#' get_info
#' Function to extract information from info.txt
#' @param file path to info.txt (including info.txt)
#' @param grep_expression String before the information that should be extracted
#' @param sep Separator between grep_expression and information
#' @param pattern Optional pattern to be replaced (default pattern = "")
#' @param replacement Optional replacement (default replacement = "")
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich, David Klein
get_info <- function(file, grep_expression, sep, pattern = "", replacement = "") {
if (!file.exists(file)) return(NULL)
file <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
tmp <- grep(grep_expression, file, value = TRUE) # pick line
if (identical(tmp, character(0))) return(NA)
tmp <- strsplit(tmp, sep)
tmp <- sapply(tmp, "[[", 2)
tmp <- gsub(pattern, replacement, tmp)
if (all(!is.na(as.logical(tmp)))) return(as.vector(sapply(tmp, as.logical)))
if (all(!(regexpr("[a-zA-Z]", tmp) > 0))) {
tmp <- as.numeric(tmp)
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