#' getModules
#' Extract module information of a GAMS model.
#' @param modulepath The path where the modules are stored.
#' @return A matrix containing the different modules with name, corresponding
#' module number and corresponding realizations
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @seealso \code{\link{codeCheck}}
getModules <- function(modulepath) {
if(!dir.exists(modulepath)) stop("Module path ",modulepath," does not exist!")
folder <- base::list.dirs(path=modulepath,full.names = FALSE,recursive = FALSE)
emptyfolder <- folder[unlist(lapply(lapply(file.path(modulepath, folder), list.files, ".*\\.gms$"), length)) == 0]
if (length(emptyfolder) > 0) {
warning("The following module folders contain no '*.gms' file and are ignored: ", paste(emptyfolder, collapse = ", "))
folder <- setdiff(folder, emptyfolder)
name <- gsub("[0-9]+\\_","",folder)
number <- gsub("([0-9]+)\\_.*","\\1",folder)
out <- cbind(name,number,folder)
realizations <- folder
for(i in 1:dim(out)[1]) realizations[i] <- paste(setdiff(base::list.dirs(path=paste0(modulepath,"/",out[i,"folder"]),full.names = FALSE,recursive = FALSE),getOption("gms_reserved_types")),collapse=",")
out <- cbind(out,realizations)
rownames(out) <- out[,"name"]
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