
## Import Tab ------------------------------------------------------------------

# - init from files or load an annotation (init implicitely checks validity, load doesn't)
#   in case of error in the creation/loading function, the app is stopped with an error message
# - does a valid check to return a success bar (or error bar)
# - show created/loaded annotation on screen

## Generate/Load data on trigger (store 'annotation' in a reactiveValue, depending on input button pressed)
# check input but doesn't validate inputs

# Default annotation as reactiveValue
values <- reactiveValues(annotation = NULL, failures = NULL, featNmeList = NULL, spectraMetadataCol = NULL, filename = NULL)

# New annotation
observeEvent(input$triggerImportNewAnnotation, {
  # only if the right button is clicked
  if(input$triggerImportNewAnnotation != 0) {
    # catch the errors in the import functions and kill the app
    res_data <- tryCatch({
      # deal with spectraPaths and spectraMetadata
      spectraInfo <- spectraPaths_and_metadata_UI_helper(spectraPaths = input$spectraPaths$datapath,
                                                         spectraMetadataPath = input$spectraPathsWithMetadata$datapath)
      # create annotation
      initialise_annotation_from_files_UI_helper(CSVParamPath = input$CSVParamPath$datapath,
                                                 spectraPaths = spectraInfo$spectra,
                                                 cpdMetadataPath = input$cpdMetadataPath$datapath,
                                                 spectraMetadata = spectraInfo$meta,
                                                 verbose = FALSE)
    error = function(e) {

    # valid_peakPantheRAnnotation() is part of annotation creation
    values$annotation <- res_data

    ## Need to add metadata needed later
    # Set a list of feature name for later use
    values$featNmeList        <- paste(peakPantheR::cpdID(values$annotation), peakPantheR::cpdName(values$annotation), sep=' - ')
    names(values$featNmeList) <- seq_len(length(values$featNmeList))
    # Set a list of spectraMetadata columns (+ None)
    tmp_splCol                <- c(list('None'), colnames(peakPantheR::spectraMetadata(values$annotation)))
    values$spectraMetadataCol <- tmp_splCol
    # Set a list of filename (sample list)
    values$filename           <- peakPantheR::filename(values$annotation)

  } # end if
})  # end New Annotation

# Load annotation
observeEvent(input$triggerLoadPreviousAnnotation, {
  # only if the right button is clicked
  if(input$triggerLoadPreviousAnnotation!=0) {
    # catch the errors in the import functions and kill the app
    res_data <- tryCatch({
      load_annotation_from_file_UI_helper(annotationPath = input$pathAnnotation$datapath)
    error = function(e) {

    # no validation on load (cannot guarantee annotation is valid)
    values$annotation <- res_data

    ## Need to add metadata needed later
    # Set a list of feature name for later use
    values$featNmeList        <- paste(peakPantheR::cpdID(values$annotation), peakPantheR::cpdName(values$annotation), sep=' - ')
    names(values$featNmeList) <- seq_len(length(values$featNmeList))
    # Set a list of spectraMetadata columns (+ None)
    tmp_splCol                <- c(list('None'), colnames(peakPantheR::spectraMetadata(values$annotation)))
    values$spectraMetadataCol <- tmp_splCol
    # Set a list of filename (sample list)
    values$filename           <- peakPantheR::filename(values$annotation)

  } # end if
})  # end Load Annotation

## Check Import/Load are a success
# value for success
importSuccess <- reactive({
  # return 'no' until a trigger button is clicked
  if(input$triggerImportNewAnnotation == 0 & input$triggerLoadPreviousAnnotation == 0) { return('no')} # import not clicked

    # use a validObject as check to stop having a 'yes' in case of problems
    # if error raised during import, could have a values$annotation that exist (NULL) and validObject(NULL) is TRUE... so check it's a peakPantheRAnnotation
    if( isTRUE(validObject(values$annotation, test=TRUE)) & is(values$annotation, 'peakPantheRAnnotation') ) {

    # not valid, return 'no'.
    # If it isn't a peakPantheRAnnotation, the app is killed with the error raised in the loading part (ordering is out of our control)
    # If it is an annotation, it is killed here
    } else {
      if(is(values$annotation, 'peakPantheRAnnotation')) {
        stopApp( paste('Error:', validObject(values$annotation, test=TRUE)))

# success/failure UI
output$resultImportCheck <- renderUI({
  if(importSuccess()=='no') {
    # not imported yet
    if(input$triggerImportNewAnnotation == 0 & input$triggerLoadPreviousAnnotation == 0) {
    # import control failed
    } else {
          HTML("<div class=\"alert alert-dismissible alert-danger\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</button><h4 style=\"font-weight:bold\">Error</h4>Check input data</div>")
  # import is successful
  } else if(importSuccess()=='yes') {
      HTML("<div class=\"alert alert-dismissible alert-success\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</button><h4 style=\"font-weight:bold\">Success</h4>Input data generated</div>")

## Show imported annotation
output$showImportResult <- renderUI({
  # not imported yet or failed
  if(importSuccess()=='no') {
      if(input$triggerImportNewAnnotation == 0 & input$triggerLoadPreviousAnnotation == 0) { return() }

  # import is successful
  } else if(importSuccess()=='yes') {
    # Capture the annotation shown and split by line into a list
    tmp_text <- utils::capture.output(show(values$annotation))
    tmp_text <- strsplit(tmp_text, '\n')
    # render the panel
      h4(HTML("Created/Imported <em>peakPantheRAnnotation</em>:"), style="color:#3e648d;font-weight:bold"),
      # preformatted text, pass the arguments as a list (shiny doesn't accept '\n' in character for print)$pre, tmp_text )

# Conditional panels control (next tab)
output$importDone <- renderText({
  if( importSuccess()=='yes' ) { 'yes' } else { 'no' }
phenomecentre/peakPantheR documentation built on Feb. 29, 2024, 9:07 p.m.