
Defines functions readGDX

Documented in readGDX

#' readGDX
#' Function to read gdx files in R. It is partly a reimplementation of readGDX
#' which is now based on magclass structures rather than array structures.
#' @param gdx Either file name of a gdx file or an already read in gdx (in the
#' latter case readGDX just acts as a filter. This can be useful if you want to
#' apply several functions on the same gdx file. In that case you could read in
#' the gdx first and then filter the data you need using readGDX.)
#' @param ... search strings defining the objects that should be read from gdx
#' file, with *-autocompletion. Can also be vectors containing more than one
#' search strings
#' @param types Types of objects that should be extracted. Available options
#' are "sets", "equations", "parameters", "variables" and "aliases".
#' @param field Defining what kind of information should be returned. "All"
#' means all available data. Other options are "l" (level value), "m"
#' (marginal), "lo" (lower bound), "up" (upper bound) and "s" (scaling factor).
#' In the case that the level value is not part of the field value (all options
#' other than "All" and "l") only data for equations and variables are returned
#' as all other types do not have this kind of information. WARNING: field has to
#' be set to "All" if the data is planned to be written back to a GDX. Otherwise
#' writeGDX will not work!
#' @param format Output format. Five choices are currently available
#' \code{detailed}, \code{simple}, \code{simplest}, \code{raw} and
#' \code{first_found}. Instead of writing the full format name each format has
#' its own abbreviation as shown below.  \describe{
#' \item{list("detailed")}{This is the old default which returns a list of
#' lists separating the outputs first in type and afterwards in variable
#' names.}\item{ (d)}{This is the old default which returns a list of lists
#' separating the outputs first in type and afterwards in variable names.}
#' \item{list("simple")}{This returns a list of outputs.}\item{ (s)}{This
#' returns a list of outputs.} \item{list("simplest")}{Behaves like "simple" if
#' more than one object is returned. However, if only one object is read from
#' gdx file the magpie object itself is returned getting rid of the surrounding
#' list structure. This is the recommended format for interactive use.}\item{
#' (st - default setting)}{Behaves like "simple" if more than one object is
#' returned. However, if only one object is read from gdx file the magpie
#' object itself is returned getting rid of the surrounding list structure.
#' This is the recommended format for interactive use.} \item{list("raw")}{This
#' returnes the data as it comes from \code{rgdx}. This is especially useful
#' the data should be written again to a gdx file without having much
#' transformations in between.  }\item{ (r)}{This returnes the data as it comes
#' from \code{rgdx}. This is especially useful the data should be written again
#' to a gdx file without having much transformations in between.  }
#' \item{list("first_found")}{This is a special format for the case that you
#' would like to read in exactly one object but you do not know exactly what
#' the name of the object is. Here, you can list all possible names of the
#' object and the function will return the first object of the list which is
#' found. This is especially useful writing read functions for gdx outputs of
#' models in which the names of a data object might change over time but the
#' function itself should work for all model versions. Having this format helps
#' to make your gdx-based functions backwards compatible to older versions of a
#' gdx file with different naming.}\item{ (f)}{This is a special format for the
#' case that you would like to read in exactly one object but you do not know
#' exactly what the name of the object is. Here, you can list all possible
#' names of the object and the function will return the first object of the
#' list which is found. This is especially useful writing read functions for
#' gdx outputs of models in which the names of a data object might change over
#' time but the function itself should work for all model versions. Having this
#' format helps to make your gdx-based functions backwards compatible to older
#' versions of a gdx file with different naming.} \item{list("name")}{In this
#' case the function returns the name of all objects found in the gdx which fit
#' to the given search pattern and the given type as vector.}\item{ (n)}{In
#' this case the function returns the name of all objects found in the gdx
#' which fit to the given search pattern and the given type as vector.} }
#' @param restore_zeros Defines whether 0s, which are typically not stored in a
#' gdx file, should be restored or ignored in the output. By default they will
#' be restored. If possible, it is recommended to use restore_zeros=TRUE. It is
#' faster but more memory consuming. If you get memory errors you should use
#' restore_zeros=FALSE
#' @param react determines the reaction, when the object you would like to read
#' in does not exist. Available options are "warning" (NULL is returned and a
#' warning is send that the object is missing), "silent" (NULL is returned, but
#' no warning is given) and "error" (The function throws out an error)
#' @param spatial argument to determine the spatial columns in the dataframe to
#' be converted to a magclass object. Defaults to NULL.
#' See \code{\link[magclass]{as.magpie}} for more information.
#' @param temporal argument to determine the temporal columns in the dataframe to
#' be converted to a magclass object. Defaults to NULL.
#' See \code{\link[magclass]{as.magpie}} for more information.
#' @param select preselection of subsets in the data coming from the gdx using
#' the function \code{\link[magclass]{mselect}}. Information has to be provided
#' as a list of selections (e.g. \code{select=list(type="level")}). See
#' \code{\link[magclass]{mselect}} for more information.
#' @param collapseNames Boolean which determines whether collapseNames should
#' be applied in \code{\link[magclass]{mselect}} or not.
#' @param magpie_cells (boolean) determines whether a set "j" gets special treatment
#' by replacing underscores in the set elements with dots. Active by default for
#' historical reasons. Can be ignored in most cases. Makes only a difference, if
#' 1) GDX element depends on set "j", 2) set "j" contains underscores.
#' @return The gdx objects read in the format set with the argument
#' \code{format}.
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{writeGDX}}, \code{\link[magclass]{mselect}}
#' @importFrom gdxrrw gdxInfo rgdx
#' @importFrom magclass as.magpie mselect is.magpie as.data.frame
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' readGDX("bla.gdx", "blub*")
#' }
readGDX <- function(gdx, ..., types = c("sets", "equations", "parameters", "variables", "aliases"),
                    field = "All", format = "simplest", restore_zeros = TRUE, react = "warning",
                    spatial = NULL, temporal = NULL, select = NULL, collapseNames = TRUE,
                    magpie_cells = TRUE) {

  .rgdx2array <- function(x, magpie_cells = TRUE) {
    if (length(x$domains) == 0) {
      if (length(x$val) == 0) x$val <- 0
      out <- as.vector(x$val)
    } else {
      x$val <- as.data.frame(x$val)
      dimnames <- x$uels
      names(dimnames) <- make.unique(x$domains, sep = "")
      for (i in 1:length(x$domains)) {
        x$val[, i] <- x$uels[[i]][x$val[, i]]
        if (x$domains[i] == "*") dimnames[[i]] <- unique(x$val[, i])
        if (x$domInfo == "relaxed") {
          # in case of domInfo==relaxed dimension all reported dimensions
          # contain all elements. Real dimension elements need to be
          # estimated.
          dimnames[[i]] <- unique(x$val[, i])
      if (x$type == "set") {
        if (x$dim == 1) colnames(x$val) <- x$name
        else         colnames(x$val) <- make.unique(x$domains, sep = "")
        out <- as.matrix(x$val)
      } else {
        out <- array(0, sapply(dimnames, length), dimnames)
        out[as.matrix(x$val[, -ncol(x$val)])] <- x$val[, ncol(x$val)]

    # special treatment of set "j" -> replace underscores with dots!
    if (magpie_cells) {
      elem_j <- which(names(dim(out)) == "j")
      if (length(elem_j) == 1) dimnames(out)[[elem_j]] <- sub("_", ".", dimnames(out)[[elem_j]])

    # add additional information as attribute
    attr(out, "gdxdata") <- x[!names(x) %in% c("val", "uels", "dim", "ts")]
    attr(out, "description") <- x$ts

  .rgdx2dataframe <- function(x, restore_zeros = FALSE, magpie_cells = TRUE) {
    if (length(x$domains) == 0) {
      if (length(x$val) == 0) x$val <- 0
      out <- as.vector(x$val)
    } else {
      names(x$uels) <- x$domains
      x$val <- as.data.frame(x$val)
      if (x$type == "set") {
        if (x$dim == 1) colnames(x$val) <- x$name
        else         colnames(x$val) <- make.unique(x$domains, sep = "")
      } else {
        colnames(x$val) <- make.unique(c(x$domains, "Value"), sep = "")
      for (i in 1:length(x$domains)) {
        x$val[, i] <- x$uels[[i]][x$val[, i]]
      if (restore_zeros && x$type != "set" && x$type != "alias") {
        tmp <- expand.grid(x$uels)
        x$val <- merge(x$val, tmp, all = TRUE)
        x$val[is.na(x$val[, dim(x$val)[2]]), dim(x$val)[2]] <- 0
      out <- x$val

    # special treatment of set "j" -> replace underscores with dots!
    if (magpie_cells && length(out$j) > 0) {
      out$j <- sub("_", ".", out$j)

    # add additional information as attribute
    attr(out, "gdxdata") <- x[!names(x) %in% c("val", "uels", "dim", "ts")]
    attr(out, "description") <- x$ts

  tmp <- switch(format, s = "simple", st = "simplest", d = "detailed", r = "raw", f = "first_found", n = "name")
  if (!is.null(tmp)) format <- tmp

  types <- match.arg(types, several.ok = TRUE)

  allnames <- c(...)
  if (length(allnames) == 0) {
    if (format == "first_found") stop("For format \"first_found\" you have to explicitly give all possible names of the object you would like to read in!")
    name <- "*"
  } else {
    name <- allnames

  # translate name in standard regular expression syntax
  name <- paste("^", gsub("*", ".*", name, fixed = TRUE), "$", sep = "")

  # Only use types equations and variables if "level" is not part of the fields
  # that should be addressed (as all other types can only supply level values)
  if (field != "All" && field != "l") types <- intersect(c("equations", "variables"), types)

  if (is.character(gdx)) {
    info <- gdxInfo(path.expand(gdx), dump = FALSE, returnDF = TRUE)

    if (format == "name") {
      i <- unlist(info[types])
      i <- i[grep(".name", names(i), fixed = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)]
      out <- NULL
      for (n in name) {
        out <- c(out, grep(n, i, value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE))
      names(out) <- sub("\\..*$", "", names(out))

    # gdx is a path to a file that should be read
    out <- list()
    for (t in types) {
      rownames(info[[t]]) <- info[[t]][, "name"]
      if (format == "detailed") out[[t]] <- list()
      tmp <- NULL
      for (n in name) tmp <- c(tmp, grep(n, info[[t]][, "name"], value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE))
      for (i in tmp) {
        if (t == "variables" || t == "equations") l <- list(name = i, field = field, ts = TRUE)
        else l <- list(name = i, ts = TRUE)

        tmp2 <- rgdx(path.expand(gdx), l, squeeze = FALSE, followAlias = FALSE)
        attr(tmp2, "description") <- tmp2$ts
        if (format != "raw" && t != "aliases") {
          if (restore_zeros && t != "sets") {
            tmp2 <- .rgdx2array(tmp2, magpie_cells = magpie_cells)
          } else {
            tmp2 <- .rgdx2dataframe(tmp2, magpie_cells = magpie_cells)
          if (t != "sets") {
            tmp2 <- as.magpie(tmp2, spatial = spatial, temporal = temporal, tidy = TRUE)
            if (!is.null(select)) {
              tmp2 <- mselect(tmp2, select, collapseNames = collapseNames)
          } else {
            if (dim(tmp2)[2] == 1) {
              tmp3 <- tmp2[[1]]
              attr(tmp3, "gdxdata") <- attr(tmp2, "gdxdata")
              attr(tmp3, "description") <- attr(tmp2, "description")
              tmp2 <- tmp3
        if (format != "detailed") out[[i]] <- tmp2
        else out[[t]][[i]] <- tmp2
  } else {
    # "gdx" is an already read in GDX object
    # in that case format data correctly and apply a name filter on it
    if (format == "detailed") stop("Format \"detailed\" does not support a \"gdx\" argument which is not a path to a gdx file! If you want to apply readGDX on a already read-in GDX please use another format!")
    if (format == "name") stop("Format \"name\" does not support a \"gdx\" argument which is not a path to a gdx file! If you want to apply readGDX on a already read-in GDX please use another format!")

    if (is.list(gdx)) {
      if (all(names(gdx) %in% c("sets", "equations", "parameters", "variables", "aliases"))) {
        # detailed format
        out <- list()
        for (n in names(gdx)) out <- c(out, gdx[[n]])
      } else {
        # simple, simplest with more than one element or raw format
        out <- gdx
    } else if (is.magpie(gdx)) {
      # simplest with one elememt or first_found
      out <- list(gdx)
      names(out) <- attributes(gdx)$gdxdata$name
    # now the data is formated according to either raw or simple format
    if (all(sapply(out, is.list))) {
      # data is raw format
      if (format != "raw") stop("Data supplied as read-in raw data but should be returned in another format. This does not work at the moment!")
    } else {
      if (format == "raw") stop("Data supplied as read-in and processed data but should be returned in raw format. This does not work!")

    # apply name filter on data
    for (n in name) tmp <- c(tmp, grep(n, names(out), value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE))
    out <- out[unique(tmp)]

    # apply type filter on data
    alltypes <- c("sets", "equations", "parameters", "variables", "aliases")
    if (!all(alltypes %in% types)) {
      stop("Restriction of types does not work at the moment for data which was already read in beforehand!")
  if (length(out) == 0) {
    if (react == "error") stop("No corresponding object found in the GDX!")
    if (react == "warning") warning("No corresponding object found in the GDX. NULL is returned!")
  if (format == "simplest" && length(out) == 1) {
  } else if (format == "first_found") {
    assigned <- FALSE
    for (n in allnames) {
      if (n %in% names(out)) {
        x <- out[[n]]
        assigned <- TRUE
      if (assigned == TRUE) break

    if (assigned == FALSE) {
      if (react == "warning") warning("No element of ", paste(allnames, collapse = ", "), " found in GDX! NULL returned")
      if (react == "error") stop("No element of ", paste(allnames, collapse = ", "), " found in GDX!")
  } else {
pik-piam/gdx documentation built on May 22, 2024, 2:31 p.m.