
Defines functions appendResults LabelFromData tree2file txt2tree savetreeplot top ilogit logit hipnt lopnt midpnt trm getAB getLNparms

Documented in appendResults getAB getLNparms hipnt ilogit LabelFromData logit lopnt midpnt savetreeplot top tree2file trm txt2tree

##' Get parameters for a log-normal distribution
##' Parameters for a lognormal distribution: mu & sdlog from median/mean and variance
##' @param mid the midpoint of the distribution (median/mean depending on \code{med})
##' @param var the variance of the distribution
##' @param med logical to assume \code{mid} is median (default) or otherwise mean.
##' @return \code{list} mu, sig being mu and sdlog for lognormal distribution
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
getLNparms <- function(mid,var,med=TRUE){
    mu <- log(mid)                      #mid as median
    x <- (1+sqrt(1+4*var/mid^2))/2
    ans <- list(mu=mu,sig=sqrt(log(x)))
  } else {
    s2 <- log(1+var/mid^2)
    mu <- log(mid) - s2/2
    ans <- list(mu=mu,sig=sqrt(s2))

##' Get parameters for a beta distribution
##' Parameters for a beta distribution: a & b from 
##' @param E Mean
##' @param V Variance 
##' @return \code{list} containing a & b
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
getAB <- function(E,V){
    ## V <- (U-L)/4 #variance for uppers and lower
    sz <- E*(1-E)/V - 1
    a <- sz*E
    b <- sz*(1-E)

##' Utility function to trim whitespace
##' @param x String
##' @return string 
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
trm <- function(x) gsub(" ","",x)

##' Utility function for extracting midpoint from bracketed uncertainty ranges
##' Expects something like M (Mlo,Mhi) or M (Mlo - Mhi) 
##' @param x String
##' @return numeric
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
midpnt <- function(x){
  x <- gsub("(.?)\\(.*","\\1",x,perl=TRUE)

##' Utility function for extracting low point from bracketed uncertainty ranges
##' Expects something like M (Mlo,Mhi) or M (Mlo - Mhi) 
##' @param x String
##' @return numeric 
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
lopnt <- function(x){
  x <- gsub(".*\\((.*?)[,|-].*","\\1",x,perl=TRUE)

##' Utility function for extracting high point from bracketed uncertainty ranges
##' Expects something like M (Mlo,Mhi) or M (Mlo - Mhi) 
##' @param x String
##' @return numeric
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
hipnt <- function(x){
  x <- gsub(".*[,|-](.*?)\\).*","\\1",x,perl=TRUE)

##' Logit function
##' @param x String
##' @return real
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
logit <- function(x) log(x/(1-x))

##' Inverse logit function
##' @param x Number
##' @return real
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
ilogit <- function(x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))

## ======== tree manipulation utility functions ========

##' Merge a tree onto another by node name
##' @param rootnode Root node
##' @param nodetoadd Node to add
##' @param nodename Node name
##' @param usecase Match case in nodename? (must be TRUE currently)
##' @param leavesonly Merge only onto leaves? Logical
##' @return NULL
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
MergeByName <- function (rootnode,
                         usecase = TRUE,
                         leavesonly = FALSE) {
      for (K in nodetoadd$children) node$AddChildNode(data.tree::Clone(K)),
      filterFun = function(x) (x$name == nodename) )
  } else {
      for (K in nodetoadd$children) node$AddChildNode(data.tree::Clone(K)),
      filterFun = function(x) (x$name == nodename) && x$isLeaf )
  ## by side-effect

##' Ditch the top of tree on reading
##' @param x Tree
##' @return a tree
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
top <- function(x) x$children[[1]]

##' Ditch the top of tree on reading
##' @param tree tree to plot
##' @param fn file name
##' @return NULL
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
savetreeplot <- function(tree,fn)

##' Simpler text file to tree
##' See also MSorg2tree
##' @param x Filename relative to 'here'
##' @return A tree
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @import here
##' @export
txt2tree <- function(x) top(MSorg2tree(here::here(x)))

##' Write a CSV tree with labels
##' @param TREE the tree
##' @param filename file to write to
##' @param ... Label names to include
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
tree2file <- function(TREE, filename, ...){
    tmp <- data.tree::ToDataFrameTree(TREE,...)
    tmp <- data.table::as.data.table(tmp)

##' Add/edit tree labels
##' This function will set (add or overwrite) tree label values based on
##' a data.frame whose columns are the labels to be added.
##' The rows of the data.frame should correspond to the way the tree is structured.
##' This can be used in conjunction with \code{tree2file} by adding columns to
##' CSV output, reading them in to be used as data input to this function.
##' @param tree a \code{data.tree} tree object
##' @param data a \code{data.frame} whose columns are the labels to be added
##' @return This operates by side effect
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
LabelFromData <- function(tree, data){

##' Append a number of results to data
##' @param D the PSA data
##' @param L a list of functions
##' @param nmz Optional vector specifying a subset of the functions in \code{F} to run
##' @param verbose Print what's happening (default=\code{TRUE})
##' @author Pete Dodd
##' @export
appendResults <- function(D,L,nmz=NULL,verbose=TRUE){
  ## if not using nmz to specify
    nmz <- names(L)
    nmz <- gsub('fun$','',names(L))
    nmz <- nmz[nmz!='p'] #remove p if there
  ## loop
  for(nm in nmz){
    if(verbose) cat('Calculating answers for: ',nm,'\n')
    fnm <- paste0(nm,'fun')
    D[[nm]] <- L[[fnm]](D)
  if(verbose) cat('Done!\n')
petedodd/HEdtree documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 6:22 a.m.