
#' Simulate Lineages
#' Given a collection of lineages, all of the same genotype,
#' sample from their locations across previous generations,
#' given the entire set of reproductive numbers in those generation.
#' @param lineages A two-column matrix with columns labeled 'location' and 'genotype'.
#' @param gens A list as returned by \code{simulate_pop(...,return=everything=TRUE)}.
#' @param num.alleles A vector giving the number of alleles of the type followed in each genotype.
#' @param demog The demography object that contains migration matrices used to make the simulation.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to \code{lineage_generation()}.
#' @export
#' @return An array of dimensions \code{c(dim(lineages),length(gens$times))}, 
#' in the SAME order as gens$times, so that if x is the output,
#'   x[,,1] records lineage locations at the *most distant* time,
#'   x[,1,1] gives the index of the spatial locations, and
#'   x[,2,1] gives the index of the genotypes of the lineages.
#' See plot_lineages for how to recover coordinates of the lineages.
simulate_lineages <- function (lineages, gens, num.alleles, demog, ...) {
    if (length(gens$gens)!=length(gens$times)) {
        stop("Don't have 'gens' information: need to simulate with return.everything=TRUE.")
    N <- gens$N[,,dim(gens$N)[3]]
    dim(N) <- dim(gens$N)[1:2]
    out <- array( dim=c(dim(lineages),length(gens$times)) )
    out[,,length(gens$times)] <- last.lins <- lineages
    for (k in rev(seq_along(gens$gens)[-1])) {
        N[] <- N + gens$gens[[k]]$death - gens$gens[[k]]$germination
        last.lins[] <- out[,,k-1] <- lineage_generation( 
                                              demog=demog, ... )

#' Plot Lineages on a Map
#' Plot the path traced out by lineages on the habitat of the corresponding population.
#' @param lineages An array indexed by (lineage,location-or-genotype,time).
#' @param pop A population object.
#' @param cols A vector of colors.
#' @param plot Do the plot? Otherwise, just compute coordinates.
#' @param ... Other parameters to pass to \code{arrows()}.
#' @export
#' @return Invisibly returns an array of lineage locations, with dimensions indexed
#' by (lineage, time, (x,y)) .
plot_lineages <- function (
                           plot=TRUE, ...) {
    lin.locs <- xyFromCell(pop$habitat,which(pop$habitable)[lineages[,1,]])
    dim(lin.locs) <- c( dim(lineages)[c(1,3)], 2 )
    if (plot) {
        if ((length(unique(as.vector(lin.locs[,,1])))==1)||(length(unique(as.vector(lin.locs[,,2])))==1)) {
            # one-dimensional
            lxt <- if (length(unique(as.vector(lin.locs[,,2])))==1) { lin.locs[,,1] } else { lin.locs[,,2] }
            matplot( t(lxt), type='l', xlab='time', ylab='spatial location', ... )
        } else {
            plot(pop$habitat, ...)
            for (k in 1:nrow(lin.locs)) {
                now.locs <- lin.locs[k,-1,]
                parent.locs <- lin.locs[k,-dim(lin.locs)[2],]
                do.arrows <- ( rowSums( abs(now.locs-parent.locs) )>0 )
                suppressWarnings( arrows( x0=now.locs[do.arrows,1], x1=parent.locs[do.arrows,1], 
                           y0=now.locs[do.arrows,2], y1=parent.locs[do.arrows,2], 
                           length=0.05, col=cols[k] ) )
petrelharp/landsim documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:53 a.m.