#' \code{extractCatchmentData} extracts catchment average climate data from netCDF files containing Australian climate data.
#' @description
#' extractCatchmentData extracts the AWAP climate data for each point or polygon. For the latter, either the daily spatial mean and variance (or user defined function) of
#' each climate metric is calculated or the spatial data is returned.
#' @details
#' Daily data is extracted and can be aggregated to a weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual or a user-defined timestep using a user-defined funcion
#' (e.g. sum, mean, min, max as defined by \code{temporal.function.name}). The temporally aggreated data at each grid cell is then used to derive the spatial
#' mean or the spatial variance (or any other function as defined by \code{spatial.function.name}).
#' The calculation of the spatial mean uses the fraction of each AWAP grid cell within the catchment polygon.
#' The variance calculation (or user defined function) does not use the fraction of the grid cell and returns NA if there are <2 grid cells in the catchment boundary.
#' Prior to the spatial aggregation, evapotranspiration (ET) can also calculated; after which, say, the mean and
#' variance PET can be calculated.
#' The data extraction will by default be undertaken from 1/1/1900 to yesterday, even if the netCDF grids were only
#' built for a subset of this time period. If the latter situation applies, it is recommended that the extraction start
#' and end dates are input by the user.
#' The ET can be calculated using one of eight methods at a user defined calculation time-step; that is the \code{ET.timestep} defines the
#' time step at which the estimates are serived and differs from the output timestep as defined by \code{temporal.function.name}). When \code{ET.timestep} is monthly or annual then
#' the ET estimate is linearly interpolated to a daily time step (using zoo:na.spline()) and then constrained to >=0. In calculating ET, the input data
#' is pre-processed using Evapotranspiration::ReadInputs() such that missing days, missing enteries and abnormal values are interpolated
#' (by default) with the former two interpolated using the "DoY average", i.e. replacement with same day-of-the-year average. Additionally, when AWAP solar
#' radiation is required for the ET function, data is only available from 1/1/1990. To derive ET values <1990, the average solar radiation for each day of the year from
#' 1/1/990 to "extractTo" is derived (i.e. 365 values) and then applied to each day prior to 1990. Importantly, in this situation the estimates of ET <1990
#' are dependent upon the end date extracted. Re-running the estimation of ET with a later extractTo data will change the estimates of ET
#' prior to 1990.
#' Also, when "catchments" is points (not polygons), then the netCDF grids are interpolate using bilinear interpolation of
#' the closest 4 grid cells.
#' Lastly, data is extracted for all time points and no temporal infilling is undertaken if the grid cells are blank.
#' @param ncdfFilename is a full file name (as string) to the netCDF file.
#' @param ncdfSolarFilename is the full file name (as string) to the netCDF file.
#' @param extractFrom is a date string specifying the start date for data extraction. The default is \code{"1900-1-1"}.
#' @param extractTo is a date string specifying the end date for the data extraction. The default is today's date as YYYY-MM-DD.
#' @param getPrecip logical variable for extracting precipitation. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param getTmin logical variable for extracting Tmin. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param getTmax logical variable for extracting Tmax. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param getVprp logical variable for extracting vapour pressure. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param getSolarrad logical variable for extracting solar radiation. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param getET logical variable for calculating Morton's potential ET. Note, to calculate set \code{getTmin=T}, \code{getTmax=T},
#' \code{getVprp=T} and \code{getSolarrad=T}. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param DEM is either the full file name to a ESRI ASCII grid (as lat/long and using GDA94) or a raster class grid object. The DEM is used
#' for the calculation of Morton's PET. The Australian 9 second DEM can be loaded using \code{getDEM()}.
#' @param catchments is either the full file name to an ESRI shape file of points or polygons (latter assumed to be catchment boundaries) or a shape file
#' already imported using readShapeSpatial(). Either way the shape file must be in long/lat (i.e. not projected), use the ellipsoid GRS 80, and the first column should be a unique ID.
#' @param temporal.timestep character string for the time step of the output data. The options are \code{daily}, \code{weekly}, \code{monthly}, \code{quarterly},
#' \code{annual} or a user-defined index for, say, water-years (see \code{xts::period.apply}). The default is \code{daily}.
#' @param temporal.function.name character string for the function name applied to aggregate the daily data to \code{temporal.timestep}.
#' Note, NA values are not removed from the aggregation calculation. If this is required then consider writing your own function. The default is \code{mean}.
#' @param spatial.function.name character string for the function name applied to estimate the daily spatial spread in each variable. If \code{NA} or \code{""} and \code{catchments} is a polygon, then
#' the spatial data is returned. The default is \code{var}.
#' @param interpMethod character string defining the method for interpolating the gridded data (see \code{raster::extract}). The options are: \code{'simple'}, \code{'bilinear'} and \code{''}. The default
#' is \code{''}. This will set the interpolation to \code{'simple'} when \code{catchments} is a polygon(s) and to \code{'bilinear'} when \code{catchments} are points.
#' @param ET.function character string for the evapotranspiration function to be used. The methods that can be derived from the AWAP data are are \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ET.Abtew}},
#' \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ET.HargreavesSamani}}, \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ET.JensenHaise}}, \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ET.Makkink}}, \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ET.McGuinnessBordne}}, \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ET.MortonCRAE}} ,
#' \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ET.MortonCRWE}}, \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ET.Turc}}. Default is \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ET.MortonCRAE}}.
#' @param ET.Mortons.est character string for the type of Mortons Et estimate. For \code{ET.MortonCRAE}, the options are \code{potential ET},\code{wet areal ET} or \code{actual areal ET}.
#' For \code{ET.MortonCRWE}, the options are \code{potential ET} or \code{shallow lake ET}. The default is \code{potential ET}.
#' @param ET.Turc.humid logical variable for the Turc function using the humid adjustment.See \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ET.Turc}}. For now this is fixed at \code{F}.
#' @param ET.timestep character string for the evapotranpiration time step. Options are \code{daily}, \code{monthly}, \code{annual} but the options are dependent upon the chosen \code{ET.function}. The default is \code{monthly}.
#' @param ET.interp_missing_days T or F, indicating if missing days should be interpolated for PET calculation. Default is \code{T}. See \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ReadInputs}}
#' @param ET.interp_missing_entries T or F, indicating if missing data entries should be interpolated for PET calculation. Default is \code{T}. See \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ReadInputs}}
#' @param ET.interp_abnormal T or F, indicating if abnormal valuses should be interpolated for PET calculation. Default is \code{T}. See \code{\link[Evapotranspiration]{ReadInputs}}
#' @param ET.constants list of constants from Evapotranspiration package required for ET calculations. To get the data use the command \code{data(constants)}. Default is \code{list()}.
#' @return
#' When \code{catchments} are polygons and \code{spatial.function.name} is not \code{NA} or \code{""}, then the returned variable is a list variable containing two data.frames. The first is the areal aggreggated climate
#' metrics named \code{catchmentTemporal.} with a suffix as defined by \code{temporal.function.name}). The second is the measure of spatial variability
#' named \code{catchmentSpatial.} with a suffix as defined by \code{spatial.function.name}).
#' When \code{catchments} are polygons and \code{spatial.function.name} does equal \code{NA} or \code{""}, then the returned variable is a \code{sp::SpatialPixelsDataFrame} where the first colum is the catchment IDs
#' and the latter columns are the results for each variable at each time point as defined by \code{temporal.timestep}.
#' When \code{catchments} are points, the returned variable is a data.frame containing daily climate data at each point.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{makeNetCDF_file}} for building the NetCDF files of daily climate data.
#' @examples
#' # The example shows how to extract and save data.
#' # For an additional example see \url{https://github.com/peterson-tim-j/AWAPer/blob/master/README.md}
#' #---------------------------------------
#' library(sp)
#' # Set dates for building netCDFs and extracting data.
#' # Note, to reduce runtime this is done only a fortnight (14 days).
#' startDate = as.Date("2000-01-01","%Y-%m-%d")
#' endDate = as.Date("2000-01-14","%Y-%m-%d")
#' # Set names for netCDF files.
#' ncdfFilename = tempfile(fileext='.nc')
#' ncdfSolarFilename = tempfile(fileext='.nc')
#' # Build netCDF grids and over a defined time period.
#' # Only precip data is to be added to the netCDF files.
#' # This is because the URLs for the other variables are set to zero.
#' \donttest{
#' file.names = makeNetCDF_file(ncdfFilename=ncdfFilename,
#' ncdfSolarFilename=ncdfSolarFilename,
#' updateFrom=startDate, updateTo=endDate,
#' urlTmin=NA, urlTmax=NA, urlVprp=NA, urlSolarrad=NA)
#' # Load example catchment boundaries and remove all but the first.
#' # Note, this is done only to speed up the example runtime.
#' data("catchments")
#' catchments = catchments[1,]
#' # Extract daily precip. data (not Tmin, Tmax, VPD, ET).
#' # Note, the input "catchments" can also be a file to a ESRI shape file.
#' climateData = extractCatchmentData(ncdfFilename=file.names$ncdfFilename,
#' ncdfSolarFilename=file.names$ncdfSolarFilename,
#' extractFrom=startDate, extractTo=endDate,
#' getTmin = FALSE, getTmax = FALSE, getVprp = FALSE,
#' getSolarrad = FALSE, getET = FALSE,
#' catchments=catchments,
#' temporal.timestep = 'daily')
#' # Extract the daily catchment average data.
#' climateDataAvg = climateData$catchmentTemporal.mean
#' # Extract the daily catchment variance data.
#' climateDataVar = climateData$catchmentSpatial.var
#' }
#' @export
extractCatchmentData <- function(
extractFrom = as.Date("1900-01-01","%Y-%m-%d"),
extractTo = as.Date(Sys.Date(),"%Y-%m-%d"),
getPrecip = TRUE,
getTmin = TRUE,
getTmax = TRUE,
getVprp = TRUE,
getSolarrad = TRUE,
getET = TRUE,
temporal.timestep = 'daily',
temporal.function.name = 'mean',
spatial.function.name = 'var',
interpMethod = '',
ET.function = 'ET.MortonCRAE',
ET.Mortons.est = 'potential ET',
ET.timestep = 'monthly',
ET.constants=list()) {
# Open NetCDF grids
awap <- ncdf4::nc_open(ncdfFilename)
# Check if the required variable is within the netcdf file.
netCDF.variables = names(awap$var)
if (getTmin & !any(netCDF.variables=='tmin'))
stop('getTmin is true but the netCDF file was not built with tmin data. Rebuild the netCDF file.')
if (getTmax & !any(netCDF.variables=='tmax'))
stop('getTmax is true but the netCDF file was not built with tmax data. Rebuild the netCDF file.')
if (getVprp & !any(netCDF.variables=='vprp'))
stop('getVprp is true but the netCDF file was not built with vprp data. Rebuild the netCDF file.')
if (getPrecip & !any(netCDF.variables=='precip'))
stop('getPrecip is true but the netCDF file was not built with precip data. Rebuild the netCDF file.')
# Build time points to update
if (is.character(extractFrom))
extractFrom = as.Date(extractFrom,'%Y-%m-%d');
if (is.character(extractTo))
extractTo = as.Date(extractTo,'%Y-%m-%d');
if (extractFrom >= extractTo)
stop('The update dates are invalid. extractFrom must be prior to extractTo')
timepoints2Extract = seq( as.Date(extractFrom,'%Y-%m-%d'), by="day", to=as.Date(extractTo,'%Y-%m-%d'))
if (length(timepoints2Extract)==0)
stop('The dates to extract produce a zero vector of dates of zero length. Check the inputs dates are as YYYY-MM-DD')
# Check time step
temporal.timestep.options = c('daily','weekly','monthly','quarterly','annual', 'period')
if (!is.character(temporal.timestep)) {
if (!is.integer(temporal.timestep))
stop('temporal.timestep must be a character string or an integer vector.')
if (any(temporal.timestep<0 || temporal.timestep > length(timepoints2Extract)))
stop(paste('temporal.timestep must be a character string or an integer vector with values >0 and <= the maximum days of data extracted (ie',
temporal.timestep.index = temporal.timestep
temporal.timestep = 'period'
} else if (!any(which(temporal.timestep.options == temporal.timestep))) {
stop('temporal.timestep must be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual or an integer vector.')
# Check temporal analysis funcion is valid.
data.junk = t(as.matrix(stats::runif(100, 0.0, 1.0)*100))
result = tryCatch({
apply(data.junk, 1,FUN=temporal.function.name)
}, warning = function(w) {
message(paste("Warning temporal.function.name produced the following",w))
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste('temporal.function.name produced an error when applied using test data:',e))
}, finally = {
# Check ET inputs
if (getET) {
if (length(ET.constants)==0)
stop('ET.constants must be input from Evapotranspiration package using the command: data(constants)')
# Check the ET function is one of the accetable forms
ET.function.all =c('ET.Abtew', 'ET.HargreavesSamani', 'ET.JensenHaise','ET.Makkink', 'ET.McGuinnessBordne','ET.MortonCRAE' , 'ET.MortonCRWE','ET.Turc')
if (!any(ET.function == ET.function.all)) {
stop(paste('The ET.function must be one of the following:',ET.function.all))
# Check the ET function is one of the accetable forms
ET.timestep.all =c('daily', 'monthly', 'annual')
if (!any(ET.timestep == ET.timestep.all)) {
stop(paste('The ET.timestep must be one of the following:',ET.timestep.all))
# Check the appropriate time step is used.
if ( (ET.function == 'ET.MortonCRAE' || ET.function == 'ET.MortonCRWE') && ET.timestep=='daily' ) {
stop('The ET.timstep must be monthly or annual when using ET.MortonCRAE or ET.MortonCRWE')
# Build a data from of the inputs required for each ET function.
ET.inputdata.req = data.frame(ET.function=ET.function.all, Tmin=rep(F,length(ET.function.all)), Tmax=rep(F,length(ET.function.all)), va=rep(F,length(ET.function.all)), Rs=rep(F,length(ET.function.all)), Precip=rep(F,length(ET.function.all)) )
ET.inputdata.req[1,2:6] = c(T,T,F,T,F) #ET.Abtew
ET.inputdata.req[2,2:6] = c(T,T,F,F,F) #ET.HargreavesSamani
ET.inputdata.req[3,2:6] = c(T,T,F,T,F) #ET.JensenHaise
ET.inputdata.req[4,2:6] = c(T,T,F,T,F) #ET.Makkink
ET.inputdata.req[5,2:6] = c(T,T,F,F,F) #ET.McGuinnessBordne
ET.inputdata.req[6,2:6] = c(T,T,T,T,T) #ET.MortonCRAE
ET.inputdata.req[7,2:6] = c(T,T,T,T,T) #ET.MortonCRWE
ET.inputdata.req[8,2:6] = c(T,T,F,T,F) #ET.Turc
ind = which(ET.function == ET.function.all)
ET.inputdata.filt = ET.inputdata.req[ind,]
# Get list of required ET variable names
ET.var.names = colnames(ET.inputdata.filt)[2:6]
# If all required inputs are to be extracted for Mortions PET
if (ET.inputdata.filt$Tmin[1] && !getTmin)
stop('Calculation of ET for the given function requires extractions of tmin (i.e. set getTmin=T)')
if (ET.inputdata.filt$Tmax[1] && !getTmax)
stop('Calculation of ET for the given function requires extractions of tmax (i.e. set getTmax=T)')
if (ET.inputdata.filt$va[1] && !getVprp)
stop('Calculation of ET for the given function requires extractions of tmax (i.e. set getVprp=T)')
if (ET.inputdata.filt$Precip[1] && !getPrecip)
stop('Calculation of ET for the given function requires extractions of precip (i.e. set getPrecip=T)')
if (ET.inputdata.filt$Rs[1]) {
if (!file.exists(ncdfSolarFilename)) {
stop('The input ncdfSolarFilename is required for the selected ET function.')
if (!getSolarrad) {
stop('Calculation of ET for the given function requires extractions of solar radiation (i.e. set getSolarrad=T)')
# Checking the DEM
if (getET) {
if (is.character(DEM)) {
if (!file.exists(DEM))
stop(paste('The following input file for the DEM could not be found:',DEM))
# Read in DEM
DEM = sp::read.asciigrid(DEM, proj4string = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80"))
# Convert to Raster object
DEM = raster::raster(DEM)
} else if (!methods::is(DEM,"RasterLayer")) {
stop('The input for the DEM is not a raster layer object.')
# Open file with polygons
if (is.character(catchments)) {
if (!file.exists(catchments))
stop(paste('The following input file for the catchments could not be found:',catchments))
# Read in polygons
catchments = maptools::readShapeSpatial(catchments, force_ring=TRUE)
} else if (!methods::is(catchments,"SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") && !methods::is(catchments,"SpatialPointsDataFrame")) {
stop('The input for "catchments" must be a file name to a shape file or a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or a SpatialPointsDataFrame object.')
# Check projection of catchments
if (is.na(sp::proj4string(catchments))) {
message('WARNING: The projection string of the catchment boundaries is NA. Setting to +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80.')
sp::proj4string(catchments) = '+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80'
if (sp::proj4string(catchments) != '+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80') {
message('WARNING: The projection string of the catchment boundaries does not appear to be +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80. Attempting to transform coordinates...')
catchments = sp::spTransform(catchments,sp::CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80'))
# Check if catchments are points or a polygon.
if (methods::is(catchments,"SpatialPointsDataFrame")) {
# Check the interpolation method.
if (interpMethod!='' && interpMethod!='simple' && interpMethod!='bilinear') {
stop('The input for "interpMethod" must either "simple" or "bilinear".')
if (interpMethod=='') {
if (isCatchmentsPolygon) {
} else {
# Check if the spatial data should be returned or analysed.
if (isCatchmentsPolygon && is.na(spatial.function.name) || (is.character(spatial.function.name) && spatial.function.name=='')) {
if (do.spatial.analysis) {
# Check spatial analysis funcion is valid.
data.junk = t(as.matrix(stats::runif(100, 0.0, 1.0)*100))
result = tryCatch({
apply(data.junk, 1,FUN=spatial.function.name)
}, warning = function(w) {
message(paste("Warning spatial.function.name produced the following",w))
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste('spatial.function.name produced an error when applied using test data:',e))
}, finally = {
# Open solar rad netCDF file
if (getSolarrad)
awap_solar <- ncdf4::nc_open(ncdfSolarFilename)
# Get netCDF geometry
timePoints <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(awap, "time")
nTimePoints = length(timePoints);
Long <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(awap, "Long")
Lat <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(awap, "Lat")
if (getSolarrad) {
timePoints_solar <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(awap_solar, "time")
nTimePoints_solar = length(timePoints_solar);
Long_solar <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(awap_solar, "Long")
Lat_solar <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(awap_solar, "Lat")
# Convert the ncdf time to R time.
# This is achieved by spliting the time units string into fields.
# Adapted form http://geog.uoregon.edu/bartlein/courses/geog607/Rmd/netCDF_01.htm.
tunits <- ncdf4::ncatt_get(awap, "time", "units")
tustr <- strsplit(tunits$value, " ")
tdstr <- strsplit(unlist(tustr)[3], "-")
tmonth = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[2])
tday = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[3])
tyear = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[1])
timePoints_R = as.Date(chron::chron(timePoints, origin = c(month=tmonth, day=tday, year=tyear),format=c(dates = "y-m-d")));
if (getSolarrad) {
tunits <- ncdf4::ncatt_get(awap_solar, "time", "units")
tustr <- strsplit(tunits$value, " ")
tdstr <- strsplit(unlist(tustr)[3], "-")
tmonth = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[2])
tday = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[3])
tyear = as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[1])
timePoints_solar_R = as.Date(chron::chron(timePoints_solar, origin = c(tmonth, tday, tyear),format=c(dates = "y-m-d")));
# Write summary of Net CDF data.
message('Extraction data summary:');
message(paste(' NetCDF non-solar radiation climate data exists from ',format.Date(min(timePoints_R),'%Y-%m-%d'),' to ', format.Date(max(timePoints_R),'%Y-%m-%d')));
if (getSolarrad)
message(paste(' NetCDF solar radiation data exists from ',format.Date(min(timePoints_solar_R),'%Y-%m-%d'),' to ', format.Date(max(timePoints_solar_R),'%Y-%m-%d')));
# Limit the extraction time points to the data range
extractFrom = max(c(extractFrom,min(timePoints_R)));
if (getSolarrad) {
extractTo = min(c(extractTo,max(timePoints_R),max(timePoints_solar_R)));
} else {
extractTo = min(c(extractTo,max(timePoints_R)));
if (extractTo < extractFrom) {
stop('extractTo date is less than the extractFrom date.')
# Recalculate the time points to extract.
timepoints2Extract = seq( as.Date(extractFrom,'%Y-%m-%d'), by="day", to=as.Date(extractTo,'%Y-%m-%d'))
message(paste(' Data will be extracted from ',format.Date(extractFrom,'%Y-%m-%d'),' to ', format.Date(extractTo,'%Y-%m-%d'),' at ',length(catchments),' catchments '));
message('Starting data extraction:')
# Get one netCDF layer.
precipGrd = raster::raster(ncdfFilename, band=nTimePoints, varname='precip',lvar=3)
if (getSolarrad) {
solarGrd = raster::raster(ncdfSolarFilename, band=nTimePoints_solar, varname='solarrad',lvar=3)
# Build a matrix of catchment weights, lat longs, and a loopup table for each catchment.
message('... Building catchment weights');
if (isCatchmentsPolygon) {
w.all = c();
longLat.all = matrix(NA,0,2)
catchment.lookup = matrix(NA,length(catchments),2);
for (i in 1:length(catchments)) {
if (i%%10 ==0 ) {
message(paste(' ... Building weights for catchment ', i,' of ',length(catchments)));
# Extract the weights for grid cells within the catchments polygon.
# Note, the AWAP raster grid is cropped to the extent of the catchment polygon.
# This was undertaken to improve the run time performance but more importantly to overcome an error
# thrown by raster::rasterize when the raster is large (see https://github.com/rspatial/raster/issues/192).
# This solution should work when the catchments polygon is not very large (e.g. not a reasonable fraction of the
# Australian land mass)
w = raster::rasterize(x=catchments[i,], y=raster::crop(precipGrd, catchments[i,], snap='out'), fun='last',getCover=T)
# Extract the mask values (i.e. fraction of each grid cell within the polygon.
w2 = raster::getValues(w);
filt = w2>0
wLongLat = sp::coordinates(w)[filt,]
# Normalise the weights
w = w/sum(w);
# Add to data set of all catchments
if (length(w.all)==0) {
catchment.lookup[i,] = c(1,length(w));
w.all = w;
longLat.all = wLongLat;
} else {
catchment.lookup[i,] = c(length(w.all)+1,length(w.all)+length(w));
w.all = c(w.all, w)
longLat.all = rbind(longLat.all, wLongLat);
} else {
# For point data, set weights to 1 and coordinates from point locations
w.all = rep(1,length(catchments))
longLat.all = cbind(as.numeric(sp::coordinates(catchments)[,1]),as.numeric(sp::coordinates(catchments)[,2]))
catchment.lookup = cbind(seq(1,length(catchments),by=1),seq(1,length(catchments),by=1));
if (getSolarrad && getET) {
message('... Extracted DEM elevations.')
DEMpoints <- raster::extract(DEM, longLat.all)
if (any(is.na(DEMpoints))) {
warning('NA DEM values were derived. Please check the projections of the DEM and shape file.')
# Initialise the outputs
precip = matrix(NA,length(timepoints2Extract),length(w.all))
tmin = precip;
tmax = precip;
vprp = precip;
extractYear = c();
extractMonth = c();
extractDay = c();
# Initialise the outputs. NOTE: the matrix is initiliased to have the same
# number of rows as the non-solar data.
if (getSolarrad) {
solarrad = matrix(NA,length(timepoints2Extract),length(w.all))
extractYear_solar = c();
extractMonth_solar = c();
extractDay_solar = c();
message('... Starting to extract data across all catchments:')
for (j in 1:length(timepoints2Extract)){
# Find index to the date to update within the net CDF grid
ind = as.integer(difftime(timepoints2Extract[j], as.Date("1900-1-1",'%Y-%m-%d'),units = "days" ))+1
if (j%%(365*5) ==0 ) {
message(paste(' ... Extracting data for time point ', j,' of ',length(timepoints2Extract)));
if (getPrecip)
precip[j,1:length(w.all)] <- raster::extract(raster::raster(ncdfFilename, band=ind, varname='precip',lvar=3), longLat.all, method=interpMethod)
if (getTmin)
tmin[j,1:length(w.all)] <- raster::extract(raster::raster(ncdfFilename, band=ind, varname='tmin',lvar=3), longLat.all, method=interpMethod)
if (getTmax)
tmax[j,1:length(w.all)] <- raster::extract(raster::raster(ncdfFilename, band=ind, varname='tmax',lvar=3), longLat.all, method=interpMethod)
if (getVprp)
vprp[j,1:length(w.all)] <- raster::extract(raster::raster(ncdfFilename, band=ind, varname='vprp',lvar=3), longLat.all, method=interpMethod)
if (getPrecip) {
extractDate = raster::getZ(raster::raster(ncdfFilename, band=ind,lvar=3,varname='precip'))
} else if (getTmin) {
extractDate = raster::getZ(raster::raster(ncdfFilename, band=ind,lvar=3,varname='tmin'))
} else if (getTmax) {
extractDate = raster::getZ(raster::raster(ncdfFilename, band=ind,lvar=3,varname='tmax'))
} else if (getVprp) {
extractDate = raster::getZ(raster::raster(ncdfFilename, band=ind,lvar=3,varname='vprp'))
# Get date of extracted grid.
extractYear[j] = as.integer(format(as.Date(extractDate,'%Y-%m-%d'),'%Y'));
extractMonth[j] = as.integer(format(as.Date(extractDate,'%Y-%m-%d'),'%m'));
extractDay[j] = as.integer(format(as.Date(extractDate,'%Y-%m-%d'),'%d'));
# Extract the non-solar data
if (getSolarrad) {
# Find index to the date to update within the net CDF grid
ind = as.integer(difftime(timepoints2Extract[j], as.Date("1990-1-1",'%Y-%m-%d'),units = "days" ))+1
if (ind>0) {
# Get ncdf grid
solarrad[j,1:length(w.all)] <- raster::extract(raster::raster(ncdfSolarFilename, band=ind, varname='solarrad',lvar=3), longLat.all, method=interpMethod)
# Get date of extracted grid.
extractDate = raster::getZ(raster::raster(ncdfSolarFilename, band=ind,lvar=3, varname='solarrad'));
extractYear_solar[j] = as.integer(format(as.Date(extractDate,'%Y-%m-%d'),'%Y'));
extractMonth_solar[j] = as.integer(format(as.Date(extractDate,'%Y-%m-%d'),'%m'));
extractDay_solar[j] = as.integer(format(as.Date(extractDate,'%Y-%m-%d'),'%d'));
# Close netCDF connection
if (!getPrecip || !getTmin || !getTmax || !getVprp)
if (getSolarrad)
if (getSolarrad) {
# Set non-senible values to NA
solarrad[solarrad <0] = NA;
solarrad_interp = solarrad;
# Calculate the average dailysolar radiation for each day of the year.
message('... Calculating mean daily solar radiation <1990-1-1')
monthdayUnique = sort(unique(extractMonth*100+extractDay_solar));
day = as.integer(format(timepoints2Extract, "%d"));
month = as.integer(format(timepoints2Extract, "%m"));
monthdayAll = month*100+day;
solarrad_avg = matrix(NA, length(monthdayUnique), length(w.all));
for (j in 1:length(monthdayUnique)) {
ind = monthdayAll==monthdayUnique[j];
if (sum(ind)==1) {
solarrad_avg[j,] = solarrad[ind,];
} else {
if (ncol(solarrad)==1) {
solarrad_avg[j,] = mean(solarrad[ind,],na.rm=T)
} else {
solarrad_avg[j,] = apply(stats::na.omit(solarrad[ind,]),2,mean)
# Assign the daily average solar radiation to each day prior to 1 Jan 1990
for (j in 1:length(timepoints2Extract)) {
if (timepoints2Extract[j]<as.Date('1990-1-1','%Y-%m-%d')) {
ind = which(monthdayUnique==monthdayAll[j])
if (length(ind)==1) {
solarrad_interp[j,] = solarrad_avg[ind,]
# Linearly interpolate time points without a solar radiation value.
message('... Linearly interpolating gaps in daily solar.')
for (j in 1:length(w.all)) {
filt = is.na(solarrad_interp[,j])
x = 1:length(timepoints2Extract);
xpred = x[filt];
# Interpolate if any NAs
if (length(xpred)>0) {
x = x[!filt]
y = solarrad_interp[!filt,j]
# Interpolate if at least 2 non-NA obs.
if (length(y)>1) {
ypred=stats::approx(x,y,xpred,method='linear', rule=2)
solarrad_interp[filt,j] = ypred$y
# Loop though each catchment and calculate the catchment averager and variance.
if (getET) {
if (!exists('ET.constants') || !is.list(ET.constants))
stop('ET.constants is empty or not a list.')
message('... Calculating catchment weighted daily data.')
for (i in 1:length(catchments)) {
if (j%%100 ==0 ) {
message(paste(' ... Calculating catchment ', i,' of ',length(catchments)));
# Get the weights for the catchment
ind = catchment.lookup[i,1]:catchment.lookup[i,2]
w = w.all[ind]
# Calculate Morton's PET at each grid cell and time point. NOTE, va is divided by 10 to go from hPa to Kpa
if (getET) {
# Initialise outputa
mortAPET = matrix(NA,length(timepoints2Extract),length(ind))
# Loop through each grid cell
for (j in ind) {
if (k==1 || k%%25 ==0 ) {
message(paste(' ... Calculating PET for grid cell', k,' of ',length(w)));
# Check lat, Elev and precip are finite scalers.
if (any(!is.finite(precip[,j])) || !is.finite(DEMpoints[j]) || !is.finite(longLat.all[j,2])) {
message(paste('WARNING: Non-finite input values detected for catchment',i,' at grid cell',j))
message(paste(' Elevation value:' ,DEMpoints[j]))
message(paste(' Latitude value:' ,longLat.all[j,2]))
ind.nonfinite = which(!is.finite(precip[,j]))
if (length(ind.nonfinite)>0)
message(paste(' Precipiation nonfinite value (first):' ,precip[ind.nonfinite[1],j]))
mortAPET[,k] = NA;
# Build data from of daily climate data
dataRAW = data.frame(Year = as.integer(format.Date(timepoints2Extract,"%Y")), Month= as.integer(format.Date(timepoints2Extract,"%m")), Day= as.integer(format.Date(timepoints2Extract,"%d")),
Tmin=tmin[,j], Tmax=tmax[,j], Rs=solarrad_interp[,j], va=vprp[,j]/10.0, Precip=precip[,j])
# # Filter out columns not needed.
# if (!ET.inputdata.filt$Tmin)
# dataRAW$Tmin = NULL
# if (!ET.inputdata.filt$Tmax)
# dataRAW$Tmax = NULL
# if (!ET.inputdata.filt$Rs)
# dataRAW$Rs = NULL
# if (!ET.inputdata.filt$va)
# dataRAW$va = NULL
# if (!ET.inputdata.filt$Precip)
# dataRAW$Precip = NULL
# Convert to required format for ET package.
# Note, missing_method changed from NULL to "DoY average" because individual grid cells can be NA. eg
dataPP=Evapotranspiration::ReadInputs(ET.var.names ,dataRAW,constants=NA,stopmissing = c(99,99,99),
interp_missing_days=ET.interp_missing_days, interp_missing_entries=ET.interp_missing_entries, interp_abnormal=ET.interp_abnormal,
missing_method="DoY average", abnormal_method='DoY average', message = "no")
# Update constants for the site
constants$Elev = DEMpoints[j]
constants$lat = longLat.all[j,2]
constants$lat_rad = longLat.all[j,2]/180.0*pi
# Call ET package
if (ET.function=='ET.Abtew') {
results <- Evapotranspiration::ET.Abtew(dataPP, ET.constants, ts=ET.timestep,solar="data",AdditionalStats='no', message='no');
} else if(ET.function=='ET.HargreavesSamani') {
results <- Evapotranspiration::ET.HargreavesSamani(dataPP, ET.constants, ts=ET.timestep,AdditionalStats='no', message='no');
} else if(ET.function=='ET.JensenHaise') {
results <- Evapotranspiration::ET.JensenHaise(dataPP, ET.constants, ts=ET.timestep,solar="data",AdditionalStats='no', message='no');
} else if(ET.function=='ET.Makkink') {
results <- Evapotranspiration::ET.Makkink(dataPP, ET.constants, ts=ET.timestep,solar="data",AdditionalStats='no', message='no');
} else if(ET.function=='ET.McGuinnessBordne') {
results <- Evapotranspiration::ET.McGuinnessBordne(dataPP, ET.constants, ts=ET.timestep,AdditionalStats='no', message='no');
} else if(ET.function=='ET.MortonCRAE') {
results <- Evapotranspiration::ET.MortonCRAE(dataPP, ET.constants,est=ET.Mortons.est, ts=ET.timestep,solar="data",Tdew=FALSE, AdditionalStats='no', message='no');
} else if(ET.function=='ET.MortonCRWE') {
results <- Evapotranspiration::ET.MortonCRWE(dataPP, ET.constants,est=ET.Mortons.est, ts=ET.timestep,solar="data",Tdew=FALSE, AdditionalStats='no', message='no');
} else if(ET.function=='ET.Turc') {
results <- Evapotranspiration::ET.Turc(dataPP, ET.constants, ts=ET.timestep,solar="data",humid=F, AdditionalStats='no', message='no');
# Interpolate monthly or annual data
if (ET.timestep=='monthly' || ET.timestep=='annual') {
# Get the last day of each month
last.day.month = zoo::as.Date(zoo::as.yearmon(stats::time(results$ET.Monthly)), frac = 1)
# Get days per month
days.per.month = as.integer(format.Date(zoo::as.Date(zoo::as.yearmon(stats::time(results$ET.Monthly)), frac = 1),'%d'))
# Set the first month to the start date for extraction.
start.day.month = as.numeric(format(timepoints2Extract,"%d"))[1]
days.per.month[1] = days.per.month[1] - start.day.month + 1
# Set the last month to the end date for extraction.
end.day.month = as.numeric(format(timepoints2Extract,"%d"))[length(timepoints2Extract)]
days.per.month[length(days.per.month)] = end.day.month
# Calculate average ET per day of each month
monthly.ET.as.daily = zoo::zoo( as.numeric(results$ET.Monthly/days.per.month), last.day.month)
# Spline interpolate Monthly average ET
timepoints2Extract.as.zoo = zoo::zoo(NA,timepoints2Extract);
mortAPET.tmp = zoo::na.approx(merge(monthly.ET.as.daily, dates=timepoints2Extract.as.zoo)[, 1], rule=2)
filt = stats::time(mortAPET.tmp)>=stats::start(timepoints2Extract.as.zoo) & stats::time(mortAPET.tmp)<=stats::end(timepoints2Extract.as.zoo)
mortAPET.tmp = pmax(0.0, as.numeric( mortAPET.tmp));
mortAPET.tmp = mortAPET.tmp[filt]
mortAPET[,k] = mortAPET.tmp;
} else {
mortAPET[,k] = results$ET.Daily
# Calculate catchment stats and add data to the data.frame for all catchments
extractDate = ISOdate(year=extractYear,month=extractMonth,day=extractDay)
# Do the temporal aggregation
precip.xts = NA
tmin.xts = NA
tmax.xts = NA
vprp.xts = NA
solarrad.xts = NA
solarrad_interp.xts = NA
ET.xts = NA
if (getPrecip) {
precip.xts = xts::as.xts(precip[,ind], order.by=extractDate)
precip.xts <-
which(temporal.timestep.options == temporal.timestep),
precip.xts, # daily timestep - do nothing
xts::apply.weekly(precip.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # weekly timestep
xts::apply.monthly(precip.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # monthly timestep
xts::apply.quarterly(precip.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # quarterly timestep
xts::apply.yearly(precip.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # annual timestep
xts::period.apply(precip.xts, INDEX=temporal.timestep.index, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # user defined period
if (getTmin) {
tmin.xts = xts::as.xts(tmin[,ind], order.by=extractDate)
tmin.xts <-
which(temporal.timestep.options == temporal.timestep),
tmin.xts, # daily timestep - do nothing
xts::apply.weekly(tmin.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # weekly timestep
xts::apply.monthly(tmin.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # monthly timestep
xts::apply.quarterly(tmin.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # quarterly timestep
xts::apply.yearly(tmin.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # annual timestep
xts::period.apply(tmin.xts, INDEX=temporal.timestep.index, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # user defined period
if (getTmax) {
tmax.xts = xts::as.xts(tmax[,ind], order.by=extractDate)
tmax.xts <-
which(temporal.timestep.options == temporal.timestep),
tmax.xts, # daily timestep - do nothing
xts::apply.weekly(tmax.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # weekly timestep
xts::apply.monthly(tmax.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # monthly timestep
xts::apply.quarterly(tmax.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # quarterly timestep
xts::apply.yearly(tmax.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # annual timestep
xts::period.apply(tmax.xts, INDEX=temporal.timestep.index, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # user defined period
if (getVprp) {
vprp.xts = xts::as.xts(vprp[,ind], order.by=extractDate)
vprp.xts <-
which(temporal.timestep.options == temporal.timestep),
vprp.xts, # daily timestep - do nothing
xts::apply.weekly(vprp.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # weekly timestep
xts::apply.monthly(vprp.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # monthly timestep
xts::apply.quarterly(vprp.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # quarterly timestep
xts::apply.yearly(vprp.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # annual timestep
xts::period.apply(vprp.xts, INDEX=temporal.timestep.index, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # user defined period
if (getSolarrad) {
solarrad.xts = xts::as.xts(solarrad[,ind], order.by=extractDate)
solarrad.xts <-
which(temporal.timestep.options == temporal.timestep),
solarrad.xts, # daily timestep - do nothing
xts::apply.weekly(solarrad.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # weekly timestep
xts::apply.monthly(solarrad.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # monthly timestep
xts::apply.quarterly(solarrad.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # quarterly timestep
xts::apply.yearly(solarrad.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # annual timestep
xts::period.apply(solarrad.xts, INDEX=temporal.timestep.index, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # user defined period
solarrad_interp.xts = xts::as.xts(solarrad_interp[,ind], order.by=extractDate)
solarrad_interp.xts <-
which(temporal.timestep.options == temporal.timestep),
solarrad_interp.xts, # daily timestep - do nothing
xts::apply.weekly(solarrad_interp.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # weekly timestep
xts::apply.monthly(solarrad_interp.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # monthly timestep
xts::apply.quarterly(solarrad_interp.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # quarterly timestep
xts::apply.yearly(solarrad_interp.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # annual timestep
xts::period.apply(solarrad_interp.xts, INDEX=temporal.timestep.index, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # user defined period
if (getET) {
ET.xts = xts::as.xts(mortAPET, order.by=extractDate)
ET.xts <-
which(temporal.timestep.options == temporal.timestep),
ET.xts, # daily timestep - do nothing
xts::apply.weekly(ET.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # weekly timestep
xts::apply.monthly(ET.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # monthly timestep
xts::apply.quarterly(ET.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # quarterly timestep
xts::apply.yearly(ET.xts, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # annual timestep
xts::period.apply(ET.xts, INDEX=temporal.timestep.index, apply, 2, temporal.function.name), # user defined period
# Determine the number of time steps (for creation of the output)
if (xts::is.xts(precip.xts)) {
} else if (xts::is.xts(tmin.xts)) {
} else if (xts::is.xts(tmax.xts)) {
} else if (xts::is.xts(vprp.xts)) {
} else if (xts::is.xts(solarrad.xts)) {
} else if (xts::is.xts(ET.xts)) {
nTimeSteps = length(timesteps)
# Do spatial aggregation if a spatial function is provided. If spatial aggregation
# is not required, then build up a data.frame (each time step and data type as one column)
# for latter conversion to a spatial object.
if (do.spatial.analysis) {
# Create data frame for final results
catchmentAvgTmp = data.frame(CatchmentID=catchments[i,1],year=as.integer(format(timesteps,"%Y")) ,month=as.integer(format(timesteps,"%m")),day=as.integer(format(timesteps,"%d")),row.names = NULL);
catchmentVarTmp = catchmentAvgTmp
# Check if there are enough grid cells to calculate the variance.
calcVariance = F;
if (length(ind)>1)
calcVariance = T;
# Do spatial aggregation using grid cell weights
if (getPrecip) {
catchmentAvgTmp$precip_mm = apply(t(t(precip.xts) * w),1,sum,na.rm=TRUE)
if (calcVariance) {
catchmentVarTmp$precip_mm = apply(precip.xts,1,spatial.function.name,na.rm=TRUE);
} else {
catchmentVarTmp$precip_mm = NA;
if (getTmin) {
catchmentAvgTmp$Tmin = apply(t(t(tmin.xts) * w),1,sum,na.rm=TRUE);
if (calcVariance) {
catchmentVarTmp$Tmin = apply(tmin.xts,1,spatial.function.name,na.rm=TRUE);
} else {
catchmentVarTmp$Tmin = NA;
if (getTmax) {
catchmentAvgTmp$Tmax = apply(t(t(tmax.xts) * w),1,sum,na.rm=TRUE);
if (calcVariance) {
catchmentVarTmp$Tmax = apply(tmax.xts,1,spatial.function.name,na.rm=TRUE);
} else {
catchmentVarTmp$Tmax = NA;
if (getVprp) {
catchmentAvgTmp$vprp = apply(t(t(vprp.xts) * w),1,sum,na.rm=TRUE);
if (calcVariance) {
catchmentVarTmp$vprp = apply(vprp.xts,1,spatial.function.name,na.rm=TRUE);
} else {
catchmentVarTmp$vprp = NA;
if (getSolarrad) {
catchmentAvgTmp$solarrad = apply(t(t(solarrad.xts) * w),1,sum,na.rm=TRUE);
catchmentAvgTmp$solarrad_interp = apply(t(t(solarrad_interp.xts) * w),1,sum,na.rm=TRUE);
if (calcVariance) {
catchmentVarTmp$solarrad = apply(solarrad.xts,1,spatial.function.name,na.rm=TRUE);
catchmentVarTmp$solarrad_interp = apply(solarrad_interp.xts,1,spatial.function.name,na.rm=TRUE);
} else {
catchmentVarTmp$solarrad = NA;
catchmentVarTmp$solarrad_interp = NA;
if (getET) {
catchmentAvgTmp$ET_mm = apply(t(t(ET.xts) * w),1,sum,na.rm=TRUE);
if (calcVariance) {
catchmentVarTmp$ET_mm = apply(ET.xts,1,spatial.function.name,na.rm=TRUE);
} else {
catchmentVarTmp$ET_mm = NA;
} else {
# Do not undertake spatial aggregation. Instead collate
# results for each grid cell.
nGridCells = catchment.lookup[i,2] - catchment.lookup[i,1] +1
catchmentAvgTmp = data.frame(CatchmentID=rep(catchments@data[i,1],nGridCells))
catchmentVar = NA
if (getPrecip) {
newDataCol = as.data.frame(t(precip.xts))
colnames(newDataCol) = paste('Precip',format.Date(colnames(newDataCol),'%Y_%m_%d'),sep='_')
catchmentAvgTmp = cbind.data.frame(catchmentAvgTmp, newDataCol)
if (getTmin) {
newDataCol = as.data.frame(t(tmin.xts))
colnames(newDataCol) = paste('Tmin',format.Date(colnames(newDataCol),'%Y_%m_%d'),sep='_')
catchmentAvgTmp = cbind.data.frame(catchmentAvgTmp, newDataCol)
if (getTmax) {
newDataCol = as.data.frame(t(tmax.xts))
colnames(newDataCol) = paste('Tmax',format.Date(colnames(newDataCol),'%Y_%m_%d'),sep='_')
catchmentAvgTmp = cbind.data.frame(catchmentAvgTmp, newDataCol)
if (getVprp) {
newDataCol = as.data.frame(t(vprp.xts))
colnames(newDataCol) = paste('vprp',format.Date(colnames(newDataCol),'%Y_%m_%d'),sep='_')
catchmentAvgTmp = cbind.data.frame(catchmentAvgTmp, newDataCol)
if (getSolarrad) {
newDataCol = as.data.frame(t(solarrad.xts))
colnames(newDataCol) = paste('solarrad',format.Date(colnames(newDataCol),'%Y_%m_%d'),sep='_')
catchmentAvgTmp = cbind.data.frame(catchmentAvgTmp, newDataCol)
newDataCol = as.data.frame(t(solarrad_interp.xts))
colnames(newDataCol) = paste('solarrad_interp',format.Date(colnames(newDataCol),'%Y_%m_%d'),sep='_')
catchmentAvgTmp = cbind.data.frame(catchmentAvgTmp, newDataCol)
if (getET) {
newDataCol = as.data.frame(t(ET.xts))
colnames(newDataCol) = paste('ET_mm',format.Date(colnames(newDataCol),'%Y_%m_%d'),sep='_')
catchmentAvgTmp = cbind(catchmentAvgTmp, newDataCol)
if (i==1) {
catchmentAvg = catchmentAvgTmp;
if (do.spatial.analysis) {
catchmentVar = catchmentVarTmp;
} else {
catchmentAvg = rbind(catchmentAvg,catchmentAvgTmp)
if (do.spatial.analysis) {
catchmentVar = rbind(catchmentVar,catchmentVarTmp)
# end for-loop
if (isCatchmentsPolygon) {
if (do.spatial.analysis) {
catchmentAvg = list(catchmentAvg, catchmentVar)
names(catchmentAvg) = c(paste('catchmentTemporal.',temporal.function.name,sep=''), paste('catchmentSpatial.',spatial.function.name,sep=''))
} else {
# Convert data to a spatial grid (SpatialPixelsDataFrame)
gridCoords = data.frame(Long=longLat.all[,1], Lat=longLat.all[,2])
catchmentAvg = cbind.data.frame(gridCoords, catchmentAvg)
sp::coordinates(catchmentAvg) <- ~Long+Lat
sp::gridded(catchmentAvg) <- T
message('Data extraction FINISHED..')
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