
Defines functions import_surveynet2D_updated surveynet.xlsx

# Project: Surveyer
# Description: Package of Land and Engineering Surveying utilities
# Authors: Milutin Pejovic, Milan Kilibarda, Branislav Bajat, Aleksandar Sekulic and Petar Bursac

# surveynet.xlsx

# Parameters:
#    1. points -  Excel file sheet with attributes related to points - geodetic network [Example: Data/Input/xlsx]
#    2. observations - Excel file sheet with attributes related to observations [Example: Data/Input/xlsx]
#    3. dest_crs - destination Coordinate Reference System - set EPSG code [default: 3857 - Web Mercator projection coordinate system]

surveynet.xlsx <- function(points = points, observations = observations, dest_crs = NA){
  # If column "Description" is necessary, delete it;
  for(i in names(points)){
    if (i == "NA."){
      points <- subset(points, select = -c(j))

  for(i in names(observations)){
    if (i == "NA."){
      observations <- subset(observations, select = -c(j_1))
    j_1 = j_1 + 1

  # TODO Check funkcija ide ovde

  # Check function for point names, that can not be just numbers -> must contain letter
  points$Name <- as.character(points$Name)
  vec <- c(1:99999)
  j = 1
  for(i in points$Name){
    if(i %in% vec){
      points$Name[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
      j = j +1


  observations$from <- as.character(observations$from)
  vec <- c(1:99999)
  j = 1
  for(i in observations$from){
    if(i %in% vec){
      observations$from[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
      j = j +1


  observations$to <- as.character(observations$to)
  vec <- c(1:99999)
  j = 1
  for(i in observations$to){
    if(i %in% vec){
      observations$to[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
      j = j +1


  # Create geometry columns for points
  if (is.na(dest_crs)){
    dest_crs <- 3857
  } else{
    dest_crs = dest_crs

  observations$x_station <- points$x[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
  observations$y_station <- points$y[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
  observations$x_obs.point <- points$x[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
  observations$y_obs.point <- points$y[match(observations$to, points$Name)]

  points <- points %>% as.data.frame %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y")) %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)

  dt <- as.data.table(observations)
  dt_1 <- dt[
    , {
      geometry <- sf::st_linestring(x = matrix(c(x_station, x_obs.point, y_station, y_obs.point), ncol = 2))
      geometry <- sf::st_sfc(geometry)
      geometry <- sf::st_sf(geometry = geometry)
    , by = id
  dt_1 <- sf::st_as_sf(dt_1)
  dt_1 %<>% mutate(from = observations$from,
                   to = observations$to,
                   distance = observations$distance,
                   direction = observations$direction,
                   standard_dir = observations$standard_dir,
                   standard_dist = observations$standard_dist

  dt_1 <- dt_1 %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
  observations <- dt_1

  # Creating list
  survey_net <- list(points,observations)



# Parameters:
#    1. points - updated points tabele releted to 2D net design
#    2. observations - updated observations tabele releted to 2D net design
#    3. dest_crs - destination Coordinate Reference System - set EPSG code [default: 3857 - Web Mercator projection coordinate system]
#    4. raw_points - Excel file sheet with attributes related to points - geodetic network [Example: Data/Input/xlsx]

import_surveynet2D_updated <- function(points = points, observations = observations, dest_crs = NA, raw_points = raw_points, axes = c("Easting", "Northing")){

  # Check function for point names, that can not be just numbers -> must contain letter
  #raw_points$Name <- as.character(raw_points$Name)
  #vec <- c(1:99999)
  #j = 1
  #for(i in raw_points$Name){
  #  if(i %in% vec){
  #    raw_points$Name[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
  #    j = j +1
  #  }

  # Create geometry columns for points

  if(sum(rowSums(is.na(points[, c("x", "y")])) != 0) != 0){
    dest_crs = dest_crs
    if (is.na(dest_crs)){
      dest_crs <- 3857
      dest_crs = dest_crs

  if(which(axes == "Easting") == 2){points <- points %>% dplyr::rename(x = y,  y = x)}

  points$x <- raw_points$x[match(points$Name, raw_points$Name)]
  points$y <- raw_points$y[match(points$Name, raw_points$Name)]

  # observations$x_from <- points$x[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
  # observations$y_from <- points$y[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
  # observations$x_to <- points$x[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
  # observations$y_to <- points$y[match(observations$to, points$Name)]

  # points <- points %>% as.data.frame %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y")) %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)

  # observations <- observations %>% dplyr::mutate(Hz = HzD + HzM/60 + HzS/3600,
  #                                                Vz = VzD + VzM/60 + VzS/3600,
  #                                                distance = (!is.na(.$HD) | !is.na(.$SD)),
  #                                                direction = !is.na(Hz))

  # observations$distance[!is.na(observations$sd_dist)] <- TRUE
  # observations$direction[!is.na(observations$sd_Hz)] <- TRUE

  if(sum(rowSums(is.na(points[, c("x", "y")])) != 0) != 0){
    warning("Network has no spatial coordinates")}else{
      # Creating sf class from observations
      observations$x_from <- points$x[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
      observations$y_from <- points$y[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
      observations$x_to <- points$x[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
      observations$y_to <- points$y[match(observations$to, points$Name)]

      points <- points %>% as.data.frame() %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y"), remove = FALSE)
      if(which(axes == "Easting") == 2){points <- points %>% dplyr::rename(x = y,  y = x)}

      #observations <- as.data.table(observations) %>% dplyr::mutate(id = seq.int(nrow(.))) %>% split(., f = as.factor(.$id)) %>%
      #  lapply(., function(row) {lmat <- matrix(unlist(row[c("x_from", "y_from", "x_to", "y_to")]), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
      #  st_linestring(lmat)}) %>%
      #  sf::st_sfc() %>%
      #  sf::st_sf('ID' = seq.int(nrow(observations)), observations, 'geometry' = .)

      observations <- observations %>% dplyr::mutate(id = seq.int(nrow(.))) %>% split(., f = as.factor(.$id)) %>%
        lapply(., function(row) {lmat <- matrix(unlist(row[c("x_from", "y_from", "x_to", "y_to")]), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
        st_linestring(lmat)}) %>%
        sf::st_sfc() %>%
        sf::st_sf('ID' = seq.int(nrow(observations)), observations, 'geometry' = .)

  observations <- observations %>% dplyr::mutate(Hz = HzD + HzM/60 + HzS/3600,
                                                 Vz = VzD + VzM/60 + VzS/3600,
                                                 tdh = SD*cos(Vz*pi/180),
                                                 distance = (!is.na(HD) | !is.na(SD)) & !is.na(sd_dist),
                                                 direction = !is.na(Hz) & !is.na(sd_Hz),
                                                 diff_level = (!is.na(dh) | !is.na(tdh)))

  # In network design, observation is included if measurement standard is provided
  if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(HzD, HzM, HzS) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
    observations$direction[!is.na(observations$sd_Hz)] <- TRUE
  if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(HD, SD) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
    observations$distance[!is.na(observations$sd_dist)] <- TRUE
  if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(dh) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
    observations$diff_level[(!is.na(observations$dh) | !is.na(observations$sd_dh) | !is.na(observations$d_dh) | !is.na(observations$n_dh))] <- TRUE

  points %<>% dplyr::mutate(Name = as.character(Name),
                            FIX_1D = as.logical(FIX_1D))

  fixed_points <- points %>% dplyr::filter(FIX_2D | FIX_1D) %>% .$Name

  if(length(fixed_points) > 1){
    observations[observations$from %in% fixed_points & observations$to %in% fixed_points, "distance"] <- FALSE
    observations[observations$from %in% fixed_points & observations$to %in% fixed_points, "diff_level"] <- FALSE

  # Setting coordinate system
    observations %<>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
    points %<>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)

  # Creating list
  survey_net <- list(points, observations)
  names(survey_net) <- c("points", "observations")
  # observations <- observations %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)

  #dt <- as.data.table(observations)
  #dt_1 <- dt[
  #  , {
  #    geometry <- sf::st_linestring(x = matrix(c(x_station, x_obs.point, y_station, y_obs.point), ncol = 2))
  #    geometry <- sf::st_sfc(geometry)
  #    geometry <- sf::st_sf(geometry = geometry)
  #  }
  #  , by = id
  #  ]
  #dt_1 <- sf::st_as_sf(dt_1)
  #dt_1 %<>% mutate(from = observations$from,
  #                 to = observations$to,
  #                 distance = observations$distance,
  #                 direction = observations$direction,
  #                 standard_dir = observations$standard_dir,
  #                 standard_dist = observations$standard_dist
  #dt_1 <- dt_1 %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
  #observations <- dt_1

  # Creating list
  survey_net <- list(points,observations)



# surveynet.shp

# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT - geodetic network [Example: Data/Input/shp]
#    2. observations - sf object with geometry type LINESTRING [Example: Data/Input/shp]
#    3. fix_x - list with names of points that define datum - X coordinate
#    3. fix_y - list with names of points that define datum - Y coordinate
#    4. st_dir - "a priori" standard deviation for direction observations ["]
#    5. st_dist - "a priori" standard deviation for distance observations [mm]
#    6. dest_crs - destination Coordinate Reference System - set EPSG code [default: 3857 - Web Mercator projection coordinate system]
#    7. points_object - list with names of points that represnt object of interests

surveynet.shp <- function(points, observations, fix_x = list(), fix_y = list(), st_dir, st_dist, dest_crs = NA, points_object = list()){
  for(i in names(points)){
    if(i == "Naziv"){
      points <- points %>% rename("Name" = "Naziv")
  for(i in names(observations)){
    if(i == "Name"){
      observations <- observations %>% rename("id" = "Name")

  # TODO Check funkcija ide ovde

  # Check function for point names, that can not be just numbers -> must contain letter
  points$Name <- as.character(points$Name)
  vec <- c(1:99999)
  j = 1
  for(i in points$Name){
    if(i %in% vec){
      points$Name[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
      j = j +1


  # Transformation to the destination CRS
  if (is.na(dest_crs)){
    dest_crs <- 3857
    points <- points %>% st_transform(dest_crs)
    observations <- observations %>% st_transform(dest_crs)
  if (dest_crs == 3857){
    dest_crs <- 3857
    points <- points %>% st_transform(dest_crs)
    observations <- observations %>% st_transform(dest_crs)
  if (st_crs(points)$epsg == "4326"){
    points <- points %>% st_transform(dest_crs)
  if (st_crs(observations)$epsg == "4326"){
    observations <- observations %>% st_transform(dest_crs)

    observations$id <- (1:length(observations$geometry))

  # Defining datum for points
  points %<>% mutate(FIX_X = FALSE, FIX_Y = FALSE)

  points$FIX_X[points$Name %in% fix_x] <- TRUE
  points$FIX_Y[points$Name %in% fix_y] <- TRUE

  points %<>% mutate(Point_object = FALSE)
  points$Point_object[points$Name %in% points_object] <- TRUE

  # Observational plan - adding new columns
  observations %<>% mutate(from = NA,
                           to = NA,
                           distance = TRUE,
                           direction = TRUE,
                           standard_dir = st_dir,
                           standard_dist = st_dist

  # Observational plan - defining and ading names for first and last points for observations
  # Creating data frame from sf class object observations, with goal to extract names for first and last points
  observations_1 <- data.frame(station = NA, obs.point = NA, x_station = NA,y_station = NA, x_obs.point = NA, y_obs.point = NA)

  # Line string to multipoint
  ob_plan_first_point <- st_line_sample(observations,sample = 0)
  ob_plan_last_point <- st_line_sample(observations,sample = 1)
  coord_1 <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(ob_plan_first_point))
  coord_2 <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(ob_plan_last_point))

  # Multipoint to point
  pnts_1 = st_cast(ob_plan_first_point, "POINT")
  pnts_2 = st_cast(ob_plan_last_point, "POINT")
  # X- East Y - North
  observations_1 <- data.frame(station = NA, obs.point = NA, x_station = st_coordinates(pnts_1)[,1], y_station = st_coordinates(pnts_1)[,2], x_obs.point = st_coordinates(pnts_2)[,1], y_obs.point = st_coordinates(pnts_2)[,2])

  # Adding columns Names for stations and observation point with values from constraint exactly match coordinates
  # TODO srediti da radi i za y

  observations_1$station <- points$Name[match(observations_1$x_station, st_coordinates(points)[,1])]
  observations_1$obs.point <- points$Name[match(observations_1$x_obs.point, st_coordinates(points)[,1])]
  observations_1$id <- coord_1$L1

  observations$from <- observations_1$station[match(observations$id, observations_1$id)]
  observations$to <- observations_1$obs.point[match(observations$id, observations_1$id)]

  observations %<>% mutate(
    id = as.numeric(id),
    standard_dir = as.numeric(standard_dir),
    standard_dist = as.numeric(standard_dist),
    from = as.character(from),
    to = as.character(to)

  points %<>% mutate(
    Name = as.character(Name)
  # Creating list
  survey_net <- list(points,observations)


# surveynet.kml

# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT - geodetic network [Example: Data/Input/kml]
#    2. observations - sf object with geometry type LINESTRING [Example: Data/Input/kml]
#    3. fix_x - list with names of points that define datum - X coordinate
#    3. fix_y - list with names of points that define datum - Y coordinate
#    4. st_dir - "a priori" standard deviation for direction observations ["]
#    5. st_dist - "a priori" standard deviation for distance observations [mm]
#    6. dest_crs - destination Coordinate Reference System - set EPSG code [default: 3857 - Web Mercator projection coordinate system]
#    7. points_object - list with names of points that represnt object of interests

surveynet.kml <- function(points, observations, fix_x = list(), fix_y = list(), st_dir, st_dist, dest_crs = NA, points_object = list()){
  for(i in names(points)){
    if(i == "Naziv"){
      points <- points %>% rename("Name" = "Naziv")
  for(i in names(observations)){
    if(i == "Name"){
      observations <- observations %>% rename("id" = "Name")
  # If column "Description" is necessary, delete it;
  for(i in names(points)){
    if (i == "Description"){
      points <- subset(points, select = -c(j))

  for(i in names(observations)){
    if (i == "Description"){
      observations <- subset(observations, select = -c(j_1))
    j_1 = j_1 + 1

  # TODO Check funkcija ide ovde

  # Check function for point names, that can not be just numbers -> must contain letter
  points$Name <- as.character(points$Name)
  vec <- c(1:99999)
  j = 1
  for(i in points$Name){
    if(i %in% vec){
      points$Name[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
      j = j +1


  # Transformation to the destination CRS
  if (is.na(dest_crs)){
    dest_crs <- 3857
    points <- points %>% st_transform(dest_crs)
    observations <- observations %>% st_transform(dest_crs)
  if (st_crs(points)$epsg == "4326"){
    points <- points %>% st_transform(dest_crs)
    message("\nPoints data are reprojected to the destination Coordinate Reference System!\n")
  if (st_crs(observations)$epsg == "4326"){
    observations <- observations %>% st_transform(dest_crs)
    message("\nObservation data are reprojected to the destination Coordinate Reference System!\n")

  # Handling with some columns
  for(i in names(points)){
    if(i == "id"){
    } else {
      points$id <- (1:length(points$geometry))

  for(i in names(observations)){
    if(i == "id"){
      observations$id <- (1:length(observations$geometry))
  # Defining datum for points
  points %<>% mutate(FIX_X = FALSE, FIX_Y = FALSE)

  points$FIX_X[points$Name %in% fix_x] <- TRUE
  points$FIX_Y[points$Name %in% fix_y] <- TRUE

  points %<>% mutate(Point_object = FALSE)
  points$Point_object[points$Name %in% points_object] <- TRUE

  # Observational plan - adding new columns
  observations %<>% mutate(distance = TRUE,
                           direction = TRUE,
                           standard_dir = st_dir,
                           standard_dist = st_dist,
                           from = NA,
                           to = NA)

  # Observational plan - defining and ading names for first and last points for observations
  # Creating data frame from sf class object observations, with goal to extract names for first and last points
  observations_1 <- data.frame(station = NA, obs.point = NA, x_station = NA,y_station = NA, x_obs.point = NA, y_obs.point = NA)

  # Line string to multipoint
  ob_plan_first_point <- st_line_sample(observations,sample = 0)
  ob_plan_last_point <- st_line_sample(observations,sample = 1)
  coord_1 <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(ob_plan_first_point))
  coord_2 <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(ob_plan_last_point))

  # Multipoint to point
  pnts_1 = st_cast(ob_plan_first_point, "POINT")
  pnts_2 = st_cast(ob_plan_last_point, "POINT")
  # X- East Y - North
  observations_1 <- data.frame(station = NA, obs.point = NA, x_station = st_coordinates(pnts_1)[,1], y_station = st_coordinates(pnts_1)[,2], x_obs.point = st_coordinates(pnts_2)[,1], y_obs.point = st_coordinates(pnts_2)[,2])

  # Adding columns Names for stations and observation point with values from constraint exactly match coordinates
  # TODO srediti da radi i za y
  observations_1$station <- points$Name[match(observations_1$x_station, st_coordinates(points)[,1])]
  observations_1$obs.point <- points$Name[match(observations_1$x_obs.point, st_coordinates(points)[,1])]
  observations_1$id <- coord_1$L1

  observations$from <- observations_1$station[match(observations$id, observations_1$id)]
  observations$to <- observations_1$obs.point[match(observations$id, observations_1$id)]

  observations %<>% mutate(
    id = as.numeric(id),
    standard_dir = as.numeric(standard_dir),
    standard_dist = as.numeric(standard_dist),
    from = as.character(from),
    to = as.character(to)

  # Creating list
  survey_net <- list(points,observations)


# net_spatial_view

# Function for spatial data visualisation trough package ggplot2
# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT and related attributes as product from surveynet.xxx function
#    2. observations - sf object with geometry type LINESTRING and related attributes as product from surveynet.xxx function

net_spatial_view <- function(points, observations){

  points$fill_p <- "red"
  points$fill_p[points$Point_object == TRUE] <- "DeepSkyBlue"

  # Example to add little different type of observations
  # observations$distance[1:3] <- FALSE
  # observations$direction[5:7] <- FALSE
  # observations$fill_o <- "LightGoldenRodYellow"

  observations$fill_o <- ifelse(observations$distance == TRUE & observations$direction == FALSE,"LightGoldenRodYellow", ifelse(observations$distance == FALSE & observations$direction == TRUE, "Khaki","orange"))

  net_view <- ggplot(data=observations) +
    geom_sf(size=1,stroke=1, color = observations$fill_o)+
    geom_sf(data=points, shape = 24, fill = points$fill_p, size=2.5, stroke=2) +
    geom_sf_text(data=points, aes(label=Name,hjust = 1.5, vjust =1.5))+
    xlab("\nLongitude [deg]") +
    ylab("Latitude [deg]\n") +
    ggtitle("Observational plan and points [geodetic network and object points]")+
    guides(col = guide_legend())+


# net_spatial_view_web [package:: mapview]

# Function for spatial data visualisation at web maps
# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT and related attributes as product from surveynet.xxx function
#    2. observations - sf object with geometry type LINESTRING and related attributes as product from surveynet.xxx function

net_spatial_view_web <- function(points, observations){
  Points <- st_transform(points, 4326)
  Observations <- st_transform(observations, 4326)

  Points$type <- "Geodetic network"
  Points$type[Points$Point_object == TRUE] <- "Points at object"

  Observations$type[Observations$distance == TRUE & Observations$direction == FALSE] <- "Distance"
  Observations$type[Observations$distance == FALSE & Observations$direction == TRUE] <- "Direction"
  Observations$type[Observations$distance == TRUE & Observations$direction == TRUE] <- "Both"

  web_map_1 <- mapview(Points, zcol = "type", col.regions = c("red","grey")) + mapview(Observations, zcol = "type")



# check_net

# Function for checking input data for errors - geometrical and topological consistency, redudancy etc.
# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT and related attributes as product from surveynet.xxx function
#    2. observations - sf object with geometry type LINESTRING and related attributes as product from surveynet.xxx function

check_net <- function(points, observations){

  observations_1 <- data.frame(station = NA,obs.point = NA, x_station = NA,y_station = NA,x_obs.point = NA,y_obs.point = NA)

  # Line string to multipoint
  pl_op_pocetne_tac <- st_line_sample(observations,sample=0)
  pl_op_krajnje_tac <- st_line_sample(observations,sample=1)
  koord_1 <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(pl_op_pocetne_tac))
  koord_2 <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(pl_op_krajnje_tac))

  # Multipoint to point
  pnts_1 = st_cast(pl_op_pocetne_tac, "POINT")
  pnts_2 = st_cast(pl_op_krajnje_tac, "POINT")
  # X- East Y - North
  observations_1 <- data.frame(station = NA,obs.point = NA, x_station = st_coordinates(pnts_1)[,1],y_station = st_coordinates(pnts_1)[,2],x_obs.point = st_coordinates(pnts_2)[,1],y_obs.point = st_coordinates(pnts_2)[,2])

  x1 <- match(observations_1$x_station, st_coordinates(points)[,1])
  x2 <- match(observations_1$x_obs.point, st_coordinates(points)[,1])
  y1 <- match(observations_1$y_station, st_coordinates(points)[,2])
  y2 <- match(observations_1$y_obs.point, st_coordinates(points)[,2])

  if(any(x1) == FALSE){
    message("\nX koordinate tacaka i tacaka stanica u planu opazanja se ne poklapaju.")
  } else {
    message("\nX koordinate tacaka i tacaka stanica u planu opazanja se poklapaju.")
  if(any(x2) == FALSE){
    message("\nX koordinate tacaka i tacaka opazanja u planu opazanja se ne poklapaju.")
  } else {
    message("\nX koordinate tacaka i tacaka opazanja u planu opazanja se poklapaju.")
  if(any(y1) == FALSE){
    message("\nY koordinate tacaka i tacaka stanica u planu opazanja se ne poklapaju.")
  } else {
    message("\nY koordinate tacaka i tacaka stanica u planu opazanja se poklapaju.")
  if(any(y2) == FALSE){
    message("\nY koordinate tacaka i tacaka opazanja u planu opazanja se ne poklapaju.")
  } else {
    message("\nY koordinate tacaka i tacaka opazanja u planu opazanja se poklapaju.")
  un1 <- data.frame(id = points$id)
  un1$Name <- as.data.frame(unique(points$Name))
  un2 <- as.data.frame(unique(observations$from))
  un3 <- as.data.frame(unique(observations$to))

  un1$station <- TRUE[match(un1$Name, un2)]
  un1$obs <- TRUE[match(un1$Name, un3)]

  if(any(un1$station) == FALSE){
    message("\nKao stanica u planu opazanja nije iskoriscena tacka:")
    return(un1$Name[match(un1$station, FALSE)])
  } else {
    message("\nSve points su iskoriscene kao stanice u planu opazanja.")

  if(any(un1$obs) == FALSE){
    message("\nKao opazana tacka u planu opazanja nije iskoriscena tacka:")
    return(un1$Name[match(un1$obs, FALSE)])
  } else {
    message("\nSve points su opazane u planu opazanja.")


# surveynet.mapedit

# Function for interactive adding points on web maps and storage as sf [Simple Feature]
surveynet.mapedit_add <- function(){
  created <- mapview() %>% editMap()

# Function for visualisation trough mapview package
# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT and related attributes as product from function surveynet.mapedit_add

surveynet.mapedit_view <- function(points = points){
  Points <- mapview(points)

# Function for preparing points - sf attribute table check
# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT and related attributes as product from function surveynet.mapedit_add

surveynet.mapedit_points <- function(points = points){
  for(i in names(points)){
    if (i == "X_leaflet_id"){
      points <- subset(points, select = -c(j))
  for(i in names(points)){
    if (i == "feature_type"){
      points <- subset(points, select = -c(j))

  for(i in names(points)){
    if(i == "id"){
    } else {
      points$id <- (1:length(points$geometry))
  points <- points %>% dplyr::mutate(Name = id)

  points$Name <- as.character(points$Name)
  vec <- c(1:99999)
  j = 1
  for(i in points$Name){
    if(i %in% vec){
      points$Name[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
      j = j +1

  points %<>% dplyr::mutate(FIX_2D = FALSE, Point_object = FALSE, h = as.numeric(NA), FIX_1D = NA )


# Function for creating observations from points - all
# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT and related attributes as product from function surveynet.mapedit_points

surveynet.mapedit_observations <- function(points = points){
  res = expand.grid(to = points$Name, from = points$Name) # combine values from two columns in all posible combinations
  res <- as.data.frame(res[!(res$to == res$from), ]) # delete rows with same values in two columns
  rownames(res) <- 1:nrow(res) # reorder index number of rows
  res <- res[ ,c("from","to")] # reorder columns

# Function for creating observations from points - edit and interactivly with CRUD [Create, Read, Update and Delete] functionalites edit observations
# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT and related attributes as product from function surveynet.mapedit_points
#    2. st_dir - "a priori" standard deviation for direction observations ["]
#    3. st_dist - "a priori" standard deviation for distance observations [mm]

surveynet.mapedit_observations_edit <- function(points = points, st_dir = st_dir, st_dist = st_dist){
  res = expand.grid(to = points$Name, from = points$Name) # combine values from two columns in all posible combinations
  res <- as.data.frame(res[!(res$to == res$from), ]) # delete rows with same values in two columns
  rownames(res) <- 1:nrow(res) # reorder index number of rows
  res <- res[ ,c("from","to")] # reorder columns
  observations <- res

  #points$x <- st_coordinates(points)[,1]
  #points$y <- st_coordinates(points)[,2]

  #observations$x_station <- points$x[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
  #observations$y_station <- points$y[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
  #observations$x_obs.point <- points$x[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
  #observations$y_obs.point <- points$y[match(observations$to, points$Name)]

  #observations$id <- 1:nrow(observations)

  observations %<>% dplyr::mutate(from = as.character(from),
                                  to = as.character(to),
                                  HzD = as.numeric(NA),
                                  HzM = as.numeric(NA),
                                  HzS = as.numeric(NA),
                                  HD = as.numeric(NA),
                                  SD = as.numeric(NA),
                                  VzD = as.numeric(NA),
                                  VzM = as.numeric(NA),
                                  VzS = as.numeric(NA),
                                  dh = as.numeric(NA),
                                  sd_Hz = as.numeric(st_dir),
                                  sd_dist = as.numeric(st_dist),
                                  sd_Vz = as.numeric(NA),
                                  sd_dh = as.numeric(NA),
                                  d_dh = as.numeric(NA),
                                  n_dh = as.numeric(NA)


# create complete sf object - points and observations
# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT and related attributes as product from function surveynet.mapedit_points
#    2. observations - sf object with geometry type LINESTRING and related attributes as product from function surveynet.mapedit_observations
#    3. fix_x - list with names of points that define datum - X coordinate
#    3. fix_y - list with names of points that define datum - Y coordinate
#    4. st_dir - "a priori" standard deviation for direction observations ["]
#    5. st_dist - "a priori" standard deviation for distance observations [mm]
#    6. dest_crs - destination Coordinate Reference System - set EPSG code [default: 3857 - Web Mercator projection coordinate system]
#    7. points_object - list with names of points that represnt object of interests

surveynet.mapedit <- function(points_raw = points_raw, points = points, observations = observations, dest_crs = NA, axes = c("Easting", "Northing")){

  if (is.na(dest_crs)){
    dest_crs <- 3857
    points_raw %<>% st_transform(dest_crs)
  } else{
    points_raw %<>% st_transform(dest_crs)

  points_raw$x <- st_coordinates(points_raw)[,1]
  points_raw$y <- st_coordinates(points_raw)[,2]

  points$x <- points_raw$x[match(points$Name, points_raw$Name)]
  points$y <- points_raw$y[match(points$Name, points_raw$Name)]

  #if (st_crs(points)$epsg == 4326){
  #  dest_crs <- 3857
  #  points <- points %>% st_transform(dest_crs)
  #  message("\nPoints data are reprojected to the destination Coordinate Reference System!\n")
  #  message(st_crs(points))

  # Defining datum for points
  #points %<>% mutate(FIX_X = FALSE, FIX_Y = FALSE)

  #points$FIX_X[points$Name %in% fix_x] <- TRUE
  #points$FIX_Y[points$Name %in% fix_y] <- TRUE

  #points %<>% mutate(Point_object = FALSE)
  #points$Point_object[points$Name %in% points_object] <- TRUE

   points$FIX_2D <- as.logical(points$FIX_2D)
   points$Point_object <- as.logical(points$Point_object)
  # observations$x_station <- points$x[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
  # observations$y_station <- points$y[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
  # observations$x_obs.point <- points$x[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
  # observations$y_obs.point <- points$y[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
  # points <- points %>% as.data.frame() %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y")) %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
  # observations <- observations %>% dplyr::mutate(Hz = HzD + HzM/60 + HzS/3600,
  #                                                Vz = VzD + VzM/60 + VzS/3600,
  #                                                distance = (!is.na(.$HD) | !is.na(.$SD)),
  #                                                direction = !is.na(Hz))
  # observations$distance[!is.na(observations$sd_dist)] <- TRUE
  # observations$direction[!is.na(observations$sd_Hz)] <- TRUE
  # observations <- as.data.table(observations) %>% dplyr::mutate(id = seq.int(nrow(.))) %>% split(., f = as.factor(.$id)) %>%
  #   lapply(., function(row) {lmat <- matrix(unlist(row[14:17]), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  #   st_linestring(lmat)}) %>%
  #   sf::st_sfc() %>%
  #   sf::st_sf('ID' = seq.int(nrow(observations)), observations, 'geometry' = .)
  # observations <- observations %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)

  if(sum(rowSums(is.na(points[, c("x", "y")])) != 0) != 0){
    warning("Network has no spatial coordinates")}else{
      # Creating sf class from observations
      observations$x_from <- points$x[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
      observations$y_from <- points$y[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
      observations$x_to <- points$x[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
      observations$y_to <- points$y[match(observations$to, points$Name)]

      points <- points %>% as.data.frame() %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y"), remove = FALSE)
      if(which(axes == "Easting") == 2){points <- points %>% dplyr::rename(x = y,  y = x)}
      # as.data.table(observations) %>%
      observations <- observations %>%  dplyr::mutate(id = seq.int(nrow(.))) %>% split(., f = as.factor(.$id)) %>%
        lapply(., function(row) {lmat <- matrix(unlist(row[c("x_from", "y_from", "x_to", "y_to")]), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
        st_linestring(lmat)}) %>%
        sf::st_sfc() %>%
        sf::st_sf('ID' = seq.int(nrow(observations)), observations, 'geometry' = .)
  observations <- observations %>% dplyr::mutate(Hz = HzD + HzM/60 + HzS/3600,
                                                 Vz = VzD + VzM/60 + VzS/3600,
                                                 tdh = SD*cos(Vz*pi/180),
                                                 distance = (!is.na(HD) | !is.na(SD)) & !is.na(sd_dist),
                                                 direction = !is.na(Hz) & !is.na(sd_Hz),
                                                 diff_level = (!is.na(dh) | !is.na(tdh))

  # In network design, observation is included if measurement standard is provided
  if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(HzD, HzM, HzS) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
    observations$direction[!is.na(observations$sd_Hz)] <- TRUE
  if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(HD, SD) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
    observations$distance[!is.na(observations$sd_dist)] <- TRUE
  if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(dh) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
   observations$diff_level[(!is.na(observations$dh) | !is.na(observations$sd_dh) | !is.na(observations$d_dh) | !is.na(observations$n_dh))] <- TRUE

  fixed_points <- points %>% dplyr::filter(FIX_2D | FIX_1D) %>% .$Name #

  if(length(fixed_points) > 1){
    observations[observations$from %in% fixed_points & observations$to %in% fixed_points, "distance"] <- FALSE
    observations[observations$from %in% fixed_points & observations$to %in% fixed_points, "diff_level"] <- FALSE

  # Setting coordinate system
    observations %<>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
    points %<>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)

  # Creating list
  survey_net <- list(points, observations)
  names(survey_net) <- c("points", "observations")

  #observations$id <- as.numeric(1:nrow(observations))
  #observations %<>% mutate(distance = distance,
  #                         direction = direction,
  #                         standard_dir = standard_dir,
  #                         standard_dist = standard_dist
  #dt <- as.data.table(observations)
  #dt_1 <- dt[
  #  , {
  #    geometry <- sf::st_linestring(x = matrix(c(x_station, x_obs.point, y_station, y_obs.point), ncol = 2))
  #    geometry <- sf::st_sfc(geometry)
  #    geometry <- sf::st_sf(geometry = geometry)
  #  }
  #  , by = id
  #  ]
  #dt_1 <- sf::st_as_sf(dt_1)
  #dt_1 %<>% mutate(from = as.character(observations$from),
  #                 to = as.character(observations$to),
  #                 distance = observations$distance,
  #                 direction = observations$direction,
  #                 standard_dir = observations$standard_dir,
  #                 standard_dist = observations$standard_dist
  #dt_1 <- dt_1 %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
  #observations <- dt_1
  ## Observational plan - adding new columns
  # observations %<>% mutate(from = as.character(observations$from),
  #                          to = as.character(observations$to),
  #                          distance = distance,
  #                          direction = direction,
  #                          sd_Hz= as.numeric(sd_Hz),
  #                          sd_dist = as.numeric(sd_dist)
  # )
  #points <- subset(points, select = -c(x,y))
  # Creating list
  #survey_net_mapedit <- list(points,observations)


# adj.net_spatial_view_web [package:: mapview]

# Function for adjusted net data visualisation at web maps
# Parameters:
#    1. ellipses -  sf object with geometry type POLYGON and related attributes as product from design.snet function that represents error ellipses
#    2. observations - sf object with geometry type LINESTRING and related attributes as product from design.snet function

adj.net_spatial_view_web <- function(ellipses = ellipses, observations = observations, points = points, sp_bound = sp_bound, rii_bound = rii_bound){
  #Ellipses <- st_transform(ellipses, 4326)
  #Observations <- st_transform(observations, 4326)
  #Points <- st_transform(points, 4326)
  Ellipses <- ellipses
  Observations <- observations
  Points <- points
  Points$type <- "Geodetic network"
  Points$type[Points$Point_object == TRUE] <- "Points at object"

  Ellipses$fill <- paste("<",sp_bound)
  Ellipses$fill[Ellipses$sp > sp_bound] <- paste(">",sp_bound)

  Observations$fill <- paste("<",rii_bound)
  Observations$fill[Observations$rii > rii_bound] <- paste(">",rii_bound)

  web_map_2 <- mapview(Points, zcol = "type", col.regions = c("red","grey"), layer.name = "Points type") + mapview(Ellipses, zcol = "fill", col.regions = c("yellow", "red"), layer.name = "StDev Position [mm]") + mapview(Observations, zcol = "fill", color = c("orange", "red"), layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/]")


# adj.net_spatial_view

# Function for spatial data visualisation trough package ggplot2
# Parameters:
#    1. ellipses -  sf object with geometry type POLYGON and related attributes as product from design.snet function that represents error ellipses
#    2. observations - sf object with geometry type LINESTRING and related attributes as product from design.snet function

#adj.net_spatial_view <- function(ellipses = ellipses, observations = observations){
#  #observations$fill_o <- ifelse(observations$distance == TRUE & observations$direction == FALSE,"LightGoldenRodYellow", ifelse(observations$distance == FALSE & observations$direction == TRUE, "Khaki","orange"))
#  adj.net_view <- ggplot(data=observations) +
#    geom_sf(data = observations)+
#    geom_sf(data=ellipses,aes(fill = sp))+
#    geom_sf_text(data=ellipses, aes(label=Name,hjust = 2.5, vjust =2.5))+
#    xlab("\nLongitude [deg]") +
#    ylab("Latitude [deg]\n") +
#    ggtitle("Adjusted observational plan - net quality")+
#    guides(col = guide_legend())+
#    theme_bw()
#  return(adj.net_view)

adj_net_spatial_view <- function(adj.ellipses, adj.observations){
  adj.net_view <- ggplot() +
    geom_sf(data = adj.observations)+
    geom_sf(data=adj.ellipses, aes(fill = sp))+
    geom_sf_text(data=adj.ellipses, aes(label=Name,hjust = 1.5, vjust = 1.5))+
    xlab("\nLongitude [deg]") +
    ylab("Latitude [deg]\n") +
    ggtitle("Adjusted observational plan - net quality")+
    #guides(col = guide_legend())+

# surveynet.xlsx

# Final function version, that include both cases, design and adjustment and prepare data as input for thoose scenarios.
# surveynet.xlsx

# Parameters:
#    1. points -  Excel file sheet with attributes related to points - geodetic network [Example: Data/Input/xlsx]
#    2. observations - Excel file sheet with attributes related to observations [Example: Data/Input/xlsx]
#    3. dest_crs - destination Coordinate Reference System - set EPSG code [default: 3857 - Web Mercator projection coordinate system]
#    4. obs - parameter that indicates type of input data, related to scenario design or adjustment of 2D geodetic network.

#surveynet.xlsx_1 <- function(points = points, observations = observations, dest_crs = NA, obs = FALSE){
#  # Check function for point names, that can not be just numbers -> must contain letter
#  points$Name <- as.character(points$Name)
#  vec <- c(1:99999)
#  j = 1
#  for(i in points$Name){
#    if(i %in% vec){
#      points$Name[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
#      j = j +1
#    }
#  }
#  observations$from <- as.character(observations$from)
#  vec <- c(1:99999)
#  j = 1
#  for(i in observations$from){
#    if(i %in% vec){
#      observations$from[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
#      j = j +1
#    }
#  }
#  observations$to <- as.character(observations$to)
#  vec <- c(1:99999)
#  j = 1
#  for(i in observations$to){
#    if(i %in% vec){
#      observations$to[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
#      j = j +1
#    }
#  }
#  # Create geometry columns for points
#  if (is.na(dest_crs)){
#    dest_crs <- 3857
#  } else{
#    dest_crs <- dest_crs
#  }
#  observations$x_station <- points$x[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
#  observations$y_station <- points$y[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
#  observations$x_obs.point <- points$x[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
#  observations$y_obs.point <- points$y[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
#  points <- points %>% as.data.frame %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y")) %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
#  if(obs == FALSE){
#    dt <- as.data.table(observations)
#    dt_1 <- dt[
#      , {
#        geometry <- sf::st_linestring(x = matrix(c(x_station, x_obs.point, y_station, y_obs.point), ncol = 2))
#        geometry <- sf::st_sfc(geometry)
#        geometry <- sf::st_sf(geometry = geometry)
#      }
#      , by = id
#      ]
#    dt_1 <- sf::st_as_sf(dt_1)
#    dt_1 %<>% mutate(from = observations$from,
#                     to = observations$to,
#                     distance = observations$distance,
#                     direction = observations$direction,
#                     standard_dir = observations$standard_dir,
#                     standard_dist = observations$standard_dist
#    )
#    dt_1 <- dt_1 %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
#    observations <- dt_1
#  }else if(obs == TRUE){
#    dt <- as.data.table(observations)
#    dt$id <- c(1:length(dt$from))
#    dt_1 <- dt[
#      , {
#        geometry <- sf::st_linestring(x = matrix(c(x_station, x_obs.point, y_station, y_obs.point), ncol = 2))
#        geometry <- sf::st_sfc(geometry)
#        geometry <- sf::st_sf(geometry = geometry)
#      }
#      , by = id
#      ]
#    dt_1 <- sf::st_as_sf(dt_1)
#    dt_1 %<>% mutate(From = observations$from,
#                     To = observations$to,
#                     HzD = observations$HzD,
#                     HzM = observations$HzM,
#                     HzS = round(observations$HzS, 2),
#                     SD = round(observations$SD, 3),
#                     VzD = observations$VzD,
#                     VzM = observations$VzM,
#                     VzS = round(observations$VzS, 2)
#    )
#    dt_1 <- dt_1 %>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
#    observations <- dt_1
#  } else {
#    message("Incomplete number of parameters. Take a look at parameter 'obs'.")
#  }
#  # Creating list
#  survey_net <- list(points,observations)
#  return(survey_net)

# ============================================================================
# 1D design functions
# ============================================================================

# Function for preparing points - sf attribute table check
# Parameters:
#    1. points -  sf object with geometry type POINT and related attributes as product from function surveynet.mapedit_add

# surveynet.mapedit_points <- function(points = points){
#   j=1
#   for(i in names(points)){
#     if (i == "_leaflet_id"){
#       points <- subset(points, select = -c(j))
#     }
#     j=j+1
#   }
#   j=1
#   for(i in names(points)){
#     if (i == "feature_type"){
#       points <- subset(points, select = -c(j))
#     }
#     j=j+1
#   }
#   for(i in names(points)){
#     if(i == "id"){
#       break
#     } else {
#       points$id <- (1:length(points$geometry))
#     }
#   }
#   points <- points %>% rename("Name" = "id")
#   points$Name <- as.character(points$Name)
#   vec <- c(1:99999)
#   j = 1
#   for(i in points$Name){
#     if(i %in% vec){
#       points$Name[j] <- paste("T",i, sep = "")
#       j = j +1
#     }
#   }
#   return(points)
# }
pejovic/Surveyer documentation built on Sept. 26, 2022, 7:24 p.m.