R/f - Write data to file.R

Defines functions f_write_data_to_file

Documented in f_write_data_to_file

#' @title Write data to file
#' @description Writes data to file.
#' @author Pieter Overdevest
#' @param x Data frame or list of data frames to write to file.
#' @param c.file.string Core of the filename. Optionally, you can add date and time through v.add.date and v.add.time
#' (default: "Data Export").
#' @param v.path Path where file(s) should be stored.
#' @param v.sheet.name Vector with sheet names. This should be as long as x. Is relevant in case of xls, csv, txt, and
#' delim (default: NULL).
#' @param v.table.name Vector with sheet names. This should be as long as x. Is relevant in case of sqlite.
#' (default: NULL).
#' @param v.add.date,v.add.time Vector of booleans to specify whether date and/or time should be added.
#' This should be as long as x (default: TRUE and FALSE, resp.).
#' @param v.xls,v.csv,v.txt,v.delim,v.rds,v.fst,v.sqlite,v.parquet,v.xml Vector of booleans to specify whether object is
#' saved in respective format. When provided, these vector should be as long as x. In case of xls and if x is a list of
#' data frames, each data frame will be saved as a separate sheet in the workbook. In case you choose one of v.delim to
#' be TRUE, you must specify c.delim. Note, fst is faster to read and write than rds, but the files are bigger.
#' In case all are false the data will be saved as xls (default: FALSE).
#' @param c.delim Character used as delimiter. In case you choose this option, you must also set one of v.delim to TRUE
#' (default: NULL).
#' @param b.col.names Should header names be added. Note, this is only optional in case of csv, txt, and delim (default: TRUE).
#' @param b.append Should data frame be appended to existing file? Note, this is only optional in case of csv, txt, and
#' delim (default: FALSE).
#' @param v.freeze.row,v.freeze.col Vector with number of rows and columns resp. to freeze in each data frame in x (default: NULL).
#' @param v.col.dark.blue,v.col.light.blue,v.col.green,v.col.purple,v.col.lila,v.col.orange,v.col.red Vector with column
#' numbers of which the first row - i.e., the header - should be colored by the respective color (default: NULL).
#' @param c.conditional.eval Conditional formula to color rows (default: NULL).
#' @param c.conditional.color Color to apply with conditional formula (default: "#ABB2B9").
#' @param b.banded.rows Should rows be colored? Only applicable to xls (default: TRUE).
#' @returns Nothing.
#' @details -
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f_write_data_to_file(
#'      x                    = mtcars,
#'      c.file.string        = "Data Export",
#'      v.path               = path.data,
#'      v.sheet.name         = "Sheet1",
#'      v.table.name         = NULL,
#'      v.add.date           = TRUE,
#'      v.add.time           = FALSE,
#'      v.xls                = FALSE,
#'      v.csv                = FALSE,
#'      v.txt                = FALSE,
#'      v.delim              = FALSE,
#'      v.rds                = FALSE,
#'      v.fst                = FALSE,
#'      v.sqlite             = FALSE,
#'      v.parquet            = FALSE,
#'      v.xml                = FALSE,
#'      c.delim              = NULL,
#'      b.col.names          = TRUE,
#'      b.append             = FALSE,
#'      v.freeze.row         = NULL,
#'      v.freeze.col         = NULL,
#'      v.col.dark.blue      = NULL,
#'      v.col.light.blue     = NULL,
#'      v.col.green          = NULL,
#'      v.col.purple         = NULL,
#'      v.col.lila           = NULL,
#'      v.col.orange         = NULL,
#'      v.col.red            = NULL,
#'      c.conditional.eval   = "$I2==0",
#'      c.conditional.color  = "#ABB2B9",
#'      b.banded.rows        = TRUE
#' )

        # FUNCTION.

        f_write_data_to_file <- function(


                        # File name without date and without extension, like xlsx.
                        c.file.string                 = "Data Export",

                        # Vector of paths where file should be stored. Default saved in Downloads.

                        # Vector of sheet names, in case of save to Excel.
                        v.sheet.name                  = NULL, # In case of XLS, CSV, TXT.
                        v.table.name                  = NULL, # In case of SQLITE

                        # Logical to confirm whether date should be added to the filename
                        # v.add.date must be as long as v.path, allowing to set add.date per
                        # file location. If length is one, it will be used for all. Default
                        # is true.
                        v.add.date                   = TRUE,
                        v.add.time                   = FALSE,

                        # Determine where to save the data to.
                        v.xls                        = FALSE,
                        v.csv                        = FALSE,
                        v.txt                        = FALSE,
                        v.delim                      = FALSE,
                        v.rds                        = FALSE,
                        v.fst                        = FALSE,
                        v.sqlite                     = FALSE,
                        v.parquet                    = FALSE,
                        v.xml                        = FALSE,

                        # Needed in case v.delim is equal to TRUE.
                        c.delim                     = NULL,

                        # Should we write header names in first row?
                        b.col.names                 = TRUE,

                        # Should data be appended?
                        b.append                    = FALSE,

                        # Used for xls (Excel).

                        # Number of rows and columns to freeze.
                        # Default is first row and first column.
                        v.freeze.row                = NULL,
                        v.freeze.col                = NULL,

                        # Column numbers of headers to color.
                        v.col.dark.blue             = NULL,
                        v.col.light.blue            = NULL,
                        v.col.green                 = NULL,
                        v.col.purple                = NULL,
                        v.col.lila                  = NULL,
                        v.col.orange                = NULL,
                        v.col.red                   = NULL,

                        c.conditional.eval          = NULL, # bijv. "$I2==0"
                        c.conditional.color         = "#ABB2B9",

                        b.banded.rows               = TRUE


        # # Convert data frame to shapefile and write to disk.
        # # https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/214062/create-a-shapefile-from-dataframe-in-r-keeping-attribute-table
        # wgs              <-  df.bord.allocation.amsterdam.gemeente
        # coordinates(wgs) <-~ bord.lon + bord.lat
        # proj4string(wgs) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
        # sp.bord.allocation.amsterdam.gemeente <- spTransform(wgs, CRS("+proj=longlat"))
        # raster::shapefile(sp.bord.allocation.amsterdam.gemeente,
        #                   paste0(path.deliverables, "HR Groep - Amsterdam - Borden.shp"))
        # wgs              <-  df.drager.allocation.amsterdam.gemeente
        # coordinates(wgs) <-~ drager.lon + drager.lat
        # proj4string(wgs) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
        # sp.drager.allocation.amsterdam.gemeente <- spTransform(wgs, CRS("+proj=longlat"))
        # raster::shapefile(sp.drager.allocation.amsterdam.gemeente,
        #                   paste0(path.deliverables, "HR Groep - Amsterdam - Drager.shp"))


        # ALTIJD
        # v.sheet.name        = NULL
        # v.table.name        = NULL
        # c.file.string       = "Data Export"
        # v.add.date          = TRUE
        # v.add.time          = FALSE
        # v.freeze.row        = NULL
        # v.freeze.col        = NULL
        # v.xls               = FALSE
        # v.csv               = FALSE
        # v.txt               = FALSE
        # v.delim             = FALSE
        # v.rds               = FALSE
        # v.fst               = FALSE
        # v.sqlite            = FALSE
        # v.parquet           = FALSE
        # v.xml               = FALSE
        # c.delim             = NULL
        # b.col.names         = TRUE
        # b.append            = FALSE
        # v.col.dark.blue     = NULL
        # v.col.light.blue    = NULL
        # v.col.green         = NULL
        # v.col.purple        = NULL
        # v.col.lila          = NULL
        # v.col.orange        = NULL
        # v.col.red           = NULL
        # c.conditional.eval  = NULL
        # c.conditional.color = "#ABB2B9"
        # b.banded.rows       = TRUE

        # Set 1
        # x             = df.nwb.look.up
        # c.file.string = paste0(c.time, " - df.nwb.look.up - Analyse - Wide2 - ", c.init)
        # v.path        = path.data.rds
        # v.csv         = TRUE
        # v.add.date    = TRUE

        # Testing Parquet files
        # x             = df.bord.ipsm
        # c.file.string = "test_parquet2"
        # v.parquet     = TRUE
        # v.path        = path.data

        # Test
        # x               = data.frame(x=seq(5),y=LETTERS[1:5])
        # v.path          = path.data
        # v.delim         = TRUE
        # c.delim         = ";"
        # b.append        = TRUE

        # Sondeeronderzoek (wb 74)
        # x             = l.sondeeronderzoek
        # v.sheet.name  = v.sonderonderzoek.tabellen
        # v.path        = path.deliverables
        # c.file.string = "Sondeerdata van PDOK - sample"

        # x             = data.frame(x=seq(10),y=LETTERS[1:10])
        # v.path        = path.root.local
        # c.file.string = "Data Export"
        # v.add.time    = FALSE

        # x             = df.datachamp.baseline.updated
        # c.file.string = "Oletti Productfeed - Baseline"
        # v.path        = rep(paste0(path.datachamp.dropbox, "Baseline - ", str_to_title(c.update.type), "/"), 2)
        # v.add.date    = c(TRUE, FALSE)
        # v.add.time    = c(TRUE, FALSE)


        # Data cannot be saved to CSV and TXT files within the same function call.
        if(any(v.csv) & any(v.txt)) {


                        "The function 'f_write_data_to_file' can only write to one delimited ",
                        "file type, for example, 'csv' OR 'txt', and not to 'csv' and 'txt' at ",
                        "the same time. This is because the data is written using fwrite by ",
                        "data.table - a general purpose and fast writing function!"

        # Does c.delim have a value when needed?
        if(any(v.delim) & is.null(c.delim)) {


                        "Note, you must provide a value for 'c.delim' in case you have chosen 'v.delim' to be TRUE!"

        # Check that v.path, v.sheet.name, v.table.name, v.add.date, v.add.time,
        # v.xls, v.csv, v.txt, v.delim, v.rds, v.fst, v.sqlite, v.parquet, v.xml, all have same length
        v.input <- c("v.add.date", "v.add.time", "v.xls", "v.csv", "v.txt", "v.delim",
                     "v.rds", "v.fst", "v.sqlite", "v.parquet", "v.xml")

        v.temp1 <- v.input %>%

                lapply(function(x) length(get(x))) %>%


        v.temp2 <- v.input[which(v.temp1 > length(v.path))]
        v.temp3 <- v.temp1[which(v.temp1 > length(v.path))]

        if(length(v.temp2) > 0) {


                        "Note,", f_paste(paste(paste0("'", v.temp2, "'"), paste0("(", v.temp3, ")"))),
                        ", cannot have more elements than v.path (", length(v.path), ")!"


        # Update filename in case the default is chosen.
        if (c.file.string == "Data Export") {

                c.file.string = paste("Data Export -", deparse(substitute(x)))

        # Maak v.xls gelijk aan TRUE, indien alle FALSE zijn.
        if( all(!v.csv) & all(!v.txt) & all(!v.delim) & all(!v.rds) & all(!v.fst) &
            all(!v.xls) & all(!v.sqlite) & all(!v.parquet) & all(!v.xml) ) {

                v.xls = TRUE

        # Define c.extension, in case of v.delim.
        if(any(v.delim)) {

                c.extension <- case_when(

                        c.delim == '\t' ~ "tsv",

                        TRUE            ~ "txt"

        # Define v.delim, c.delim, and c.extension, in case of v.csv.
        if(any(v.csv)) {

                v.delim     <- v.csv

                c.delim     <- ","

                c.extension <- "csv"

        # Define v.delim, c.delim, and c.extension, in case of v.txt.
        if(any(v.txt)) {

                v.delim     <- v.txt

                c.delim     <- " "

                c.extension <- "txt"

        # Initialize.
        v.file <- NULL

        # Define Excel style when needed
        excel.style.center    <- openxlsx::createStyle(

                halign = "center")

        excel.style.header.default    <- openxlsx::createStyle(

                halign = "center",  valign = "bottom",
                textRotation = 90,  wrapText = TRUE, fontColour = "white",
                fgFill = "#2E86C1")

        excel.style.header.dark.blue <- openxlsx::createStyle(

                halign = "center",  valign = "bottom",
                textRotation = 90,  wrapText = TRUE, fontColour = "white",
                fgFill = "#000861")

        excel.style.header.light.blue <- openxlsx::createStyle(

                halign = "center",  valign = "bottom",
                textRotation = 90,  wrapText = TRUE, fontColour = "white",
                fgFill = "#52b2f2")

        excel.style.header.green <- openxlsx::createStyle(

                halign = "center",  valign = "bottom",
                textRotation = 90,  wrapText = TRUE, fontColour = "white",
                fgFill = "#1E8449")

        excel.style.header.purple <- openxlsx::createStyle(

                halign = "center",  valign = "bottom",
                textRotation = 90,  wrapText = TRUE, fontColour = "white",
                fgFill = "#8E44AD")

        excel.style.header.lila <- openxlsx::createStyle(

                halign = "center",  valign = "bottom",
                textRotation = 90,  wrapText = TRUE, fontColour = "white",
                fgFill = "#AF7AC5")

        excel.style.header.orange <- openxlsx::createStyle(

                halign = "center",  valign = "bottom",
                textRotation = 90,  wrapText = TRUE, fontColour = "white",
                fgFill = "#E67E22")

        excel.style.header.red <- openxlsx::createStyle(

                halign = "center",  valign = "bottom",
                textRotation = 90,  wrapText = TRUE, fontColour = "white",
                fgFill = "#960000")

        excel.style.conditional <- openxlsx::createStyle(

                bgFill = c.conditional.color)

# Error check.

        # Append can only be used in combination with csv, txt and delim.
        if( b.append & (any(v.rds) | any(v.fst) | any(v.xls) | any(v.sqlite) | any(v.parquet) | any(v.xml)) ) {

                stop("Note, data can only be appended in case of csv, txt, and delim!")

# Save data.

        # Save data based on extension.
        for (i in seq_along(v.path)) { # i <- 1

                # Initialize.
                v.add.date.i <- ifelse(length(v.add.date) == 1, v.add.date, v.add.date[i])
                v.add.time.i <- ifelse(length(v.add.time) == 1, v.add.time, v.add.time[i])
                v.xls.i      <- ifelse(length(v.xls)      == 1, v.xls,      v.xls[i])
                v.delim.i    <- ifelse(length(v.delim)    == 1, v.delim,    v.delim[i])
                v.rds.i      <- ifelse(length(v.rds)      == 1, v.rds,      v.rds[i])
                v.fst.i      <- ifelse(length(v.fst)      == 1, v.fst,      v.fst[i])
                v.sqlite.i   <- ifelse(length(v.sqlite)   == 1, v.sqlite,   v.sqlite[i])
                v.parquet.i  <- ifelse(length(v.parquet)  == 1, v.parquet,  v.parquet[i])
                v.xml.i      <- ifelse(length(v.xml)      == 1, v.xml,      v.xml[i])

                c.file         <- paste0(

                        ifelse(v.add.date.i, paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%Y %m %d"), " - "), ""),

                        ifelse(v.add.time.i, paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%H %M %S"), " - "), ""),


                # Add dataframe to Excel workbook.
                if (v.xls.i) {

                        # Create workbook
                        wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()

                        # Turn the object into a list, if not already.
                        if (!any(class(x) == "list")) {x.object <- list(x)} else {x.object <- x}

                        # Add dataframe(s) to separate worksheet(s).
                        for (j in seq_along(x.object)) { # j <- 1

                                # Convert object to dataframe if not already.
                                if (!any(class(x.object[[j]]) == "data.frame")) {

                                        x.object.j <- as.data.frame(x = x.object[[j]])

                                        } else {

                                        x.object.j <- x.object[[j]]


                                # Check that all columns are of acceptable class.
                                v.class.observed          <- lapply(lapply(x.object.j, class), function(xx) {paste(xx, collapse = "|")}) %>% unlist()
                                v.class.scope             <- c("character", "factor", "numeric", "integer", "logical", "Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXt", "difftime", "Period", "list")
                                v.class.observed.in.scope <- lapply(v.class.observed, function(xx) {any(grepl(xx, v.class.scope))}) %>% unlist()

                                if(!all(v.class.observed.in.scope)) {


                                                "Note, the following features in '", deparse(substitute(x)),
                                                "' do not have an acceptable class: ",
                                                f_paste(names(x.object.j)[!v.class.observed.in.scope], b.quotation = TRUE),
                                                ". They are of class: ",
                                                f_paste(v.class.observed[!v.class.observed.in.scope], b.quotation = TRUE),
                                                ", resp. Features must be one of, ",
                                                f_paste(v.class.scope, b.quotation = TRUE, c.and = "or"), "!"

                                # Determine numeric columns.
                                v.col.numeric <- seq(ncol(x.object.j))[unlist(lapply(x.object.j, is.numeric))]

                                # Determine number of rows and columns to freeze.
                                if (any(is.null(v.freeze.row))) {v.freeze.row.j <- 1} else
                                        {v.freeze.row.j <- v.freeze.row[j]}

                                if (any(is.null(v.freeze.col))) {v.freeze.col.j <- 1} else
                                        {v.freeze.col.j <- v.freeze.col[j]}

                                # Determine sheet names.
                                if (any(is.null(v.sheet.name))) {

                                        v.sheet.name.j <- paste0("Sheet", j)

                                } else {

                                        v.sheet.name.j <- v.sheet.name[j]

                                        if ((length(v.sheet.name) != length(x.object)) & !any(is.null(v.sheet.name)))

                                                stop(paste("The number of sheet names must equal the number of objects.",
                                                           "Or v.sheet.name should equal NULL, and the sheets will be",
                                                           "named 'Sheet_[seq]'."))

                                # Add worksheet.

                                        wb           = wb,
                                        sheetName    = v.sheet.name.j,
                                        gridLines    = FALSE)


                                        wb             = wb,
                                        sheet          = v.sheet.name.j,
                                        firstActiveRow = v.freeze.row.j + 1,
                                        firstActiveCol = v.freeze.col.j + 1)


                                        wb         = wb,
                                        sheet      = v.sheet.name.j,
                                        x          = x.object.j,
                                        tableStyle = "TableStyleMedium9",
                                        withFilter = TRUE,
                                        bandedRows = b.banded.rows)


                                        wb           = wb,
                                        sheet        = v.sheet.name.j,
                                        cols         = seq(ncol(x.object.j)),
                                        widths       = 20)


                                        wb    = wb,
                                        sheet = v.sheet.name.j,
                                        style = excel.style.center,
                                        rows  = seq(nrow(x.object.j)) + 1,
                                        cols  = v.col.numeric,
                                        gridExpand = TRUE

                                # Update header row.

                                        wb      = wb,
                                        sheet   = v.sheet.name.j,
                                        rows    = 1,
                                        heights = 220)


                                        wb    = wb,
                                        sheet = v.sheet.name.j,
                                        style = excel.style.header.default,
                                        rows  = 1,
                                        cols  = seq(ncol(x.object.j))

                                # Dark blue cells.
                                if(!is.null(v.col.dark.blue)) {


                                                wb    = wb,
                                                sheet = v.sheet.name.j,
                                                style = excel.style.header.dark.blue,
                                                rows  = 1,
                                                cols  = v.col.dark.blue,

                                # Light blue cells.
                                if(!is.null(v.col.light.blue)) {


                                                wb    = wb,
                                                sheet = v.sheet.name.j,
                                                style = excel.style.header.light.blue,
                                                rows  = 1,
                                                cols  = v.col.light.blue

                                # Green cells.
                                if(!is.null(v.col.green)) {


                                                wb    = wb,
                                                sheet = v.sheet.name.j,
                                                style = excel.style.header.green,
                                                rows  = 1,
                                                cols  = v.col.green

                                # Purple cells.
                                if(!is.null(v.col.purple)) {


                                                wb    = wb,
                                                sheet = v.sheet.name.j,
                                                style = excel.style.header.purple,
                                                rows  = 1,
                                                cols  = v.col.purple

                                # Lila cells.
                                if(!is.null(v.col.lila)) {


                                                wb    = wb,
                                                sheet = v.sheet.name.j,
                                                style = excel.style.header.lila,
                                                rows  = 1,
                                                cols  = v.col.lila

                                # Orange cells.
                                if(!is.null(v.col.orange)) {


                                                wb    = wb,
                                                sheet = v.sheet.name.j,
                                                style = excel.style.header.orange,
                                                rows  = 1,
                                                cols  = v.col.orange

                                # Red cells.
                                if(!is.null(v.col.red)) {


                                                wb    = wb,
                                                sheet = v.sheet.name.j,
                                                style = excel.style.header.red,
                                                rows  = 1,
                                                cols  = v.col.red

                                # Conditional formating
                                if(!is.null(c.conditional.eval)) {


                                                wb    = wb,
                                                sheet = v.sheet.name.j,
                                                cols = seq(ncol(x.object.j)),
                                                rows = seq(nrow(x.object.j)) + 1,
                                                rule = c.conditional.eval,
                                                style = excel.style.conditional


                        # Create filename, and append to vector.
                        c.file.i <- paste0(c.file, ".xlsx")
                        v.file   <- c(v.file, c.file.i)

                        # Save workbook to disc.

                                wb           = wb,
                                file         = paste0(v.path[i], c.file.i),
                                overwrite    = TRUE

                # Add data frame to RDS file.
                if (v.rds.i) {

                        # Create filename.
                        c.file.i <- paste0(c.file, ".rds")

                        # Append filename to vector.
                        v.file <- c(v.file, c.file.i)

                        # Write data to rds file.
                                object = x,
                                file   = paste0(v.path[i], c.file.i)

                # Add data frame to FST file.
                if (v.fst.i) {

                        # Create filename.
                        c.file.i <- paste0(c.file, ".fst")

                        # Append filename to vector.
                        v.file <- c(v.file, c.file.i)

                        # Write data to rds file.
                                x    = x,
                                path = paste0(v.path[i], c.file.i)

                # Add data frame to PARQUET file.
                if (v.parquet.i) {

                        # Create filename.
                        c.file.i <- paste0(c.file, ".parquet")

                        # Append filename to vector.
                        v.file <- c(v.file, c.file.i)

                        # Write data to rds file.
                                x    = x,
                                sink = paste0(v.path[i], c.file.i)

                # Add dataframe to delimited file.
                if (v.delim.i) {

                        # Turn the object into a list, if not already.
                        if (!any(class(x) == "list")) {x.object <- list(x)} else {x.object <- x}

                        # Add data to delimited file(s).
                        for (k in seq_along(x.object)) { # k <- 1

                                # Convert object to dataframe if not already.
                                if (!any(class(x.object[[k]]) == "data.frame")) {

                                        x.object.k <- data.frame(x.object = x.object[[k]])

                                } else {

                                        x.object.k <- x.object[[k]]


                                # Determine sheet names.
                                if (any(is.null(v.sheet.name))) {

                                        v.sheet.name.k <- paste0(c.extension, k)

                                        } else {

                                                if ((length(v.sheet.name) != length(x.object)) & !any(is.null(v.sheet.name)))

                                                        stop(paste("The number of sheet names must equal the number of objects.",
                                                                   "Or v.sheet.name should equal NULL, and the sheets will be",
                                                                   "named 'Sheet_[seq]'."))

                                                v.sheet.name.k <- v.sheet.name[k]

                                # Create filename.
                                c.file.k <- paste0(

                                        ifelse(length(x.object) == 1, "", paste(" -", v.sheet.name.k)),
                                        ".", c.extension

                                # Check whether file already exists. In case b.append is TRUE, then set b.col.names
                                # to FALSE. This is to prevent writing the column names again. POINT FOR IMPROVEMENT:
                                # OF COLUMNS IN THE DATA FRAME TO BE WRITTEN.
                                if(file.exists(paste0(v.path[i], c.file.k)) & b.append) {

                                        b.col.names <- FALSE

                                # Append filename to vector.
                                v.file <- c(v.file, c.file.k)

                                # Write data to csv file. Eerder had ik BOM op TRUE gezet ivm diakritische tekens.
                                # Nu weer op FALSE omdat er probleem is met inlezen van allocatie tabel. Diakritische
                                # tekens heeft Rian intern opgelost. "If TRUE a BOM (Byte Order Mark) sequence
                                # (EF BB BF) is added at the beginning of the file; format 'UTF-8 with BOM'."
                                data.table::fwrite(x         = data.table::as.data.table(x.object.k),
                                                   file      = paste0(v.path[i], c.file.k),
                                                   bom       = FALSE,
                                                   append    = b.append,
                                                   sep       = c.delim,
                                                   dec       = ".",
                                                   row.names = FALSE,
                                                   col.names = b.col.names

                # Add dataframe to SQLITE file(s).
                if (v.sqlite.i) {

                        # Turn the object into a list, if not already.
                        if (!any(class(x) == "list")) {x.object <- list(x)} else {x.object <- x}

                        # Create filename.
                        c.file.i <- paste0(c.file, ".sqlite")

                        # Create SQLITE file connection.
                        db <- dbConnect(

                                drv    = SQLite(),
                                dbname = paste0(v.path[i], c.file.i)

                        # Append filename to vector.
                        v.file <- c(v.file, c.file.i)

                        # Add data to sqlite file(s).
                        for (k in seq_along(x.object)) { # k <- 2

                                # Convert object to dataframe if not already.
                                if (!any(class(x.object[[k]]) == "data.frame")) {

                                        x.object.k <- data.frame(x.object = x.object[[k]])

                                } else {

                                        x.object.k <- x.object[[k]]


                                # Determine dataframe names.
                                if (any(is.null(v.table.name))) {

                                        v.table.name.k <- paste0("table_", k)

                                } else {

                                        if ((length(v.table.name) != length(x.object)) & !any(is.null(v.table.name)))

                                                stop(paste("The number of table names must equal the number of objects.",
                                                           "Or v.table.name should equal NULL, and the tables will be",
                                                           "named 'table_[seq]'."))

                                        v.table.name.k <- v.table.name[k]

                                dbWriteTable(conn       = db,
                                             name       = v.table.name.k,
                                             value      = x.object.k,
                                             overwrite  = T,
                                             row.names  = FALSE)

                        # Close connection.

                # Add dataframe to XML file(s).
                if (v.xml.i) {

                        # Create filename.
                        c.file.i <- paste0(c.file, ".xml")

                        # Append filename to vector.
                        v.file <- c(v.file, c.file.i)

                        # Function to add node data.
                        convertToXML <- function(df.input) {

                                # Create empty XML Tree.
                                xml <- suppressWarnings( xmlTree(tag = "data_frame") )

                                # Iterate through each data point.
                                for (i in 1:nrow(df.input)) {

                                        xml$addNode("record", close=FALSE)

                                        for (j in names(df.input)) {

                                                xml$addNode(j, df.input[i, j])




                        #c.time.stamp <- gsub("[:-]", " ", Sys.time())

                                doc    = convertToXML(x),
                                file   = paste0(v.path[i], c.file.i)

        # prefix = paste0('<?xml version ="', gsub(":", "-", Sys.time()), '"?>\n')
        # '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'

# Communicate stats to the user.

        cat(paste0("\nWrite : ", deparse(substitute(x))))

        cat(paste0("\nName  : ", v.file))

        cat(paste0("\nAs    : ", paste(c("xls", "csv", "rds", "txt", "fst", "parquet", "xml")[c(any(v.xls), any(v.csv), any(v.rds), any(v.txt), any(v.fst), any(v.parquet), any(v.xml))], collapse = ", ") ))

        cat(paste0("\nPath  : ", v.path))

        cat(paste0("\nAt    : ", now()))


pieterov/generaltoolbox documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 10:32 a.m.