
Defines functions create_surveynet

# Packages


reclass <- function (df, vec_types) {
  for (i in 1:ncol(df)) {
    type <- vec_types[i]
    class(df[ , i]) <- type

create_surveynet <- function(points, observations, dest_crs = NA, axes = c("Easting", "Northing")){
  points_col_type <- c("numeric", "text", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "logical", "logical", "logical")
  obs_col_type <- c("numeric", "text", "text", rep("numeric", 19))
  # reading data
  points <- reclass(df = as.data.frame(points), vec_types = points_col_type) %>% mutate_at(., .vars = c("Name"), as.character)
  observations <- reclass(df = as.data.frame(observations), vec_types = obs_col_type) %>% mutate_at(., .vars = c("from", "to"), as.character)

  if(sum(rowSums(is.na(points[, c("x", "y")])) != 0) != 0){
    warning("Network has no spatial coordinates")}else{
      # Creating sf class from observations
      observations$x_from <- points$x[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
      observations$y_from <- points$y[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
      observations$x_to <- points$x[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
      observations$y_to <- points$y[match(observations$to, points$Name)]

      points <- points %>% as.data.frame() %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y"), remove = FALSE)
      if(which(axes == "Easting") == 2){points <- points %>% dplyr::rename(x = y,  y = x)}

      observations <- observations %>% dplyr::mutate(id = seq.int(nrow(.))) %>% split(., f = as.factor(.$id)) %>%
        lapply(., function(row) {lmat <- matrix(unlist(row[c("x_from", "y_from", "x_to", "y_to")]), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
        st_linestring(lmat)}) %>%
        sf::st_sfc() %>%
        sf::st_sf(observations, 'geometry' = .) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(ID = 1:n())

  #if(sum(rowSums(is.na(observations[, c("HzD", "HzM", "HzS")])) != 0) != 0){stop("There is uncomplete observations")}

  observations <- observations %>% dplyr::mutate(Hz = HzD + HzM/60 + HzS/3600,
                                                 Vz = VzD + VzM/60 + VzS/3600,
                                                 tdh = SD*cos(Vz*pi/180),
                                                 distance = (!is.na(HD) | !is.na(SD)) & !is.na(sd_dist),
                                                 direction = !is.na(Hz) & !is.na(sd_Hz),
                                                 diff_level = (!is.na(dh) | !is.na(tdh)))

  # In network design, observation is included if measurement standard is provided
  if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(HzD, HzM, HzS) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
    observations$direction[!is.na(observations$sd_Hz)] <- TRUE
  if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(HD, SD) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
    observations$distance[!is.na(observations$sd_dist)] <- TRUE
  if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(dh) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
    observations$diff_level[(!is.na(observations$dh) | !is.na(observations$sd_dh) | !is.na(observations$d_dh) | !is.na(observations$n_dh))] <- TRUE

  # Eliminacija merenih duzina i visinsih razlika izmedju fiksnih tacaka duzina izmedju
  # checking for fixed points
  # TODO what in case of no-fixed points
  fixed_points <- points %>% dplyr::filter(FIX_2D | FIX_1D) %>% .$Name

  if(length(fixed_points) > 1){
    observations[observations$from %in% fixed_points & observations$to %in% fixed_points, "distance"] <- FALSE
    observations[observations$from %in% fixed_points & observations$to %in% fixed_points, "diff_level"] <- FALSE

  # Setting coordinate system
    observations %<>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
    points %<>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)

  # Creating list
  survey_net <- list(points, observations)
  names(survey_net) <- c("points", "observations")

# Read mreza file
mreza <- read_surveynet(file = here::here("Data/Simulation/TETO_extended.xlsx"))
# Simulation
mreza_sim <- sim_snetobs(survey.net = mreza, red = TRUE, seed = 1018)
# Create list and write file
mreza_list <- list(Points = mreza_sim[[1]] %>% st_drop_geometry(), Observations = mreza_sim[[2]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("e_cent_from", "e_cent_to", "e_focus", "e_air"), .funs = ~NA) %>% dplyr::select(from:e_air)) %>%
  writexl::write_xlsx(., path = here::here("Data/Simulation/TETO_extended_sim.xlsx"))
# Read simulated mreza
mreza_sim <- read_surveynet(file = here::here("Data/Simulation/TETO_extended_sim.xlsx"))
mreza_sim$observations$sd_Hz <- 10
mreza_sim$observations$sd_dist <- 3
plot_surveynet(snet = mreza_sim, webmap = FALSE, net.1D = FALSE, net.2D = TRUE)
mreza_adj <- adjust.snet(adjust = TRUE, survey.net = mreza_sim, dim_type = "2D", sd.apriori = 3,  all = TRUE, prob = 0.95)
plot_surveynet(snet = mreza_adj, snet.adj = TRUE, webmap = FALSE, net.1D = FALSE, net.2D = TRUE)

# Zadatak 9.6.2020.

students <- readxl::read_xlsx(here::here("Data/Simulation/students.xlsx"))
mreza <- read_surveynet(file = here::here("Data/Simulation/TETO_reduced.xlsx"))

# for(i in 1:dim(students)[1]){
#   mreza_sim <- sim_snetobs(survey.net = mreza, red = TRUE, seed = as.numeric(students[i, "br_ind"]))
#   mreza_list <- list(Points = mreza_sim[[1]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = c("x", "y"), ~round(., 3)), Observations = mreza_sim[[2]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("sd_Hz", "sd_dist", "e_cent_from", "e_cent_to", "e_focus", "e_air"), .funs = ~NA) %>% dplyr::select(from:e_air)) %>%
#     writexl::write_xlsx(., path = here::here(paste("Data/Simulation/", paste(students[i, "Prezime"], students[i, "Ime"], students[i, "br_ind"], "xlsx", sep = "."), sep = "")))
# }

# dplyr::filter(students, Ime == "Saša")

i = 23

# Read mreza file
mreza <- read_surveynet(file = here::here(paste("Data/Simulation/", paste(students[i, "Prezime"], students[i, "Ime"], students[i, "br_ind"], "xlsx", sep = "."), sep = "")))
# Simulation
mreza_sim <- sim_snetobs(survey.net = mreza, red = TRUE, seed = 1006.17)
# Create list and write file
mreza_list <- list(Points = mreza_sim[[1]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = c("x", "y"), .funs = round(., 2)), Observations = mreza_sim[[2]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("e_cent_from", "e_cent_to", "e_focus", "e_air"), .funs = ~NA) %>% dplyr::select(from:e_air)) %>%
  writexl::write_xlsx(., path = here::here("Data/Simulation/TETO_reduced_sim.xlsx"))
# Read simulated mreza
mreza_sim <- read_surveynet(file = here::here(paste("Data/Simulation/", paste(students[i, "Prezime"], students[i, "Ime"], students[i, "br_ind"], "xlsx", sep = "."), sep = "")))
plot_surveynet(snet = mreza, webmap = FALSE, net.1D = FALSE, net.2D = TRUE)
mreza_adj <- adjust.snet(adjust = TRUE, survey.net = mreza_sim, dim_type = "2D", sd.apriori = 5,  all = TRUE, prob = 0.99, maxiter = 1)
plot_surveynet(snet = mreza_adj, snet.adj = TRUE, webmap = FALSE, net.1D = FALSE, net.2D = TRUE)


dplyr::filter(mreza_sim[[2]], from == "M2")

i = 20
mreza_sim <- read_surveynet(file = paste("C:/Users/geoinz/Documents/IG/IG2_2020", paste(students[i, "Prezime"], students[i, "Ime"], students[i, "br_ind"], sep = "."),  paste(students[i, "Prezime"], students[i, "Ime"], students[i, "br_ind"], "xlsx", sep = "."), sep = "/"))

t1 <- (360 - mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[2]) + mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[5] + (mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[12] - mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[11])
t2 <- (mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[3] - mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[2]) + mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[12] + (mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[9] - mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[8])
t3 <- (mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[6] - mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[5]) + (mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[11] - mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[10]) + (mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[9] - mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[7])
t4 <- (360 - mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[3]) + mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[8] + mreza_sim[[2]]$Hz[6]

f1 <- abs(180 - t1)*3600
f2 <- abs(180 - t2)*3600
f3 <- abs(180 - t3)*3600
f4 <- abs(180 - t4)*3600

salfa <- max(c(1/sqrt(6), f2/sqrt(6), f3/sqrt(6), f4/sqrt(6)))

sd1 <- mreza_sim[[2]][mreza_sim[[2]]$to %in% c("M1", "M2") & mreza_sim[[2]]$from %in% c("M1", "M2") , ] %>% dplyr::summarize(sd = sd(HD)) %>% .$sd
sd2 <- mreza_sim[[2]][mreza_sim[[2]]$to %in% c("M1", "M9") & mreza_sim[[2]]$from %in% c("M1", "M9") , ] %>% dplyr::summarize(sd = sd(HD)) %>% .$sd
sd3 <- mreza_sim[[2]][mreza_sim[[2]]$to %in% c("M1", "M10") & mreza_sim[[2]]$from %in% c("M1", "M10") , ] %>% dplyr::summarize(sd = sd(HD)) %>% .$sd
sd4 <- mreza_sim[[2]][mreza_sim[[2]]$to %in% c("M2", "M9") & mreza_sim[[2]]$from %in% c("M2", "M9") , ] %>% dplyr::summarize(sd = sd(HD)) %>% .$sd
sd5 <- mreza_sim[[2]][mreza_sim[[2]]$to %in% c("M2", "M10") & mreza_sim[[2]]$from %in% c("M2", "M10") , ] %>% dplyr::summarize(sd = sd(HD)) %>% .$sd
sd6 <- mreza_sim[[2]][mreza_sim[[2]]$to %in% c("M9", "M10") & mreza_sim[[2]]$from %in% c("M9", "M10") , ] %>% dplyr::summarize(sd = sd(HD)) %>% .$sd

sdist <- sd(c(sd1, sd2, sd3, sd4, sd5, sd6))*1000


mreza_sim$observations$sd_Hz <- round(salfa, 0)
mreza_sim$observations$sd_dist <- 2#round(sdist, 0)
mreza_sim$observations$distance <- TRUE
mreza_sim$observations$direction <- TRUE

mreza_sim <- read_surveynet(file = paste("C:/Users/geoinz/Documents/IG/IG2_2020/Milic.Saša.1023.17/Milic.Saša.1023.17_V3.xlsx"))
# mreza_sim <- read_surveynet(file = paste("C:/Users/geoinz/Documents/IG/IG2_2020/Dimitrijevic.Jovan.1040.17/Dimitrijevic.Jovan.1040.17_V3.xlsx"))

mreza_adj <- adjust.snet(adjust = TRUE, survey.net = mreza_sim, dim_type = "2D", sd.apriori = 1,  all = TRUE, prob = 0.95, maxiter = 1)

options(digits = 10)

# Kontrola geometrije

j4 <- readxl::read_xlsx(here::here("Data/Simulation/j4_cross.xlsx"))

j4 <- j4 %>% tidyr::separate(., col = "Tacka", into = c("h", "v"), sep = "/")

for(i in 1:dim(students)[1]){
  vv <- sample(paste(c(3:7)), size = 2)
  hh <- sample(c("TA", "TB", "TC", "T"), size = 2)

  object_points <- j4 %>% dplyr::filter(h %in% hh & v %in% vv) %>% dplyr::mutate(id = 1:n(), Name = paste(h, v, sep = "_"), h = NA, FIX_2D = FALSE, FIX_1D = NA, Point_object = TRUE) %>% dplyr::select(id, Name, x = Y, y = X, h, FIX_2D, FIX_1D, Point_object)# %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("X","Y"), remove = FALSE)

  stations <- sample(mreza_adj[[2]][[1]]$Name, 3)

  station_points <- mreza_adj[[2]][[1]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::filter(Name %in% stations) %>% dplyr::select(id, Name, x = x, y = y, h, FIX_2D, Point_object) %>% dplyr::mutate(FIX_2D = TRUE, FIX_1D = NA)

  points <- rbind(station_points, object_points)

  target_obs <- data.frame(from = as.character(rep(station_points$Name, each = dim(object_points)[1])), to = as.character(rep(object_points$Name, dim(station_points)[1])), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% mutate(ID = 1:n(), HzD = NA, HzM = NA, HzS = NA, HD = NA, SD = NA, VzD = NA, VzM = NA, VzS = NA, dh = NA, sd_Hz = 7, sd_dist = 3, sd_Vz = NA, sd_dh = NA, d_dh = NA, n_dh = NA, e_cent_from = 0.8, e_cent_to = 1.2, e_focus = 0, e_air = 0.6) %>% dplyr::select(ID, everything())

  net_obs <- mreza[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from %in% stations & to %in% stations) %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::select(from, to) %>%
      mutate(ID = 1:n(), HzD = NA, HzM = NA, HzS = NA, HD = NA, SD = NA, VzD = NA, VzM = NA, VzS = NA, dh = NA, sd_Hz = 3, sd_dist = 3, sd_Vz = NA, sd_dh = NA, d_dh = NA, n_dh = NA, e_cent_from = 0.8, e_cent_to = 0.8, e_focus = 0, e_air = 0.6) %>% dplyr::select(ID,from, to, HzD:e_air)

  l1 <- split(target_obs, f = factor(target_obs$from, levels = unique(target_obs$from)))
  l2 <- split(net_obs, f = factor(net_obs$from, levels = unique(target_obs$from)))

  observations <- purrr::map2(.x = l2, .y = l1, .f = rbind) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>% dplyr::mutate(ID = 1:n())

  mreza_s <- create_surveynet(points = points, observations = observations)

  mreza_sim <- sim_snetobs(survey.net = mreza_s, red = TRUE, seed = 1022)

   mreza_sim[[1]][mreza_sim[[1]]$Name %in% stations, c("x", "y")] <- NA

    mreza_list <- list(Points = mreza_sim[[1]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = c("x", "y"), ~round(., 3)), Observations = mreza_sim[[2]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("sd_Hz", "sd_dist", "e_cent_from", "e_cent_to", "e_focus", "e_air"), .funs = ~NA) %>% dplyr::select(from:e_air)) %>%
    writexl::write_xlsx(., path = here::here(paste("Data/Simulation2/", paste(students[i, "Prezime"], students[i, "Ime"], students[i, "br_ind"], "xlsx", sep = "."), sep = "")))


mreza_list <- list(Points = mreza_sim[[1]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = c("x", "y"), ~round(., 3)), Observations = mreza_sim[[2]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("sd_Hz", "sd_dist", "e_cent_from", "e_cent_to", "e_focus", "e_air"), .funs = ~NA) %>% dplyr::select(from:e_air)) %>%
  writexl::write_xlsx(., path = paste("E:/_Bechelor/_Ispiti/Inzenjerska2/Redovni/19.6.2020", "19.6.2020.xlsx", sep = "/"))

i = 20

mreza_sim_i <- read_surveynet(file = here::here(paste("Data/Simulation2/", paste(students[i, "Prezime"], students[i, "Ime"], students[i, "br_ind"], "xlsx", sep = "."), sep = "")))

mreza_sim_i[[1]][1:3, c("x", "y")] <- mreza_adj$Points$net.points[mreza_adj$Points$net.points$Name %in% mreza_sim_i$points$Name[1:3], c("x", "y")] %>% st_drop_geometry()

mreza_sim_i[[2]] <- mreza_sim_i[[2]] %>% dplyr::mutate(Hz = HzD + HzM/60 + HzS/3600,
                                               Vz = VzD + VzM/60 + VzS/3600,
                                               tdh = SD*cos(Vz*pi/180),
                                               distance = (!is.na(HD) | !is.na(SD)) | !is.na(sd_dist),
                                               direction = !is.na(Hz) | !is.na(sd_Hz),
                                               diff_level = (!is.na(dh) | !is.na(tdh)))

#plot_surveynet(snet = mreza_sim_i, webmap = FALSE, net.1D = FALSE, net.2D = TRUE)

mreza_sim_i$observations$sd_Hz <- 5
mreza_sim_i$observations$sd_dist <- 3

mreza_sim_i <- create_surveynet(points = mreza_sim_i[[1]] %>% dplyr::select(id,Name,x,y,h,FIX_2D,FIX_1D,Point_object), observations = mreza_sim_i[[2]] %>% mutate(ID = 1:n()) %>% dplyr::select(ID,from:e_air))

mreza_adj1 <- adjust.snet(adjust = TRUE, survey.net = mreza_sim_i, dim_type = "2D", sd.apriori = 1,  all = TRUE, prob = 0.95, maxiter = 1)



plot_surveynet(snet = mreza_adj, snet.adj = TRUE, webmap = FALSE, net.1D = FALSE, net.2D = TRUE)


mreza_ispit <- read_surveynet(file = paste("E:/_Bechelor/_Ispiti/Inzenjerska2/Redovni/10.06.2020/ispit_10_6_2020.xlsx"))

mreza_ispit_adj <- adjust.snet(adjust = TRUE, survey.net = mreza_ispit, dim_type = "2D", sd.apriori = 4,  all = TRUE, prob = 0.95, maxiter = 1)


# Ispit projektovanje 13.6.2020.


ispit <- read_surveynet(file = paste("E:/_Bechelor/_Ispiti/Projektovanje/13.06.2020/13.06.2020.xlsx"))

ispit_adj <- adjust.snet(adjust = FALSE, survey.net = ispit, dim_type = "2D", sd.apriori = 5,  all = TRUE, prob = 0.95, maxiter = 1)

plot_surveynet(snet = mreza_s, net.2D = TRUE)

mreza_list <- list(Points = mreza_sim[[1]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = c("x", "y"), ~round(., 3)), Observations = mreza_sim[[2]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% mutate_at(.vars = c("sd_Hz", "sd_dist", "e_cent_from", "e_cent_to", "e_focus", "e_air"), .funs = ~NA) %>% dplyr::select(from:e_air)) %>%
  writexl::write_xlsx(., path = paste("E:/_Bechelor/_Ispiti/Inzenjerska2/Redovni/19.6.2020", "19.6.2020.xlsx", sep = "/"))

ispit_ig2 <- read_surveynet(file = paste("E:/_Bechelor/_Ispiti/Inzenjerska2/Redovni/19.6.2020/19.6.2020.xlsx"))

mreza_sim <- sim_snetobs(survey.net = mreza_s, red = TRUE, seed = 1018)

mreza_sim[[2]]$sd_Hz <- 7
mreza_sim[[2]]$sd_dist <- 4

adjust.snet(adjust = TRUE, survey.net = mreza_sim, dim_type = "2D", sd.apriori = 3,  all = TRUE, prob = 0.95)

ispit_ig2 <- read_surveynet(file = paste("E:/_Bechelor/_Ispiti/Inzenjerska2/Redovni/19.6.2020/ispit_19_6_2020a.xlsx"))
aa <- adjust.snet(adjust = TRUE, survey.net = ispit_ig2, dim_type = "2D", sd.apriori = 5,  all = FALSE, prob = 0.95)

plot_surveynet(snet = ispit_ig2, snet.adj = FALSE, webmap = FALSE, net.1D = FALSE, net.2D = TRUE)
pejovic/Surveyer documentation built on Sept. 26, 2022, 7:24 p.m.