
test_that("tnrs_match.phylo works", {
  # phy <- tt
  phy <- ape::rcoal(10, tip.label = c(
    "Homo sapiens",
    "Felis silvestris",
    "*tip #6 not mapped to OTT. Original label - Homo sapiens",
    "*tip #7 not mapped to OTT. Original label - Homi sappiens",
    "*tip #8 not mapped to OTT. Original label - Felix sylvestris",
    "*tip #9 not mapped to OTT. Original label - Ave",
    "*tip #10 not mapped to OTT. Original label - Eukarya"
  # start of clean_ott_chronogram functions
  # phy.ori <- phy
  phy <- datelife:::phylo_tiplabel_underscore_to_space(phy)
  unmapped.taxa <- unique(c(which(nchar(phy$tip.label) <= 2), which(grepl("not.mapped", phy$tip.label)))) # numeric of indices
  phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa] <- sub(".*-.", "", phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa]) # this gets the original label and gets rid of the not.mapped tag
  phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa] <- gsub("aff ", "", phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa]) # removes aff tag
  phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa][stringr::str_count(phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa], " ") >= 2] <- gsub("^([^ ]* [^ ]*) .*$", "\\1", phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa][stringr::str_count(phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa], " ") >= 2])
  tipstodrop <- c()
  cond <- match(unique(phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa]), phy$tip.label[-unmapped.taxa])
  if (any(!is.na(cond))) {
    mm <- match(phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa], unique(phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa])[!is.na(cond)])
    tipstodrop <- c(tipstodrop, unmapped.taxa[!is.na(mm)])
    unmapped.taxa <- unmapped.taxa[is.na(mm)] # update unmapped.taxa object (removing taxa in mapped tips that are duplicated in unmapped.taxa, preventing unnecesary calls for tnrs_match_names)
  dd <- duplicated(phy$tip.label[unmapped.taxa])
  tipstodrop <- c(tipstodrop, unmapped.taxa[dd])
  unmapped.taxa <- unmapped.taxa[!dd] # update unmapped.taxa object (by removing duplicated labels within unmapped.taxa)
  # end of clean_ott_chronogram function
  phy2 <- tnrs_match(phy, tip = unmapped.taxa)
  expect_true(all(c("edge", "edge.length", "tip.label", "Nnode", "mapped", "original.tip.label", "ott_ids") %in% names(phy2)))
  expect_true(all(phy2$original.tip.label == phy$tip.label))
  expect_true(all(grep("original", phy2$mapped) == which(is.na(phy2$ott_ids))))
  # # test that ott_ids element generation is ok:
  # skip("check ott_id problems_500")  # read.csv always gives an error with check()
  # rr <- read.csv(file = "data-raw/ott_id_problems_500.csv", row.names = 1)
  # tt <- xx$trees[[grep(rr$study.id[1], unlist(xx$studies))]] # get the first tree with ott_ids download problem
  # length(tt$ott_ids)
  # is.null(tt$ott_ids)

test_that("tnrs_match and clean_tnrs works", {
  tnrs <- tnrs_match(input = c("cetaceae", "felis"), reference_taxonomy = "otl")
  # tnrs_match processes input with rotl::tnrs_match_names function by batches, so it won't choke
  df <- clean_tnrs(tnrs)
  tnrs <- tnrs_match(input = c("carduelis tristis"), reference_taxonomy = "otl")
  df <- clean_tnrs(tnrs)
  tnrs <- tnrs_match(input = c("cetaceae", "felis", "lukeskywalker"), reference_taxonomy = "otl")
  # tnrs_match processes input with rotl::tnrs_match_names function by batches, so it won't choke
  df <- clean_tnrs(tnrs, remove_nonmatches = TRUE)
  expect_true(nrow(df) == 2)

test_that("extract_ott_ids works", {
  extract_ott_ids(x = canis_taxonomy$tip_label)
phylotastic/datelife documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:50 p.m.