
Defines functions splittrade reshapeLong addProductAndCountry aggregateByGFPMRegions clean bindScenarios load_and_clean_gfpm_data clean_main_scenarios

Documented in addProductAndCountry bindScenarios clean load_and_clean_gfpm_data reshapeLong splittrade

# This script prepares PELPS data for ploting and making summary tables
# PELPS files are the output of the Global FOrest Product Model GFPM
# See also README.txt and example of functions use.
# Input: RDATA files containing one data frame for each .DAT file in PELPS
# Output: RDATA file containing a big dataframe of all countries, products and flows
# Goals: (1) better plots for European countries output. 
# (2) reading raw ASCII output directly from the PELPS directory remove the need for running 
# lengthy "get output", "get summary", "summery change" in Excel. 
# Authors: Paul Rougieux and Ahmed Barkaoui
# European Forest Institute - Observatory for European Forests
# INRA - Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière

# Suggested functionalities: 
# put load and clean functions in the .func script

# Merge selected countries to the countrycodes table
# summaryCountries$Summary = summaryCountries$Select %in% c("y", TRUE)
# n = nrow(countrycodes)
# countrycodes = merge(countrycodes, summaryCountries[c("Summary","Country_Code")], all.x=TRUE)
# stopifnot(nrow(countrycodes)==n) # Check if we lost some rows during the merge

#' Split trade in 2 dataframes for import and export #
#' @param P data frame of pelps data
#' @return a list of data frames
#' @export 
splittrade = function(P){
    # Find import region and remove zz from the code
    P$import = P$trade[substr(P$trade$V1, 2, 3) == "zz",]
    P$import$V1 = paste("E", substr(P$import$V1, 4, 5),
                            substr(P$import$V1, 6,7), sep="")
    # Find export region and remove zz from the code
    P$export = P$trade[substr(P$trade$V1, 4, 5) == "zz",]
    P$export$V1 = paste("I", substr(P$export$V1, 2, 3),
                            substr(P$export$V1, 6, 7), sep="")
    # Check if we lost data
    stopifnot(nrow(P$import)+nrow(P$export) == nrow(P$trade))
    return (P)

#' Reshape PELPS tables and extract code in a truly Long format #
#' @param df.PELPS 
#' @param elementName
#' @export 
reshapeLong = function(df.PELPS, elementName=""){
    df.PELPS = reshape(df.PELPS, 
                       idvar=c("V1"), varying=list(names(df.PELPS[-1])), 
                       timevar="Period", v.names="Volume",
                       direction="long" )
    df.PELPS$Element = elementName
    df.PELPS$Code = substr(df.PELPS$V1, 2, 5)
    df.PELPS$V1 = NULL

#' Add products, country and regions names 
#' @param df data frame
#' @return a data frame with products, country and regions names added
#' @export
addProductAndCountry = function(df){
    # Extract region and Product codes from code
    df$Country_Code = substr(df$Code, 1, 2)
    df$Product_Code = substr(df$Code, 3, 4)
    # Add region and Product names
    n = nrow(df)
    df = merge(countrycodes[c("Country_Code","Country", "GFPM_REG")], #, "EU27", "Summary")],
                   df, by = "Country_Code", all.y=TRUE)
    df = merge(productcodes[c("Product_Code","Product")],
                   df, by = "Product_Code", all.y=TRUE)
    # Remove code column
    df$Code = NULL
    # Check if we lost data in the merge

# Aggregate by GFPM regions #
aggregateByGFPMRegions = function(otpt){
    # Remove price from aggregate
    output2 = otpt[otpt$Element!="DPrice",]
    # Add info about the dummy region
    output2$GFPM_REG[output2$Country_Code=="zy"] = "Dummy Region xy"
    # Aggregate Long
    outputagg = aggregate(output2["Volume"],
                          output2[c("Product", "Element", "GFPM_REG", "Period")], sum)
    # Calculate net trade
    imp = subset(outputagg, Element=="Import")
    exp = subset(outputagg, Element=="Export")
    netTrade = merge(imp, exp, by=c("Product", "GFPM_REG", "Period"), 
                     suffixes = c(".Import",".Export"), all=TRUE)
    netTrade$Element = "NetTrade"
    # Remove NA values
    netTrade[is.na(netTrade)] = 0
    netTrade$Volume = netTrade$Volume.Export - netTrade$Volume.Import
    # Remove unused columns
    netTrade = subset(netTrade, select=c("Product", "Element", "GFPM_REG", "Period", "Volume" ))
    # Add to aggregate
    outputagg = rbind(outputagg, netTrade)

#' Clean 
#' loads a PELPS data frame from the file "scenario_name" for a scenario
#' @param fileName name of the raw data file
#' @param name given to the scenario
#' @return A list of tables for that scenario
#' @export
clean = function(fileName, scenario_name, path="rawdata/"){
    load(paste(path, fileName, sep=""))
    P = splittrade(PELPS)
    demand = reshapeLong(P$demand, "Demand")
    dPrice = reshapeLong(P$demandprice, "DPrice")
    export = reshapeLong(P$export, "Export")
    import = reshapeLong(P$import, "Import")
    production = reshapeLong(P$production, "Production")
    supply = reshapeLong(P$supply, "Supply")
    # Combine all elements in one table
    output = rbind(demand, dPrice, export, import, production, supply)
    # Add products and country names
    output = addProductAndCountry(output)
    # Calculate aggregates
    agg = aggregateByGFPMRegions(output)
    # Extract World price
    wp = reshapeLong(P$worldPrice, "World_Price")
    wp = addProductAndCountry(wp)
    wp$World_Price = wp$Volume
    wp = wp[,c("Product_Code", "Product", "Period", "World_Price")]
    # Add scenario name to the output, aggregate and price tables
    output$Scenario = scenario_name
    agg$Scenario = scenario_name
    wp$Scenario = scenario_name
    # print(names(output))
    # Put data.frames in a list
    GFPMoutput = list(scenario = data.frame(scenario_name, fileName), 
                      entity = output, aggregates = agg, worldPrices = wp)

#' Bind scenarios together and save an alternative output
#' It is fine to analysing scenarios one by one.
#' But when comparing scenarios, 
#' it is sometimes preferable to have all scenarios 
#' in one data frame. 
#' Since scenario data is storred in a list of 4 data frames,
#' this function does the job of binding each data frame in turn.
#' To bind more than 2 scenarios, put them in a list and use 
#' scenarios <- Reduce(bindScenarios, list(sc1, sc2, sc3))
#' @param scenario1 scenario object created 
#' by the \code{\link{clean}()} function or 
#' by the \code{\link{load_and_clean_gfpm_data}()} functions
#' @param scenario2 another scenario object
#' @return List of data frames
#' @export
bindScenarios = function(scenario1,scenario2){
    list(scenario = rbind(scenario1$scenario, scenario2$scenario),
         entity = rbind(scenario1$entity, scenario2$entity),
         aggregates = rbind(scenario1$aggregates,scenario2$aggregates), 
         worldPrices = rbind(scenario1$worldPrices, scenario2$worldPrices))

# Save scenarios alone as RDATA #####
# Save scenarios alone
# baseScenario = clean("PELPS 105Base", "Base")
# highScenario = clean("PELPS 105 TFTA High Scenario revision 1", "HighTTIP")
# lowScenario = clean("PELPS 105 TFTA Low scenario revision 1", "LowTTIP")
# save(baseScenario, highScenario, lowScenario, countrycodes,
#      file="enddata/GFPM_Output.rdata")

#' Load and clean the last GFPM scenario from the PELPS folder
#' Calls the functions \code{\link{copy_pelps_folder}()} 
#' to copy the raw PELPS data in the ./rawdata folder.
#' Calls the function \code{\link{savePELPSToRdata}()} 
#' to clean the data and save it to an .RDATA file in the ./rawdata folder.
#' Calls the function \code{\link{clean}()} to clean the data.
#' Then save the cleaned data as an .rds file in the enddata folder.
#' The RDS format is explained in \code{\link{saveRDS}()}.
#' If the ./rawdata and ./enddata folder do not exists, they will
#' be created under the working directory.
#' @param scenario_name string, name of a scenario
#' @param pelps_folder path to the pelps folder on windows
#' @param compression, see the functions copy_pelps_folder and savePELPSToRdata
#' @export
load_and_clean_gfpm_data <- function(scenario_name, 
    copy_pelps_folder(scenario_name = scenario_name,
                      compression = compression, 
    # Save raw data
    savePELPSToRdata(scenario_name,  compression)
    # Clean
    scenario = clean(paste0(scenario_name,".RDATA"), scenario_name)
    # Save cleaned data 
    if (!file.exists("enddata")){
    saveRDS(scenario, file = paste0("enddata/", scenario_name,".rds"))
    if(file.exists(paste0("enddata/", scenario_name,".rds"))) {
        message("Data available in  enddata/", scenario_name,".rds")

# Load, clean and save GFPM scenarios to the end data folder ####
clean_main_scenarios = function() {
    message("Cleaning main PELPS data for scenarios ...")
    baseScenario = clean(fileName = "PELPS 105Base.RDATA", scenario_name = "Base")
    highScenario = clean("PELPS 105 TFTA High Scenario revision 1.RDATA", "HighTTIP")
    lowScenario = clean("PELPS 105 TFTA Low scenario revision 1.RDATA", "LowTTIP")
    # Combine TTIP scenarios
    allScenarios = bindScenarios(baseScenario, highScenario)
    allScenarios = bindScenarios(allScenarios, lowScenario)
    # Save the list of combined scenarios in a RDATA object
    save(allScenarios, file="enddata/GFPM_Output_TTIP.RDATA")
    # Add sensitivity scenarios
    baselowelast = clean("World105LowGDPelast.RDATA", "BaseLowElast")
    basehighelast = clean("World105NoTTIPHighGDPelast.RDATA", "BaseHighElast")
    allScenarios = bindScenarios(allScenarios, baselowelast)
    allScenarios = bindScenarios(allScenarios, basehighelast)
    # Add base2011 scenario from a simulation with Ahmed on October 2014
    base2011 = clean("PELPS October 2014 Ahmed.RDATA", "Base2011")
    #  Save all scenarios
    save(allScenarios, file="enddata/GFPM_Output_TTIP_with_sensitivity.RDATA")
    # Save training dataset with only base scenario and sensitivity scenario
    trainingScenarios = bindScenarios(baseScenario, baselowelast)
    trainingScenarios = bindScenarios(trainingScenarios, basehighelast)
    trainingScenarios = bindScenarios(trainingScenarios, base2011)
    save(trainingScenarios, file="enddata/GFPM_training_scenarios.RDATA")
    saveRDS(trainingScenarios, file="enddata/GFPM_training_scenarios.rds")

if (FALSE){
paul4forest/GFPMoutput documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:25 p.m.