
date: '2018-01-25' title: 'Groundfish synopsis report / MP approach steering committee meeting' output: pdf_document

Meeting objectives

Review and confirm agreement with the semi-final project charter.

Ensure everyone has an up-to-date understanding of the current project status focussing mainly on the synopsis report.

Discuss a number of outstanding issues and make decisions as a group where possible.

Project charter


Synopsis issues to discuss:

Effort and commercial CPUE

  1. effort: yes or no? trawl and hook and line?
  2. CPUE: yes or no? trawl only? what spatial regions? standardized and raw? (slides)
  3. requires agreement on defining the 'fleet', e.g. total positive tows >= 100, at least 4 years with 4 trips with positive tows
  4. effort measurement for CPUE hook and line map: fishing events?


  1. show aging precision? (slide)
  2. age/lengths for unsorted commercial?
  3. which surveys for ages and lengths?
  4. male/female for ages/lengths? scaling within whole year? (slides)
  5. length/age frequency weighting algorithm (slides)

Biomass index trends (slide)

  1. which surveys for biomass indices?
  2. how to visualize survey reliability?
  3. any indication of relative biomass across spatial regions?

Growth and maturity

  1. unsorted commercial and survey combined for growth, weight, and maturity?
  2. maturity model? logistic/double-normal? binomial error or NLS to proportions? (slide)
  3. maturity for both sexes?

Descriptive text

Current plan:

  1. taxonomic information (taxize package)
  2. last research document and SAR (BibTeX citation)
  3. TAC/management scheme
  4. any special notes about the data quality for the stock
  5. status with COSEWIC/SARA if any
  6. rebuilding plan/conservation measures
  7. your idea here

Help wanted

  1. double check proportion weighting code
  2. guide through technical working group formation
  3. TAC, management, rebuilding dataset?
  4. local reference databases of Res Docs / SARs?
  5. look over CPUE delta approach if showing CPUE / including model in package

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