
#' Loop over locations with two species

#' Function to loop over locations with two species

#' @param shape_list Shape Scenarios to run, must specify
#' @param ncores Number of cores
#' @param ctl_o Original ctl list
#' @param thing1 Thing1 to loop over, see change_two function
#' @param name1 Name of thing1 to loop over, see change_two function
#' @param thing2 Thing2 to loop over, see change_two function
#' @param name2 Name of thing2 to loop over, see change_two function
#' @param nreps Number of replicates
#' @param loc_scenario Fixed, 'rand' or 'pref'
#' @param nsites Number of sites to sample
#' @param fixed_locs Fixed sampling locations
#' @param fixed_locs Fixed sampling locations
#' @export

run_locs_2spp <- function(shape_list, ncores,
  ctl_o, thing1, name1, thing2, name2, nreps, par_func = 'change_two',
  index1 = FALSE, index2 = FALSE, loc_scenario = 'rand', fixed_locs = NA, nsites){

  ctl_temp <- ctl_o  
  shape_outs <- vector('list', length = nrow(shape_list))
  #loop over shape list
  for(ss in 1:nrow(shape_list)){

    #change ctl file
    ctl_temp$shapes <- c(shape_list[ss, 'shapes1'], shape_list[ss, 'shapes2'])
    init1 <- initialize_population(ctl = ctl_temp, ctl_temp$nfish1)
    ##define fishing locations
    if(loc_scenario != 'fixed'){
      locs <- lapply(1:nreps, FUN = function(ll){
        pick_sites_prob(nsites = nsites, fish_mat = init1, samp_option = loc_scenario)

    #Loop over locations
    temp <- lapply(locs, FUN = function(ll){
              ctl_temp$location <- ll
              change_two(thing1 = thing1, thing2 = thing2, name1 = name1,
                     name2 = name2, ctl = ctl_temp, 
                     index1 = index1, index2 = index2, par_func = par_func,
                     ncores = ncores)[[3]]

    #Process temp data with ldply, then put it in shape_outs list
    #add index to these
    names(temp) <-  as.character(1:length(temp))
    temp <- ldply(temp)
    names(temp)[1] <- 'rep'

    shape_outs[[ss]] <- temp

  #convert shape_outs into a data frame
  names(shape_outs) <- shape_list$scen
  shape_outs <- ldply(shape_outs)
  names(shape_outs)[1] <- 'init_dist'

  #Filter to only have year1
  shape_outs <- shape_outs %>% filter(year == 1) 
  #add depletion
  shape_outs %>% group_by(init_dist, spp) %>% 
    mutate(dep = nfish_orig / max(nfish_orig)) %>% as.data.frame -> shape_outs
peterkuriyama/hlsimulator documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:51 a.m.