

We are grateful for the ongoing collaboration between DFO, commercial fishers, First Nations, and non-governmental organizations, which has made possible the collection of the valuable data that underlies this report. We thank the project's steering committee (Greg Workman, Robyn Forrest, Dana Haggarty, Chris Grandin, and Rob Kronlund) for invaluable input into the report design and feedback throughout its production. We thank Chris Rooper and Daniel Ricard for their thorough and helpful reviews. We thank Mary Thiess and Kieran Forge for chairing and rapporteuring the review meeting, respectively. We thank Christie Whelan for her support initiating this project. We thank Norm Olsen, Maria Surry, and Malcolm Wyeth for providing support on data extraction and general database structure and content. We thank the participants of the peer review meeting on tiered approaches in May 2016 [@macdougall2016], which included a data scorecard by Norm Olsen, from which this report takes inspiration. We also thank Norm Olsen for his work on GFASTeR, from which this project takes inspiration and borrows some data queries. We thank Rowan Haigh for his work maintaining the PBSmapping and PBSdata R packages, and indeed the authors of all the R packages necessary to build this report (Appendix \@ref(app:reproducibility)).


r if(knitr:::is_latex_output()) '\\Appendices'

r if(!knitr:::is_latex_output()) '# (APPENDIX) Appendix {-}'

AGEING PRECISION {#app:age-precision}

dc <- here::here("report", "data-cache")
spp <- gfsynopsis:::get_spp_names() %>% filter(type == "A")
spp <- filter(spp, species_common_name != "pacific hake")

out_dat <- list()
dir.create(here::here("report/aging-precision-cache"), showWarnings = FALSE)
cache_file <- here::here("report/aging-precision-cache/aging-precision.rds")
if (!file.exists(cache_file)) {
  for (i in seq_along(spp$species_common_name)) {
    dat <- readRDS(paste0(file.path(dc, spp$spp_w_hyphens[i]), ".rds"))
    if (nrow(dat$age_precision) > 1) {
      out_dat[[i]] <- gfplot::tidy_age_precision(dat$age_precision)
      out_dat[[i]]$species_common_name <-
  saveRDS(out_dat, file = cache_file)
} else {
  out_dat <- readRDS(cache_file)

if (french) {
  out_dat <- lapply(out_dat, function(x) {
    if (length(x) > 0) {
      x$species_common_name <- gfsynopsis:::first_cap(x$species_common_name)
      x$species_common_name[x$species_common_name == 'Rougheye/blackspotted Rockfish Complex'] <- 'Rougheye/Blackspotted Rockfish Complex'
      x$species_common_name <- en2fr(x$species_common_name, french)
out_prec <- bind_rows(out_dat)
jitter <- 0.2
jit <- stats::runif(nrow(out_prec), -jitter, jitter)
out_prec$prec_age <- out_prec$prec_age + jit
out_prec$prim_age <- out_prec$prim_age + jit
out_prec$prim_min_age <- out_prec$prim_min_age + jit
out_prec$prim_max_age <- out_prec$prim_max_age + jit
out_prec$prec_min_age <- out_prec$prec_min_age + jit
out_prec$prec_max_age <- out_prec$prec_max_age + jit

out_prec %>% group_by(species_common_name) %>%
  do(if (nrow(.) > 300) sample_n(., 300) else .) %>% # downsample for clarity
  # fake data points to get 1-1 aspect ratio (they are invisible; coloured NA):
    type = c(rep("real", length(.$prim_max_age)), "fake"),
    prim_max_age = c(.$prim_max_age, max(c(.$prim_max_age, .$prec_max_age))),
    prec_max_age = c(.$prec_max_age, max(c(.$prim_max_age, .$prec_max_age))),
    prim_min_age = c(.$prim_min_age, 0),
    prec_min_age = c(.$prec_min_age, 0),
    prec_age = c(.$prec_age, 0),
    prim_age = c(.$prim_age, 0),
    species_code = c(.$species_code, unique(.$species_code)),
    species_common_name = c(.$species_common_name, unique(.$species_common_name)),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    )) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(species_common_name = gsub("Rougheye\\/blackspotted Rockfish Complex",
    "Rougheye/\nblackspotted Rockfish", species_common_name)) %>%
  mutate(species_common_name =
      forcats::fct_reorder(species_common_name, as.numeric(as.factor(species_code)))) %>%
  ggplot(aes_string("prim_age", "prec_age", colour = "type")) +
  geom_point(pch = 21, alpha = 0.6) +
  ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, col = "grey50", lty = 2) +
    x = "prim_min_age", xend = "prim_max_age",
    y = "prec_age", yend = "prec_age"),
    alpha = 0.4) +
  facet_wrap(~species_common_name, scales = "free") +
    x = "prim_age", xend = "prim_age",
    y = "prec_min_age", yend = "prec_max_age"), alpha = 0.4) +
    title = en2fr("Ageing precision", french), 
    x = en2fr("Primary age (years)", french),
    y = en2fr("Secondary age (years)", french)) +
  theme_pbs() +
  ggplot2::ggtitle("") +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("real" = "grey25", "fake" = NA)) +
  guides(colour = "none")

pbs-assess/gfsynopsis documentation built on March 26, 2024, 7:30 p.m.