 f0 tau3 tau2 tau1 tau0 gpd

#' @export
gpd <- function(x, lambda, theta){
  r <- exp(log(lambda) + (x - 1)*log(lambda + theta*x) - lfactorial(x) - lambda - theta*x) + 10^(-10)

# @export
#gpdMixture <- function(x,eta,lambda, theta){
#  r <- eta*(1*(x==0))+(1-eta)*gpd(x,lambda,theta) + 10^(-10)
#  return(r) 

#' @export
tau0 <- function(x, eta, lambda, theta){
  r <- eta*(1*(x==0))/gpdMixture(x,eta,lambda,theta)

#' @export
tau1 <- function(x, eta, lambda, theta){
  r <- (1 - eta)*gpd(x, lambda, theta)/gpdMixture(x,eta,lambda,theta)

#' @export
tau2 <- function(x, lambda, theta){
  r <- lambda/(lambda + theta*x)

#' @export
tau3 <- function(x, lambda, theta){
  r <- (theta*x)/(lambda + theta*x)

#' @export
f0 <- function(eta, lambda, theta, C){
  v <- c(0:C)
  pmf <- exp(log(lambda) + (v - 1)*log(lambda + theta*v) - lfactorial(v) - lambda - theta*v)
  r <- eta + (1 - eta)*sum(pmf) 

#' @export
f1 <- function(eta, lambda, theta, C){
  v <- c(0:C)
  pmf <- exp(log(lambda) + (v - 1)*log(lambda + theta*v) - lfactorial(v) - lambda - theta*v)
  r <- (1 - eta)*(1 - sum(pmf))
#' @export
f <- function (eta, lambda, theta, C, n){
  r <- n*f1(eta, lambda, theta, C)/f0(eta, lambda, theta, C)

#' @export
f2 <- function(x, eta, lambda, theta, C){
  K <- max(x)
  v <- c((C + 1):K)
  pmf <- exp(log(v*lambda) + (v - 1)*log(lambda + theta*v) - lfactorial(v) - lambda - theta*v)
  r <- (1 - eta)*(sum(pmf))

#' @export
f3 <- function (x, eta, lambda, theta, C, n){
  r <- n*f2(x, eta, lambda, theta, C)/f0(eta, lambda, theta, C)

#' @export
f4 <- function(x, eta, lambda, theta, C){
  K <- max(x)
  v <- c((C + 1):K)
  pmf <- exp(log(v*lambda) + (v - 1)*log(lambda + theta*v) - lfactorial(v) - lambda - theta*v)*(lambda/(lambda + theta*v))
  r <- (1 - eta)*(sum(pmf))

#' @export
f5 <- function (x, eta, lambda, theta, C, n){
  r <- n*f4(x, eta, lambda, theta, C)/f0(eta, lambda, theta, C)

#' @export
f6 <- function(x, eta, lambda, theta, C){
  K <- max(x)
  v <- c((C + 1):K)
  pmf <- exp(log(lambda) + (v - 1)*log(lambda + theta*v) - lfactorial(v) - lambda - theta*v)*(lambda/(lambda + theta*v))
  r <- (1 - eta)*sum(pmf)

#' @export
f7 <- function (x, eta, lambda, theta, C, n){
  r <- n*f6(x, eta, lambda, theta, C)/f0(eta, lambda, theta, C)

#' @export
f8 <- function(x, eta, lambda, theta, C){
  K <- max(x)
  v <- c((C + 1):K)
  pmf <- exp(log(v*lambda) + (v - 1)*log(lambda + theta*v) - lfactorial(v) - lambda - theta*v)*((theta*v)/(lambda + theta*v))
  r <- (1 - eta)*(sum(pmf))

#' @export
f9 <- function (x, eta, lambda, theta, C, n){
  r <- n*f8(x, eta, lambda, theta, C)/f0(eta, lambda, theta, C)

#' @export
f10 <- function(x, eta, lambda, theta, C){
  K <- max(x)
  v <- c((C + 1):K)
  pmf <- exp(log(lambda) + (v - 1)*log(lambda + theta*v) - lfactorial(v) - lambda - theta*v)*((theta*v)/(lambda + theta*v))
  r <- (1 - eta)*sum(pmf)

#' @export
f11 <- function (x, eta, lambda, theta, C, n){
  r <- n*f10(x, eta, lambda, theta, C)/f0(eta, lambda, theta, C)

## #' @export
## f12 <- function(x, M){
##   y <- rep(0, length(x))
##   for(i in 1:length(x)){
##     y[i] <- M/length(x[which(x==x[i])])
##   }
##   return(y)
## }
#' @export
f13 <- function(x, eta, lambda, theta){
  r <- rep(0, max(x))
  for(i in 1:max(x)){
    v <- c(0:(i - 1))
    pmf <- exp(log(lambda) + (v - 1)*log(lambda + theta*v) - lfactorial(v) - lambda - theta*v)
    r[i] <- max(0,(1 - eta)*(1 - sum(pmf)))  
  p1 <- seq(0,max(x),1)
  p2 <- c(1, r)
  p <- rbind(p1,p2)

#' @export
f14 <- function(data,n,C,CO,D)
  dataTabulate <- table(data[2,], data[1,])
  null <- data[,which(data[2,]==0)]
  nonNull <- data[,which(data[2,]==1)]
  fEstimate <- rbind(data[,order(data[1,])], f12(sort(data[1,]),n))
  N0 <- fEstimate[,which(fEstimate[2,]==0)]
  N1 <- fEstimate[,which(fEstimate[2,]==1)]

  O1 <- as.numeric(N1[1,]%in%sort(nonNull[1,][which(nonNull[1,] < D)]))
  O2 <- as.numeric(N1[1,]%in%sort(nonNull[1,][which(nonNull[1,] > (D - 1))]))
  O3 <- sort(null[1,which(null[1,] < D)])
  O4 <- sort(null[1,which(null[1,] <= CO)])
  O5 <- sort(null[1,which(null[1,] > CO)])
  Q1 <- N0[3,which(N0[1,] <= C)]
  Q2 <- N0[3,which(N0[1,] > C)]
  Q3 <- N1[3,1:length(O1[which(O1==1)])]
  Q4 <- N1[3,1:length(O2[which(O2==1)])]
  Q5 <- N0[3,N0[1,]%in%O3]
  Q6 <- N0[3,N0[1,]%in%O4]
  Q7 <- N0[3,N0[1,]%in%O5]

#' @export
lfdr <- function(pi,x,eta,lambda,theta,Q){
  r <- pi*gpdMixture(x=x,eta=eta,lambda=lambda,theta=theta)*Q

#' @export
isEmpty <- function(x) {

#' @export
Dn <- function(lambda, theta, n){
  r <- max(lambda/(exp(theta - 1) - theta), log(n)/(theta - 1 - log(theta)))

## #' @export
## zipEMAlgorithm <- function (x)
## {
##   K <- max(x)
##   M <- length(x)
##   zipEstimate <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=K)
##   for(i in 1:K){
##     C <- i
##     count <- c(length(x[which(x==0)]), tabulate(x, nbins = C))
##     n <- sum(count)
##     etaEstimate <- max(0,mean((x==0)))
##     lambdaEstimate <- max(0,mean(x)/(1 - mean((x==0))))
##     epsilon <- 10^(-4)
##     cf <- 10^(-10)
##     hold.eta <- max(0,etaEstimate)
##     hold.lambda <- max(cf,lambdaEstimate)
##     hold.theta <- 0
##     u1 <- count[1]*tau0(x=0, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta)
##     u2 <- sum(count*tau1(x=c(0:C), eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##     u3 <- f(eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##     etaEstimate <- u1/(u1 + u2 + u3 + cf)
##     v1 <- sum(c(0:C)*count*tau1(x=c(0:C), eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##     v2 <- f3(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##     lambdaEstimate <- (v1 + v2)/(u2 + u3 + cf)
##     while(((abs(hold.eta - etaEstimate)) > epsilon)||((abs(hold.lambda - lambdaEstimate)) > epsilon)){
##       hold.eta <- max(0,etaEstimate)
##       hold.lambda <- max(cf,lambdaEstimate)
##       hold.theta <- 0
##       u1 <- count[1]*tau0(x=0, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta)
##       u2 <- sum(count*tau1(x=c(0:C), eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##       u3 <- f(eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##       etaEstimate <- u1/(u1 + u2 + u3 + cf)
##       v1 <- sum(c(0:C)*count*tau1(x=c(0:C), eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##       v2 <- f3(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##       lambdaEstimate <- (v1 + v2)/(u2 + u3 + cf)
##     }
##     zipEstimate[1,i] <- etaEstimate
##     zipEstimate[2,i] <- lambdaEstimate
##     zipEstimate[3,i] <- 0
##   }
##   return(zipEstimate)
## }

## #' @export
## gpEMAlgorithm <- function (x)
## {
##   K <- max(x)
##   M <- length(x)
##   gpEstimate <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=K)
##   for(i in 1:K){
##     C <- i
##     count <- c(length(x[which(x==0)]), tabulate(x, nbins = C))
##     n <- sum(count)
##     nz <- x[which(x!=0)]
##     ex <- mean(nz[which(nz <= quantile(nz,0.5))])
##     vx <- var(nz[which(nz <= quantile(nz,0.5))])
##     phi <- sqrt(vx/(ex + 10^(-10)))
##     thetaEstimate <- max(0, 1 - 1/phi)
##     lambdaEstimate <- max(0, mean(x)/phi)
##     epsilon <- 10^(-4)
##     cf <- 10^(-10)
##     hold.eta <- 0
##     hold.lambda <- max(cf,lambdaEstimate)
##     hold.theta <- max(0,thetaEstimate)
##     u2 <- sum(count*tau1(x=c(0:C), eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##     u3 <- f(eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##     u4 <- sum(c(0:C)*count*tau1(x=c(0:C), eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##     u5 <- f3(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##     A <- u4 + u5
##     u6 <- sum(c(0, seq(0,C - 1,1))*count*tau2(x=c(0:C), lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##     u7 <- f5(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##     u8 <- f7(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##     B <- u2 + u3 + u6 + u7 - u8
##     lambdaEstimate <- (B + cf)/(u2 + u3 + cf)
##     v1 <- sum(c(0, seq(0,C - 1,1))*count*tau3(x=c(0:C), lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##     v2 <- f9(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##     v3 <- f11(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##     D <- v1 + v2 - v3
##     thetaEstimate <- (D + cf)/(A + cf)
##     while(((abs(hold.lambda-lambdaEstimate))>epsilon)||((abs(hold.theta-thetaEstimate))>epsilon)){
##       hold.eta <- 0
##       hold.lambda <- max(cf,lambdaEstimate)
##       hold.theta <- max(0,thetaEstimate)
##       u2 <- sum(count*tau1(x=c(0:C), eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##       u3 <- f(eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##       u4 <- sum(c(0:C)*count*tau1(x=c(0:C), eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##       u5 <- f3(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##       A <- u4 + u5
##       u6 <- sum(c(0, seq(0,C - 1,1))*count*tau2(x=c(0:C), lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##       u7 <- f5(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##       u8 <- f7(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##       B <- u2 + u3 + u6 + u7 - u8
##       lambdaEstimate <- (B + cf)/(u2 + u3 + cf)
##       v1 <- sum(c(0, seq(0,C - 1,1))*count*tau3(x=c(0:C), lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta))
##       v2 <- f9(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##       v3 <- f11(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##       D <- v1 + v2 - v3
##       thetaEstimate <- (D + cf)/(A + cf)
##     }
##     gpEstimate[1,i] <- 0
##     gpEstimate[2,i] <- lambdaEstimate
##     gpEstimate[3,i] <- thetaEstimate
##   }
##   return(gpEstimate)
## }

## #' @export
## pEMAlgorithm <- function (x)
## {
##   K <- max(x)
##   M <- length(x)
##   pEstimate <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=K)
##   for(i in 1:K){
##     C <- i
##     count <- c(length(x[which(x==0)]), tabulate(x, nbins = C))
##     n <- sum(count)
##     lambdaEstimate <- max(0, mean(x[which(x!=0)]))
##     epsilon <- 10^(-4)
##     cf <- 10^(-10)
##     hold.eta <- 0
##     hold.lambda <- max(cf, lambdaEstimate)
##     hold.theta <- 0
##     A <- sum(c(0:C)*count) + f3(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##     B <- n + f(eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##     lambdaEstimate <- A/(B + cf)
##     while((abs(hold.lambda - lambdaEstimate)) > epsilon){
##       hold.eta <- 0
##       hold.lambda <- max(cf, lambdaEstimate)
##       hold.theta <- 0
##       A <- sum(c(0:C)*count) + f3(x=x, eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##       B <- n + f(eta=hold.eta, lambda=hold.lambda, theta=hold.theta, C=C, n=n)
##       lambdaEstimate <- A/(B + cf)
##     }
##     pEstimate[1,i] <- 0
##     pEstimate[2,i] <- lambdaEstimate
##     pEstimate[3,i] <- 0
##   }
##   return(pEstimate)
## }

#' @export
BH <- function(FDRpvalue, FDRLevel)
  lengthPval <- length(FDRpvalue)
  pvalueIndex <- cbind(FDRpvalue, seq(1:lengthPval))
  pvalueIndexOrd <- pvalueIndex[order(pvalueIndex[,1]),]
  BHstepups <- seq(1:lengthPval)*(FDRLevel/lengthPval)
  condition <- pvalueIndexOrd[,1] <= BHstepups
  scondition <- sum(condition)
  if (scondition == 0) {   
    rejAndThreshold <- list(matrix(numeric(0), ncol=2,nrow=0),0)
    bh <- 0
  }  else   {  r <- max(which(condition))        
  if (r==1) {
    BHrej = as.matrix(t(pvalueIndexOrd[1:r,]))  
  } else {
    BHrej <- pvalueIndexOrd[1:r,]
  rejAndThreshold <- list(BHrej,BHstepups[r])
  bh <- BHrej[,2]

#' @export
ModifiedBH <- function(FDRpvalue, FDRLevel, M, piZero, frequency)
  lengthPval <- length(FDRpvalue)
  pvalueIndex <- cbind(FDRpvalue, seq(1:lengthPval))
  pvalueIndexOrd <- pvalueIndex[order(pvalueIndex[,1]),]
  atleast <- numeric()
  for(i in 2:length(frequency)){
    atleast[1] <- M
    atleast[i] <- M - sum(frequency[1:(i - 1)])
  BHstepups <- atleast*(FDRLevel/(M*piZero))
  condition <- pvalueIndexOrd[,1] <= BHstepups
  scondition <- sum(condition)
  if (scondition == 0) {   
    rejAndThreshold <- list(matrix(numeric(0), ncol=2,nrow=0),0)
    bh <- 0
  }  else   {  r <- max(which(condition))        
  if (r==1) {
    BHrej = as.matrix(t(pvalueIndexOrd[1:r,]))  
  } else {
    BHrej <- pvalueIndexOrd[1:r,]
  rejAndThreshold <- list(BHrej,BHstepups[r])
  bh <- BHrej[,2]

#' @export
BHFDR <- function(data, eta, lambda, theta, FDRLevel)
  dataTabulate <- table(data[2,], data[1,])
  null <- data[,which(data[2,]==0)]
  nonNull <- data[,which(data[2,]==1)]
  x <- c(null[1,],nonNull[1,])
  bh1 <- f13(x, eta,lambda,theta)
  bh2 <- bh1[,bh1[1,]%in%sort(unique(x))]
  bh3 <- rbind(bh2,dataTabulate)
  bh4 <- sort(BH(FDRpvalue = bh3[2,], FDRLevel = FDRLevel))
  bh5 <- as.numeric(names(bh4))
  bh6 <- bh3[,bh3[1,]%in%bh5]
  V <- sum(bh6[3,])
  RV <- sum(bh6[4,])
  R <- sum(bh6[3,]) + sum(bh6[4,])
  FDR <- V/R
  TPR <- RV/length(nonNull[1,])
  result <- c(V,RV,R,FDR,TPR)

#' @export
ModifiedBHFDR <- function(data, eta, lambda, theta, FDRLevel, M, piZero, frequency)
  dataTabulate <- table(data[2,], data[1,])
  null <- data[,which(data[2,]==0)]
  nonNull <- data[,which(data[2,]==1)]
  x <- c(null[1,],nonNull[1,])
  bh1 <- f13(x, eta,lambda,theta)
  bh2 <- bh1[,bh1[1,]%in%sort(unique(x))]
  bh3 <- rbind(bh2,dataTabulate)
  bh4 <- sort(ModifiedBH(FDRpvalue=bh3[2,], FDRLevel=FDRLevel, M=M, piZero=piZero, frequency=frequency))
  bh5 <- as.numeric(names(bh4))
  bh6 <- bh3[,bh3[1,]%in%bh5]
  V <- sum(bh6[3,])
  RV <- sum(bh6[4,])
  R <- sum(bh6[3,]) + sum(bh6[4,])
  FDR <- V/R
  TPR <- RV/length(nonNull[1,])
  result <- c(V,RV,R,FDR,TPR)

#' @export
RealMBHFDR <- function(x, eta, lambda, theta, FDRLevel, M, piZero, frequency){
  count <- c(length(x[which(x==0)]), tabulate(x, nbins = max(x)))
  bh1 <- f13(x, eta,lambda,theta)
  bh2 <- bh1[,bh1[1,]%in%sort(unique(x))]
  bh3 <- rbind(bh2,count[which(count > 0)])
  bh4 <- sort(ModifiedBH(FDRpvalue=bh3[2,], FDRLevel=FDRLevel, M=length(x), piZero=piZero, frequency=count[which(count>0)]))
  bh5 <- count[bh4]
  R <- sum(bh5)

#' @export
generateZigp <-  function(n, mu = stop("no mu arg"), phi = stop("no phi arg"), omega = stop("no omega arg"))
  # check if parameters are valid
  if(omega < 0) {return("omega has to be in [0,1]!")}
  if(omega > 1) {return("omega has to be in [0,1]!")}
  # inversion method
  x <- double(n)
  u <- runif(n, 0, 1)
  upper <- max(u)
  s <- double(1000)
  p <- omega + (1-omega) * exp(-mu/phi)
  s[1] <- p
  if (upper > 0) {
    recursive <- FALSE
    i <- 1
    while (s[i] < upper) {
      if (recursive==FALSE) {
        p <- (1-omega)*mu*(mu+(phi-1)*i)^(i-1)/exp(lgamma(i+1))*
      if (p==Inf) { 
        recursive <- TRUE 
        log.p.alt <- log( (1-omega)*mu*(mu+(phi-1)*(i-1))^(i-2)/exp(lgamma(i-1+1))*
      if (recursive==TRUE) {
        log.p <- log( (mu+(i-1)*(phi-1))/(phi*i)*
                        exp(1/phi-1) ) + log.p.alt
        log.p.alt <- log.p
        p <- exp(log.p)
      if (ceiling(i/1000)==floor(i/1000)) {
        temp <- double(1000)
        s <- c(s,temp)
      s[i+1] <- s[i] + p
      i <- i+1
  for (j in 1:length(u)) {
    i <- 1
    while (u[j] > s[i]) {   
      i <- i+1
    x[j] <- i-1

###############################      DATA GENERATION     ##################################
#' @export
zigpSimulation <- function(n,eta,lambda, theta) {
  r <- generateZigp(n=n,mu=lambda/(1 - theta), phi=1/(1 - theta), omega=eta)

#' @export
mixture <- function(n,C,D,f1binomial,eta,lambda,theta,pi,seed){
  r <- c()
  v <- c()
  counter <- 0
  while(length(r) < n) {
    u <- runif(1)
    if(u >= pi) {
      s <- C + 1 + D + rbinom(n=1,size=250,prob=0.20)*f1binomial + rgeom(n=1,prob=0.08)*(1-f1binomial) + zigpSimulation(n=1,eta=eta, lambda=lambda,theta=theta)
      if(s > C){
        r <- c(r, s)
        v <- c(v, as.numeric(u >= pi))
        r <- c(r)
    } else if(u < pi) {
      r <- c(r,zigpSimulation(n=1,eta=eta, lambda=lambda,theta=theta))
      v <- c(v, as.numeric(u >= pi))
    counter <- counter + 1
    l <- rbind(r,v)

###########################      NEGATIVE LOG LIKELIHOOD       ############################
#' @export
negLogLh <- function(x, eta,lambda, theta,C){
  count <- c(length(x[which(x==0)]), tabulate(x, nbins = max(x)))
  v <- c(1:C)
  f0 <- count[1]*(-log(eta + (1-eta)*exp(-lambda)))
  f1 <- count[2:(C+1)]*(-log((1 - eta)*exp(log(lambda) + (v - 1)*log(lambda + theta*v) - lfactorial(v) - lambda - theta*v)))
  r <- f0 + sum(f1)

###############################    FDR CALCULATION      ###################################
#' @export
FDRCalculation <- function(n,C,D,f1binomial,eta,lambda,theta,pi0,iterations,FDRLevel)
  E <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,4,iterations))
  B <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,5,iterations))
  H <- array(NA, c(2,3,length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,iterations))
  W <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,2,iterations))
  CO <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,iterations))
  V <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,2,iterations))
  RV <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,2,iterations))
  FD <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,2,iterations))
  TD <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,2,iterations))
  R <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,2,iterations))
  FDR <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,2,iterations))
  TPR <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,2,iterations))
  OBH <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,5,iterations))
  MBH <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,5,iterations))
  AD <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,iterations))
  S <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,8,11))
  Z <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,8,9))
  for (e in 1:length(eta)){
    for(l in 1:length(lambda)){
      for(t in 1:length(theta)){
        for(p in 1:length(pi0)){
          for(k in 1:iterations){
            seed <- 889191 + k
            data <- mixture(n=n,C=C,D=D,f1binomial=f1binomial,eta=eta[e],lambda=lambda[l],theta=theta[t],pi=pi0[p],seed=seed)
            dataTabulate <- table(data[2,], data[1,])
            null <- data[,which(data[2,]==0)]
            nonNull <- data[,which(data[2,]==1)]
            x <- c(null[1,],nonNull[1,])
            M <- n
            cf <- 10^(-10)
            count <- c(length(x[which(x==0)]), tabulate(x, nbins = max(x)))
            names(count) <- c(0:max(x))
            estimate <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),4,3,max(x)))
            estimate[e,l,t,p,1,,] <- zigpEMAlgorithm(x)
            estimate[e,l,t,p,2,,] <- zipEMAlgorithm(x)
            estimate[e,l,t,p,3,,] <- gpEMAlgorithm(x)
            estimate[e,l,t,p,4,,] <- pEMAlgorithm(x)
            cut <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),2,4,max(x)))
            pi <- array(NA, c(length(eta),length(lambda),length(theta),length(pi0),4,max(x)))
            psi <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=max(x))
            for(model in 1:4){
              for(i in 1:max(x)){
                pi[e,l,t,p,model,i] <- min(1, sum(count[1:(i+1)])/(M*f0(estimate[e,l,t,p,model,1,i],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,2,i],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,3,i],C=i)))
                psi[1,i] <- length(x[which(x<=i)])*(-log(sum(count[1:(i+1)] + cf)/M)) + length(x[which(x>i)])*(-log(1 + cf - sum(count[1:(i+1)] + cf)/M))
                psi[2,i] <- log(M)*length(x[which(x > i)]) - sum(count[(i + 2):(max(x) + 1)]*(log(count[(i + 2):(max(x) + 1)] + cf)))
                psi[2,max(x)] <- log(M)*length(x[which(x > i)]) - sum(count[max(x)]*(log(count[max(x)] + cf)))
                cut[e,l,t,p,1,model,i] <- psi[2,i] + negLogLh(x=x,estimate[e,l,t,p,model,1,i],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,2,i],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,3,i],C=i)
                cut[e,l,t,p,2,model,i] <- psi[1,i] + negLogLh(x=x,estimate[e,l,t,p,model,1,i],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,2,i],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,3,i],C=i)
              CO[e,l,t,p,1,model,k] <- min(which(diff(sign(diff(cut[e,l,t,p,1,model,])))>0)+2, which.min(cut[e,l,t,p,1,model,]))
              CO[e,l,t,p,2,model,k] <- min(which(diff(sign(diff(cut[e,l,t,p,2,model,])))>0)+2, which.min(cut[e,l,t,p,2,model,]))
            for(method in 1:2){
              for(model in c(1,3)){
                AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k] <- ceiling(max((CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k] + 1),Dn(estimate[e,l,t,p,model,2,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,3,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]],n) ))
              for(model in c(2,4)){
                AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k] <- ceiling(max((CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k] + 1),estimate[e,l,t,p,model,2,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]], log(n)))
            for(method in 1:2){
              for(model in 1:4){
                H[1,1,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] <- length(null[,which(null[1,] <= C)][1,])
                H[1,2,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] <- length(null[,which(null[1,] < AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])][1,]) - H[1,1,e,l,t,p,method,model,k]
                H[1,3,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] <- length(null[1,]) - H[1,1,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] - H[1,2,e,l,t,p,method,model,k]
                H[2,1,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] <- length(nonNull[1,which(nonNull[1,] <= C)])
                H[2,2,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] <- length(nonNull[1,which(nonNull[1,] < AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])]) - H[2,1,e,l,t,p,method,model,k]
                H[2,3,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] <- length(nonNull[1,]) - H[2,1,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] - H[2,2,e,l,t,p,method,model,k]
                E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- estimate[e,l,t,p,model,1,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]]
                E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- estimate[e,l,t,p,model,2,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]]
                E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k] <- estimate[e,l,t,p,model,3,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]]
                E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k] <- pi[e,l,t,p,model,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]]
                if (model==1){
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] - eta[e]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] - lambda[l]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k] - theta[t]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k] - pi0[p]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,5,k] <- CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k] - C
                } else if (model==2){
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] - eta[e]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] - lambda[l]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k] <- NA
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k] - pi0[p]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,5,k] <- CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k] - C
                } else if (model==3){
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- NA
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] - lambda[l]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k] - theta[t]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k] - pi0[p]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,5,k] <- CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k] - C
                } else if (model==4){
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- NA
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] - lambda[l]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k] <- NA
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k] <- E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k] - pi0[p]
                  B[e,l,t,p,method,model,5,k] <- CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k] - C
            for(method in 1:2){
              for(model in 1:4){
                P1 <- lfdr(pi=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k],x=sort(null[1,which(null[1,] <= C)]),eta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k],lambda=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k],theta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k],Q=f14(data=data,n=n,C=C,CO=CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k],D=AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])[[1]])
                P2 <- lfdr(pi=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k],x=sort(null[1,which(null[1,] > C)]),eta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k],lambda=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k],theta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k],Q=f14(data=data,n=n,C=C,CO=CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k],D=AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])[[2]])
                P3 <- lfdr(pi=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k],x=sort(nonNull[1,][which(nonNull[1,] < AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])]),eta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k],lambda=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k],theta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k],Q=f14(data=data,n=n,C=C,CO=CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k],D=AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])[[3]])
                P4 <- lfdr(pi=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k],x=sort(nonNull[1,][which(nonNull[1,] > (AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k] - 1))]),eta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k],lambda=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k],theta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k],Q=f14(data=data,n=n,C=C,CO=CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k],D=AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])[[4]])
                U1 <- lfdr(pi=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k],x=sort(null[1,which(null[1,] < AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])]),eta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k],lambda=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k],theta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k],Q=f14(data=data,n=n,C=C,CO=CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k],D=AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])[[5]])
                U2 <- lfdr(pi=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k],x=sort(null[1,which(null[1,] <= CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])]),eta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k],lambda=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k],theta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k],Q=f14(data=data,n=n,C=C,CO=CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k],D=AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])[[6]])
                U3 <- lfdr(pi=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k],x=sort(null[1,which(null[1,] > CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])]),eta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k],lambda=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k],theta=E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k],Q=f14(data=data,n=n,C=C,CO=CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k],D=AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,k])[[7]])
                BH1 <- BHFDR(data,estimate[e,l,t,p,model,1,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,2,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,3,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]], FDRLevel = FDRLevel)
                BH2 <- ModifiedBHFDR(data,estimate[e,l,t,p,model,1,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,2,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]],estimate[e,l,t,p,model,3,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]], FDRLevel = FDRLevel, M=n, piZero=pi[e,l,t,p,model,CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,k]], frequency=count[which(count > 0)])
                V[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- sum(P1[!is.na(P1)] < FDRLevel)
                V[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- sum(P2[!is.na(P2)] < FDRLevel)
                W[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- max(0, sum(U3[!is.na(U3)] < FDRLevel))
                W[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- max(0, sum(U1[!is.na(U1)] < FDRLevel) - sum(U2[!is.na(U2)] < FDRLevel))
                RV[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- sum(P3[!is.na(P3)] < FDRLevel)
                RV[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- sum(P4[!is.na(P4)] < FDRLevel)
                FD[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- W[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] + H[1,3,e,l,t,p,method,model,k]                                  
                FD[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- W[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k]                                                                  
                TD[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- RV[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] + H[2,3,e,l,t,p,method,model,k]                                 
                TD[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- RV[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] + RV[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k]                                  
                R[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- TD[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] + FD[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k]                                   
                R[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- TD[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] + FD[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k]                                   
                  FDR[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- 0
                } else{
                  FDR[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- FD[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k]/R[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k]                                      
                  FDR[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- 0
                } else{
                  FDR[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- FD[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k]/R[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k]                                    
                TPR[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- TD[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k]/(H[2,1,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] + H[2,2,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] + H[2,3,e,l,t,p,method,model,k])   #modified
                TPR[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- TD[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k]/(H[2,1,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] + H[2,2,e,l,t,p,method,model,k] + H[2,3,e,l,t,p,method,model,k])   #original
                MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,k] <- BH2[1]
                MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,k] <- BH2[2]
                MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,k] <- BH2[3]
                MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,k] <- BH2[4]
                MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,5,k] <- BH2[5]
            for(method in 1:2){
              for(model in 1:4){
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),1] <- mean(R[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,1:iterations],na.rm=T)    #R super modified
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),2] <- mean(FDR[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #FDR super modified
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),3] <- mean(TPR[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #TPR
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),4] <- mean(R[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,1:iterations],na.rm=T)    #R super original
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),5] <- mean(FDR[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #FDR super original
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),6] <- mean(TPR[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #TPR
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),7] <- mean(MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #RMBH
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),8] <- mean(MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #FDRMBH
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),9] <- mean(MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,5,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #TPRMBH
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),1] <- sd(R[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,1:iterations], na.rm=T)   #R
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),2] <- sd(FDR[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #FDR
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),3] <- sd(TPR[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #TPR
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),4] <- sd(R[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,1:iterations], na.rm=T)   #R
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),5] <- sd(FDR[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #FDR
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),6] <- sd(TPR[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #TPR
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),7] <- sd(MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #RMBH
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),8] <- sd(MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #FDRMBH
                Z[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),9] <- sd(MBH[e,l,t,p,method,model,5,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #TPRMBH
            for(method in 1:2){
              for(model in 1:4){
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),1] <- mean(E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #eta
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),2] <- mean(E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #lambda
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),3] <- mean(E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #theta
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),4] <- mean(E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #pi
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),5] <- mean(CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,1:iterations], na.rm=T)  #C
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),6] <- mean(AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,1:iterations])           #D
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),7] <- mean(B[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,1:iterations], na.rm=T)    #eta
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),8] <- mean(B[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,1:iterations], na.rm=T)    #lambda
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),9] <- mean(B[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,1:iterations], na.rm=T)    #theta
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),10] <- mean(B[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,1:iterations], na.rm=T)   #pi
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model - 1),11] <- mean(B[e,l,t,p,method,model,5,1:iterations], na.rm=T)   #C
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),1] <- sd(E[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #eta
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),2] <- sd(E[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #lambda
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),3] <- sd(E[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #theta
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),4] <- sd(E[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #pi
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),5] <- sd(CO[e,l,t,p,method,model,1:iterations], na.rm=T)  #C
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),6] <- sd(AD[e,l,t,p,method,model,1:iterations])           #D
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),7] <- sd(B[e,l,t,p,method,model,1,1:iterations], na.rm=T)  #eta
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),8] <- sd(B[e,l,t,p,method,model,2,1:iterations], na.rm=T)  #lambda
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),9] <- sd(B[e,l,t,p,method,model,3,1:iterations], na.rm=T)  #theta
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),10] <- sd(B[e,l,t,p,method,model,4,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #pi
                S[e,l,t,p,method,(2*model),11] <- sd(B[e,l,t,p,method,model,5,1:iterations], na.rm=T) #C
  options(xtable.floating = FALSE)
  options(xtable.timestamp = "")
  for (e in 1:length(eta)){
    for(l in 1:length(lambda)){
      for(t in 1:length(theta)){
        for(p in 1:length(pi0)){
          summary <- rbind(Z[e,l,t,p,1,,], Z[e,l,t,p,2,,])
          bias <- rbind(S[e,l,t,p,1,,7:11], S[e,l,t,p,2,,7:11])
          colnames(summary) <- c("R","FDR","TPR","R","FDR","TPR","R","FDR","TPR")
          colnames(bias) <- c("eta","lambda","theta","pi","C")
          printSummary <- print(xtable(summary, digits=c(0,2,4,3,2,4,3,2,4,3)))
          printBias <- print(xtable(bias, digits=c(0,4,4,4,4,2)))

#########################   REAL DATA FDR CALCULATION      ################################
#' @export
RealDataFDR <- function(file, k, FDRLevel)
  CO <- array(NA, c(2,4))
  AD <- array(NA, c(2,4))
  E <- array(NA, c(2,4,6))
  R <- array(NA, c(2,4,2))
  BH <- array(NA, c(2,4))
  protein <- read.delim(file, sep="", header=T)
  x <- protein[,(k+1)][!is.na(protein[,(k+1)])]
  M <- length(x)
  cf <- 10^(-10)
  count <- c(length(x[which(x==0)]), tabulate(x, nbins = max(x)))
  names(count) <- c(0:max(x))
  estimate <- array(NA, c(4,3,max(x)))
  estimate[1,,] <- zigpEMAlgorithm(x)
  estimate[2,,] <- zipEMAlgorithm(x)
  estimate[3,,] <- gpEMAlgorithm(x)
  estimate[4,,] <- pEMAlgorithm(x)
  cut <- array(NA, c(2,4,max(x)))
  pi <- array(NA, c(4,max(x)))
  psi <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=max(x))
  xi <- array(NA, c(4,max(x)))
  for(model in 1:4){
    for(i in 1:max(x)){
      pi[model,i] <- min(1, sum(count[1:(i+1)])/(M*f0(estimate[model,1,i],estimate[model,2,i],estimate[model,3,i],C=i)))
      psi[1,i] <- length(x[which(x<=i)])*(-log(sum(count[1:(i+1)] + cf)/M)) + length(x[which(x>i)])*(-log(1 + cf - sum(count[1:(i+1)] + cf)/M))
      psi[2,i] <- log(M)*length(x[which(x > i)]) - sum(count[(i + 2):(max(x) + 1)]*(log(count[(i + 2):(max(x) + 1)] + cf)))
      psi[2,max(x)] <- log(M)*length(x[which(x > i)]) - sum(count[max(x)]*(log(count[max(x)] + cf)))
      xi[model,i] <- length(x[which(x<=i)])*(-log(pi[model,i] + cf)) + length(x[which(x>i)])*(-log(1 + cf - pi[model,i]))
      cut[1,model,i] <- psi[2,i] + negLogLh(x=x,estimate[model,1,i],estimate[model,2,i],estimate[model,3,i],C=i)
      cut[2,model,i] <- psi[1,i] + negLogLh(x=x,estimate[model,1,i],estimate[model,2,i],estimate[model,3,i],C=i)
    CO[1,model] <- min(which(diff(sign(diff(cut[1,model,])))>0)+2, which.min(cut[1,model,]))
    CO[2,model] <- min(which(diff(sign(diff(cut[2,model,])))>0)+2, which.min(cut[2,model,]))
  for(method in 1:2){
    for(model in c(1,3)){
      AD[method,model] <- min(max(x),ceiling(max((CO[method,model] + 1),estimate[model,2,CO[method,model]]/(exp(estimate[model,3,CO[method,model]] - 1) - estimate[model,3,CO[method,model]]), log(length(x))/(estimate[model,3,CO[method,model]] - 1 - log(estimate[model,3,CO[method,model]])))))
    for(model in c(2,4)){
      AD[method,model] <- min(max(x),ceiling(max((CO[method,model] + 1),estimate[model,2,CO[method,model]], log(length(x)))))
  for(method in 1:2){
    for(model in 1:4){
      if (model==1){
        E[method,model,1] <- estimate[model,1,CO[method,model]]
        E[method,model,2] <- estimate[model,2,CO[method,model]]
        E[method,model,3] <- estimate[model,3,CO[method,model]]
      } else if (model==2){
        E[method,model,1] <- estimate[model,1,CO[method,model]]
        E[method,model,2] <- estimate[model,2,CO[method,model]]
        E[method,model,3] <- NA
      } else if (model==3){
        E[method,model,1] <- NA
        E[method,model,2] <- estimate[model,2,CO[method,model]]
        E[method,model,3] <- estimate[model,3,CO[method,model]]
      } else if (model==4){
        E[method,model,1] <- NA
        E[method,model,2] <- estimate[model,2,CO[method,model]]
        E[method,model,3] <- NA
      E[method,model,4] <- pi[model,CO[method,model]]
      E[method,model,5] <- CO[method,model]
      E[method,model,6] <- AD[method,model]
      LFDR <- pi[model,CO[method,model]]*gpdMixture(x=sort(x),estimate[model,1,CO[method,model]],estimate[model,2,CO[method,model]],estimate[model,3,CO[method,model]])*f12(sort(x),length(x))
      U1 <- pi[model,CO[method,model]]*gpdMixture(x=sort(x[which(x < (AD[method,model]))]),estimate[model,1,CO[method,model]],estimate[model,2,CO[method,model]],estimate[model,3,CO[method,model]])*f12(sort(x[which(x < (AD[method,model]))]),length(x))
      U2 <- pi[model,CO[method,model]]*gpdMixture(x=sort(x[which(x <= (CO[method,model]))]),estimate[model,1,CO[method,model]],estimate[model,2,CO[method,model]],estimate[model,3,CO[method,model]])*f12(sort(x[which(x <= (CO[method,model]))]),length(x))
      R[method,model,1] <- sum(LFDR[!is.na(LFDR)] < FDRLevel)
      R[method,model,2] <- sum(U1[!is.na(U1)] < FDRLevel) - sum(U2[!is.na(U2)] < FDRLevel) + length(x[which(x > (AD[method,model]-1))])
      BH[method,model] <- RealMBHFDR(x,estimate[model,1,CO[method,model]],estimate[model,2,CO[method,model]],estimate[model,3,CO[method,model]], FDRLevel = FDRLevel, M=length(x), piZero=pi[model,CO[method,model]], frequency=count[which(count > 0)])
  Rejection <- cbind(R[,,1],R[,,2], BH)
  EstimatesC1 <- rbind(E[1,1,],E[1,2,],E[1,3,],E[1,4,])
  EstimatesC2 <- rbind(E[2,1,],E[2,2,],E[2,3,],E[2,4,])

#' @export

my.RealDataFDR<- function (x, FDRLevel) 
    CO <- array(NA, c(2, 4))
    AD <- array(NA, c(2, 4))
    E <- array(NA, c(2, 4, 6))
    R <- array(NA, c(2, 4, 2))
    BH <- array(NA, c(2, 4))
#    protein <- read.delim(file, sep = "", header = T)
#    x <- protein[, (k + 1)][!is.na(protein[, (k + 1)])]
    M <- length(x)
    cf <- 10^(-10)
    count <- c(length(x[which(x == 0)]), tabulate(x, nbins = max(x)))
    names(count) <- c(0:max(x))
    estimate <- array(NA, c(4, 3, max(x)))
    estimate[1, , ] <- zigpEMAlgorithm(x) 
    estimate[2, , ] <- zipEMAlgorithm(x)
    estimate[3, , ] <- pEMAlgorithm(x)   #gpEMAlgorithm(x)
    estimate[4, , ] <- pEMAlgorithm(x)
    cut <- array(NA, c(2, 4, max(x)))
    pi <- array(NA, c(4, max(x)))
    psi <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = max(x))
    xi <- array(NA, c(4, max(x)))
    for (model in 1:4) {
        for (i in 1:max(x)) {
            pi[model, i] <- min(1, sum(count[1:(i + 1)])/(M * 
                f0(estimate[model, 1, i], estimate[model, 2, 
                  i], estimate[model, 3, i], C = i)))
            psi[1, i] <- length(x[which(x <= i)]) * (-log(sum(count[1:(i + 
                1)] + cf)/M)) + length(x[which(x > i)]) * (-log(1 + 
                cf - sum(count[1:(i + 1)] + cf)/M))
            psi[2, i] <- log(M) * length(x[which(x > i)]) - sum(count[(i + 
                2):(max(x) + 1)] * (log(count[(i + 2):(max(x) + 
                1)] + cf)))
            psi[2, max(x)] <- log(M) * length(x[which(x > i)]) - 
                sum(count[max(x)] * (log(count[max(x)] + cf)))
            xi[model, i] <- length(x[which(x <= i)]) * (-log(pi[model, 
                i] + cf)) + length(x[which(x > i)]) * (-log(1 + 
                cf - pi[model, i]))
            cut[1, model, i] <- psi[2, i] + negLogLh(x = x, estimate[model, 
                1, i], estimate[model, 2, i], estimate[model, 
                3, i], C = i)
            cut[2, model, i] <- psi[1, i] + negLogLh(x = x, estimate[model, 
                1, i], estimate[model, 2, i], estimate[model, 
                3, i], C = i)
        CO[1, model] <- min(which(diff(sign(diff(cut[1, model, 
            ]))) > 0) + 2, which.min(cut[1, model, ]))
        CO[2, model] <- min(which(diff(sign(diff(cut[2, model, 
            ]))) > 0) + 2, which.min(cut[2, model, ]))
    for (method in 1:2) {
        for (model in c(1, 3)) {
            AD[method, model] <- min(max(x), ceiling(max((CO[method, 
                model] + 1), estimate[model, 2, CO[method, model]]/(exp(estimate[model, 
                3, CO[method, model]] - 1) - estimate[model, 
                3, CO[method, model]]), log(length(x))/(estimate[model, 
                3, CO[method, model]] - 1 - log(estimate[model, 
                3, CO[method, model]])))))
        for (model in c(2, 4)) {
            AD[method, model] <- min(max(x), ceiling(max((CO[method, 
                model] + 1), estimate[model, 2, CO[method, model]], 
    for (method in 1:2) {
        for (model in 1:4) {
            if (model == 1) {
                E[method, model, 1] <- estimate[model, 1, CO[method, 
                E[method, model, 2] <- estimate[model, 2, CO[method, 
                E[method, model, 3] <- estimate[model, 3, CO[method, 
            else if (model == 2) {
                E[method, model, 1] <- estimate[model, 1, CO[method, 
                E[method, model, 2] <- estimate[model, 2, CO[method, 
                E[method, model, 3] <- NA
            else if (model == 3) {
                E[method, model, 1] <- NA
                E[method, model, 2] <- estimate[model, 2, CO[method, 
                E[method, model, 3] <- estimate[model, 3, CO[method, 
            else if (model == 4) {
                E[method, model, 1] <- NA
                E[method, model, 2] <- estimate[model, 2, CO[method, 
                E[method, model, 3] <- NA
            E[method, model, 4] <- pi[model, CO[method, model]]
            E[method, model, 5] <- CO[method, model]
            E[method, model, 6] <- AD[method, model]
            LFDR <- pi[model, CO[method, model]] * gpdMixture(x = sort(x), 
                estimate[model, 1, CO[method, model]], estimate[model, 
                  2, CO[method, model]], estimate[model, 3, CO[method, 
                  model]]) * f12(sort(x), length(x))
            U1 <- pi[model, CO[method, model]] * gpdMixture(x = sort(x[which(x < 
                (AD[method, model]))]), estimate[model, 1, CO[method, 
                model]], estimate[model, 2, CO[method, model]], 
                estimate[model, 3, CO[method, model]]) * f12(sort(x[which(x < 
                (AD[method, model]))]), length(x))
            U2 <- pi[model, CO[method, model]] * gpdMixture(x = sort(x[which(x <= 
                (CO[method, model]))]), estimate[model, 1, CO[method, 
                model]], estimate[model, 2, CO[method, model]], 
                estimate[model, 3, CO[method, model]]) * f12(sort(x[which(x <= 
                (CO[method, model]))]), length(x))
            R[method, model, 1] <- sum(LFDR[!is.na(LFDR)] < FDRLevel)
            R[method, model, 2] <- sum(U1[!is.na(U1)] < FDRLevel) - 
                sum(U2[!is.na(U2)] < FDRLevel) + length(x[which(x > 
                (AD[method, model] - 1))])
            BH[method, model] <- RealMBHFDR(x, estimate[model, 
                1, CO[method, model]], estimate[model, 2, CO[method, 
                model]], estimate[model, 3, CO[method, model]], 
                FDRLevel = FDRLevel, M = length(x), piZero = pi[model, 
                  CO[method, model]], frequency = count[which(count > 
    Rejection <- cbind(R[, , 1], R[, , 2], BH)
    EstimatesC1 <- rbind(E[1, 1, ], E[1, 2, ], E[1, 3, ], E[1, 
        4, ])
    EstimatesC2 <- rbind(E[2, 1, ], E[2, 2, ], E[2, 3, ], E[2, 
        4, ])
    return(list(Rejection, EstimatesC1, EstimatesC2))
parsifal9/empiricalzip documentation built on June 30, 2024, 5:22 a.m.