
Defines functions clhs.data.frame

Documented in clhs.data.frame

#' @include clhs-internal.R
#' @rdname clhs
#' @method clhs data.frame
#' @importFrom stats quantile runif 
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom plyr alply
#' @noRd
#' @export
clhs.data.frame <- function(
  x, # data.frame
  size, # Number of samples you want
  must.include = NULL, # row index of data that must be in the final sample
  can.include = NULL, # Indexes from which sampling is allowed
  cost = NULL, # Number or name of the attribute used as a cost
  iter = 10000, # Number of iterations
  use.cpp = TRUE, # use C++ code for metropolis-hasting loop?
  temp = 1, # initial temperature
  tdecrease = 0.95, # temperature decrease rate
  weights = list(numeric = 1, factor = 1, correlation = 1), # weight for continuous data , weight for correlation among data, weight for object data
  eta = 1,
  obj.limit = -Inf, # Stopping criterion
  length.cycle = 10, # Number of cycles done at each constant temperature value
  simple = TRUE, # only return selected indices (if false, return a more complex S3 object)
  progress = TRUE, # progress bar,
  track = NULL, # just to have the cost computed without having it guiding the process
  use.coords = FALSE, # ignored by the `data.frame` method.
  ... # ignored
) {
  ##check input
  if (tdecrease >= 1) stop("tdecrease should be < 1")
  if(!is.null(can.include) & !use.cpp) warning("can.include is not implemented in the R version and will be ignored")
  include <- must.include
  # Unless restricted by can.include, all the rows in x can potentially be sampled
    can.include <- 1:nrow(x)
  if (!is.null(include)) {
    if (size <= length(include)) {
      stop(paste0("size (", size, ") should be larger than length of include (", length(include), ")"))
  # C++ version
  if (use.cpp) {
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
    if (is.null(cost)) {
      costVec <- rep(0,5)
      costFlag <- FALSE
    } else {
      if (is.numeric(cost)) i_cost <- cost
      else i_cost <- which(names(x) == cost)
      if (!length(i_cost)) stop("Could not find the cost attribute.") 
      costVec <- x[, i_cost, drop = T]
      costVec[is.infinite(costVec)] <- 1000
      x <- x[, -i_cost]
      costFlag <- TRUE
    areFactors <- FALSE
    i_factor <- which(!sapply(x, is.numeric))
    n_factor <- length(i_factor)
    if (n_factor > 0) {
      areFactors <- TRUE
      data_continuous <- x[, -1*i_factor, drop = FALSE]
      data_factor <- x[, i_factor, drop = FALSE]
      # for(i in 1:ncol(data_factor)){
      #   data_factor[,i] <- as.numeric(as.factor(data_factor[,i]))
      # }
      data_factor <- apply(data_factor, 2, function(x) as.numeric(as.factor(x)))
      data <- as.matrix(cbind(data_factor, data_continuous))
      factIdx <- 1:n_factor
      ncont <- ncol(data_continuous)
    } else {
      data <- as.matrix(x)
      factIdx <- 1:5 # why five??
      ncont <- ncol(data)
      data_continuous <- x
    if (length(eta) == 1) {
      eMat <- matrix(data = eta, nrow = size, ncol = ncont)
    } else {
      etaDim <- dim(eta)
      if (!all(c(size, ncont) == etaDim)){
        stop("eta matrix is incorrect dimension")
      } else {
        eMat <- eta
    continuous_strata <- apply(
      function(x) {
        quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, length.out = size + 1), na.rm = TRUE)
      dat <- data
      inc <- dat[0,]
      ssize <- size
    } else{
      dat <- data[-include,]
      inc <- data[include,,drop = FALSE] ##keep as matrix if just one row
      ssize <- size - length(include)
      can.include <- 1:nrow(dat)
    can.include <- can.include - 1 # convert to zero based for C
    res <- CppLHS(xA = dat, cost = costVec, strata = continuous_strata, include = inc, idx = can.include,
                  factors = areFactors, i_fact = factIdx-1, nsample = ssize, cost_mode = costFlag, iter = iter,
                  wCont = weights$numeric, wFact = weights$factor, wCorr = weights$correlation, etaMat = eMat,
                  temperature = temp, tdecrease = tdecrease, length_cycle = length.cycle)
    res$index_samples <- res$index_samples + 1 ##fix indexing difference
      res$index_samples <- c(res$index_samples,include)
    res$sampled_data <- x[res$index_samples,]
    if (simple) res <- res$index_samples
    else {
      # Making up the object to be returned
      class(res) = c("cLHS_result","list")
    ## No cost taking into account during optimisation
    if (is.null(cost)) {
      cost_mode <- FALSE
      if (!is.null(track)) {
        ## Track mode: tracking cost (without taking it into account during optimisation)
        # Get the id of the column used as a cost attribute
        if (is.numeric(track)) i_cost <- track
        else i_cost <- which(names(x) == track)
        # Get cost attribute column 
        cost <- x[ , i_cost, drop = FALSE]
        # Remove cost attribute from attribute table
        x <- x[, -1*i_cost, drop = FALSE]
        # Flags
        cost_mode <- TRUE
        track_mode <- TRUE
      } else { 
        ## No cost tracking, just plain optimisation of attributes
        track_mode <- FALSE
    } else {
      ## Cost is taken into account for optimisation
      # Get the id of the column used as a cost attribute
      if (is.numeric(cost)) i_cost <- cost
      else i_cost <- which(names(x) == cost)
      if (!length(i_cost)) stop("Could not find the cost attribute.") 
      # Get cost attribute column 
      cost <- x[ , i_cost, drop = FALSE]
      # Remove cost attribute from attribute table
      x <- x[, -1*i_cost, drop = FALSE]
      # Si include, cost is 0
      if (!is.null(include)) {
        cost[include, ] <- 0
      # Flags
      cost_mode <- TRUE
      track_mode <- FALSE # cost is taken into account, therefore computed
    # Detection of any factor data
    i_factor <- which(!sapply(x, is.numeric))
    n_factor <- length(i_factor)
    if (n_factor > 0) {
      data_continuous <- x[, -1*i_factor, drop = FALSE]
      data_factor <- x[, i_factor, drop = FALSE]
      # Creating a list storing the levels of each factor
      factor_levels <- apply(data_factor, 2, function(x) {
        ifelse(is.factor(x), res <- levels(x), res <- levels(factor(x)))
    } else {
      data_continuous <- x
    metropolis <- exp(-1*0/temp) # Initial Metropolis value
    n_data <- nrow(data_continuous) # Number of individuals in the data set
    # Edge of the strata
    continuous_strata <- apply(
      function(x) {
        quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, length.out = size + 1), na.rm = TRUE)
    # Data correlation
    cor_mat <- cor(data_continuous, use = "complete.obs")
    # For object/class variable
    if (n_factor == 0) data_factor_sampled <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    else factor_obj <- alply(data_factor, 2, function(x) table(x)/n_data)
    # Mandatory data in the sample
    sampled_size <- size - length(include)
    not_included <- setdiff(1:n_data, include)
    # initialise, pick randomly
    n_remainings <- n_data - size # number of individuals remaining unsampled
    i_sampled <- c(sample(not_included, size = sampled_size, replace = FALSE), include) # individuals randomly chosen
    i_unsampled <- setdiff(1:n_data, i_sampled) # individuals remaining unsampled
    data_continuous_sampled <- data_continuous[i_sampled, , drop = FALSE] # sampled continuous data
    if (n_factor > 0) data_factor_sampled <- data_factor[i_sampled, , drop = FALSE] # sampled factor data
    # objective function
    res <- .lhs_obj(size = size, data_continuous_sampled = data_continuous_sampled, data_factor_sampled = data_factor_sampled, continuous_strata = continuous_strata, cor_mat = cor_mat, factor_obj = factor_obj, weights = weights, eta = eta)
    obj <- res$obj # value of the objective function
    delta_obj_continuous <- res$delta_obj_continuous
    sample.weights <- res$sample.weights
    if (cost_mode) {
      # (initial) operational cost
      op_cost <- sum(cost[i_sampled, ])
      # vector storing operational costs
      op_cost_values <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = iter)
    } else op_cost_values <- NULL
    # vector storing the values of the objective function
    obj_values <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = iter)
    # progress bar
    if (progress) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = iter, style = 3)
    if (any(duplicated(i_sampled))) browser() 
    if (any(i_sampled %in% i_unsampled)) browser()
    for (i in 1:iter) {
      # storing previous values
      previous <- list()
      previous$obj <- obj
      previous$i_sampled <- i_sampled
      previous$i_unsampled <- i_unsampled
      previous$delta_obj_continuous <- delta_obj_continuous
      if (cost_mode) previous$op_cost <- op_cost
      if (runif(1) < 0.5) {
        # pick a random sampled point and random unsampled point and swap them
        idx_removed <- sample(1:length(setdiff(i_sampled, include)), size = 1, replace = FALSE)
        spl_removed <- setdiff(i_sampled, include)[idx_removed]
        idx_added <- sample(1:length(i_unsampled), size = 1, replace = FALSE)
        i_sampled <- setdiff(i_sampled, include)[-idx_removed]
        i_sampled <- c(i_sampled, i_unsampled[idx_added], include)
        i_unsampled <- i_unsampled[-idx_added]
        i_unsampled <- c(i_unsampled, spl_removed)
        if (any(duplicated(i_sampled))) browser() 
        if (any(i_sampled %in% i_unsampled)) browser()
        # creating new data sampled
        data_continuous_sampled <- data_continuous[i_sampled, , drop = FALSE]
        if (n_factor > 0) data_factor_sampled <- data_factor[i_sampled, , drop = FALSE]
      else {
        # remove the worse sampled & resample
        sample.weights <- sample.weights + 1 ## to ensure all weights are positive
        sample.weights[i_sampled %in% include] <- 0 ## to ensure we don't select any include samples as the worst
        worse <- max(sample.weights)
        i_worse <- which(sample.weights == worse)
        # If there's more than one worse candidate, we pick one at random
        if (length(i_worse) > 1) i_worse <- sample(i_worse, size = 1)
        # swap with reservoir
        spl_removed <- setdiff(i_sampled, include)[i_worse] # will be removed from the sampled set. 
        idx_added <- sample(1:n_remainings, size = 1, replace = FALSE) # new candidate that will take their place
        i_sampled <- setdiff(i_sampled, include)[-i_worse]
        i_sampled <- c(i_sampled, i_unsampled[idx_added], include)
        i_unsampled <- i_unsampled[-idx_added]
        i_unsampled <- c(i_unsampled, spl_removed)
        if (any(duplicated(i_sampled))) browser()
        if (any(i_sampled %in% i_unsampled)) browser()
        # creating new data sampled
        data_continuous_sampled <- data_continuous[i_sampled, , drop = FALSE]
        if (n_factor > 0) data_factor_sampled <- data_factor[i_sampled, , drop = FALSE]
      # calc obj
      res <- .lhs_obj(size = size, data_continuous_sampled = data_continuous_sampled, data_factor_sampled = data_factor_sampled, continuous_strata = continuous_strata, cor_mat = cor_mat, factor_obj = factor_obj, weights = weights, eta = eta)
      obj <- res$obj
      delta_obj_continuous <- res$delta_obj_continuous
      sample.weights <- res$sample.weights
      # Compare with previous iterations
      delta_obj <- obj - previous$obj
      metropolis <- exp(-1*delta_obj/temp) #+ runif(1)*temp
      if (cost_mode) {
        # op costs
        op_cost <- sum(cost[i_sampled, ])
        delta_cost <- op_cost - previous$op_cost
        if (track_mode) metropolis_cost <- Inf # runif(1) >= Inf is always FALSE
        else metropolis_cost <- exp(-1*delta_cost/temp)
      else metropolis_cost <- Inf # runif(1) >= Inf is always FALSE
      # If the optimum has been reached
      if (obj <= obj.limit) {
        warning("\nThe objective function has reached its minimum value, as specified by the obj.limit option.")
        if (progress) {
          setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
        obj_values[i] <- obj
        if (cost_mode) op_cost_values[i] <- op_cost
      # Revert change
      if (delta_obj > 0 & runif(1) >= metropolis | runif(1) >= metropolis_cost) {
        i_sampled <- previous$i_sampled
        i_unsampled <- previous$i_unsampled
        data_continuous_sampled <- data_continuous[i_sampled, , drop = FALSE]
        if (n_factor > 0) data_factor_sampled <- data_factor[i_sampled, , drop = FALSE]
        obj <- previous$obj
        delta_obj_continuous <- previous$delta_obj_continuous
        if (cost_mode) op_cost <- previous$op_cost
      # Storing the objective function value of the current iteration
      obj_values[i] <- obj
      if (cost_mode) op_cost_values[i] <- op_cost
      # Temperature decrease
      if ((i %% length.cycle) == 0) temp <- temp*tdecrease
      # Update progress bar
      if (progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    # Close progress bar
    if (progress) close(pb)
    if (n_factor > 0) {
      sampled_data <- data.frame(data_continuous_sampled, data_factor_sampled, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      # reordering cols
      sampled_data <- sampled_data[, names(x)]
    } else sampled_data <- data_continuous_sampled
    # Simple output - just the sampled object
    if (simple) res <- i_sampled
    else {
      # Making up the object to be returned
      res <- list(
        initial_object = x,
        index_samples = i_sampled, 
        sampled_data = sampled_data, 
        obj = obj_values,
        cost = op_cost_values
      class(res) = c("cLHS_result","list")
pierreroudier/clhs documentation built on April 21, 2022, 2:05 p.m.