
Defines functions trim_vector_data make_vector_data

Documented in make_vector_data trim_vector_data

#' Make VOCC vector data from sdmTMB output predict funciton
#' @param data List of dataframes each containing output from predict.
#' @param ssid Vector of ssid to be included.
#' @param start_time Starting time for VOCC calculation. Default is NULL and all data is used.
#' @param end_time End time for VOCC calculation. Default is NULL and all data is used.
#' @param skip_time Time steps to be excluded. Default is NULL and all data is used.
#' @param time_var Name of column containing time data.
#' @param input_cell_size Cell size of predict grid.
#' @param scale_fac Factor by which cells are aggregated for VOCC.
#' @param delta_t_total Mean time between start and end values.
#' @param delta_t_step Time between each time step in same units as above.
#' @param indices Vector of length equal to number of time steps retained for analysis,
#'  where 1 = starting time step(s), 2 = end time step(s).
#' @param variable_names Name(s) of column containing parameter(s).
#' @param round_fact Speed up searches by rounding (1 = integers; 10 = 10ths; 100 = 100ths).
#'  If NULL, will use 10x precision of the plus_minus threshold when `match_logic` = NULL.
#' @param min_thresholds Optional vector of negative thresholds. Apply 'Inf' for no min threshold. 
#'  Include if sensitivity to the direction of climate change is not symmetrical and `match_logic` = NULL.
#' @param max_thresholds Optional vector of positive thresholds. Apply 'Inf' for no max threshold. 
#'  Include if sensitivity to the direction of climate change is not symmetrical and `match_logic` = NULL.
#' @param plus_minus Vector of plus/minus threshold(s) to define a symmetical (default = 1 unit) climate match.
#' @param match_logic An optional vector of logical functions applied using 'rounding' of allnclimate values.
#'  If max_thresholds are not provided, the default of 'NULL' applies symmetrical plus/minus thresholds.
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
make_vector_data <- function(data,
                             ssid = NULL,
                             start_time = NULL,
                             end_time = NULL,
                             skip_time = NULL,
                             input_cell_size = 2,
                             scale_fac = 1,
                             min_dist = input_cell_size*scale_fac/2,
                             time_var = "year",
                             delta_t_total = 10,
                             delta_t_step = 2,
                             indices = c(1, 2),
                             variable_names = "est",
                             round_fact = NULL, # NULL applies 10th of the plus/minus threshold
                             min_thresholds = NULL, # c(1) and round_fact = 10 to apply 1 unit thresholds
                             max_thresholds = NULL, # c(1,1) to apply symmetrical 1 unit thresholds
                             plus_minus = c(0.5), # default symmetrical thresholds of 1 unit
                             match_logic = NULL) {
  var_number <- length(variable_names)

  # if (!identical(time_steps, length(indices)))
  length_indices <- length(indices)

  if (isTRUE(var_number == 1)) {
    if (!is.null(ssid)) data <- data[data$ssid %in% ssid, ]
    if (!is.null(start_time)) data <- data %>% dplyr::filter(.data[[time_var]] >= start_time)
    if (!is.null(end_time)) data <- data %>% dplyr::filter(.data[[time_var]] <= end_time)
    if (!is.null(skip_time)) data <- data %>% dplyr::filter(!.data[[time_var]] %in% skip_time)

    length_time_steps <- length(unique(data[[time_var]]))

    if (!isTRUE(length_time_steps == length_indices)) {
      stop("Must have an indice assigned to each unique time step retained in analysis.",
        call. = FALSE

    parameter <- variable_names
    rbrick <- make_raster_brick(data, parameter = parameter, time_var = time_var, scale_fac = scale_fac)

    if (isTRUE(length_indices > 2)) {
      mnraster_brick <- raster::stackApply(rbrick, indices = indices, fun = mean)
      start_raster <- mnraster_brick[[1]]
      end_raster <- mnraster_brick[[2]]
    } else {
      start_raster <- rbrick[[1]]
      end_raster <- rbrick[[2]]
    # make sparate named lists containing climate rasters or dataframes
    # data with just one climate variable
    # start_data <- list(var_1 = start_raster)
    # end_data <- list(var_1 = end_raster)
    start_data <- list(start_raster)
    names(start_data)[[1]] <- parameter
    end_data <- list(end_raster)
    names(end_data)[[1]] <- parameter

    # FIXME: could change function to deal with different time steps within a brick
    slopedat <- calcslope(rbrick, delta_t_step = delta_t_step) # vocc::calcslope for comparison
    slopedat$units_per_decade <- slopedat$slope * 10
  } else {

    # check that data list is equal in length to varaible_names vector
    if (!identical(length(variable_names), length((data)))) {
        "Need list of dataframes (or rasters) with a dataframe (or raster) for each variable. 
        If multiple variables are found in one dataframe, it can be duplicated as is."

    start_raster <- list()
    end_raster <- list()
    start_data <- list()
    end_data <- list()
    slopedat <- list()

    for (i in seq_len(var_number)) {
      d <- data[[i]]
      parameter <- variable_names[[i]]

      if (!is.null(ssid)) d <- d[d$ssid %in% ssid, ]
      if (!is.null(start_time)) d <- d %>% dplyr::filter(.data[[time_var]] >= start_time) # .data uses rlang
      if (!is.null(end_time)) d <- d %>% dplyr::filter(.data[[time_var]] <= end_time)
      if (!is.null(skip_time)) d <- d %>% dplyr::filter(.data[[time_var]] != skip_time)
      length_time_steps <- length(unique(d[[time_var]]))

      if (!isTRUE(length_time_steps == length_indices)) {
        stop("Must have an indice assigned to each unique time step retained in analysis.",
          call. = FALSE

      rbrick <- make_raster_brick(d,
        parameter = parameter, time_var = time_var, scale_fac = scale_fac

      slopedat[[i]] <- calcslope(rbrick, delta_t_step = delta_t_step) # vocc::calcslope for comparison
      x <- slopedat[[i]]$x
      y <- slopedat[[i]]$y
      icell <- slopedat[[i]]$icell ####
      slopedat[[i]]$units_per_decade <- slopedat[[i]]$slope * 10

      if (isTRUE(length_indices > 2)) {
        mnraster_brick <- raster::stackApply(rbrick, indices = indices, fun = mean)
        start_raster[[i]] <- mnraster_brick[[1]]
        end_raster[[i]] <- mnraster_brick[[2]]
      } else {
        start_raster[[i]] <- rbrick[[1]]
        end_raster[[i]] <- rbrick[[2]]

      start_data[[i]] <- start_raster[[i]]
      # names(start_data)[[i]] <- paste0("var_", i, "")
      names(start_data)[[i]] <- parameter

      end_data[[i]] <- end_raster[[i]]
      # names(end_data)[[i]] <- paste0("var_", i, "")
      names(end_data)[[i]] <- parameter

    names(slopedat) <- variable_names
    slopedat <- as.data.frame(slopedat)
    slopedat$x <- x
    slopedat$y <- y
    slopedat$icell <- icell ####
  # browser()
  out <- dist_based_vocc(
    start_data = start_data,
    end_data = end_data,
    x = "x",
    y = "y",
    variable_names = c(rep("index_1", var_number)), # what the layer within each element is called
    round_fact = round_fact,
    min_thresholds = min_thresholds,
    max_thresholds = max_thresholds,
    plus_minus = plus_minus,
    match_logic = match_logic,
    cell_size = input_cell_size * scale_fac,
    min_dist = min_dist, 
    delta_t = delta_t_total,
    raster = TRUE

  out <- left_join(out, slopedat, by = c("x", "y"))
  out$km_per_decade <- (out$distance / delta_t_total) * 10
  out$start_time <- min(data[[time_var]])
  out$timespan <- delta_t_total

#' Trim VOCC output to only include vectors for cells with specific end conditions
#' @param data Dataframe created by make-vector-data function
#' @param variable_names Names of climate variable(s) used in make-vector-data function
#' @param cell_size Cell size used in make-vector-data function
#' @param dist_intercept Distance at which model estimates will be calculated.
#'   Defaults to nearest neighbouring cells
#' @param lower_change When not c(Inf), cells will be trimmed based on lower_thresholds
#' @param upper_change When not c(Inf), cells will be trimmed based on upper_thresholds
#' @param lower_thresholds Default of NULL only allowed when change is Inf
#' @param upper_thresholds Default of NULL only allowed when change is Inf
#' @param max_dist Value at which to truncate distances (defaults to no truncation)
#' @param min_dist Defaults to half cell size. 
#' @export
trim_vector_data <- function(data, variable_names,
                             lower_change, upper_change,
                             lower_thresholds = NULL, upper_thresholds = NULL,
                             cell_size = 2, dist_intercept = cell_size,
                             max_dist = max(data$distance, na.rm = TRUE),
                             min_dist = cell_size/2) {
  trimdata <- list()
  for (j in seq_along(variable_names)) {
    if (lower_change[j] != Inf) {
      trimdata[[j]] <- filter(
        UQ(rlang::sym(paste0(variable_names[j], "_e"))) < lower_thresholds[j]
    if (upper_change[j] != Inf) {
      trimdata[[j]] <- filter(
        UQ(rlang::sym(paste0(variable_names[j], "_e"))) > upper_thresholds[j]

  vect_data <- do.call("rbind", trimdata) %>% distinct()

  # remove cells that require no movement
  vect_data <- filter(vect_data, distance >= cell_size)

  # truncate max distance (defaults to no truncation)
  vect_data <- mutate(vect_data, distance = ifelse(distance > max_dist, max_dist, distance))

  # set intercept for distance (defaults to be the nearest neighbouring cells)
  vect_data <- mutate(vect_data, distance = (distance - dist_intercept))

  change_raster <- anti_join(data, vect_data, by = "icell") %>%
      distance = min_dist - dist_intercept, tid = NA,
      target_X = NA, target_Y = NA,
      target_values = NA, n_targets = 0,
      mean_target_X = NA, mean_target_Y = NA
  trimmed_data <- rbind(vect_data, change_raster)
pbs-assess/gfranges documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 4:50 p.m.